Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 387

Vol 2 Chapter 377: Divide

Let me say that after Steve came out of Eddie’s office, he wanted to rush back to New York, but was taken to a place by a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

He saw Fury!

There are also Button, Bonita…

“Fry, what’s the matter with you?”

They looked a bit miserable, all of them were wounded, and Button even hung his armband.

Fry stared at the uniform on Steve. He looked at it for a long time without speaking. He didn’t know what to think about. There was a tabby cat on the table in front of him. It was the one he raised. Many people recognized it.

“Fry, hey, if there is anything I can help with, just say, I can help you in a personal way.”

Fry still didn’t speak, which embarrassed the “rebellious” Steve. After all, he had received S.H.I.E.L.D. salary before, or the S.H.I.

What gives him a little bit of confidence is that he is now talking to the former S.H.I.E.L.D. Director… Peggy, his wife.

“Hi, Button.”

Barton was silent to…

“Hi, Bonita.”


“Where is Wanda?”

He found out that Wanda brother and sister were not here.

But no one answered him.

“Steve, let’s go.” Fry touched his cat in his hand, and finally said softly.

Steve felt what Fury wanted to say. He wanted to argue or persuade a few words, but in the end he couldn’t say it, so he turned and left.

They got to the fork after all.

“Fry, can we still do it?”

The beautiful face of Bonita sitting in the shadow of the corner was full of sadness. This terrible experience let her know the horror of the mind control mage.

S.H.I.E.L.D. didn’t think about saving them. They sent dozens of people to rescue them, but they all ended up being caught or killed by Loki.

Some even died in their hands!

If she could, how much she wished she could not remember what she did when she was under control, but the truth is, she can remember! Memory until Tao Shen lifted their mind control…

She personally killed six SHIELD colleagues! They had family members and maybe children, but they died in her hands and burned them to ashes with the flame she was proud of…

She is now in deep self-blame, hating her super powers, she just wants to hide in a dark corner, so that people can’t see her.

She even wanted to find Loki to seek revenge, but the premise was that she had to guard against mental control and his magical illusions.

“Fry, it seems that there is no problem now. I have to go home first. Laura and the others must be very worried.”

Fury pressed his temples, nodded, and let Button go first.

“Bonita, I will find a way to arrange a psychiatrist for you. Don’t go anywhere recently, just stay here.”

Bonita in the corner was silent for a long time and replied: “Fry, let’s get out of here, go to a place far away, where no one can find…”

“Bonita, I have received news that Tao Shen has expanded his domain to the entire world. Now that the entire world is under his control, where can we hide?”

Bonita was even more desperate, and buried her head in her knees.

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“But it’s not that we have no chance. Then some aliens are about to fight over? Maybe we can think of some way to get to their spacecraft, and maybe we can leave the earth.”

Bonita suddenly raised her head, “Really? Fury, really?”

“We have to have a plan. This is not easy to do.”

“If there is anything I need to do, just say it.”

“You put on makeup and help me find someone…”

After Bonita left, Fury took out something from a safe.

An old Call machine, but the flying screen is colorful.

He went back to the table to play for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and activated it.

I waited for a long time. I thought I would receive an affirmative answer, but I waited for a sentence: Hold it up, I can’t go away temporarily…

……The dividing line……

Somewhere in the starry sky, a sudden battle put these Skuru people hiding in Tibet into desperation.

This is the habitat they finally found!

A group of biochemical corps sprang up from nowhere, venting artillery fire at them frantically, causing them to suffer heavy casualties. Fortunately, someone organized a resistance. The balance of war is no longer a one-sided result, but it is only relative. In other words, their people are dying in large numbers. These **** war biochemical people must belong to the Cree!

Those **** **** guys!

Until now, they can only respond with a scolding, but there is no way. The war between the Skuru and the Cree was simply defeated, and now they are offered rewards and hunted by the Cree like parasitic beasts, which makes them even worse for their low fertility.

The irony is that this kind of biochemical soldier was invented by the Skuru and passed to the Cree. In the end, many races were obtained!

The scale of the war seemed to move a little bit, and as a new batch of giant beasts in the sky with countless soldiers continued to drop down, the scale left them again.

“Think of a way! Think of a way!”

Many people from the tribe kept wailing, and some of them were brave and helpless.

They recognized the two huge spaceships in the sky. They were ordinary Tier 3 spacecrafts. They were used as garbage trucks in the heyday of Skuru. But now they want to destroy those who drive garbage trucks. Up.

How was it discovered?

It’s so remote here, why was it discovered?

The number of people is getting smaller and smaller.

Many Skurus simply gave up resistance, which actually slowed down the attacks of these soldiers!

They Skuru have paid a painful price for their arrogance and prejudice after all.



This is a terrible and powerless word!


There was a loud noise. When they paid attention to the direction of the movement, a golden light had penetrated one of the two spaceships in the sky The golden light penetrated, and the spacecraft broke through a pair of holes. The big hole is exploding!

The golden light suddenly hovered, and everyone saw that it was a blonde. She turned around and flew high and far away, but after a while, the golden light appeared again, and it went straight to another spaceship.

This time, everyone clearly saw how she really penetrated the spaceship. It was so easy and passed without slowing down.

At the place where    broke open, the spacecraft began to explode, which was more serious than the first one just now. It may be the place where the ammunition depot just penetrated and caused the explosion.

The sky is rumbling, like thunder in the rainy season of the mother star.

“It’s Wonder Woman! She’s Wonder Woman! Carol Wonder Woman!”

Someone of the new generation of people they were protecting behind exclaimed.

Some old men quickly cast angry eyes on the person who made the sound.

It must be these immature children who went online privately to expose their location and bring disaster to the tribe!

But this is obviously not the time to settle the accounts. Because of the strong support, they have to cheer up their spirits and organize resistance, cherish this hard-won opportunity. They picked up their weapons and followed the golden girl to kill these biochemical soldiers. …


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