Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard

Chapter 175

TL/Editor: raei

Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: None

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Pushing Jubal aside, Karenne contemplated her situation.

Though she despised the Pentagon bastard for slacking off, the atmosphere suggested she could eliminate them all single-handedly.

Karenne sneered at the pathetic display of these incompetent wizards.

Those useless, lowly scum!

There were many schools of magic, but Karenne believed only a few were worthwhile.

Her criteria for "worthwhile" was simple: destructive power.

Karenne didn't consider any magic that couldn't crush enemies and subjugate opponents to be real magic.

Most magic failed to make the cut, being either too weak or too restrictive.

Powerful magic without limitations tended to be evil.

'Oh. Transmutation?'

In that regard, transmutation might as well have been created for Karenne.

Mighty power and mysteries that bent to the wizard's will!

The only issues were its difficulty to master and the need for human experimentation...

Karenne couldn't care less.

What? You need to dissect humans for transformation? Then just do it!

Sacrificial test subjects and moral or religious concerns were completely irrelevant to her.

Karenne was a wizard interested solely in mastering powerful and useful magic.

Through countless human experiments, she'd reached a level where she could transform human bodies at will.

'It's fortunate the other wizards are all morons.'

That's what surprised Karenne.

Unexpectedly... few wizards studied transmutation!

Some called human experimentation disgusting, while others feared permanent disabilities from failed spells.

To Karenne, this was excellent news.

No one's learning this amazing magic? They won't even try because they're afraid of failure? Typical loser mentality.

Magic schools tend to align with personalities.

Karenne pursued transmutation studies to the end, while others deemed it madness. Thanks to her innate psychopathic nature, she became an outstanding transmutation wizard.

'This is the result!'

Karenne laughed as she wielded her overflowing power.

Through diligent effort, Karenne had become a transmutation master, gaining the ability to tear other wizards apart single-handedly.

Those cowardly wizards who trembled in fear were now on the brink of death, pretending to be refined!

'Good thing there's no earth wizard.'

Karenne's most wary opponent was the earth wizard Carl.

Carl... even Karenne thought that guy was a bit unhinged.

No matter how much you warn him...

Hurling boulders at noble castle walls!

With that level of skill, he'd be a troublesome enemy.

But Carl was nowhere to be seen.

Pentagon must have driven him out.

Excluding Carl, the other wizards were all pushovers.

Water wizard Anton? What could he do without water?

Air wizard Herta? What magic could an air wizard use in a cramped corridor? This was indoors, for crying out loud!

Ice wizard Krysus. She was an ice wizard. Need I say more?

And... the rest were greenhorns.

'Victory is mine!'

That brutish warrior with troll blood had put up a decent fight.

But Karenne still won.

Now, she was confident she could kill him within 30 seconds.


Jubal flailed, foaming at the mouth.

He was suffocating from lack of air.

That b*tch Krysus had pulled some weird trick, but it only showcased ice magic's pitiful performance.

No variables left.

Or so Karenne thought.


But at that very moment.

The black-haired wizard shouted in Maronius language.



Ian Eredith Raven.

That wizard... attempted earth magic!

'Earth magic?!'

Karenne was startled but quickly regained composure.

That brat was a dark wizard.

He must've spent most of his time communing with dark mysteries, so his earth magic skills should obviously be crap...


The ground trembled.

The earth began to vibrate as if responding to Ian's will!

Karenne was dumbfounded.

Did the earth's mystery actually listen to that pipsqueak?

What, were they buddies or something?!

[Ah! You called again! My cheerful friend!]

"[Mystery of the Earth!]"

[What sound does a horse's leg make when it breaks? The answer is... horse-ttuk! Hahahahaha!]

Karenne's jaw dropped.

That heavy, solemn, calm mystery of the earth...

Appeared cracking some cheap wordplay!

Wait, was that even funny?

Karenne genuinely couldn't understand the mystery's sense of humor.

Well. If everyone understood it, would it be a mystery? Mysteries are mysteries because humans can't understand them. There must be some emotional appeal somewhere, right?

It was beyond Karenne's comprehension.

'What the hell is going on?!'

She didn't know the details. Karenne judged based solely on visible information.

Ian Eredith... surprisingly seemed to have an intimate relationship with the earth.

To the point where that rigid earth mystery cracked jokes first!

'Was that guy an earth wizard???'

Karenne didn't know.

In fact, the madman who hurled boulders at the baron's castle walls...

