Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 29

Vol 2 Chapter 21: Aegis Disaster One

Fury pressed his temple, and what was placed on the case was the information passed back by Natalie and May recently.

This weird Taoyuan Town now makes him scratch his head.

He knew about aliens, and the five major councils knew about it, and then there was an international organization like S.H.I.E.L.D.

The core purpose of this organization’s existence is to fight alien invasion.

Therefore, S.H.I.E.L.D. has a large number of large-scale surveillance networks to monitor anomalies in various regions of the world, with agents spread all over the world.

Of course, it also has its own research and development department, which is engaged in high-end weapon research and development. The Stark Group is just a small epitome of it. He has many research and development institutions and consortia around the world. It was even more than two years ago. Started the manufacture of aerospace mothership, the imaginary enemy of this kind of warship is the enemy fleet from outer space.

In the early days, Dr. Banner was also a researcher who belonged to an organization that S.H.I. A follow-up retrospective research organization conducted after the materials used to make it were destroyed.

Fury has a lot of superhuman information in his hands, and he is also working on forming a superhuman team, because the development of science and technology is too slow, often a certain progress of science and technology or the time of technological breakthrough belong to the series of his lifetime. , He had to find a temporary solution before the development of technology.

He submitted the Superman team’s proposal to the council long ago. Unfortunately, the council’s opinion was rejected because of uncontrollable factors. Especially after the Banner Incident, his proposal was directly beaten into the palace. , The members of the council have more confidence in the technology that they can hold in their hands.

In this Taoyuan Town, based on his experience, it is very likely that aliens are doing ghosts. The technology on the earth cannot achieve this level of effect. This makes him feel the powerlessness caused by the excessive technological gap. .

Directly written into the language system of the human brain, stamping an official seal can achieve the body equivalent to the first-generation genetic agent, which is the gene 1 enhancement injected by Captain America, and stamping an official seal can access the virtual imaging system of the magical mixed reality world. With that magical super brain technology… I drool just thinking about it.

If Mei had already investigated that the official seal was an ordinary metal product, without any protection, and there was no high-tech organization inside, he would want to **** the official seal of a suspected high-tech product. This technology could be greatly strengthened. The communication convenience and combat effectiveness of S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel insiders. Think about the fact that all S.H.I.

The Taoyuan system seemed to have known the infiltration of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and seemed to have heard the conversation between him and Natalie. For fear that S.H.I. Its name is: search for supernatural beings.

What it doesn’t know is that all the villagers who go out are now under the control of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. If they want to kill them, it makes no difference if they can’t leave the town.

At present, the system does not seem to be malicious to humans, so he is maintaining its quality, and its range of capabilities seems to be limited to the town of Taoyuan Town, with a low level of danger, so no special agents are sent to station. There.

felt a little sleepy. As he got older, his energy was getting worse and worse. He squinted for a while, but suddenly woke up amidst the sound of an alarm!

This siren is a disaster alert at the headquarters!

shows that the headquarters is under a terrorist attack!

What’s the matter? Who would dare to attack S.H.I.E.L.D.?

He rushed out hurriedly, at the door, he almost ran into Coulson, “Guan Sen, what’s the situation?”

“Fry, big… the big thing is not good, aliens… no, alien creatures descend from the sky, frantically exploding soldiers attacking humans! Hurry, go to the command room!”

“WTF? Alien creature?”

“Hurry up! The governing country is also under attack.”

The two rushed to the command room. There was already a mess. As they walked to the special meeting room, Fury saw some real-time broadcasts displayed on the staff’s computer screen. The angle of view seemed to be taken from the street, probably from an agent. The hand of the hand, the picture is relatively stable, and you can see a mass of…the black and red mixed like jellyfish fall from the sky, and the tentacles behind it are still covered with membranes. After opening, they become an umbrella-like thing, slowing them down. Landing.

It was said that it was landing, but actually it crashed to the ground. The agent’s hands trembled violently because of the shock wave. The angle of view was narrowed. It seemed to be broken. A lot of purple slurry flowed out from it, some clumps. The things flowed out from inside.

Fry stopped and watched the computer screen. He had to understand the basic information. Since the council is already under aggression, it is not too late for a while.

As the agent approached, he saw the clumps that flowed out of the jellyfish moved, and after a while they unfolded and turned into limbs on all fours. UU reading with long-tailed monsters, these When the monster woke up, it began to rush out to kill people. The sharp claws can easily split people into several pieces with one blow. The iron skin of the car can’t stop this kind of claws. Torn apart, people are also killed by them hooking out from the inside.

The agent hid in a corner and turned the camera to the place where the jellyfish fell, but saw that there was a steady stream of monsters pouring out of it. There was a smaller unit that would drag the human corpses or fragments back. The liquid seed of the Jellyfish Broken Land, only for a short while, those corpses sank into the liquid and disappeared, seeming to be digesting them!

Fry saw this and turned and left. He Dagen could guess the expansion mode of this alien creature.

In the conference hall, the representatives of the five council countries are already online.

Their faces are not very good.

“Fry, have you seen the footage taken by our agents?” one of the female council representatives asked.

“I saw some, can guns be used against them? Can we connect the combat troops now?”

“The incident was urgent. Some monsters even landed directly in the military area. It takes time for the army to mobilize. According to the feedback from some police, pistol bullets cannot penetrate and kill these monsters.”

“Bang bang!” A quick knock on the door sounded, and Coulson opened the door and said: “Fry, a jellyfish monster has appeared above us and will land in five minutes!”

“Sorry, I will deal with the matter here first.”

“Fry, hurry up, we need heavy military support.”

Fry rushed to the top floor with Coulson, and when he left, he urgently mobilized the defense forces of the headquarters to get people to get heavy weapons, and the guns were blessed with howitzers, hoping to have time.

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