Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 87

Vol 2 Chapter 79: My Tony wants women to be women!

“Now, my senior assistant will explain to you about our product catalog and introduction, I am going to accompany you.”

“??????????????????????????????, ????????????”

(Hello, Your Excellency Faisal, I’m Pepper Potts, I’m glad to meet you)

Faisal looked at Pepper in surprise for a while, and suddenly reached out and shook her hand, “God bless you, my friend.”

Before Tony had time to walk away, he heard Pepper start to talk to these people in Arabic, and took out an LCD panel of the company to show the products to the guests. This thing is still very expensive at this time. Things, in the era of mobile phones that just appeared with color screens, a 7-inch LCD panel is enough to make people’s eyes shine.

This thing originally belonged to Tony, but he was tired of playing it. Then Pepper saw it was very convenient when introducing the product, but when it was used, Tony, a coquettish talent, would toss this thing.

But it’s not time to pay attention to this thing right now.

How can Pepper speak Arabic?

What she said today, is it true that she knows more than a dozen foreign languages?


He wanted to interrupt her to ask, but the situation in front of him was obviously inappropriate. These Middle Easterners were obviously fat sheep and had to leave first. Some girls saw that he was free and rushed over to do their best.

Before, he would definitely pick one of these beautiful flowers that he thought was the most beautiful, and then proceed with the follow-up process of the party together. Maybe the passion came, and he would leave the party and go straight to the last link.

Now, looking at these glamorous and coquettish goods with grease and powder, it compares with Pepper, who is only dressed a little but is very confident and talks about several Middle Eastern big fat…customers.

They only have a beautiful pair of skins left. Except for the things on the bed, no one of these women can have a common language with him, oh, not right, except for the one in Berne a while ago.

Does she really speak a dozen languages?

In order to verify, he was rare this time and took the initiative to find some foreigners at the party.

Fortunately, there are not many people like this. Soon, he took a few guests in different languages, introduced them to Pepper, and asked her to introduce them to them as well.

He stood for a while, and Pepper used the other two separately, but he couldn’t understand it, but from the reaction of the two foreigners, she could tell that she really knew the languages of these countries and was very proficient!

She really speaks more than a dozen languages…

He had to accept the reality that made him taste a little bit, but for a moment, he remembered it again.

Not right, isn’t she the smarter she is, the better? It proves that the good part of the little Annie’s genes originated from her side!

Thank God! I have always been your favorite cub! You have always put the best by my side!

Now, he believes very much that this is God’s arrangement.

After a while, when it was the dancing session, he walked over and brought Pepper out.

“Tony, maybe you can’t believe it, I just placed two orders!”

“You can tell, then, you can tell me why you speak so many languages. In the morning, you still said it was a joke.”

“Because I think you can’t believe it.”

“Little Annie too? You taught her?”

“Her mother.”

“Isn’t her mother a bodyguard?”

“Why can’t the bodyguard speak more than a dozen languages?”

“…Well, can I ask you to dance?”

Pepper looked at him suspiciously for a while, and Tony chuckled: “How about celebrating your two orders? A lot of girls are waiting for my waist, but I think I want to give you this opportunity because you are I won two orders, and I can rest assured that I will pay the commission to your salary.”

“Tony, you…” Pepper could see that he was talking about it.

“The music has begun, please, Miss Potts.”

Pepper was dragged into the dance floor by him, “Tony, why?”

“What and why?”

Pepper wanted to say, don’t you know your own reputation? “I mean, there are many colleagues around, I dressed up like this tonight, and you invited me to dance. In the past, those who danced with you…you know, after tonight, how will those colleagues think of me?”

“Don’t care about these details, I am optimistic about them.”


“You are so beautiful tonight, I am attracted to you.”

“…Really? Thank you. Oh, yes, just now, His Excellency Faisal said, I hope you can help him persuade their minister, this will be an order of more than 300 million yuan!”

“Oh? That’s not bad, I will take the time to go another day…Where?”


“Okay, Afghanistan, I will bring some latest samples to show them, I believe they can’t refuse. Pepper, tonight you…”

“Tony, are you serious?”

“I think so.”

Pepper started to breathe a little bit faster, “But I need to see you change, not the same as before, you know, no woman can accept that.”

“How about from today.”

“Okay. I’m a little bored, shall we go take a rest?”


The two came to the balcony, “I plan to go to Los Angeles tomorrow. You will prepare the plane for me tomorrow morning.”

“Do you want to see that Nancy?”

“Of course not Why am I looking for a meteorological expert? I want to find the mathematician named Wanli. Jarvis’s development process is blocked, and Annie gave me a lot of inspiration. Maybe I have to supplement my knowledge of mathematics, but before that, I can get some professional advice from others first.”

“Well, the plane will be ready by nine o’clock tomorrow morning. There are many beautiful stars in Los Angeles.”

“I will be back tomorrow afternoon at most.”

“I heard that there are three hot flight attendants on the plane.”

“What Harpy said? You can take this opportunity to replace them. By the way, you and Harpy now…”

“Normal colleague relations, if you think…you can replace him.”

“No! Hapi is a nice person, I trust him.”

“Then you can keep your three hot flight attendants, but only if you let them know that you already belong.”

“No problem.”

“Oh, wait, I’ll make a call.” Pepper took out his cell phone suddenly, and then called Tan Peilan, “Sister Lan, hurry up! Change the diapers for Jody! Time is up! Give him another meal by the way. Milk, the ***1 card is used. My sister has always used the ***2 card, but I have investigated and found that the ***1 card is better than the ***2 card.”

Tony watched and listened, and felt that the woman in front of him was the first choice for a woman in charge no matter what.

As for appearance?

Pepper’s appearance is not bad, not to mention that he has played with no matter how beautiful women are. These are not important. The important thing is that Pepper can give birth to a cute and talented angel like Little Annie!

As for the boy…

does not exist! My Tony wants women to be women!

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