Wasn't Carl, but Ian!

Ian had already forged a friendship with the earth.

He could use minor earth magic as much as he wanted!

"[Earth! Split open!]"

[Oh. As you wish!]

Ian, having summoned the earth's mystery.

He split the corridor floor with earth magic.

Karenne assumed Ian was aiming for falling rocks.

'... Right. That's your level!'

If the floor was damaged, the ceiling wouldn't support the weight and would collapse.

Then the larger Karenne would be at a disadvantage.

But that was too one-dimensional a judgment.

Karenne could kill Jubal within 30 seconds and tear the wizards to shreds.

They'd be dead before the spell was even cast!

'I'll end this in an instant!'

The power of mysteries is threatening to humans.

But ultimately, what determines human life is not mystery, but physical force.

What good is controlling flames and winds?

Humans die when a knife pierces their throat.

... But that was Karenne's misjudgment.

Ian had no intention of crushing Karenne with falling rocks.


Ian had wizards who became competent when conditions were met.

And those 'conditions'...

Ian had just fulfilled them.

Now it was showtime.

"Ha. That crazy bastard."

Anton loved Ian's spell.

The gap split by earth magic.

From that deep space...

Anton felt the surging power of water.

Ian had set the stage, so it was only right to respond!

"[Mystery of Water!]"

Anton shouted in Maronius language.

With a refreshing sound of water, the water mystery cheerfully exclaimed.

[Anton! My friend!]

Yes. This was the voice he wanted to hear.

He wanted to show this magic to those damn brats!

Anton shouted.

"[Gush forth!]"

The water mystery gladly lent its power to its old friend.

Water gushed like a fountain through the gap Ian created!

It was the castle's well water and the massive underground water sleeping beneath it.

Needless to say, the water mystery possessed tremendous physical force.

The groundwater struck Karenne's body.

Far from enough to shatter her, but sufficient to throw her off balance.


Seizing the moment Karenne's posture crumbled.

Belenka sliced off one of her spider legs.

"Kuh! Kuh!"

"Run! Jubal!"

Belenka rescued Jubal.

Karenne was startled but soon withstood the water's force by tensing her legs.

"[Such petty tricks...!]"

Meanwhile, Ian slightly blocked the corridor wall with earth magic.

His earth magic skill was insufficient to block it entirely.

But that didn't matter.

As long as enough water accumulated...!


Anton shouted.

Ian grinned, patting Krysus's shoulder.

"It's your turn, senior."


Krysus nodded frantically.

She instantly understood Ian's intention.

Simultaneously, she felt like she might burst into tears at any moment.

The cold left by Senior Victor. The stage set by Ian and Anton...

Now it was Krysus's turn to deliver the finale.

To eliminate that psychotic transmutation wizard and avenge Senior Victor...!

"[Mystery of... Cold!]"

Krysus spat out the words.

The situation was clear enough for anyone to understand.

If she unleashed ice magic here...

The soaked Karenne would become an ice block!


Karenne, floundering in the water, was horrified.

"[This... this can't be! This can't be happening!]"

Ian coldly raised his middle finger.

And then he displayed a wizard's specialty.

Namely, trash-talking.

"Why can't it? Wizards make the impossible possible!"


"Did we look like idiots to you? You black magic b*tch?"

"[You... goddamn wizards...!]"

In that moment, Krysus shouted like lightning.


A storm of cold swept through the corridor.

The massive cold power that ice wizard Victor had gathered in death.

That immense force became a form of chill and engulfed Karenne.


Karenne's ridiculously tough body withstood the terrifying cold storm.

But the large volume of water soaking her couldn't.

The gushing groundwater froze solid, enveloping Karenne.


Karenne's mouth gaped as if trying to speak.

But her movements soon stopped.

Karenne was trapped inside a massive ice block, reduced to a bizarre objet d'art.

It looked like a grotesque artwork by a deranged artist.

"Haa... Haa..."

Krysus breathed heavily.

Ian approached her.

Krysus quietly looked up at Ian.


"... Yeah."

Expecting Ian to say something, she soon burst into laughter.

"As expected, ice magic is the strongest magic."

"Ha, hahaha..."

Ian extended his hand, laughing.

"Ice magic is the best."

Krysus laughed.

She laughed happily until her tears dried up.


Krysus wiped away her tears and cheerfully exclaimed.

"Ice magic really is the best!"

That was.

The funniest joke of her life.

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