Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 124

Episode 105 Mizuru ≠ Michiyu

The rest of the Ota group returned safely as they returned to the inn to relax.

Apparently, all three of them passed the certification exam and were able to qualify as adventurers.

“Nevertheless, I’m still at the provisional registration stage. Now that we can accept requests, we have a plan to secure funds for now.”

I can hear the voice of a woman bragging about the edge of her glasses.

Students who neglected their nerd hobbies didn’t seem to get along, but when they explained that it was common in RPGs and hunting games, they understood the outline.

“Does that mean that if you defeat a monster or win a battle against the owner you use, you will get something golden?”

“… no, the vector is a little different from the game that Inugami-san is talking about… What should I explain?”

In response to Kanami’s misguided question, Giragane weakened her verbal butt like she was in trouble.

Kanami, who is ignorant about your topic, still seems to take time to grasp the current situation.

“What is the difference between temporary registration and this registration?

“The biggest difference is the trust from the Alliance. It also seems to affect the rewards. By executing requests quickly and accurately and gaining track record, it seems that you can increase the number of requests that can be ordered and increase the amount of compensation.”

“Have you actually received a request and felt it? How difficult is it?”

“Even so, we are the best Demon King Crusaders. We determined that the training we received at the Royal Palace and the attacking magic we were taught were sufficient. It was difficult for me to complete it without any problems, so I think those with offensive skills could do it faster.”

In response to the questions rising one after the other, the female root answered “Slash.”

I think it’s because I’m good at it. Giragane, who was supposed to be a plain boy, stood up majestically and partitioned the scene.

“Based on the above, students who are confident in fighting monsters would like to help raise funds in the Adventurers Guild.”

I answered everything else, but it seems that the story was finally wrapped up by that.

The roadblocks were to be shared evenly among the students and carried with them.

There will be no escapees in this situation, but there is also the possibility of theft.

Security doesn’t seem so bad, but it can happen just in case. I’ve never been too careful.

“… um, where’s Tiger Raw? I knew it was in the luggage room.”

I opened a luggage room to distribute the street silver, but there was only Kiryu Inn Akira and Queen Gahika in the room.

“If you’re a tiger, you left the inn early in the morning and haven’t come back yet.”

“Speaking of which, Ryuzaki said he saw a similar person in the woods.”

I thought you were going to trick me into losing my mind.

Maybe Tiger Raw really went into the woods alone.

“Maybe we should go look for it. I don’t know what’s going on.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

Looking at the door, Takeo Shinkaki, a close friend of Terumo Nobu, looked at us with a troublesome face.

“That guy’s a bitch, right? When it’s time, you’ll be able to defend yourself with tightening (Fong Metamorphose). It’s not about making a scene.”

“But this is a different world. Of course monsters – according to the story of the female root, there are dangerous people such as bandits. It’s too late for something to happen.”

Shinagaki took a half-step back and said, “Ooh…” because of Kanami’s temper to get closer.

Just a little, Shinagaki’s expression twisted strangely. The corner of my mouth seemed to have risen happily, but depending on the angle, it also seemed to be mastering the feeling of unmatched resentment in its eyes.

Kanami, confused by her bluntness and family training skills, did not realize the strength of her emotions, but Shinkaki had always thought that she did not hate Kanami.

With all due seriousness, I was aware of Kanami as a heterosexual. Regardless of whether it was good or bad, it seemed that she had a feminine appeal to the extent that she masturbated with Kanami’s underwear.

But even though it is difficult and I know that the love is not sure, the truth is that it cannot be blown out so easily.

With his complex expression on his face, Shinagaki murmured with loneliness as he looked at Kanami’s eyes.

“Just leave him alone for a minute. He’s got a lot of stuff in him. You can’t even barf in front of your classmates your age.”

“… what are you going to do if you don’t come back?”

“Before it gets dark, I’ll take responsibility for bringing him back.”

That said, Shinagaki turned his back and went back to the men’s room.

Kanami didn’t want to question her any more, even though she felt something she didn’t understand.

◇ ◇ ◇

The colorful butterfly twirled between the trees as if it were flickering.

The soft sun falls from the midst of the lush trees. The butterfly with poisonous wings stuck slightly under the nose of the boy, Izumo Toru, illuminated by white light.

An unfocused look captures a butterfly sitting in front of you. Without paying by hand or shaking his face, he gazed blurrily at the butterfly resting in the middle of his face.

Eventually, the butterfly flew from the tip of his nose and disappeared into the woods, poisoning his whole body.

After a while, Tiger Shigeru finally rubbed his nose head with his hands and twisted his face like a tickle.


