Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

TL/Editor: raei

Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: None

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Suddenly, the surroundings had changed.

Ian found himself standing in the middle of a large workshop.

As expected, the walls were filled with Hrundal's paintings.

... That goddess seems to have spent all her extra time painting.

"Alright, Ian. Summon that ‘status window’ of yours."

Ian took a slow, deep breath, focusing his mind.

“Status window.”

A familiar sensation accompanied by the appearance of the status window.

[Ian Eredith Raven]

[Magic User]

[Your skills are quite remarkable. But don't get arrogant!]


Ian looked at the status window, lost in thought.

When he first saw the status window, he thought it was the goddess's power.


It was just his magical talent expressed in the form of a status window...


Ian pondered, tilting his head.

When did he start using the status window properly?

It was when he first learned the magical language from Eredith.

Before that, the only message that popped up was [You are nothing]~ a damn harsh message.

Thinking about it like this made sense.

If the status window were a gift from the goddess as a reincarnation perk, there was no reason it shouldn't have worked from the start.

But Ian's status window began to function in earnest with the acquisition of magic.

As Ian’s magical abilities grew, so did the capabilities of the status window.

"I've summoned it... But, Goddess."

“Hmm. Just call me Hrundal instead of Goddess.”

Hrundal awkwardly scratched her cheek.

“Goddess sounds a bit... off, doesn’t it?”


The goddess was quite shy.

“Alright. Hrundal. I have a question.”

“What is it?” “It’s about my status window. It has an information access and skill point system. Did I create all of that as well?”

Hrundal answered seriously.

“I don’t know.”

“... Pardon?”

“How would I know the workings of your magic?”

“... You don’t know?”

Wait, isn’t she a goddess?

Turns out, Hrundal didn’t know everything about human magic systems.

Magic is like a form of mental activity. If Hrundal understood Ian’s magic, it would mean she had delved into Ian’s mind.

The gods of this world don’t have the ability to read human thoughts (which is why they sometimes get tricked by humans).

“But I can guess the principle.”

Hrundal said nonchalantly.

“You’re borrowing the power of the thoughts that float around the world.”


“Yes. In the world of mystery, there are fragmented pieces of information. You’re likely connecting with that information unconsciously.”

Hearing this, Ian felt a slight headache.

Trying to unravel the workings of the status window itself was the problem.

He immediately adopted an engineering mindset.

Hmm. As long as it works, who cares about the principle!

It works for some unknown reason? Well, maybe the ancestors are helping out!

Ian didn’t realize, but engineers and coders are like the shamans of the science world.

They solve most problems by praying fervently to the gods...!

If it works, it’s best not to mess with it.

Messing with it might break something...!

"I've summoned the status window. What's next?"

"You said you use the status window to perform magic. Explain exactly how you do it."

Ian nodded.

"When I come into contact with a new mystery, the status window informs me that I've acquired a new skill."


Ian promptly opened the magic window.

[Skill List]

[You have entered seven schools of magic]

[Air Magic – Lv 4]

[The ability to use air magic]

[Earth Magic – Lv 2]

[The ability to use earth magic]

[Dark magic – Lv 4]

[The ability to use dark magic]

[Ice Magic – Lv 2]

[The ability to use ice magic]

[Water Magic – Lv 2]

[The ability to use water magic]

[Fire Magic – Lv 4]

[The ability to use fire magic]

[Summoning – Lv 3]

[The ability to request aid from mystical beings]

Ian glanced at the status window that had appeared and felt a rush of satisfaction from his achievements in magic.

Man, look at me.

I've been working like a dog all this time!

Even in my past life, I didn’t have more than seven certifications (including my driver's license)!

In this medieval fantasy world, I've entered seven schools of magic and can wield their powers.

“What’s the maximum level for these skills?” Hrundal asked.

“Level 9,” Ian answered reflexively.

If Ian was the creator of this system, then the max level would undoubtedly be 9.

9 is a perfect number.

There’s a reason terms like 9th-circle archwizard exist.

Even some roguelike games have 9th-level magic as the ultimate spell.

Ian's magical achievement would also reach its peak at level 9.

Whether level 9 could be achieved within his lifetime was another matter entirely.

“Oh, so your magical achievement is around level 4...”

Hrundal smiled at Ian.

“You're quite a decent wizard.”

Level 4.

Not a complete novice, but not a master either.

In martial arts terms, somewhere between an expert and a master.

Of course, in most martial arts stories, even high-level experts are a dime a dozen.

Perhaps it's because their population exceeds billions.

But Ian was a resident of a medieval fantasy world.

Here, a town with a population of 2,000 is considered significant (not 20 million!).

Someone like Ian, who has reached this level, is highly sought after.

“I still have much to learn.”

Hrundal smiled at Ian’s humility.

She didn’t dislike humble humans.

“That won't be the case for long. I will bless you.”

Hrundal commanded, “Choose an Arcana card.”

Ian selected a card as the goddess instructed.

Of course, the card was chosen at random.

The card Ian drew was the 17th card, [The Star].

