Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 106

Episode 90 Demons Bark Slutterly Under the Moon -1

–Because rare occurrences of random or coincidence do not occur, it would be more accurate to describe it as good luck if the convulsion persists many times.

With a week’s energy under his crotch, the orchid lit his sparkling eyes in the moonlight, and the waited knock sounded with joy.

After encountering Walkins, I was able to confront my current situation once again. What the orchids need now is to love and trust their families – their classmates’ girls.

Immediately notices minor changes and avoids disaster. I couldn’t feel the change in the bell this time because I didn’t leave her by my side.

If we could act together at any time and perceive the subtlety of our emotions, it might have been something that didn’t happen. It was the orchid’s idea to fill a small ditch in the rabbit and horn that had been distanced from them for the past few days before it grew into an irreparable crevasse.

The orchid looks at the door like a carnivorous beast, as if it were enough.

As soon as the moyamoya, which was tightly tied to the depths of the heart, sprung into the orchid, it was the adolescent-specific reproductive desire and hunger for the female body.

Even during the afternoon training, there was a gaze on the chest and groin of Mizuki, who was working on the repeated practice of magic beside her, and she couldn’t concentrate at all. Even if you forcibly hold it down, the limit is reached and it explodes. Before it becomes irreversible, it is decided that unexploded ordnance should be disposed of as safely as possible.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Sound.”

“… nn. Please wait, Kirishima.”

A uniformed high school girl staring at an orchid with her breath rubbing her thighs and thighs – a kiwa sound. For the first few days of my abstinence – every time I met him in the cafeteria, the sounds approached the orchid physically, as they did every day.

Are you having an affair? Blink wet eyes and squeal their throats as expected.

Orchid’s bedroom is completely enclosed with doors closed and locked. Did you lose your mind because you didn’t have to mend it anymore? The sound drooped your tongue and looked at the orchid with a thick face.

“Kirishima, do you remember what we talked about…?

“Of course. You don’t think I’ll forget about the sound?

In a refreshing and smiley dialogue, the sound floats with a heart mark in both eyes.

But soon the reverberation regained its usual insensitive facade and stared at the orchid with anxious eyes.

“Are you sure you want to…? If it was Kirishima before, I would have never forgiven you for saying it was dangerous or troubled if other people saw it…..”

“Sure, I’m a little worried… And if it makes you happy, I want to do what I can.”

The echo has seduced orchids like every day, not because of the simple things they want to have sex with.

Of course, at the end of the evening encounter between adolescent men and women, I don’t want to dispute the fact that lustful sex awaits.

It’s not the result, it’s the course of events. Sound sought orchids mainly because of a by-product that might have occurred due to the escaped Saint riot incident the other day, and the main reason was that she wanted to relieve the desire that had risen inside her.

A recent incident that caused a number of changes in both the class and the Royal Palace. As it stands, it has been misunderstood by other matters that have moved greatly, and has been rendered yellow. At that time, Sound was throwing herself into the vortex of a deadly project as a girl of her age.

“Saki told me that nothing has changed. No – it’s completely different from before. After that, I remembered it many times, and I was thrilled, and it was terrible. If you think about maybe using me at that time to calm down at night, your whole body is slowly falling from the back of your stomach, and I can’t stand it anymore.”

Does it remind you of that time? The resonance hugged your body and drowned your whole body.

Similar to tremors caused by fear, the charming tongue falls off the edge of the mouth and the cheeks are red and stained.

“I’ve never taken them all off in front of so many boys – and classmates I know… Everyone’s gaze was nailed to my naked body, and it felt so good. The temperature was completely different from the line of sight that was poured on the hem of the skirt and the breasts over the uniform. It was so hot, so strong, so amazing.”

When the topic was first evaporated, the orchid thought that the situation at the time had become traumatic and fears had sprouted to show naked.

That’s what I thought it was like to want you to override your fears at that time with intense sex with orchids.

But the reality was different.

“Looks like you’re getting used to taking it off… Whether you’re walking around normally or in the middle of training, you’re filled with the feeling of wanting to get rid of everything. In a public place that someone might be watching, it’s a bummer. Open, treacherous, I admire it very much.”

The hidden desire for reverberation exploded in a strange way.

“I want to be seen, but I definitely don’t like being raped or played by boys other than Kirishima. But I can’t stand it anymore…..”

The sound of salivating from the tip of the peeked tongue and fishing in his pocket. The echo takes a metal object out of his pocket as he wriggles his neck and body to cheat on his hot emotions.

Take it in both hands.

I remember the item, but if I hadn’t listened to the echo beforehand, I wouldn’t have figured out why it was handed over here now.

