Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 357

Vol 2 Chapter 349: Mobilization Conference

“Beautiful Natural Disaster (

“Father, daddy…”

In the end, Saul woke him up.

“Ahhh! It’s so good, that is, it’s too concise and concise. The battle history of more than a thousand years is over with a squint. You are such a humble person! Sol, you are a genius! Come, come, Everyone clap your hands to encourage him and make him better and better! It’s not easy, he has experienced so many epic battles at a young age.”

There was thunderous applause from the bottom of the stairs, and Taoshen’s voice was actually not loud, unlike Thor’s full of breath, with a 6000-watt speaker amplifier effect, but everyone “listened” very clearly.

“Ah h hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I’m cheering for you from behind, but this time I went to travel and brought back some special products for everyone. Have you seen the three rows of beautiful ladies and gentlemen standing behind me? This is the benefit I bring back for everyone. This time against the aliens, Dad decided to make statistics on the results, and marry these young and beautiful Protoss girls to those who have the best results, as long as they match the eyes! Everyone hears clearly, this is a Protoss child! No! Ordinary people! It’s rare! Dad’s shots are definitely not ordinary.”

As soon as the voice fell, the mountains screamed for the tsunami.

“Also, for the personnel participating in the war this time, the reinforcement level should be at least level 2. These people obey Thor’s command. People from level 1 to 2 are responsible for the personal safety of ten family members. All personnel below level 1 obey my command. Running around to add chaos, whenever I catch me, the **** is 1 cm thick! Did you hear that?”

“I heard it!”

“Father, please fight hard!”

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you bastard! Don’t let the old man hear it! lest he change his mind.”

“Oh oh! Yes, haha, it just so happens that my mother is a little bit less meaty in this place, take this opportunity… Hey, I don’t know if I can fight in other places… By the way, the aliens are about to fight, are you afraid of it? ?”

“Sevens is there, there’s nothing to be afraid of? Besides, what are you afraid of when you have a daddy? But we still have to pretend to be scared. I feel that daddy is just to show and highlight him. It’s very important, we have to learn to set off him, understand?”

“Is it like this? Well, I haven’t acted like this in a long time, will you pretend to be different?”

“It’s better than being indifferent, right?”

“Hey, how much are you strengthening now? Do you have Meteor Fist?”

“It just broke 1, Meteor Boxing hasn’t learned yet, so it needs to be level 2.”

“Oh…I’m burdened by housework every day, and I don’t have much time to exercise.”

“Look at Grace, but she has the aura of three bears, you see that she walked with the wind last time, and she can beat her children on the street openly! It hurts… Envy…, do you think I want to have another one? Now, as long as you are pregnant, you have a halo. A child can be 5 years younger, and the third child can be doubled! My god! It’s more cost-effective than any task…”

“Shh Father is going to summarize.”

“…So, things are arranged like this. At that time, all combatants will receive a temporary short-range teleportation magic, so that you can teleport short-distance to deal with those flying units and even battleships. Tony’s mecha progress is slow. Point, otherwise I don’t have to worry about this. The mecha is more silly than this cow. Finally, in summary, first, protect my Philosopher’s Stone, and second, prevent alien dogs from jumping over the wall and hurting innocent people, everyone. Come on! The meeting is over!”

Everyone buzzed away, but it seemed that no one was worried about this, and should laugh or laugh.

And some people stayed, it was the townspeople who had strengthened more than 2.

These people are some of the townspeople over the age of 30, and several of them were among the top ten in the previous batch of wrench competitions.

After so many years, even though they are tired from having a family, they have slowly risen to above level two, and some have even broken through three, but their speed is still much slower than that of Cam Vince and others. In the early days, Tao Shen There is still a conservative attitude towards gene enhancement, gift packages are released very few, and only a handful of people can get them. Over the past 30 years, there have been a dozen people in front of them.

“G…Children, the next battle will be hard for you.” Tao Shen summoned them to Tai Er for a face-to-face discussion.

“Father, if you want to call Gou Tie Zi, you can call Gou Tie Zi, it’s not a big deal.”

“That won’t work, I’m a quality god. Seeing that there are a few people, I have to call Sevens and the others back. There are so many people and powerful.”

“There are a lot of people, plus there are more than a hundred people in the guards in Asgard. Belloc said, there are more than 600 people on the righteous knights over there at this time! The average level has been strengthened by 2.7. ”

“Father, don’t worry, your Philosopher’s Stone can’t be lost, I promise! On the contrary, we have to grab something from these aliens, or they will work so hard to come from far away, so we won’t get some. I’m so sorry to them…”

“I was worried that they would use weapons to bomb in outer space, and our enhanced advantages would not be used.”

