Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard

Chapter 164

TL/Editor: raei

Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: None

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The wizards' verbal sparring was terrifying.

Not just the lowliest servants, but soldiers and knights too. Even the baron's proxy acting as lord was rendered immobile!


"Are you deaf? I said bring Inglan!"

"Looks like you're deaf!"

"Seems like you can't hear~"

The wizards' verbal assault was closer to mental damage than physical.

Their chatter was clearly painful to hear.

But in other words, it was just annoying.

Words have no physical force.

Meaning, if the listener shuts their eyes and ears tight and switches to defense mode, there's no power to break through.

"This goddamn bastard..."

"Anton. That's enough."

As Anton's tirade started to escalate, Herta calmed him down.

Even if the wizards had justification, going too far wasn't allowed.

Insults beyond the level of protest could hurt the other party's feelings.

'He's still resisting even after we've said this much?'

Herta closely examined the baron's proxy.

There was almost no change in his outward expression.

He must have courage and guts to spare.

Just like Ian had, Herta also highly evaluated the baron's proxy.

...In reality, the baron's proxy was in a state of brain freeze.

'What, what should I do...!'

While the baron's proxy was keeping his mouth tightly shut.

One wizard threw out a heavy comment.

"Seems he can't understand words."

It was Carl, the wizard who had been sparing with his words until now.

"What more can we say to someone who refuses to hand over Inglan even if it kills him."

Coincidentally, the baron's proxy was quite a troublesome opponent for the wizards.

If it had been the actual baron instead of the proxy, he wouldn't have been able to endure the wizards' relentless verbal assault.

It's my land, my position that's in danger!

However, the opponent was, very annoyingly, the baron's 'proxy'.

No matter how stubbornly he acted, he wouldn't lose his title or anything like that.

'Nope~ I'm going to ignore what the wizards say~ I can just go home later and that's that~'

The baron proxy's mindset seemed visible.

This is how scary someone with nothing to lose is.

"Hey. Kid. Answer me. Why did you capture Inglan in the first place?"

Carl asked in a heavy voice.

The baron's proxy answered as if he'd been waiting for this.

"That man deceived me on my land."


"He said ill fortune had befallen this land, and that a ritual must be performed to appease heaven's wrath."


"He demanded money, saying we must pay the costs for the ritual."

Ian cursed Inglan inwardly.

Sheesh. Of course.

How is this any different from fraudulent fortunetellers who say you need talismans because your complexion looks bad?

"That son of a b*tch Inglan."


Herta hurriedly covered Anton's mouth but.

In fact, all the wizards were thinking similar thoughts.

Even if the other party was a young nobleman...

What? Give me money to resolve the bad luck?

What kind of wizard is that?!

"...Isn't it his own fault?"

Krysus muttered, but Ian pretended not to hear.

If they concluded that Inglan was just a bad guy, there'd be no reason for the wizard-Avengers to assemble, would there?

"I'm certain he was looking down on me and spreading such malicious rumors. That's why I imprisoned him."

Baron Vincents' (proxy) explanation was sufficiently logical.

But not enough to convince Carl.

"Then you should have kicked him out after [Calling a Wizard] was over."


"Laying hands on a wizard as you please. You've crossed the line by far, pup."

That's right.

The Empire had a beautiful yet bizarre tradition called [Calling a Wizard].

First, you pour a bowl of insults on the other party.

If they're a proper wizard, you apologize, and if not, you kick them out.

If Baron Vincents had judged Inglan to be a fraud, he should have kicked the wizard out.

Any measure beyond that is an excessive response.

This was a rule wizards had created to protect themselves from nobles.

It was a rule made to prevent being imprisoned on strange pretexts.

If nobles started detaining wizards, it would be difficult for wizards to travel, and in extreme cases, they might be forced to serve nobles against their will.

Like what happened with Kira and (self-proclaimed) Baron Damon.

