Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 417

Vol 2 Chapter 407: After the war

After clearing the landing module, the human side finally won the final victory in this war. The next step is to clean the battlefield. Just now, the deep pit created by Garcia has formed a large lake. Many biochemical soldiers were buried underneath.

The wounded were collectively transported by Sol to another place for recuperation. Bunge slowly recovered them. For this reason, Tony contributed a small bottle of Anne No. 2 to Bunge. This thing is really super useful for the mage!

And the army of country M here also began to station here. A large number of alien objects and shipwrecks were left here. These are all treasures, and they have to hold them firmly in their hands.

Before, they didn’t want to participate in the war, but the assembly was too slow!

When their army is assembled, the war is over, and the people in the Ministry of National Defense are even arguing about whether to launch a nuclear bomb. When they left these people, some were ashamed, and some were composure, but in the final analysis , They didn’t bother those who made great contributions to mankind.

“Hey, Pepper, look here, I am.” Back on the ground, Tony has corrected Pepper’s gaze several times.

“Towny, he looks younger, if the difference between the two sides is only ten years, but I think you are twenty years older than him! Of course, I still love you.” Pepper said.

Tony glanced at the forty-year-old Pepper, feeling that if his own Pepper will be like this when he grows old, it will not be bad, and it will feel more feminine, especially when she wears this mech, it looks even more feminine. There was a strange beauty, the one he admired most, but unfortunately, Pepper over there would not wear his mech to death. He didn’t have that blessing.

“Hey! Man, this is my girl!” Tony blocked Tony’s sight.

“Annie 2 has a beauty effect, hey, man, I’ll give you one more bottle, you save some use.” Tony was a little dazed, for the sake of this Pepper, he took out a bottle of Annie with reluctance. No. 2 surreptitiously handed Tony to gag him, and Tony readily accepted his opinion that…a girl who is not coveted is not a good girl.

Pepper looked at the color in the bottle. If it was used by a man, it was obviously a kind of dishonest thing. This Tony of 9527, wouldn’t he be on the crooked door?

“Dragney, what is that thing!?” Pepper saw her own dragney quickly and secretly hid the bottle in the mecha. She became more sure that this thing was not a serious thing. Lao Lu, now they have daughters to be parents.

“Hush, hush, Pepper, this is a good thing, I promise you, I will share it with you then, don’t say it now. I know what you are thinking, this is not those things, I swear.”

Pepper was at peace, and when he was about to ask what it was, two spider-men with exactly the same face walked over.

“Hey, Mr. Stark.” Pete (199999) greeted, “Do you remember when we were in space? When I woke up, you were no longer there, and then Strange said that it was five Years later, and then he started to circle…”

Tony stepped forward and hugged the long-lost child. Tony, who was watching, gritted his teeth, while the other Peter was envious. Turning his head to look at Tony, he only got a knife and stick stare.

Why just look at me? Ned has a share too!

He suddenly became nervous when he thought of Ned, no! Not good! Mona Ned, this old treacherous! I have to go back quickly!

Banner followed a group of people, Thor, Strange, Button, Scott, Star Lord, Tentacle Girl…

Except Scott, everyone is a bit miserable, but the body has been recovering quickly, which makes them full of respect for the shepherd girl. At the same time, they also lament the importance of the shepherd, no wonder there are so many on 9527. People guarding her, if they also have a pastoral method, they can carry them on their backs and arms.

“We have to return the gems.” Banner said, looking at Scott.

Everyone saw that Scott had been holding a piece of cloth, and when he opened it, it was the pair of gloves with six gems on it.

“The teleportation array and the car are all gone, we have to make a new one. It will take a while, Rocket?” Dragny said.

The Rockets snapped their fingers and gave a thumbs up to indicate that there is no problem.

“Hey, buddy, maybe you still need a good helper?” Tony really wanted to figure out what this nanomaterial made of tiny particles was on him.

“Welcome to join.” And Tony also wanted to understand why the energy shield on his body had so much power, the two hit it off.

“Me and Patton are going to 9527 with Scott and them. Who else is going to go?” Thor said.

Needless to say, the two of them knew their purpose. One was to resurrect the mother clan, and the other was to resurrect Natalie.

Two more people came over there, Fury and Carol.

“Carol, how are you?” they asked one after another.

This is truly a disaster. Carol shook his head and said, “I’m fine.”

“What the **** is going on? Where did those people come from?” It didn’t take long for Fury to be resurrected, so many things were still unclear.

Everyone looked at Scott, and he had to start from the beginning.

Steve asked everyone to sit down because these things were not clear for a while.

“Hey, Scott, speak slowly and be more detailed. Now everyone has time to listen to you slowly. It doesn’t matter if you talk too much.” Steve sat down with a tired face and raised his hand to look at himself. The big bone wound in the hand holding the shield was chopped out by Thanos. At this time, there is only a small mouth left. Maybe in an hour, it will completely disappear, as if he was not injured. It was the same, it was a magical magic, the kind Strange couldn’t.

“Pepper you listen here first. It’s very interesting. I will find a place to take a shower and come back soon. Hey, Tony, help me take care of Pepper.” Tony endured. I have been feeling unwell for a long time. At the end of the war, he naturally wanted to deal with it quickly. This time he had seen the beauty of Anne No. 2, so he would naturally not dare to drink too much.

As Scott talked about it, another character was almost the same as them, but a world with completely different development was revealed before their eyes. A world with gods, of course, is a real **** who can make angels.

“Scott, are angels actually made from people?” Pepper asked in surprise.

“As far as I know, yes. When I came, there were four great angels in the world. The first was Angel Swann. The other three sects each had an angel. They were all ordinary humans before.” Scott said .

“No, Scott, you are wrong. The four of them are not ordinary at all. The conditions for ordinary people to be angels are actually very harsh…” Tony sitting on the ground together as a native of 9527, explained Swann for them From the first half of her life, everyone knows that Ms. Swann turned out to be such a great person. No wonder Tao Shen chose her as an angel, and only such a person can be an angel! The other three angels of the three religions have different experiences, but the essence is the same. They are all people who have made great contributions to mankind or peace.

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