Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

TL/Editor: Raei


Schedule: 5/week

Illustrations: None.

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Riding alongside Diketo, Ian shouted to him as the enemies approached.

"Sir Diketo! I will buy us some time!"


The enemies, their morale high, were charging at them.

In contrast, the subordinates of Sir Diketo, looking like they were heading to their deaths, charged weakly back.

It was obvious without looking.

They were going to be torn apart like a shack hit by a flood.

That was a clear path to a dog's death.

The Count wouldn't have sent his cherished subordinates to their deaths.

It must have been a command given in desperation, or perhaps they were sent to simply buy time.

And Ian's judgment was correct.

If Sir Diketo bought Count Catina and Lucy time to escape, it would be enough.

Upon reflection, Sir Diketo realized that Ian was right.

Knights, who knew nothing but brawling, could only foolishly block enemies with their bodies.

But wizards were different.

If a wizard was the enemy, they'd foam at the mouth exclaiming, "That bastard is using wicked sorcery!"

If on the same side, they'd say, "Ha-ha. The wizard's magic is truly mysterious and wonderful!"

"But how can you alone stop them?"

"It's impossible to stop them. But I can buy us time."

"...As far as I know, the more powerful the magic, the longer it takes to cast."

Sir Diketo's words were common sense.

The more powerful the magic, the more it required a process of 'appeasing' the mysteries.

Whether through bribery or lip service, one needed to perform actions that would please the mysteries.

It was like a fantastic talent show.

Pleased by the show, the mysteries would lend their significant power.

That was the essence of magical rituals and large-scale magic.

"But I have orders from His Excellency..."

"Sir Diketo."

Ian spoke calmly.

"Rushing in blindly without understanding your lord's intentions and getting caught by the enemy is, dare I say, a disgrace to a knight."


Sir Diketo looked shocked.

"A disgrace? What do you mean...!"

"Do you truly believe His Excellency wishes for you to defeat the black knight?"

Ian shouted with a compelling voice.

A wizard's voice carried power because they were accustomed to conveying their 'will' to the mysteries.

Unaware that he was essentially hypnotizing Sir Diketo, Ian earnestly continued.

"We cannot afford to lose Sir Diketo just to capture a mere black knight!"

"That... A mere black knight? I am not the grand knight you think I am..."

"That's what you think, Sir Diketo! Do you still not realize how much Count Catina cherishes you? He considers you equal, no, more significant than that black knight!"


Sir Diketo, caught in Ian's hypnotic... no, compelling voice, was mesmerized.

Upon hearing it, that was indeed the case.

"His Excellency told me to defeat the black knight, right? Then that means... I'm on the same level as the black knight, or even higher, right?"

The fact that he had been pushed aside by the younger ones to take on the role of an escort had long since vanished.

Sir Diketo, moved by his lord's consideration for him, burst into hot tears.

"Sniff...! Then, my lord considers me...!"

"Yes. You are not meant to fall here. Please go back and stay by the side of Serg or whatever his name is. I'm worried sick leaving that bastard alone.

I'll take care of things here."

"Understood! Ian! I will not forget your sacrifice!"

"Hey, who are you treating like a dead man? Do I look like I'm going to die here?"

Sir Diketo turned his horse around, intending to return to the Count's side.

"Your Excellency! I'm off! The disloyal knight Diketo is going!"

'... I hope he doesn't get scolded for coming back like this.'

Ian shook his head.

The way he was returning was just absurd.

A significant number of the enemies had already disappeared into the forest.

It wasn't just a matter of stopping the black knight.

Perhaps Sir Diketo returning at the right timing could turn out to be a rescue.

Ian stopped talking and looked at the enemies.

The enemy soldiers, charging with high spirits.

And in the middle, the black knight charging proudly.


Ian was uncertain if this would work, but decided to proceed with the plan anyway.

Taking a deep breath, Ian...

Pulled out a scroll from his bosom.

It was the magic scroll gifted by the Count.



"Sir, look over there."

Following the direction pointed out by the soldier, the black knight hesitated.

The entrance to the forest.

On a barren plain with only sporadic short grass, a man on a horse stood blocking their way.

"What's that?"

Both the black knight and his soldiers tilted their heads, unable to figure out the identity of this man.

Black hair. Black eyes.

A man in a traveler's robe.

The peculiar thing was... he was riding a horse while holding a staff?


