Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 42

Vol 2 Chapter 34: Hulk One

Sevens threw out the wreckage of the car in his hand and killed two policemen. With a loud roar, all the policemen nearby shrank their heads to find cover.

Sevens took this opportunity to retreat to their car under the cover of Garcia.

“Natasha, I need your help to stop my bleeding.” Sivins swallowed, “I have bandages on my car and hemostatic medicine. I hope they haven’t been blown away.”

Natasha pulled the roof with both hands, and turned over and got into the car through the broken window.

Banner watched the tragic situation of Sivins, and for a moment forgot to control his breathing.

“Hey, Banner, don’t worry, when I pick up the bullet and pack a bag, I will soon be a hero again.”

“Sevens, why? What makes you willing to do this? Even if you are injured, you will even lose your life.”

Sevens chuckled, “Banna, you are a guest that our father Tao values very much. When you arrive in Taoyuan Town and are given the Chinese language ability by your father, you will know what actions you should take to treat your distinguished guests. .”

Banner found that he could no longer control his heartbeat at this time, and the **** big Russian man in front of him made him lose control of his tears.

In his entire life, no one has treated him so well except Betty.

He knew whether    was sincere or not.

Banner stood up, then rushed out, his body began to swell, the knotted muscles rolled up like a huge wave, and in the blink of an eye all the clothes on his body shattered and fell to the ground, turning into a green giant with a height of more than three meters. !

“Roar ”

There was an earth-shattering roar, and everyone’s ears were deaf for a while. When I looked at it again, he had jumped high in the air, and was coming down toward the war zone with a powerful force.

“Boom! ”

It landed on a police car, and instantly trampled the police car into scrap metal, and the tires exploded.

The two policemen hiding behind the police car and shooting. At this time, they were so scared that they were only holding pistols that had run out of bullets. They stared blankly at the three-meter-high green monster standing in front of them on the roof of the car…

“Roar ”


The two people were stepped on the ground by Hulk who had jumped off, and the body was only exposed from his huge soles or hands or feet. Looking at that, it might be more fortunate.

Hulk picked up the car he had trampled next to him, and then threw it to the other three policemen in sight.

“Boom !”

There was a loud noise, and the three policemen at a distance were crushed into meatloaf under the tumbling of this police car. After killing three people in a row, the car blasted into the distance without any reduction until more than 30 meters away. It stopped, and a hapless guy was hung on the window of the car. At this time, the car was also hung by many of his red and yellow strips, just like a car that had just been salvaged from an abandoned barrel in the slaughterhouse. , The whole body exudes an evil breath of death.


The front cover of a police car was torn off by Hulk, and it was thrown into the flying helicopter in the sky, but the board was a sheet, affected by the airflow, and it suddenly floated to nowhere.

Straight upgrade and quickly upgrade.

“Roar ”

The Hulk giant hand pulled out of the car, pulled the engine out directly, and threw it at the helicopter…


The engine was like a cannonball, and it flew toward the helicopter. Because of the sudden force, the smoke and dust around him were all rolled up and scattered far away.


The engine hit the straight upgraded tail, and the helicopter immediately lost control and began to hover and fall.


Na Hulk saw that the main target nearby was solved, and he heard the stern sound of police sirens coming from a distance in his ears, and he jumped in that direction.

I heard a few sporadic gunshots from afar, and the police car broke one by one with a bang from near to far.

Wang Zhenjun and Garcia saw that the police had fled, so they hurried back to Sivins.

“How about the text?” Wang Zhenjun asked worriedly.

“I think it should be fine, as long as you dig out the shrapnel and sew it, you will get better soon.” Saivins was still full of breath, making the two of them feel at ease.

Natasha was picking up shrapnel bullets for him in an orderly manner, skillfully, but at this time everyone was panicked and didn’t pay attention to this problem.

“How is Banner?” Natasha only had time to see a touch of green back, and she jumped away.

“Daddy Tao is right, he is really strong, we are not opponents for the time being.” Wang Zhenjun said.

“With our current body, he will also be kicked to death. His power is at least ten tons or more, but it is impossible to reach more than one hundred tons. The maximum is 15 tons. My father’s estimation may still be wrong. .” Garcia said.

“No, Garcia, maybe Dad Tao knows more things, for example, he knows he can grow, just like we grow from the first level.” Natalie said while digging.

The three of them were taken aback, then nodded in horror.

“This place will soon be known to the military, we have to find a way to hide, and we can only act at night.” Natalie said.

“But what about Banner? We can’t leave him, Ajun, you and Garcia hurry up to follow, don’t lose Banner! Go, I’m fine here! Go!” Sivans hurriedly dispatched Wang Zhenjun. Go to Banner with Garcia.

Garcia held his head and kissed him on the forehead, “Sevens, don’t let me have an accident!”

“No way.”

“Sasha, he gave it to you.”

After the two left, Sivans kept looking around and said: “Sasha, what do you think we will dig a hole to hide? This ghost place is Ma Pingchuan, UU Reading www.uukā can’t find a hiding place. Place.”

Now there are a lot of names between teams. Sometimes they are nicknames in English, and sometimes they are in Chinese, but all of the languages among the four are fluent, so it doesn’t feel abrupt.

“Hmm, maybe it’s a good idea.” Natalie quickly took out a rifle bullet from him. These three levels of genetic enhancement are really terrifying, and the rifle bullet can only penetrate into his flesh for about one centimeter. It was tightly wrapped by Sivins’ muscles and couldn’t get any more.

Fortunately, these bullets and fragments failed to hit his vitals, so looking at his body covered in blood, in fact, he can quickly recover when he is properly bandaged.

“That’s it.”

As soon as Sevens heard it, he pointed to a hill in the northeast that was higher than the ground and said, “Sasha, I think that hill is nicely covered. There are shovel in the car. You are waiting for them in there. I will go there first. Make a hole and get together to spend the day, and we will go on our way tonight.”

“Seven, you are injured now! You are waiting here, I will go.”

“Go, go, you’re a first-level beginner. Whenever you plan to plan, I will plan for a while.” He took the pointed shovel from the wheel buckle, and quickly ran towards the mountain bag in the northeast. It doesn’t seem to look like a person who has just been shot and bombed.

Three-level genetic modification, too strong.

Natalie thought in her heart, this time no matter what, at least she had to mix her body to level three in Taoyuan Town before talking about other things.

Also, the men in Taoyuan Village seem to have a weird mentality. This mentality may be incomprehensible in the eyes of the people of M country, but when you put yourself in the ground, let the men take care of them like this, you really feel like a queen.

She is a little in love with this place.

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