When the light vanishes, the sun shines brightly.

It was a pleasant climate, but the dark clouds filled Tiger Shigemitsu’s heart, and there were no signs of sunshine.

“… I wonder what went wrong. Where did I go wrong?”

After exhaling for several times, Tiger Seisho dropped his shoulders.

I can’t organize my feelings. What should I do? What should I do? Whether you think about it or not, there is no answer.

“Was Kirishima expelled a mistake in the first place? This wouldn’t have happened if we hadn’t done anything extra and monitored it as far as we could see. If I hadn’t been able to get in the lady’s mouth and accepted him as a member of my class, I wouldn’t have been able to point my irrational anger at him…?

The edge of his mouth was distorted to ridicule himself, and Tiger Raw shortly exhaled as “Ha”.

“Or perhaps it would have been better to have killed him without believing in the words of the royal family. You could have cut your neck in disguise of an accident in training, attacked you in bed, done as many things as you wanted.”

What came to mind in Tiger Raw was regret and self-blame, as well as an incredible feeling of hatred for orchids.

Repentance, depression, and self-responsibility amplify anger at the original culprit.

“That and this are all” now. “When I transferred, I couldn’t afford to think about it… Above all, everyone in my class blamed me for kicking out my classmates… It’s all my fault.”

Had Shinagaki not protected me, Tiger would have been isolated there.

Exclude risk factors to protect your lover. If it’s a story, it’s a reliable existence, but in reality, what about it?

Sacrifice a classmate for a woman. It’s selfish. The sacrificed “classmates” are not pitiful.

At that moment, Kirishima Orchid was still in no trouble.

“Since we kicked him out, he’s a leopard – driven by the urge to hurt me and everyone in his class. Or was Kirishima like that from the beginning, when he acquired his family training skills, regardless of whether he was hunted or not, he was thinking of making a harem with his classmates….”

You get lost in a maze of thoughts that you can’t possibly answer, and only your mood sinks.

I was completely in a negative spiral.

“… Cat Yama-san”

The biggest remorse of Tiger Sheng was that he was robbed of the bell.

I would have had a happy day if I had lived a normal life in the real world without being summoned to another world.

There is no doubt about it. Mizuki refused Tiger Raw because Orchid slept with Mizuki.

“I wish I could just hate Kirishima.”

The night the orchid’s survival was revealed. The night Kirishima Orchid was discovered alive in front of his classmates.

Tiger Raw was forced into a harsh reality.

You just showed us your usual smile!

“Until just now, Cat Yama-san was so cute and kind.”

Mizuki certainly had a cold attitude towards Tiger Raw – before he watched Tiger Raw.

However, as far as Ryuzaki Wing’s words were concerned, it seemed that it was Tiger Raw’s idea.

“Cat Yama-san had a cold attitude just for me. Before I saw it, I acted like I wasn’t interested in boys….”

It was actually a Walkins magic tool, temporarily erasing the skill effect of family training and overwriting hypnosis, so I was just taking such an attitude.

Tiger Raw can’t possibly know the circumstances behind this.

“When I was dating Cat Yama-san, it always seemed like he was having fun, and he seemed really happy… Inside, you might have been crazy about me…..”

Tiger Raw thinks about it because of negative thoughts caused by repeated stress.

The fact that Kanami and Princess Sa are riding on a consultation at such a time is also a major factor.

If pointed out by a third party, the thought circuit that can be immediately found to be abnormal is often not noticed in a state where hope is lost.

Both narrow vision and distorted thoughts do not realize the anomaly on their own.

“Even if Kirishima hadn’t done such a thing, I guess I’d have been shaken by Ms Cat in the end… Maybe I was the only one who thought it was the ideal couple.”

From the bad to the bad, your thoughts tilt.

Shake your neck and spray a black cloud filling your head.

I can’t stay depressed here forever.

As I sat up trying to get back to the inn, Tiger Raw noticed that someone was staring at him.

“… eh”

When I raised my face, I saw something incredible in my eyes.

Bob-cut hair. Eyes that feel like they’re drooping. A straightforward childish face. And – it’s kind of cat-like.

Something stuck to the bottom of your memory, like being forced to peel off with your fingernails. The whirlpool of dark thoughts instantly regained the light with its impact.

“… Cat Yama-san?

A girl with a face out of the shadow of a tree. She looked just like Mizuki Katayama.

It wouldn’t be a big deal to call it a living copy. Her skin is a little black and her hair color is silver. Her blonde hair is mixed with it as if she had put in a mesh.

