Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 413

Vol 2 Chapter 403: Wanda and Wangda

“On our side, Annie is his adopted daughter. Ned and I are pursuing her.”


Pete couldn’t imagine what it would be like to pursue the same girl with Ned! “In the end? Did you win?”

“Ned said I was a spider spirit, and he said that I might have a bunch of spider eggs in the future. I don’t know what Annie thinks…”

“Spider spirit…hey, why can I suddenly understand Chinese? You just said Chinese, right?” Pete’s focus was obviously crooked.

“Yes, there is a language proficiency function in the team system. If you are in the team, even if you are not from Taoyuan, you can temporarily master almost all languages in the world. That’s it…”

“All the languages of the world!” Pete started to say this sentence in a language that he felt inexplicable, but he just knew this inexplicably… It was a breakdown.

Peter kept “cleaning up” the distracted Pete and the occasional slippery fish that came in around him. The pilgrims have reached their position. This is the order issued by Sol just now. A virtual occupation flag calibrated is right next to him. He still made a little risk a moment ago, but his teammates are strong, he did not appear in danger, they occupied this goal ahead of time.

The next goal is to use this as a stronghold to clean up nearby enemy forces.

The pilgrimage team is not so benevolent as Peter. The **** storm was set off as soon as it came up, and the surrounding flesh and blood flew screaming and screaming.

Over there, she fell into a frantic forgetfulness, and even the friendly forces around her could not get close. They could only retreat far away. Although the corpses of the biochemical people around her at this time were piled up like a mountain, the biochemical people surrounding her became more and more. More and more.

Her magic has gradually gone from the previous one-second to the current three-second one. When she realized that she was about to die, she suddenly felt the surrounding loose, and a gray shadow continued to surround her. , And all the soldiers were dismembered one after another, and a faint voice came from their ears: “Sister, sister…”

She stood on the pile of corpses and turned her head to look. In the black and dense jungle of human heads, she saw a pair of crimson eyes like hers, and she smiled. This was the first time she had truly smiled happily in these years.

“Sister, you finally woke up, come back soon, you are very dangerous over there.”

“Okay, I’ll be back soon.”

She saw the unpretentious worry on Wanda’s face. She didn’t stop and flew to Wanda’s side. She wanted to hug Wanda right away, but suddenly she saw the blood splattered on her hand. She was taken aback. , And then backed up a few steps, using magic to eliminate all the contamination on his body, and then stepped forward again, grabbed Wanda and said, “Sister, are you saving me? What is that gray shadow?”

“That’s my summoned beast. It’s called Xunying. It was given to me by my father. Pietro also has one, but he has big eyes and it’s terrifying. It may be even worse than Xunying.”

“Who is daddy?”

“It’s Peach God, the strongest man on earth… Uh no, maybe the strongest **** in the universe.”

She knew very well about the blind worship of ‘self” when she was a teenager, and she didn’t say anything wrong, so she let her go, “Wanda, do you want to learn Crimson Magic?”

“Uh… but the old man promised me that as long as I was admitted to Taoyuan University, I could start orthodox magic learning. This is learning from the senior wizards of the Warner Protoss. They have millions of years of magic inheritance, not like us… …” Wanda knows how the magic of “his” comes from, isn’t it from the animation cultivation technique? Looking at the pose of my sister just now, she can easily tell which page of the first episode of the beautiful girl comic, she felt super good when she was posing, but now she looks at ‘self” from another angle. …It’s better to learn orthodox magic. Look at the sister Famu next to you, the orthodox Taoshen magician. She doesn’t pose anything at all when she casts the spell. Just close her eyes beautifully. It’s beautiful when you look at it. In addition, the magic effect is super. Great! It’s like a fairy descending to the earth.

However, in the end she said, “However, if you are willing to teach me, Sister, I will learn too, so I don’t want to press my body.” This Chinese is really rare.

Wangda didn’t know that she had gone through so many twists and turns in her heart. She was inexplicably happy when she called her sister, and now she was holding her with both hands and telling her about her magical insights, which is not hidden at all. .

After talking for a while, somehow, the two of them had already left the topic of magic, but turned to daily life, maybe women are like that.

“Why didn’t Pietro follow?”

“Father Saul said that the inheritance relies on men, so let me go to the battlefield.” Wanda said nothing.

“I’ll beat him up.”

“No, no. Actually I wanted to come myself. You didn’t see Pietro’s disappointed expression. If you didn’t forget to bring the camera, I would take it and show it to you, sister, do you know? Huh? No, I can send it. Mind the picture for you, sister, you receive my message in the team system, my avatar is Wanda 9527, yours is 199999, my dad said, the code of our world is 9527, and yours is 199999, this is really amazing, sister, do you think there are other parallel time and space in this world, there are other Wanda, or Pietro? Right? Sister, do you have a lover? Who is he… Huh?” Wanda suddenly became a little shy, because she didn’t know if her lover in the future would be the same as this sister.

Wangda’s thoughts stayed on what Wanda said to her, that is, if there are other usual time and space, does that world also have a vision?

“Wanda, is there a person called Vision in your world? Oh, he is not a human being, he is… an artificial human who is born from a spiritual gem.”

Wanda’s eyes widened!

Cyborg! ? ? ? ?

My future boyfriend is an artificial person! ?


Does not exist!

In addition to watching anime, my aesthetic point of view has not divorced from human beings! How is it possible to find a human being as a boyfriend?

“Sister, why would you look for someone to be your boyfriend?”

“I I don’t know, but it happened like this. Tell me first, do you have a vision of this artificial person? Oh, yes, it is privately used by Banner and Tony. Made of gems.”

“Banna and Tony have them, but they don’t have visions. The soul gems are in Dad’s place. He is a treasure. No one except his granddaughter will show them. Tony is not Dad’s son-in-law, so he can’t get him. Dad’s soul gem.”

“Then there is a guy named Thanos in your world? It’s the one who ran away just now, with purple skin.”

“Is my sister talking about the purple sweet potato essence? We haven’t seen him yet, what’s wrong?”

“Puff, purple sweet potato essence… if there is one, be careful of that purple sweet potato essence. It is a crazy guy. He is so committed to destroying half of the entire universe. The vision is dead in his hands. I recently controlled one. Town, I pretend that everything is okay, pretend that he is still there, pretend that we have children, pretend that we are living happily in town, but, after all, it’s all fake…”

“Sister, don’t be sad. You will still have us in the future. We will treat you as our own sister. In the future, you will have a younger sister and a younger brother. Don’t be sad. The big deal, you go to our side and spend time with us, oh yes Now, Dad can also resurrect. We can ask Dad to resurrect your… lover.”

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