Ian's appearance on the battlefield was truly peculiar.

He just looked like a complete lunatic.

I mean, no armor, no shield, not even a single sword, just holding a staff?

Is the staff a weapon?

Why would he bring that?

Under normal circumstances, they might have thought, "What's with this lunatic?" and moved on...

But the soldiers felt a chilly unease sweeping over their lower bellies.

Just as in martial arts, one is advised to beware of women, children, and the elderly...

In this medieval fantasy world, there's a saying to beware of lunatics.

Specifically, those who appear to be lunatics.

Because you never know if they're genuinely insane or if you've come into contact with something beyond human comprehension.

That's right.

A wizard.

If you encounter someone on the battlefield who looks like a lunatic...

The chances are very, very high that they're a wizard.

"A wizard... could it be?"


The black knight affirmed with his silence.

The soldiers swallowed nervously.

At a glance, the wizard's skill seemed to be no ordinary feat.

Wow... Crazy.

Is he standing there alone, planning to block all the enemies by himself?

How skilled he must be...!


In a world where the rumor that a crazy wizard equals a first-class wizard spread as common sense, like some urban legend, to the soldiers, Ian, standing alone against the enemies, was someone incredible.

"Sir... shall we charge?"

A soldier asked.

Honestly, they didn't want to mess with him.

Who would want to dive headfirst into a time bomb, clearly ticking right in front of them?

The only person they could rely on at such a time was their knight.

The black knight was considered on par with a bus driver or a substitute driver.

"Prepare the crossbows."

The black knight chose the universally cheaty crossbow, a cowardly choice.

You think the enemy is strong?

Yep. Crossbows~

Just shoot bolts from afar, and they can't do anything, right?

The soldiers were as happy as kids upon hearing the command for crossbows.

"We'll prepare right away!"

However, this was a clear misjudgment.

They should have just charged in blindly to confuse Ian.

While they were dilly-dallying preparing the crossbows, Ian began to read from the scroll without hesitation.

After the preamble of sweet-talking the mysteries, the main text appeared with a warning, 'I'm about to speak rudely, okay?'

"[And thus! The highest wind of the heavens, listen!]"

As Ian recited the spell, the enemies were confused.

They couldn't understand a word of it.

"The crossbows! How far are the crossbows!"

"Coming now!"

"[Having debated the existence of the thousand-year pact! Oh, great wind! Storm that tears the sky! In the name of the wizard Antrika! Reveal thyself!]"

Ian also saw the enemies fidgeting and plotting something.

Without hesitation, Ian tore the scroll.

That moment.



The soldiers, all at once, ducked.

As if they were going to dive into the ground.

"Th, thunder?!"

As Ian finished reading the 'giant wind' scroll...

Suddenly, thunder began to roar out of the clear sky!

But that wasn't all.

The wind started blowing crazily, shaking everything on the ground.

The crossbows were no exception.


'Those f*cking bastards!'

Realizing that someone had shot an arrow, Ian was immediately pissed off.

Thanks to the wind, it was a relief he wasn't hit; otherwise, he would have been treated to an exciting medieval medical class.

"[Oh, storm that tears the sky!]"

Ian called the name of the mystery he had summoned with the scroll.

Now, if only he could borrow the power of that mystery...!


[To invoke the name of Antrika! What kind of goddamned son of a b*tch iiiis this!]



Deafening noise.

And then...

Lightning bolts striking down towards the earth!


Ian was at a loss for words.

That mystery...

Was it even in a state to communicate?

It was f*cking pissed!

Not just Ian, but the black knight and the soldiers had also lost their ability to speak.

As soon as the wizard began to chant...

Lightning fell from a clear sky!

[Never mention that name in front of me again! I might just kill youuuu!]

"[S-sorry, Mr. Storm. That wasn't what I meant...]"

Kwang! Kwang! Kwang!

Not quite sure what was happening...

But it was clear that standing around would be a perfect way to get struck by lightning and die.

Ian immediately tried to throw in an apology a dogeza combo to the [Mystery - Storm that Splits the Sky].

With many eyes on him, he managed to do the apology...

And Ian felt a chill down his spine.

That thing, it was completely insane...

It was clear that this was a mystery of the highest level, something Ian could not handle.

Ian vowed never to speak to that mystery again, no matter what.

Mess around without understanding your place, and you'll get struck by lightning~

The anger of the mystery was one of the common signs for a wizard.

