Beautiful Natural Disasters

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Pluto One Hundred Thirty Two

swaying around in this land, unexpectedly made many fanatical fans behind me.

They called me the God of Liberty, and they jointly wanted to replace the Statue of Liberty in Country M with mine.

Until one day, I was tired again, I think it might be because I am too old and I need to find a place to rest.

So, I drove them all away from me, they were really noisy.

I need to be quiet now.

This is like welcoming me at the last moment.

I want to find a quiet place, and I want to return to China, but my heart is really tired, I just want to find a quiet place to rest.

There is a village in front of me, and there is an endless field outside. I saw a tree lying alone in a field, very similar to me.

The owner of this field told me that this town is called Walnut Town.

There are many immigrants from China in this town. They yearn for the life of a farmer in M country, so they got a lot of money from China and immigrated here, looking at the same skin, eyes and hair. , Seeing them will make me not so easy to forget, I am still a Chinese, although this dog Marvel’s China is not my China.

It’s just that these Chinese people seem to be bullied all the time.

I decided to make the people here a little friendly, to make them full of love.

I decided to “tell” them that China is a multi-ethnic country. Their ancestors immigrated from China and came here to take root. Their ancestors have a great mission to establish China here. In the base area, all the townspeople are relatives, and they need to help and love each other… and so on.

Most of them believe it, I am an excellent magic stick.

The atmosphere in the town has improved greatly. I often see men and women hugging each other and licking each other regardless of yellow and black, screaming for comrades, and achieving great goals.

There are a few deep-rooted old stubborns. I ask them to be dung workers, so that they can wake up and understand the mission of their ancestors.

This town is called Walnut Town. Is Walnut a peach? There is no peach tree that really doesn’t live up to its name. I decided to plant peaches for all the greenery in this town, so that when the season comes, not only the flowers bloom beautifully, but there are also sweet fruits to eat.

I can’t admit that I am a person who likes to pick peaches and not eat peaches. I can only say that I am a person with identity, status, super power, knowledge and shame. Dreams that were not realized in the previous life must be realized in this life.

I greeted the mayor, and he agreed to my reasonable request, then formed an official document and posted it on the wall, and renamed the town Taoyuan Town.

Taoyuan Town…Have I heard this name somewhere?

Will    have the same name?

Leave it alone, if the name is the same, I will find a way to change the name of the mayor, such as Walnut Town.

I arranged for myself to have fun. I even dug the cemetery and the coffin with my own hands. The poor farmer who had no descendants younger than me agreed that I would put my cemetery under the tree in his house. .

I jumped in and tried, and found that I was not comfortable lying down. After the coffin was covered, there was no sunlight. After I was buried, I had difficulty breathing, but my heartbeat was like a drum and it was too noisy, so I crawled out of the cemetery overnight. , Decided to live for a while, try to hate all the breath of the sun or wait for the heartbeat to stop before crawling back.

My mind has been pretending to be a human being. This is what I discovered later. Any physical injury will recover in a short period of time.

Therefore, it is more difficult to stop the heartbeat, but I am over a hundred years old. If it really regards itself as a human, then it should also respect itself a little, time is almost up.

I seem to have had a beautiful vision of death, what to do at the funeral, and the funeral items to be like that, but it’s today, but I can’t remember at all, and I don’t want to think about it. At this time, my mentality is like a The old man is listening to the children expressing their yearning for a better future.

woke up after a nap, but somehow could not understand the words written before this sentence.

Forget it, don’t delete it, let you see all these complaints, I hope you will have a good time at the end.

Country M is really a strange place, the mayor has great power, just like a non-chief.

You said, should I run for mayor, maybe I can harm more girls? I think that the mayor is over 40 years old, his health is not very good, his life span is only forty-three years, six months, and seven days. The future of mankind should be given to me, a talented person who is active and working hard. Maybe in the near future, I can become president?

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