There was a time when a bandit who knew jack sh*t about wizards forcibly detained Kira, who was a wizard.

Fortunately, Kira was a fake wizard then.

If they had detained a real wizard, there would have been an uproar like this.

"We'll apologize for Inglan. We'll even compensate you, so release him."

Wizard Carl said gravely.

The wizards had conceded greatly too. They were clearly aware that Inglan had caused trouble.

Ian expected Baron Vincents to naturally accept the proposal.


"I am the lord of this land. Who are you to order me around?"

Baron Vincents kicked away the wizards' goodwill.

'Why is he acting like this?'

Ian felt suspicion before bewilderment.

Carl's proposal was sufficiently reasonable.

Yet he kicks it away?

Is Baron Vincents saying he's that stupid?

'...I don't think that's it.'

Ian had already sensed sufficient intelligence in Baron Vincents' way of speaking.

If he were an idiot incapable of discernment, he would have drawn his sword when the wizards were pouring out their verbal attacks.

"...Are you refusing the offer?"

Carl asked, his thick eyebrows twitching.

Baron Vincents answered without the slightest hesitation.

"Of course. I have the right to handle matters that happen on my land."

It was a perfectly valid statement.

If he were the 'real' Baron Vincents, that is.

"But strictly speaking, aren't you the baron's 'proxy'?"

When Herta pressed the issue, Baron Vincents shut his mouth.

It was an irrefutable fact.

"Then the right to trial would belong to the real baron, wouldn't it!"

Herta openly pointed at Baron Vincents and shouted.

"We'll formally protest to Count Gremlin. We expect Professor Inglan to be released before the count's people arrive!"


Herta turned her back abruptly.

The other wizards, including Ian, trailed after her.

Baron Vincents remained silent until the end.

Until the wizards left the castle.



The [Rescue Inglan through Intimidation] operation ultimately ended in failure.

The opponent was more troublesome than expected.

If it's any consolation, they got to see Inglan's face on the way.

The face of Professor Inglan, who they met after a while, was...

too plump and glossy.

"You all! Herta! Carl! Ian!"

Ian inwardly cursed again as he looked at Inglan's face glistening with vitality.

That old fart. How well did he eat in prison?

He looked like he could start a male cam broadcast as [Plump-Inglan] without any sense of dissonance.

"Hey! Old man!"


Anton kicked the prison door and shouted without hesitation.

He never failed to meet expectations, that bastard.

"Five wizards gathered just to save you! Five! Do you have any idea how wasteful this is!"

"Well... that..."

Inglan broke out in a cold sweat and said.

"First, I'm sorry... discuss the details with the Imperial University's magic department. I don't know anything..."

"F*cking geezer!"

Bang! Bang!

Inglan ghosted behind the university-shield.

Ian nodded.

He felt confident that even if news came that this guy had been stabbed someday, he'd just think, "Well, that figures."

"Ian my boy! So when are you going to get me out of here?"

"I don't know anything about that either."


Inglan hung his head low.

Though he looked quite fair-skinned, Inglan must have suffered some mental anguish.

After all, he'd been captured by a nobleman right away, so he couldn't help but worry.

Only Herta comforted Inglan.

"Don't worry too much, Professor. We'll figure something out for you."

"Herta...! I knew I could count on you!"

Carl turned his back coldly.

"Let's go."


"We've confirmed he's alive. No need to waste more time."

It was true.

It's far more economical to ponder ways to get Inglan out as soon as possible.

Ian returned to the village tavern with the other wizards.

The other companions were already eating.

Ian discussed future plans with the wizards.

"At this point, we'll resort to a show of force."

Herta spoke as the representative.

No wizard opposed her opinion.

Ian raised his hand.

"By show of force, to what extent?"

No matter how accustomed Ian was becoming to acting as a wizard, the wizards before him were far more impressive in terms of experience.

Ian hadn't yet grasped what level the wizards' 'show of force' would be.