"[Excuse me, I'm sorry. I was just reading what was written here...]"

[If you're done reading, then get lost!]

"[Yes! This has been Wizard Ian!]"

As Ian finished speaking, the lightning stopped.

'Sh*t, was the scroll defective?'

Ian was about to curse the Count who had gifted him the magic scroll, but he stopped himself.

An ancient mystery.

Ian should have been more cautious and approached with care.

[Achievement Unlocked!]

[You have witnessed an ancient mystery and survived!]

[You survived well! Lucky you!]

[Bonus Skill Points: +500!]

Despite the pouring in of bonus skill points, Ian had no mind to care for that.

There was still something important left.

Ian looked around.

Kneeling... bowing...?


Distracted by apologizing to the incredibly furious mystery.

Numerous soldiers were, instead of Ian, prostrating themselves to the sky.

Ian realized.

Ah! They're prostrating on my behalf!

You guys are such nice friends!

...Of course, that wasn't the case, they just freaked out and bowed their heads because the lightning was striking like crazy.

The only person standing on the plain was the black knight.

'What's with him?'

Did he faint while standing?

If not, he was a knight with an incredibly strong constitution.

'Whatever happened... this is an opportunity!'

Quickly, Ian assessed the situation.

He thought the scroll was to summon wind, but it turned out to summon lightning instead.

Whoever made it, the mystery started freaking out like someone had pressed its berserk button as soon as it heard the name mentioned in the scroll.

So, he hurriedly calmed it down and ended the conversation...

Although Ian didn't kill anyone with the lightning, people were scared stiff.

Being somewhat of a local, Ian understood why.

Lightning = Wrath of the heavens...!

It's a keyword of Heaven's Faith!

"Foolish ones! Listen!"

Not quite sure what was going on, Ian didn't miss the opportunity.

He immediately started acting like a wizard.

That is... he started blabbing.

"Today, witnessing your battle! The great souls in the heavens have become terribly angry!"


"How could this be!"

The soldiers, originally prostrating, trembled and looked up at Ian as if he were an apostle called by the heavens.

Suddenly, the genre changed from a chase to Passion of the Christ[1].

The enemies buried their heads in the ground, repenting for sins they hadn't committed.

"Oh! Oh heavens! Great heavens!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

'...It's working well.'

Religion truly is the only drug permitted by the state...

Ian thought idly to himself as he continued to shout.

Although he was a wizard by profession, it seemed his oratory skills were what truly flourished.

What kind of wizard spends all day giving speeches?

"Those who follow the immoral Graham shall receive divine punishment! That is the message whispered to me by the heavens!"


"...But still, to betray our leader..."

Graham's army was in turmoil.

If anyone could witness lightning striking out of a clear sky and remain calm, they'd be the abnormal one.

The black knight was that abnormal one.

'That should be enough.'

Having achieved the goal of tying up the enemy's legs, albeit in a rather noisy manner, Ian didn't hesitate to turn around.

Even if they followed Ian, real divine punishment wouldn't strike them.

After all, the whole thing was a show staged by Ian.

Before his lie was exposed, Ian needed to move quickly.

"If you fear the wrath of the heavens! Do not even dare approach this forest!"

"Yes, yes!"

"We will remember!"

Ian hurriedly rode off, returning to the Count's side.

The soldiers, having heard Ian's... no, the holy will of the heavens, would surely fear the forest.

But those who had entered the forest first would still be causing trouble.

Ian needed to regroup with Lucy before they caused any incidents.



After Ian disappeared into the forest.

The steadfast black knight finally spoke.

"It's a trick."


Ian had hurled insults at the black knight, suggesting he had fainted while standing or worse.

But the black knight had neither fainted nor wet himself.

He had caught Ian tearing the scroll.

The lightning that struck.

And for a brief moment, Ian's awkward voice.

'It didn't feel like intended magic.'

The black knight's insight was accurate.

It was a post-medieval level of logical thinking.

"The battle isn't over yet. Follow the wizard."

When everyone else was too scared to continue the fight, the black knight did not give up.

"But...! The punishment from the heavens...!"

"If I am indeed committing an unjust act, then I shall be struck by lightning and die immediately."

The black knight said this and stepped into the forest.

Lightning... did not strike.


Graham's army was still in disarray.

However, a few soldiers still followed Ian.

The black knight was one of them.


[1. raei: tis a movie!]

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