“I have captured the flow of the world in these twenty-two cards. The cards show your fate and sometimes even change it.”

Ian nodded.

The Arcana cards contained enough power to alter fate.

“My power usually works by changing the fate around me,” Hrundal said, reaching for the card.

The card in Ian’s hand began to glow strangely.

“Now, Ian, if you combine your ability to control the [Status Window], you can achieve consistent magical outcomes.”


Ian was quietly astonished.

Even though he used the status window to enhance his abilities, he was still a wizard.

He understood how difficult magic was.

Magic is highly unpredictable.

It’s the process of communicating with the mysteries, and errors often happen during this communication.

Depending on the mood of the mysteries, the outcome of magic could vary greatly.


According to Hrundal, if Ian’s magic was embedded in the Arcana cards, it would stabilize the magic results.

Without regard for the whims of the mysteries, he could always cast the same spell!

'Is that even possible?'

Ian stood there in disbelief at Hrundal's words.

He couldn't help it.

Ian was also a wizard.

The promise of resolving magic's inherent instability was something that obviously captivated him!

"Alright, Ian. Think of one spell you want to embed into the card."

[You can store one spell in the Arcana card.]

[17 – The Star]

[Currently storable spells: Water Magic, Ice Magic]

Messages flashed before Ian’s eyes.

His status window reacted to Hrundal's Arcana magic.


But neither was from Ian's primary schools of magic.

Water Magic and Ice Magic.

Neither had particularly strong spells.

"Alright... I'll go with this."

[Water Magic: Wave (Lv2)]

It was a spell Ian used in the village of Riverville.

Its effect was simple, creating waves.

"Hmph. Aren't you underestimating my power? You could embed a stronger spell," Hrundal said, slightly disappointed.

After all, if a god was offering a gift, shouldn’t he aim higher?

Ian quickly explained.

"It's just that... the status window..."

"... I see. Your magic system is trying to accommodate my power."

Hrundal shrugged.

"Then I'll embed my power into another card."

Ian was almost moved to tears by her generosity.

This is what a goddess should be like!

"Goddess! Oh, Hrundal!"

"I told you not to call me a goddess..."

"Hrundal, you're amazing! Beautiful Hrundal!"

"Hah, hahaha!"

Ian's antics, honed through his wizardly experiences, made Hrundal burst out laughing.

Even though she knew he was a human brought from ‘the other side’ by the Sunbearer.

He was distinctly different from the humans of this world.

A cheerful person, one might say.

"Quickly, draw another card."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Ian drew another card.

It was card number 3, The Empress.

[Fire Magic: Spear of Flames (Lv4)]

[Launch a spear made of immense flames. The spear will devastate the target area, creating a sea of fire!]

“How is it?”

“It seems to be working well.”

“You don't sound sure. Let's test it.”

With a wave of her hand, Hrundal summoned a monster.

With a goat's head, bat wings, and a trident, it looked like a perfect demon.

Ian calmly held the Arcana card and shouted.

“[Spear of Flames!]”

[Hrundal's will empowers you...]

[A blazing spear of fire appears!]

[You have summoned the Spear of Flames.]

Without hesitation, Ian threw the flaming spear at the demon.


The demon thrashed in the flames before succumbing to death.

'This is...'

Ian’s [ability to cast magic].

Combined with Hrundal's [power to alter fate].

The result was [manifesting magic].

This was truly astonishing magic.

So powerful that it left a striking sense of unease...

'This is... a skill...'

Ian swallowed dryly.

This was entirely different from the magic created by Maronius.

It resembled the kind of magic you’d see in games or web novels, used as a [skill].

Ian might have...

At this moment, Ian might have developed the first [Skill Card] in this medieval fantasy world...

“Oh dear.”

Hrundal looked at Ian's card and muttered.

“After using its power, it seems it needs time to recharge.”

When he touched the [High Priestess] card, he felt no trace of magic.

This [Spear of Flames] skill seemed to have a cooldown.

Ian honestly shared his recent unease with Hrundal.

"Hrundal, I was wondering..."

"What is it now?"

"The [status window] I use. Could someone else use it too?"

Hrundal narrowed her eyes and answered.

"In theory, it's possible. But how many humans can fully understand the concept of that 'status window'?"


When humanity first invented movies, people in theaters were often startled, thinking the images on screen were real.

Understanding a novel concept is like that.

If Ian were to explain the concept of the 'status window' to people in the medieval world, would they imagine it as a divine entity named 'status window'? Or would they think of it as a mechanical system with holograms?

Of course, it would be the former.

Medieval people couldn't fully understand the 'status window' as Ian does.

Therefore, even if Ian tried to teach his unique magic to them, none would be able to master it properly.

'... Perhaps.'

Ian pondered while fiddling with the Arcana card.

Could the Sky God have foreseen that Ian would create [skill magic] using the [status window]?

There were more questions Ian needed to ask the Sky God.

Ian received additional skill cards from Hrundal.

After the endowment, Hrundal spoke.

"Now, let's talk about your magic sword."

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