If he were alone, he could have managed somehow, but with several people, shouldn't they coordinate?

That's when Krysus shouted urgently.

"We, we can't kill people!"


What kind of...

Ian looked at Krysus with distrustful eyes.

"Of course we won't kill anyone. Who do you take us for, murderers?"

Herta and Carl had similar expressions.

Krysus felt so wronged!

"Hey! Did you forget what you did to me?!"

I didn't do anything.

Ian thought proudly.

It was Krysus who was wrong for creepily monitoring Ian with a familiar in the first place.

But Krysus only remembered that Ian had almost killed her.

"Cut the bullsh*t, Krysus. You think this kid's ever killed someone?"

"? He nearly killed me though?"

"That's just you being a coward. Scaredy-cat. There's no way this brat has killed anyone."

Krysus pouted.

No, he really held out a fireball to me...

"For the show of force, let's use whatever magic each of us is confident in."

Herta said.

"Our goal is to give the impression that the wizards are this angry."

That's what Herta wanted from the [show of force].

The wizards will put on an enthusiastic magic show where Baron Vincents' proxy can see.

Then it will naturally draw attention-

They can publicly appeal to the masses that [The wizards are this angry!]

Therefore, the biggest benefit of the magic show is word of mouth.

The story that [A noble imprisoned a wizard] doesn't spread very far, but.

[Angry wizards are going wild!] spreads at an incredible speed.

It's a f*cking awesome story!

It's one of the few public opinion battles that can be waged in the Holy Empire where transportation has gone to sh*t.

If the wizards put on a magic show to apply pressure, the baron's proxy or whoever will feel an enormous burden.

Needless to say, Count Gremlin will come running.

"Ian. This is your first time doing something like this, right?"

Ian thought for a moment.

He had countless experiences of using magic in front of people.

But it was his first time gathering in a group like this to use magic.

"Yes, it's my first time."

At Ian's answer, Herta smiled brightly.

'How cute.'

In Herta's eyes, Ian was a fledgling wizard.

At twenty, you think you're an adult, but in society as a whole, you're immediately treated like a baby.

Looking at Ian's face, which obviously appeared young, Herta naturally assumed Ian was a wizard lacking in 'wizard experience'.

"Don't be too nervous. I don't know dark magic, but I'll observe for you."

"??? Thank you?"

Ian didn't understand what Herta was saying, but he thanked her anyway.

Why would she observe Ian's magic when she doesn't even know dark magic?

'Is it a wizard tradition?'

Ian thought Herta's offer was a kind of academic exchange.

The tradition (it's not) of wizards gaining insights by observing each other's magic!

"Um... Herta."

"Oh my. Call me sister. Ian."

Ian immediately changed his form of address.

Unlike Eredith, Herta was actually old enough to be his sister.

"Okay. Sister Herta."

"Oh my."

"? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just like it. Keep talking, Ian."

Weird person.

That's what Ian thought, but he spoke calmly.

"Can I observe when you use magic too, sis?"

"Of course! But..."

Herta tilted her head.

"I'm an air wizard. Do you know how to use wind magic, Ian?"

'Sister Herta is just coming to watch too.'

It seemed Herta, as an experienced wizard, intended to help Ian.

So she judged there was no need for Ian to help her in return.

But contrary to Herta's expectations, Ian did know how to use wind magic.

His skill level was even top-notch.

Ian is a level 4 air wizard.

"Yes. I can use it fairly well."

Herta looked at Ian with strange eyes and said.

"But didn't you say you learned fire magic as your secondary school?"

"I can use fire magic too."

"You're saying you learned both fire and air magic while majoring in dark magic?"


Dark magic, fire magic, air magic.

All at level 4.

Herta crossed her arms and said.

"Other than that, have you learned any other magic?"

"Earth magic, ice magic, water magic, and summoning."


An awkward silence suddenly descended.

Ian looked around.

'Did a ghost pass by?'

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