Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

TL/Editor: raei

Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: None

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Space-time wizards are the most peculiar wizards in the Empire.

In the past, during the Golden Empire era.

They were called "prophets," and they pursued their own businesses without sharing their magical visions.

Like other wizards, they would attach themselves to nobles, lending their magical powers in exchange for rewards.

However, unlike ordinary wizards, prophets were not very popular.

The reason was quite simple...

The prophecies of prophets rarely came true.

If a prophet predicted, "It will definitely rain heavily tomorrow!" then,

The next day, the chance of heavy rain was roughly 50%.

With such a low accuracy rate, the nobles thought the prophets were either frauds or fools.

‘It's sunny, what's going on?’

‘Strange? This shouldn't be happening...’

Bad-tempered nobles would beat and chase away the prophets, while the kinder ones would smile on the outside but curse the worthlessness of the prophecy behind their backs.

At the time, the prophets did not understand what was wrong.

They just thought it was incredibly difficult to read the rapidly changing flow of fate.

But one day, by chance, a prophet developed a theory...

‘Wait a minute... Is someone else interfering with my prophecy?’

Like-minded prophets reviewed this theory and conducted experiments to prove it.

They agreed to make the same prophecy together.

The result was astonishing...

The success rate of their prophecies skyrocketed!

‘Damn, it's true!’

‘... We were interfering with each other's prophecies.’

The prophets had an epiphany.

If space-time wizards simultaneously predicted, "It will rain tomorrow!" and, "It will not rain tomorrow!"

Then inevitably, the accuracy rate was 50%. One of them had to be wrong.

But what if the number of prophets increased?

The success rate of the prophecies would significantly rise.

‘Instead of this, let's gather all the other prophets!’

‘If 100 prophets foresee one event, we will surely be able to know the exact future!’

The prophets were drawn to form a single group by some inevitable flow.

That was the Space-Time Wizards Council.

The information discovered at the Space-Time Wizards Council was truly astonishing.

They could accurately predict the future of the continent!

It was the result of numerous prophets foretelling one future without any interference.

‘... The fall of the Golden Empire! The Empire will soon fall!’

‘This can't be... We must inform everyone!’

The space-time wizards informed the emperor and the nobles of the council's prophecy.

The emperor and nobles were startled and put more effort into governing... As a result.

The Golden Empire avoided its downfall.

‘??? It's not falling. You frauds!’

The funny thing was that because the prophecy was revealed, it turned out to be wrong.

The space-time wizards warned of the Golden Empire's fall, and the frightened emperor and nobles worked harder than usual.

As a result, the future changed.

The empire's downfall was postponed.

‘No, it definitely said it would fall...?’

‘Ugh! You frauds!’

The problem was with those who believed the prophecy seriously and prepared for the empire's downfall!

Some people disposed of all their property, and others voluntarily became vampires.

But those people got seriously screwed!

‘This is driving me crazy...’

‘If we reveal the prophecy, the future changes, making it a false prophecy. If we don't reveal it, there's no point in having foreseen it...’

It was the chronic problem with foreseeing.

The space-time wizards seriously pondered.

Was there no way to overcome this paradox?

As a result of deep contemplation, the space-time wizards agreed to keep their prophecies to themselves.

If the historical flow was truly significant, they would spread the word to change the future.

Otherwise, they decided to let events unfold naturally.

‘... But shouldn't we change this future?’

‘Why would you change it?’

‘It seems better to change it!’

‘What a fool! Leave that future alone!’

However, despite their words, the space-time wizards wanted to intervene in both big and small futures.

They debated over what constituted a 'better future.'

As a result, the Space-Time Wizards Council became their own exclusive league.

They whispered among themselves about the future, deciding what to change and what not to.

The Space-Time Wizards Council became a separate world, detached from reality.

‘Huh? Space-time wizards? Those sneaky guys who mutter among themselves?’

Since the content of the council was shared only internally, people outside had no idea what the space-time wizards were up to.

Strict secrecy had the advantage of preserving the future intact.

But it also had one fatal flaw...

‘Chairman! We're out of barley!’

‘It's unfortunate, but we can eat oats!’

‘We ran out of oats long ago! And I knew three months ago that we'd run out of barley!’

‘... So what!’

The space-time wizards had no money...

They could foresee the future, but once they spoke of it, the prophecy became unstable and more likely to be wrong.

Therefore, they only revealed their prophecies at crucial moments and could only occasionally receive rewards.

The dire economic system of this medieval fantasy world was not robust enough to support a shadowy organization...

No one on the continent knew the true nature of the Space-Time Wizards Council.

Because no one knew, it was difficult to make money!

‘Hey, can you lend us some wheat?’

‘Haah. Those sneaky space-time wizards are back.’

So the Space-Time Wizards Council borrowed money from other wizards.

‘Ahem. We provide critical information at decisive moments...!’

‘Yeah, yeah. Sure, you do.’

Being fellow wizards, the imperial wizards fed the pitiful space-time wizards...

Fortunately, the space-time wizards had another peculiar talent besides [future foresight].

It was [spatial teleportation].

‘Hey, space-time wizard! Deliver this letter to Duke Araz!’

‘Yep! I'll teleport it right over!’

That's right.

The letters that modern people click to send via smartphones...

The space-time wizards delivered them in person, traversing space!


Ian was momentarily dumbfounded after hearing the whole story.

