Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 18

Vol 2 Chapter 10: Taoyuan Town 5

There are too many things Natalie can’t understand in Taoyuan Town. This night she retreated to the signal car to rest. There is a hotel in Taoyuan Town, but she didn’t dare to live in, for fear that when she fell asleep, the unknown existence might not be. Will control her body to do some strange things.

On the contrary, the excited Pete ran to the town to stay in the hotel, and then he kept experimenting with the magical shop that Natalie had discovered.

Natalie took off the earphones and partnered with Pete for a few years. She didn’t know that Pete was so horrible to be crazy. At this time, McMadley was completely Pete’s live broadcast channel, and she was constantly excited. Talking about everything he found and felt.

After persuading Natalie to no avail, she could only take off the headset and physically shield it.

This town is located on a plain. It’s not easy to find a suitable place to park around. Now this place is a warehouse of a farm a little bit away from the town. It took money to get the farmer to agree to park the car here.

It’s ridiculous to think about it at this time. If this farmer is also a townsman, then they have completely lost their concealment by parking their car here.

But it doesn’t matter whether it is hidden or not. In the territory of that unknown existence, everything seems to be fruitful. How does the human brain guard against the invasion of the gods? Do you bring a motorcycle helmet?

There is a small recliner on this signal car. Usually when Peter drives this car out, he sleeps on it.

There is also a military drone on this vehicle. They used to use it for missions before, but it seems unnecessary here.

Natalie has no doubt that when she has an intention to attack that inexplicable existence, it is definitely the moment when she loses control of her body.

This kind of god’s ability seems to have a range. She doesn’t know whether this range is the range of the unknown existence’s ability or whether it is set deliberately.

There was a burst of sleepiness, and she checked the time.

It’s only 8:55 in the evening, what’s the matter? It’s still so early, I’ve never slept so early!

“No! Am I being drugged?”

After trying anesthetic drugs, this feeling came so suddenly that she mistakenly thought that she had been drugged.

With her strong spy self-control and perseverance, she only resisted for a few minutes, ran out of the car and looked around, but no suspicious person was seen, and the light of the farmer’s house not far away suddenly went out.

At nine o’clock, she walked back to the car, closed the door, and made some arrangements to lie down on the reclining chair.

What she didn’t know was that it wasn’t just her, but the whole town was almost like that. At around 8:50, everyone consciously went to find a suitable resting place, and then lay down. Some people even read the magazine. , When the time came, almost all fell asleep.

At six o’clock in the morning the next morning, she abruptly got up, and then quickly checked her body and the layout of the car.

She breathed a sigh of relief, there was nothing unusual, that is, she just fell asleep.

At this time, she feels that she is very energetic. This state seems to be the effect of her sleeping for more than 15 hours.

“Pete! Pete!”

“I’m here! Nat, I had a good night’s sleep! Moo , I am in superb spirit now, I think I can fight a cow now!”

“When did you fall asleep last night?”

“Uh…it seems to be nine o’clock, yes, it’s about nine o’clock, strange thing, I’ve never slept so early, how about you?”

“Like you, I arrived at 9:00 last night. It seemed like I was casted by magic or injected with anesthetic. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t resist the drowsiness. I would find a bed by myself and lie down. I went to sleep in almost a few seconds.”

“Uh, yes, I was the same. I was still watching TV. Did you get up at six o’clock in the morning?”

“Hmm! So, the cast range of this unknown existence is not limited to the town.”

“It seems so. Nat, do you know? Before I went to bed, I actually received a Chinese message in my mind: Go to bed early, get up early, be full of energy, be healthy, and make progress every day.”

“What does this mean?”

“Oh, yes, forget that you don’t have Chinese skills anymore.” Pete translated the words again.

Then it was Pete’s live broadcast time, and Natalie had to do another physical cut.

After nine o’clock, her cell phone rang. After answering the call, the other party was Mei from the bureau. It seems that Ferry sent her over. She has a lot of clerical experience, and it’s not a problem to pretend to be a tax officer.

The two determined the cross-coordinates. At about ten o’clock, Mei arrived in an official car.

“Hi, Mei.”

“Hi, Nat, here are your official documents, where is Pete?” May gave her a document with an official seal.

“He spent the night at the hotel in the town last night.” Natasha took a look and caught it under her armpit.

“Fry means to let him go back.”

“Maybe… he might not go back, hey…”

“What’s the matter?”

Natalie told him about the weirdness of this town, and then talked about Pete’s situation, which caused May to be amazed.

“Pitt is like a brainwashed believer now. It’s out of help. Let’s leave him alone. Let’s hand over with the tax officer in town.”

Natalie got in her car, and the two went to the town together and found the tax office. The handover was not completed until noon.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, they have to go to the mayor’s office to go through the immigration procedures to complete the suspension of the town residents.

The tax bureau has a dormitory, and there are many dormitories. They packed their luggage and moved into a spare three-room apartment dormitory.

The living environment is very good, no wonder the former tax officer who is about to be transferred is full of reluctance.

The two installed some monitoring equipment in the dormitory, and UU Reading went downstairs to eat together.

After eating   , it is natural to take the new plum to experience the magical shop system in this small town.

When the pedestrians meet them, they will greet them enthusiastically, such as: “Hello/Good day, the beautiful new tax officer.”

The communication system in this town seems to be more developed. It seems that all the townspeople have already learned about their arrival and their information.

This also has to be checked slowly.

The two pulled Pete back to the dormitory and made some plans. When it was two o’clock, they came to the mayor’s office.

The mayor went to work on time at two o’clock. It was Superman that Natalie had seen before.

“Miss Natasha, it turns out that you are a tax officer. No wonder you are not interested in my secretary position.”

Natasha smiled back, this old man obviously wanted to take advantage of her, just like those stinky men.

“But this man obviously cannot become a temporary resident. He does not have a certificate of employment.” Superman said to the two beauties holding a seal.

“He is my boyfriend.” Natasha said.

Mei took a step slower and quickly returned to her normal appearance.

“Oh? Really? Do you already have a boyfriend? What a pity, but he doesn’t have a formal job, is that okay?”

“My salary is enough for the two of us to live.”

“…I can only say, praise love.” Supperman chuckled, “Now are you ready to become temporary residents of this town?”

The three of them are a little bit baffled. Is there any ritual for this?

Superman stamped his official seal amidst three doubts.

After the three of them had finished printing and lifting the Supperman official seal, the vision or the world in front of them had undergone a stunned change.

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