Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 404

Vol 2 Chapter 394: Harder battle two

“There are two nebulae! The fake one was really killed. Oh, I mean the nebula that has been with us at this time. Her Pym particles were snatched by Thanos at that time. The fake nebula used us. The teleporter brought Thanos over.”

“Barton, hurry up, give Banner the gloves and let him snap his fingers, Banner? Answer.”

“We are trapped, Rocket, Rod, you guys go quickly, this place is about to collapse!”

On the team panel, Rhode’s blood has lost one-third, and it seems that his injury is a bit serious.

But less than a few seconds later, the heads of Banner and Lord were slowly submerged by a puddle of water. This animation is very vivid. You don’t need to ask to know that they are now submerged.

But Tony and the others can’t save them at this time, they have to prevent Thanos from getting the gloves.

Thor opened his bow left and right, summoned the axe and hammer, and the three of them joined together and walked towards Thanos.

“You can’t bear your own failure… but what’s the result? Let’s meet again…

I originally thought that wiping out half of my life could bring a little prosperity to the other half of this world, but your actions let me know that I took it for granted. As long as someone cannot let go of the past, they cannot accept this future with more opportunities, and they will choose to resist. ”

“Yes, we are so stubborn.” Tony said.

“Thank you for letting me understand how I should do it.” Thanos got up and picked up his whirling knife, slowly putting on his helmet and continued, “I want to smash the entire universe, turn them into atoms, and then, again. Use the gems you have collected for me to create a new universe full of vitality, one that does not remember what you have lost, only remembers what you have gained, and knows how to be grateful.”

“A new universe born from blood.” Steve laughed.

“No, they won’t know, because none of you will survive that time.” Thanos said suddenly.

The words are not speculative, and at this point, no one has the patience to talk any more.

The enemy was extremely jealous when he saw each other, Thor roared and swung his axe up, but Tony was faster than him. He set up a battle axe in his hand, and he jumped up and swung it down, making Thanos relaxed. Open, kicked him aside, swung his maneuver knife and swept away Thor’s axe and Steve’s shield.

Thanos’s battle fully embodies what is called a one-force reduction tenth meeting. Tony and Steve’s attacks can only restrain Thanos to a certain extent, but it is very difficult to hurt him. On the contrary, the two of them only have to suffer. It often has to pay a heavy price.

And Saul, although his attacking power is heavy and he is assisted by thunder and lightning, in the past few years, he has been pampered in front of the fat mansion. It depends on how thick the fat on his belly is, and how much it actually drops!

In his heyday, he could only drew with Thanos. Now that his strength is declining, the scene is extremely passive.

“Banna! Hurry up, we can’t hold on for long…” Tony kept calling Banner in the team channel.

“I saw Banner, I will rescue them first, everyone, pay attention, I am going to be bigger, Banner, you will come to me later.” Scott has the team’s navigation ability, and when he finds Banner, he changes. It’s very easy. Its navigation system is simply invincible. When he got younger, he even found more than 30 paths for him!

“Thank you Father Taoshen! Great!”

“Boom ”

The ground made Scott lift up. He turned into a giant nearly a hundred meters away. After going out of the ground, the surrounding mountains shook, and even the four people in the fierce battle had to avoid the wind for a while.

Banna three people were put down by Scott, and then Banner jumped on Scott’s hands, and was thrown away by him. The place where they fell was where Patton was.

It turned out that the two had already discussed what to do in the team system.

Thanos saw it and knew it was going to be bad. If they snapped their fingers first, everyone on his side would be ruined.

The densely packed short-range projection light began to shine continuously, and Thanos began to project troops to the ground. The first to come down was the Obsidian Five.

“Ebony Maw, that direction, stop them! Take the gem back.”

“Yes, master.”

Ebony Maw led a group of people to kill in the direction of Banner’s fall. Scott wanted to stop but let Thanos with a whirling knife to force him to return to his normal state.

You must know that after he grows older, he is very fragile, and he can’t hold on for long, because it consumes too much energy and energy. Just that moment, he feels more sleepy now, just like the feeling of sanctification.

It’s a pity that he does not have the identity of a resident of Taoyuan Town. Otherwise, he can bring some high-energy food back, and maybe help him with some more time, but the reality is that he doesn’t have one.

His ability is not a person who is suitable for charging forward, he is even afraid of death.

He saw Tony use Thor’s thunder and lightning to fire a powerful laser, but Thanos was still parrying him. His maneuvering knife is simply omnipotent, not only capable of swords, weapons, but also as a shield.

As the Thanos Legion came forward, they were quickly trapped in a siege.

Looking at their appearance, it is obvious that they disdain to besiege them alone.

“哐!” “哐!” “哐!”…

After a few loud noises, the captain’s shield was cut to pieces by Thanos! If Sol hadn’t rescued in time, it is estimated that the captain would be cut into two pieces!

From the team panel, he saw that the captain’s blood dropped to one-third, and the captain was chopped!

Rod’s brain was hot, and he rushed to save Tony, but he couldn’t save Tony, so that Thanos kicked out twenty or thirty meters without awakening.

“Banna, what’s going on with you? It’s almost dead here!” Scott saw from the team information that Rhode’s blood had lost half of his blood. The state showed that he was faint, but he was not in danger for the time being, so he was in the team. Keep calling Banner.

“Okay, okay, I finally beat them back, Button and the others are now guarding the hole, I have to hurry up. Ah!!!”

Banner’s painful cry came from the team channel This kind of thinking form of painful cry made everyone clearly feel Banner’s pain.

“Banna, what’s wrong with you!?”

“I, I put on my gloves, it hurts so much, I, I only have one chance to snap my fingers, save or kill? Answer me quickly!”

Before everyone could say the answer, Patton in the team suddenly dropped to only a little blood.

“Oh, damn, this **** octopus man, I’m going to pat him to death and roast him! My gloves were snatched by that guy. This guy is a mage! Shet, I was wrapped in something by him, Can’t move! Xiete! Xiete! Who will get it back quickly!”

Everyone suddenly felt their eyes turned black, and here Sol was also stepped on the ground by Thanos. Tony lay on the ground without moving. The state showed that he was in a coma, the captain showed that he was weak, and the Storm Axe was holding him. North pressed his hand to Sol’s chest…

Scott knew what he had to do, or wait for the glove to reach Thanos, and everything would be over!

He seems to have seen the torn earth, it seems that this is the end of the future…

He rushed towards the head of the octopus that was flying towards the side…


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