Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 32

Vol 2 Chapter 24: Aegis of Disaster IV

“Keith, I…I saw your head bitten off!”

“Yes, I know, that feels… Hey, my crotch is full of **** now, it looks similar to you, let’s go, let’s clean it up first.”

“That kind of feeling, is it the feeling of death? What’s the matter with all this?”

“Go take a shower first, God takes care of that, let’s go. Oh shit! A mass of **** rolled under the pants! Oh No, this feeling is really bad! I would rather eat bugs than feel like this! Oh, God, please!”

“Keith, what about those alien creatures? Where did they go?”

“How do I know, anyway, there is no more, this is a good thing, we don’t have to die, this is a good thing, J, maybe it’s just a little joke made by God.”

“Keith, do you remember the feeling after death?”

“You still have feelings? I just remember running to the sun all the time, without feeling at all.”

“But don’t you feel that speed is very fast? It’s like the speed of light! Do you think God lives in the sun? He is leading us to heaven?”

“I have a trouser **** now, I don’t want to talk to you about heaven, okay? J, let’s go shower and change clothes, and then talk about the clean and flawless heaven, okay with God?”

“Okay, okay. Oh! shit! Keith! Your **** ball is so big, these trousers make you double the size! Are you constipated for a few days?”

But when they got to the first floor, they asked the officer to take them away to help. After building 4 was set on fire, the staff in it suffered heavy casualties due to accidental injuries. At this time, there was a shortage of manpower and everyone had to help.

The helicopter buzzed in the sky. There were S.H.I.E.L.D. and TV stations. This matter was probably unstoppable, and the two couldn’t help but mourn for a moment of silence for Director Fury.


Fury was suspended from all S.H.I.E.L.D. missions almost immediately, and S.H.I. It is a layer of review.

But this incident is also very easy to investigate clearly, because almost everyone in the headquarters of SHIELD has fallen into a terrible and real illusion!

The person in charge of the monitoring said that the monitoring screen has been normal without any accidents, and they did not even hear any gunshots or big movements, but in fact, in the monitoring playback video, it was all displayed at about 3 in the afternoon. The headquarters is in a kind of great turmoil, but they just turned a blind eye!

There is also surveillance in the surveillance room. You can see from the video from this angle that the three most surveillance personnel sitting in front of the surveillance are also looking at the screen very seriously. It is possible to say a few things during the meeting, but their eyes are indeed always Touring between the various screens, but starting at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, when the battle scene appeared on the screen in front of them, they kept turning a blind eye, everything seemed to be the same as usual!

Let’s look at the first person who “received” an alien invasion report: Cecilia George.

This is a commissioner responsible for emergency affairs sent from various council countries. She claimed that a large number of e-mails suddenly appeared on her computer mailbox. There were many short videos in it, showing that various council countries were suffering from aliens falling from the sky. Biological invasion, she reported the contents of these emails to Coulson, Coulson asked him to put the information in the emergency hall, and he went to notify Fury to be there to deal with it.

After checking, her computer and e-mail did not contain the so-called large number of alien invasion reports from the council. On the contrary, there were a lot of urgent emails after the event, but they were still in an unread state. An alien dog was “killed”!

The people who participated in the emergency hall at the time all said that they saw the video of the alien invasion and the falling from the sky, but after the investigation, there were no related videos on their computers!

From the surveillance video, they hurriedly walked into the lobby like actors, and then blindly operated on the computer that was turned off or on, with an anxious expression on their faces. Some people looked at the black or desktop background in horror. Or the Word document shows an apocalyptic look, which is more vivid than the performance of a first-class actor.

The most amazing thing is that when Ferry passed a computer, he stopped and looked for a while on a computer screen displaying desktop icons!

At this point of the incident, it is actually clear that SHIELD suffered a super power invasion. He controlled the brains of almost all people of SHIELD, allowing them to ‘see” things that actually did not exist, and made wrong judgments. Did something that shouldn’t have been done.

The matter is actually very clear, but after understanding it, whether it is from SHIELD or the investigation team, everyone feels a deep-rooted chill.

Who is he? Or, what is it? What does it want to do? What does he want?

Fury met with the representatives of the five council countries individually on the grounds of knowing the clues.

When I saw them again, Fury felt like a world away, ten missiles, although the unknown superpower only randomly set the coordinates, even so, it also caused tens of thousands of deaths and injuries, and economic losses of tens of billions. Consequences.

“I don’t know if that guy will hear our conversation, but for it, it doesn’t matter whether we keep it confidential or not. All the human brains in UU Reading seem to have no protective ability in front of it. ”

The representatives didn’t say a word, but looked at him coldly, as if Fury was giving a report.

“It should be the actual controller of Taoyuan Town. It created this disaster. I once told the agents sent there to attack the town with missiles, and it provokes a retaliatory attack.”

Ferry explained the causes and consequences of Taoyuan Town in detail one by one.

The representatives were silent for a while, before one of them said: “How to deal with the relationship with the Dong…that person in Taoyuan Town? It…can he be recruited?”

Fury shook his head, “Unless we hand over the entire SHIELD to it, what do you think?”

“So, is there a way to deal with him?”

Freimer said nothing, and the five representatives also knew his answer.

“It still has weaknesses. Its ability has a range of action. It definitely appears near the Aegis headquarters. It needs to be investigated. As for whether it can be dealt with? I think it is too dangerous and not recommended. Just this. Javier’s must-reported character, if we accidentally do something to irritate it, maybe next time we will launch a nuclear bomb involuntarily.”

“We need equipment or technology that can effectively block this superpower.”

“It doesn’t make sense. Even if these equipment are developed, we cannot wear them all day long. As long as one negligence, it will be catastrophic. If it feels that the development of this equipment offends it, then it will never Retaliation?”

“Aren’t we doing anything?”

“At present, we can’t do anything. In addition, I think it is necessary for us to collect some humans with superpowers. Maybe their resistance to it will be different from ours.”

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