“Don’t worry, I will add new teleport skills to you. You can go to outer space with oxygen cylinders. That’s how I went to Alphago’s house for the first time. By the way, where did Alphago go?”

“In China.”

It was Xu Zhi who answered him, “…Dad, do you want to bring it back?” She finally decided to change her words, to make up for the embarrassment of her uncle not having a real relative, and on the other hand to pay the debt for her father.

“No, this useless dog thing can’t do a good job digging a grave, and it’s useless to find it back, so let him stay in China. Sol, I want to tell you something, I predict Your mother will be in danger of life after this alien invasion. You have to go back and protect her, or you will regret it for the rest of your life.”

“Really!?” Thor’s eyes widened.

“I am the God of Prophecy, haven’t you seen it? I have predicted the alien invasion a long time ago. Hasn’t this already come?”

Thor will believe and be suspicious… “Father, are these Kiritas strong?”

“It should not be very strong, oh yes, this time Loki is leading them to attack. Last time you let me cry Loki, I let him cry for a day, but he ran away from home, and let the Qiruitas Caught, Qiang… forced him and let him come to the earth as a spy. He hated these Qiruitas and wanted to lead him to kill me. He mistakenly thought that I was strong and naive. So weak, how could he think that I am strong, I am strong because of my special… aura!”

“Father! Where is Loki? He was really…forced by the Kirita? Where is he? I’m going to see him and comfort him!” Sol asked anxiously.

But the few Asgardian warriors behind him are obviously not the case.

“Sol! Loki betrayed Asgard! He is a traitor!” Reeve said anxiously.

“No, I know Loki, he’s not like that! He must have some difficulties, no, I’m going to see him! Daddy, where is he?”

“You still don’t want to go for the time being. He doesn’t want to see you. Besides, he is helping me now. You should wait for this to pass before you visit him.”

Thor struggled for a while before nodding sullenly, “Well…”

“Sol, you are going to lead the whole war next, but it’s not like you did in the past, it’s best if you don’t take action, sit in the rear, and dominate the whole situation, do you have confidence?”

Saul was a little sweaty. Before, he was hitting the front with a hammer. That was his war. He didn’t expect to face enemies coming from outer space in spacecraft this time. He wanted to protect a large number of fragile Mead. Gadman, to be honest, he didn’t have any belly-ups.

It’s not that it’s not at all. It’s just that his case, he himself knows that it’s too naive. When they wreak havoc on their battleship, they couldn’t attack…it was too difficult…

He dragged Tao Shen into the temple, “Father, what can you do? I’m talking about this war!”

“The way… is to suppress the designated place when they need it most. That’s the responsibility of the gods. Don’t make any shots at will. You are the gods. They just stretch out their hands with clothes and open their mouths when they have difficulties. Go first, I’m going to die before I think of a way. You are not the power level they hired. Don’t spoil them. Go to the front line in everything, you know? You have to learn to be a true god!”

Is it possible to be so happy to be a god? Wasn’t his old son Odin also rushing forward during the war?

Sol was stunned there and remembered all kinds of things before…

Did you live too tired before?

He looked at his friends not far away, he used to…was their thug? No wonder they look a little fat…

“Father, when will the Cheritas come?”

“It’s still early, they first came to a group of scouts, and they won’t start until they find out the situation.”

“Then we have to take the opportunity to beat them to let them know that we are not easy to mess with? Let them get out as soon as possible!”

Tao Shen dragged him deeper into the temple, and said sneakily: “Saul, humans need to grow in war, otherwise they would think the whole universe is peaceful, you see they do the first thing after they build satellites. Huh? I actually drove the loudspeaker while walking while singing, and kept saying: I am here, I am here, my genes are like this, our solar system is like this, there is no danger here, you come and hit me, I’m afraid that other alien races don’t know the same.”

“They…really did such a stupid thing?”

“If you don’t believe me, check their history! I remember this very clearly! I saw it when they launched that rocket. So I think they have to have a lesson to let these aliens tell them that the outside The forest is dark, and there are wolves with green eyes everywhere.”

Saul’s mind was turbulent. He didn’t expect that his always kind father would have such a dark mind, and teach them to grow with the danger of the entire human life!

In this regard, Asgard seems to have been the same over the years. It has been a long time since it has lost its spirit. Does Asgard need such a hearty war to regain its glory?

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