Untied like a entangled string, the orchid widened it to make it sound.

“… collar. And for human use.”

Because it’s a world where there’s an SM playground underground, orchids aren’t surprised anymore even if they exist. I feel a bit dazed about the royal people who leave such things in places where outsiders, saints, can easily find them.

After the Chancellor of the Arts or someone got involved in a maid and abnormal play, they probably left it behind in Wise Man mode.

How about leaving it behind when you’re done playing? And it’s a non-emotional device. I only want Dom to leave it.

“Don’t get hard on me….”

In the face of expectations, the sound comes forward with a rough breath and tight neck.

The sound is still in uniform. Tonight’s play, for which reverberation is desired, is not that easy.

Suddenly doubts arose, but the orchid quickly understood her intentions.

Speaking of which, at that time, I didn’t voluntarily undress, but I was forced to expose myself in the middle of the day due to an irregular development.

In the echo, the play has already begun.

“Before that, take off (…) the beard (…), echo. It’s funny that my pet is wearing clothes.”

“… even pets dressed in clothes.”

“I’ve never seen a dog or a cat in a sailor suit on a boulder.”

Playing the high-pressure tone as much as possible, orchids force the sound to undress.

After a while of this kind of interaction, the sound finally began to take off the sailor clothes.

Her breath is rough even as she makes an unintentional expression, and her tongue hangs from the edge of her mouth as she expects. There is no doubt that the resonance is very excited about this situation.

Untie the scarf, remove the jacket, and gently drop the dark blue skirt on the floor.

Same as the other day – exposing a strangely mismatched underwear, the sound of it drops off without hesitation.

Blue bra, purple and black striped trousers are thrown into the orchid bedroom. Looking at the round shorts that fell on the floor, it was slightly damp, whether due to sweat or another liquid.

“…. nh”

Again, the echo pulls the neck forward.

The orchid attached its collar to the echo, whilst flavoring the intense aroma of pheromones from all over its body.

The sound of cashan and metallic sound narrowed her eyes with joy.

At a glance at the naked sound of crawling on all fours, the orchid opened the bedroom door without patrolling.

◇ ◇ ◇

The royal palace in the middle of the night was filled with more tranquil air than imagined.

Depending on the magic stone lights installed at regular intervals, orchids walk through dark corridors with sounds.

By the way, the orchid tonight is not a butler’s uniform, but a high school uniform. Originally, it was better if the training clothes were easier to move, but this was the only way I could do it because she asked me to “please in uniform”.

“… hah, hah. Ha-ah, ahh, fu, fu, fu…”

With no lewd breath, the sound of crawling on all fours slowly walks down the hall. Initially, I was asked to use the blindfold and anal plug in combination, but I rejected it just in case.

The sound seems to be satisfactory, even if it’s not a perfect play situation. Don’t you hear too much excitement? I’ve just been crawling on the floor for a while and screaming, “Khun”. The lewd, lewd, shaking peach buttocks make it clear how she feels right now and how she enjoys taking a walk at night.

(12) The pure white buttocks that can be seen on the dark night road are shaking as if from now on. Because she looks like her face is facing the floor and sticking out her buttocks, the view of the orchid during the walk clearly reflects not only the buttocks but also the important parts of the sounds.

The sound of a plump crack came from my pussy.

Since she belongs to the swimming department, she handles her underhair beautifully. The echo crack, which has nothing to hide, blooms brilliantly in the dark with packets.

The mucous membrane part of the pubic tear out face has a beautiful pink color. The part of the girl that sounds, I’ve seen many times. Unbearable to that slutty vaginal flesh, orchids stroke their protruding buttocks.


With sudden stimulation, the resounds kneel down and kneel on the floor as you crawl on all fours with your butt facing up.

Because of the posture, the echoing pussy × koji opens wide. Now that you’ve reached the slightest limit with the stimulus, the sounds drooling and overflowing viscous fluid from your vagina as you twitch your hips and pull.

The overflowing sounding honey pulls the thread, and eventually loses to the weight and falls to the floor. Whether that was the trigger or not, the sounds began to pound down the honey secreted from the pink flowers, with the attitude of licking the floor.

“Are you okay, Sound?

“Daiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii) It’s okay, so… Fu, uh-huh. Keep walking, keep walking.”

Following the echo’s words, the orchid continued to grasp the collar. A dog who vibrates his hips and chases the owner hard – the sound of an unwanted demon. Looking back, the roads that resounded were dotted with zero traces of lewd honey.

Looking at his face, he suddenly moved his eyes in all directions with unfocused eyes. Her cheeky face is dyed red and flushed to the point where hot air is likely to come out.