Beautiful gradients are hard to compliment. It feels like an amateur dyed his hair and failed.


Looking only at her face from the trees, she stared at Tiger Raw.

Those eyes are golden and give the impression of being a cat rather than a real bell.

“… Cat Yama-san. No, I don’t think so…. yeah. That’s right.”

Should I call it the difference in colour of the bell?

If you dye your hair, put in a color contact, and sunburn it, it may look like this.

The beauty bell that Tiger Raw knows is not like a flashy imachen.

But it was also very painful for the heartbroken tiger who lost her beloved, to acknowledge the reality of other people’s emptiness.

Looking back at her with a feeling of trustworthiness, Mizuki walked towards us from the shadow of the trees, wondering if she was interested in Tiger Raw.

“… uhh, uhh”

A girl who looked like a beautiful bell was sour.

I haven’t worn anything from the top of my head to my nails. However, she didn’t look shy and walked up to Tiger Raw with her chest full.

Tiger leaves a red face on the sunlit Nama’s body.

He swims his eyes suspiciously and quickly turns away. It was unexpectedly shy.

“No, wait a minute…!

Tiger Raw reacts like a live daughter with a male vessel in front of her.

Sometimes it looks like a beautiful bell, but in a tiger, a lewd feeling sprouts.

An unspeakable guilt occurs, like when you mistakenly look at a naked photo of an acquaintance.

But he couldn’t beat the boy’s desire, and Tiger student looked at the naked girl from the front.

“Hmm, huh?

A girl resembling a beautiful bell strangely leans her neck into the gaze of a fluent tiger.

Fortunately, I observe this carefully because I am ignorant of sexual eyes.

She had no nipples. Thin vertical lines were engraved on the area where the navel was supposed to be, and the color of the skin as a whole was close to brown.

The body embodies a developing girl, and the waist and leg lines are thin and smooth.

I dropped my gaze even though I thought I shouldn’t. The lower abdomen had a beautiful strand that looked like a girl.

Tiger raw in a slutty slit. A naked woman resembling an untrained ex-girlfriend. I was not excited because surprise and upset prevailed.

“What happened to your clothes?

“… uhh?

A girl holding her index finger on her cheek and leaning her neck tightly.

Don’t you understand the words?

“This is it. About this.”

When she pulled the clothes she wore, she punched her fist in the palm, as she said she was inspired.

Then, when I pulled into the back of the tree where I was hiding, I pulled out a muddy garment (like).

You took it off because it was dirty.

Hmm? Ooh? ”

A girl with a strange face holding a muddy costume in her hand.

Somehow smiling, Tiger Raw reached for her cloth.

“I’ll wash it for you. There must have been a river there. Follow me.”

“Ahhh? Right there, twih?

Unexpectedly breaks his face. “Look,” Tiger reached out and took the girl to a nearby water field.

While walking, tiger students can walk around thinking.

I studied various species and creatures in this world in royal palace situational studies.

I’m not familiar with it because it wasn’t originally an area of interest. I have some knowledge.

Is this girl a monster? Or is it a demon race?

“… you and your family?



“Kah, huh?

From the difficulty of communicating, it seems likely to be a monster.

Did you get away from the herd? Or were your family and friends killed without a trace?

A few hours ago, the Ota group used magic in the woods. I remember hearing a lot of noisy words.

Bad imagination is swollen and your chest is pounding. Even if it looks like a human being, will it be classified as a inferior organism simply because it doesn’t understand the words?

“Hey, you…”


“… that’s not you. What do you say your name is?

“Hey, huh?

A girl who makes sounds that don’t make words with a voice like the sound of animals.

Nothing, I don’t want to know the real name. You can call your cat “Mi” because it rings with Mimi, or you can call your dog “Wan-chan.”

I just want a name for the moment. Because in today’s Tiger Raw, it seems like it will be named after something close to a beautiful bell anyway.

Nhhh, mishu

“Mi, Misuu?

Mishu, Michiyu

The animal voice that was ringing in the back of my throat sounded like a clear human word for a moment.

“Beauty bell….”

“Michelle, Michelle. Mishuu”

A game of destiny. The tragedy of jealousy and uncertainty.

It seemed impossible to detach her presence from the bell.

The girl who smiles slightly – in front of Michelle, the tiger raw makes her burst into tears.

I become conscious. I couldn’t possibly forget the bell.

“Cat Yama-san… Cat Yama-san….!

As he leaked his swallow, Tiger Raw hugged Mishyu.

The heart wound inflicted by Kirishima orchid seemed to have deciphered itself deeper than I had imagined.

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