What? Aren't they supposed to be a group that foresees the future?

Shouldn't they be manipulating the world and concocting evil schemes?

But in reality, their job was like that of a courier or a postal service worker.

“You say space-time wizards foresee the future? Don't they try to conquer the world with that knowledge?”

Gerard chuckled at Ian's question.

He must have thought Ian's question was a joke.

“As you said, space-time wizards see the future.”


“Ian, don't you think space-time wizards have foreseen a future where they attempt to conquer the world?”


“I'll leave it at that.”


They must have already foreseen it...

There was a reason space-time wizards resorted to side jobs like couriers to make a living.

“So, you came here to run an errand.”

Gerard nodded gloomily.

Space-time wizards were still wizards.

They enjoyed researching magic and honing their skills, not running errands for others.

“So, what is this errand?”

Gerard replied in a businesslike tone.

"There is a domain far to the southwest from here, owned by someone named Baron Vincents."

The voice was dry, but the content was shocking.

“There, a wizard named Inglan Kate is being held captive.”


Ian tilted his head at the oddly familiar name.

Inglan... Inglan...

“The university professor?”

“You know him. Yes, he is a professor of photon magic at Dranheim Magic University.”

Ian’s mouth dropped open.

He remembered everything.


That bastard who was caught grave robbing!

In the past, when he visited Baron Talian’s tomb, Inglan was there, robbing the baron’s treasure with other grave robbers.

Ian remembered catching him and negotiating a ransom before releasing him...

And now he’s been captured by some Baron Vincents?

What is he, Princess Peach? Is his hobby getting kidnapped?

“Did he get caught grave robbing again?”

“Grave robbing?”

“Inglan was caught robbing Lucy’s ancestor’s grave before... Didn’t you know?”

When Ian spoke sarcastically, Gerard felt wronged.

“How could I know such a thing?”

“You’re a space-time wizard.”

“... A space-time wizard is not God.”

Ian mumbled, “How can a space-time wizard not know that?” which infuriated Gerard.

Space-time wizards are human too! Human!

“This incident happened due to Baron Vincents acting on his own.”

“Acting on his own?”

It meant Inglan wasn’t to blame.

“Baron Vincents refused [Calling a Wizard].”


Gerard briefly explained.

University professor Inglan Kate, like Ian, traveled the empire seeking magic and mysteries.

When Inglan ran out of travel funds, he sought out Baron Vincents.

Inglan’s reason for visiting Baron Vincents was simple: the baron was a young noble.

Young nobles, who had just become aristocrats, didn’t know how to treat wizards properly.

Inglan aimed to exploit that.

By asserting the wizard’s authority, he hoped to shock the baron into handing over wealth!

Experienced old nobles knew how to [properly] treat wizards, but young nobles didn’t.

In short...

Inglan visited Baron Vincents to take advantage of him!

“Now I really don’t want to go.”

“You're honest, Ian.”

Ian clicked his tongue.

So, he got into trouble over money? What a consistent person.

But Ian soon shook his head.

Gerard had already said Inglan was innocent.

He wasn’t captured for scheming.

“Professor Inglan tried to follow the proper procedure of [Calling a Wizard]. But Baron Vincents captured him and imprisoned him in the tower.”


Ian thought for a moment.

There’s no way Baron Vincents could be a mind reader and saw through Inglan’s dark thoughts.

Even if he did, he should have followed [Calling a Wizard] first.

[Calling a Wizard] is a courtesy between nobles and wizards.

The side that doesn't follow this etiquette inevitably suffers a hit to their reputation.

But for a noble to refuse [Calling a Wizard] first...

‘Something's up.’

Ian suspected that Baron Vincents had some kind of scheme.

A scheme sinister enough to endure the wrath of a wizard.

... But then he tilted his head.

‘Is there... something?’

Given this medieval fantasy world where common sense was practically dead, he was used to outrageous things happening.

Maybe Baron Vincents was just a dumbass who made a ridiculous mistake?

He’s a young noble. He might not know much about wizards.

“So, Ian. I want you to investigate Baron Vincents’ territory.”


“I didn’t think you’d be busy. Am I wrong?”

Gerard said with a blank expression.

That man. He definitely spied on Ian’s future and came looking for him. What a sneaky space-time wizard.

“I’m not sure if I can handle the investigation with my skills. How about finding another wizard?”

“Other space-time wizards are already reaching out. I came to you.”

Ian whistled softly.

A noble ignored [Calling a Wizard], and already space-time wizards were bustling about, summoning the empire’s wizards.

With such unity and decisiveness, it's no wonder nobles couldn’t ignore wizards who lacked their own territories.

“I’m not sure how helpful I can be.”

Ian spoke politely.

'I don't want to do it, can't you go without me~'

Gerard’s lips curled into a slight smile.

When this normally expressionless man forced a smile, he looked less human and more like a vampire.

“Then there’s no choice. But Eredith will be disappointed.”


Damn. Using my teacher. That’s low.

Ian had somewhat expected this.

Visiting a noble who refused [Calling a Wizard]...

This was about protecting the rights of wizards, not about seeking personal gain.

Ian was a traditional wizard with a famous mentor.

This wasn’t a situation he could just brush off out of laziness.

“No. Damn it, I’ll go.”

Gerard nodded as if he expected this.

“Then, I look forward to good results.”

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