Of course there is a long, charming tongue from the edge of the mouth. Saliva dripped from the half-open mouth and the area around the mouth was slightly wet.

The orchid that saw the face of the flying orchid stopped its feet thinking it might taste bad on the boulder. If you keep going, the sounds of the monks will go crazy too.

“Sound, let’s get some rest. It tastes worse than a boulder.”

In response to the orchid’s call, the sound passes the orchid and proceeds slowly. The collar string is pinned and pulled tightly.

As I said to go quickly, I pulled the collar and expressed my intention. Looking back only slightly, he blinked at his wet eyes as if he were lonely.

It hurts my heart to force me to go home with such a look on my face. The demon maid wants to take more walks. I’ll take good care of her until she’s done.

Walking to the sound with a collar, she shook her ass with joy.

With the sound of making a trajectory with the love liquid, she went on for a while and went out of the royal palace.

For a moment I wondered if I should return, but the orchid followed her will as the sound went out on all fours.

The sound of the cold night breeze stretched out her limbs and narrowed her eyes to feel good.

“Your body is wrapped in the wind and feels incredibly good….”

“I’m glad I didn’t run into anyone…. what do we do? Shall we go back to the room now?”

“I want to be out there a little longer, just like I was born.”

Although it is well laid, it is usually a place to walk on foot. However, the sound completely ignored such a thing, and proceeded like a dog with bare hands and bare feet.

I can’t think of anything in common sense, such as going out without a string of soap. Have you gotten used to it? The sound didn’t make me breathe as rough as in the beginning, and it seemed to have calmed down slightly.

How long did you walk? The sound that came out to the courtyard suddenly began to glitter around as she twisted herself.

“What’s the matter?

“… nh, nothing, it’s okay.”

While saying that, the sound suddenly became stiff, buried his face on the ground, stretched his limbs with his buttocks raised, rubbed his thighs and made strange movements.

Your breath gets rough, and the amount of honey that gets wet in your groin gets more and more secreted.

I wonder if there is not enough stimulation. If you express that female high school students are allowed to walk the night road naked during puberty eating, you can quickly realize that the current situation is abnormal. Sound is a challenging girl in terms of sex.

Rather, orchids were freaked out about what to do if someone came, and I couldn’t concentrate on the echo state.

You would have been more attentive to your surroundings than you would have been if you’d crawled on all fours and gazed at the sounds of provocative butt shaking.

Perhaps a strange set of tricks is her appeal for sex.

In that case, it would be necessary as a boy to respond to the will of echoes without using words.

Focus your attention on the shaking buttocks at the edge of your vision. Moonlit ceramic-like white skin is moist or moist due to sweat.

Is it because it is an exercise department? The acoustic body retains a smooth curve, and the suppleness of the waist to the buttocks makes it an excellent piece of art.

And when he was watching with consciousness, a great desire arose in the orchid, as if it were a fire. Remove consciousness from anxiety and focus only on the set meal in front of you.

Your shaking ass is provocative. With a slightly moisturizing, lewd honey, my pussy is inviting me to swallow it like orchids.

“… Kirishima, actually…”


The orchid basically grabbed her buttocks without noticing the slightest sound from her mouth.

Your twitching, echoing limbs are hugely upside down. A sighing scream was squeezed out of her throat, as if the voice she was pushing to kill had leaked.

Soft buttocks and sucking, pure white complexion. Enjoy the provocative shaking of your ass in the palm of your hand and rub it down.

“Sound buttocks are so erotic… It’s a little stiffer than a tit, but it’s actually…”

“Kirishima, Kirishi-ma, nnh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

Slowly, I saw the golden liquid jump from the echoing crotch. “Hiuuu!?” The sound raised a cute scream with an upbeat face.

With your buttocks pushed up and your face thinned to the ground, the sound stretched out your arms and rushed open your pussy to hide with both hands. The face of the turned sounds was painted with shame and dyed bright red like a boiled octopus.

The sound of an uplifted face that was about to cry in the future was a pitiful pose that held the groin by hand in a back position, spinning words like whispering.

“I want to pee….”


The mysterious trick from before was to deceive you about your intention to urinate.

An orchid that tells you that you can take your hands off the collar. The sound of letting go of the tip and looking at the string hanging from the neck sounded lonely.

Take the collar.

“But this pose isn’t easy, is it?

“I’m Kirishima’s pet today… I want you to take a good look where you’re peeing.”

It trembles and trembles all over the body, and the sound drifts from the edge of your mouth with your tongue.

The squeaky squeaky buttocks swayed, and the sound distracted me from my gaze.

“… if you stay like this, you’ll catch Kirishima.”

“All right, song.”

I just made up my mind to love everyone the other day. It would not be good to refuse anything without drying out the root of your tongue.

It may be seen by someone other than orchids – if you want to urinate in such a dangerous state, let her fulfill that desire.

Orchids aren’t so tough as to manage even menstrual phenomena.

Whatever it sounds like, you wouldn’t want to use it in an open place with nothing to hide. Pick an invisible spot in the royal palace, fill the gap in the bush, and take him to a nearby tree.

I suppose you’ve been patient for a long time. Whether it has become difficult to even crawl on all fours or not, the reverberation was bent forward, showing the technique of stirring up an abusive mind while holding down the groin with both hands. Of course, it remains tied with a collar.

For a moment, I was worried whether I could do this in the garden of the royal palace, but when I went back to my memories, Mizuki was outside, and since Kanami had exploded happily indoors, Orchid was willing to convince me that this was okay.

Orchid sighs with astonishment as common sense has broken down.

While trembling his legs and pulling, the sound fell on the spot – just like before, he crawled on all fours to the ground.

That’s not the only thing that surprised orchids. The sound sticks out his butt and leaves his right leg in the tree.

The orchid will eat its face. You don’t have to do that. What Sound wanted was to take a walk in the royal palace naked at night, not to become an orchid pet and be treated like a dog.

I wondered if this attitude towards the boulder was human, so the orchid tried to make a noise to stop.


The sound of shaking your ass unprotected, opening your crotch and getting ready. Is it comfortable for parts that are not normally exposed to the wind to touch the outside air? It was touchless to look at, but with a unique expression mixed with expectations and anxiety, I drooped my tongue gently.

In front of such a sound, the orchid swallows the words of restraint.

It’s not like being abusive. I want to see the pathetic and embarrassing sight of my classmate’s girl. I want to see a scene where a cute girl urinates lavishly. Such a mundane desire rises, and orchids cannot stop ringing.

Without turning a blind eye, in front of the orchid’s eyes, the echo stretched out its limbs, releasing golden liquid from the crotch hole.

“Phew, ah… Ahh, ah, ah, ah… Ah, ahh, fuuuu…”

A special sounding gold juice that is gently and lavishly discharged. The moment you unleash what you’ve accumulated is a pleasant moment for both men and women. The sound was licking his lips with charming tongues as he leaked his blissfully drunk voice.

Like water gushing out of a source. As I watched the golden spring spring spring from the echoing crotch, I felt something in the orchid – something else springing up.

Eventually, the momentum will heal, and it will just become slightly zero. By the time it finally stopped, the desire in the orchid had enlarged beyond control.

After finishing a massive outdoor urination, there is no sound of exhalation like “Hofuu…”. In front of her face, dyeing her cheeks with satisfaction, Orchid’s reason went beyond her limits and she screamed.

The inflated part of the boy frequently complains of discomfort. Lure a lump of desire to push up uniform trousers from a narrowly enclosed private room into a wide, clean world.

Did you ever think of it as a unique metallic sound that rubs against you? The sound of a variety of liquids dripping from your crotch softens and narrows your insensitive eyes and looks at orchids.

Did you realize that it would start from now on, the sound of the orchid not turning your eyes away for a moment? With her gaze ejected, the orchid, without hesitation, slipped down two garments trapped in a swelling desire.

“… wow”

Sue and the cold wind rushed through the crotch at the same time. The cheeks of the sounds were slightly red and a small voice of wonder leaked out of the mouth.

The expression didn’t change much, and the spinned voice didn’t suppress it. That alone made me understand that the sound was happy with the sight in front of me.

The sound of slightly raising and lowering your gaze so that you can lick around slowly. Unable to withstand that hot, moist gaze, the clear liquid is overflowing from the bell mouth.

Cowper drooped the standing rod. The sound of his eyes shining on the sight, without wiping his wet crotch with his pee, made him glossy and inviting, as he said, “Come on.”

Approach the sound and stand on your knees. The challenging bellows of the tongue melt down on the orchid, wrapping the orchid’s cheeks in both hands. Slightly bumps the tip of your nose at a breathtaking distance. The instant hot stuff burst into the orchid’s mouth.

“—-uhh, mmhh!?

Something soft and viscous rushes through the orchid’s mouth. While playing the slutty sound of water, it’s like cleaning without a tooth, and the long stuff is stupid in the mouth.

I realized that it was the tongue of sound almost simultaneously with my hips trembling in the pleasure of attacking my mouth. There is no gap to insert the tongue from here, and it sounds like a bellows passing on one side.

Orchids were not the only ones who had the limit of patience. I want to wander around naked – a sound that satisfies such desires and clears my urine. Normally, she had such a cool, understandable look on her face. The desire for reproduction that arose in her would have been considerable.

I guess they showed me the erections and the slightest reason left was blown away.

Stir your saliva and lick around your mouth mucous membrane with a slight tongue. Though not directly touched by the genitals, orchids twitched their hips and leaked cowper as their echoing tongues moved around.

After a sudden rumbling around the mouth – the echo drained a long tongue from between the lips.

With a deep kiss from a serious sound, the pleasure more than orgasm rises from the inside, and your head is fluffy. I still have the illusion that that charming bello is running around inside my mouth.

But the orchid was immediately made to realize that it was a phantom.

“Fu, fu-. Ha, hafu… uhh, ah… As it is, Kirishima’s, fu, fu… won’t last forever… Fu, hah… Let’s do it once first….”


At the waist of a dreamy orchid, an electric current runs through it. A tingling sensation lifted his spine, and the orchid held his mouth with both hands and somehow blocked his screaming throat.

The salivation of the sound dripping from your tongue falls slightly onto your fully erect bell mouth. By leaking the cowper, we endure the stimulus and now the raw tongue twists and twists.

The dexterity of the tongue that just ruined your mouth compresses your tongue just before it fires. If it was over there, it would still be unbearable.

Hmm, no, no, no. Don’t hesitate to let me out.

The tip moisturized with cowper and saliva was exhaled, and the temporal sounds were puffed in with the mouth coated with saliva.

Electrical current runs through your body, stretching your bottle and limbs. While making a lewd noise, the sounds sipped the orchid’s neck × po disgusting.

Saliva overflowing from the mouth runs through the rod and drips on the testicles. The acoustic hand rubbed the orchid’s testicles like touching the outside air and applying it.

The rough tongue licks up the dorsal muscle, blessing the mouth mucous membrane that moistens the entire rod that numbs in pleasure.

I wanted to see the sound of my head going up and down at the edge of my vision, but I couldn’t afford it. It feels like the whole nerve has gathered in the lower abdomen. Your head is completely white, and you can’t recognize anything in your vision.

I can’t even hear a sound, and I don’t even know if I’m holding my voice, or if I’m screaming faithfully to my desires.

The testicles that had been accumulated for several days shrunk and were massaged by the hands of saliva painted echoes, most easily breaking the limit.

–Jupu, Jururu, Jupu, Jupu, Juru Ruru.

While holding it firmly with your hands around your hips, the echo is obsessed with savoring the orchid’s genitals. Even the overflowing saliva is a lubricating oil that gently stimulates your balls and screams.

With cowper and saliva, the little fingertips ran between the crotches, and the echo pushed the fingertips into the orchid’s buttocks, as could be said to be a stick.

A girlish scream is thrown out of the orchid’s mouth. The illusion that time had stopped ran through his body for a moment, and the absolute pleasure sprayed up in the orchid.

“Boom! Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

Calling the name of a devoted, masturbating lover, the orchid jumps his hips and leans his limbs.

More violent pleasure than imagining that your testicles might have exploded. It’s not strange to just fly a thousand pieces of a pole like this – the orgasm of such delusions passing through your head.

Pupu! And the semen bursts with great momentum. The resonance of the vigorously fired cloudiness instantly distorted the face, but it was only a prelude. Using the first ejaculation as a trigger, Xpo threw out a cloudy liquid like a broken faucet.

–Bubu, bububu, bububu, bububu, bububu, bububu, bububu, bubu, bubu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu, bu.

An unusual amount of semen enriches the sound of the mouth.

At first, it was the sound of my tongue twitching and sucking, but gradually it reached its limit, and I coughed and let go of my mouth.

“Awesome! It’s amazing! I’m shooting a lot. I’m shooting! – Ha, ha!

From the mouth, the cumming * cumming still doesn’t slow down the momentum, and the semen that is fired rubbishly dirty the sounding face.

Between words spinned with an unconvincing voice, the cool sounds are unusual and the girly and cute screams come up at all times.

Within the mouth, of course, where the cheeks and nose head got dirty, the orchid pex finally calmed down. The sound of sitting tightly as you apply semen to your face and you don’t know what happened.

“… eh…. eh, eh?

A stunned expression of sound that doesn’t move no matter what happens. The unfamiliar face was so cute that the orchid aroused himself that he was about to lose consciousness and somehow did not show the pathetic part.

The residue of the missed sperma falls out of your mouth and falls on your belly.

While gazing at Pex, who was stirred by the wind, the sound suddenly twitched her eyes, which were not touching in another sense.

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