Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 127

Episode 108 Noodles Style Commissioner

It’s only recently that I’ve been able to find joy in having a morning.

After waking up in a narrow compartment, Tiger Ikumo Nobu pretended to add value and jumped into town early in the morning after washing his face and changing his clothes.

A morning visit that draws and puts pressure on depressed anxiety and pain is a thing of the past for Tiger Raw.

Assuming the events of the past when the same feeling sprouted, Tiger Raw skipped on the road in the white morning.

The annoying attendance in the morning makes me feel light-handed and impatient.

Everyday business that is nothing can’t be helped but fun.

I can see her face. That’s all it takes, your chest is pounding, and your vitality rises to the end of your body.

After all, Tiger was in love.

Tiger raw enters the forest under the clear morning sun.

The usual place. Time varied from day to day, but she (…) waited for Tiger Raw there at all times.


“Nhh, shhhhhh”

Whether the Adventurer or someone threw it away, the Mishuyu, which is completely wrapped in perforated clothes, and the monster who looks like a beauty bell, call the name of Tiger Raw hard in a tongueless way.

Blink golden pupils and peek at wet brown skin from the gap in clothing on a leaky day.

Silver hair mixed with blonde hair, like mesh. Tiger raw gently stroked his head out.

“What happened to the clothes you wore until yesterday?

“Phew. Doloroo, fugaoo. Eh, bo-chan.”

You threw it in the water because it was dirty and smelly.

At the beginning of the encounter, I was a tiger raw with complex feelings, both good and bad, to a monster (Michiyu) who looked just like my ex-girlfriend.

Face to face and spend the same time in the same space as every day, Tiger student began to have a sense of companionship similar to trust in Mishuyu.

The distance between nature and the mind narrows, even without words.

In Tiger Raw, the existence of the “Cat Mountain Mizuki” and the existence of the monster “Michiyu” gradually separated.

The existence of Mishuyu was not a very similar substitute to the beautiful bell, but it was engraved in the tiger raw as a monster girl.

“Michelle, come here…. I bought it on my way here. Let’s eat together.”

“Ahhh. Hmm?”

“It’s fruit. I’m glad you like it.”

Mishyu stared at Tiger Raw who was visiting the woods without guessing where he was going and without a sense of mood change every day – interestingly, from the shadow of the trees.

The innocence and innocence of his behavior always led Tiger Raw to open his mind.

The frozen mind slowly – but surely began to freeze.

When you put it on the fruit, you stare at the tiger raw, and then Michelle does the same.

I narrowed my golden eyes and loosened my mouth happily.

Apparently I liked the taste of fruit.

“Is it delicious?

“… uhh…. uhh, uhh!

As you nod with richness and gaze at your obsession, your chest is warming up.

Rather than being in love with the same generation of heterosexuals, I felt healed by being in contact with young children and animals.

◇ ◇ ◇

A spark of blood blossomed in the spark of a lady swordsman.

Seeing the moment when a form of creature turns into a meat mass in front of her, Orchid was deeply surprised at herself, whose feelings of exclamation arose before discomfort.

It’s not very pleasant to see a moment when life is taken, even if it’s shaped differently from humans.

Covered by such common sense, orchids even applauded if they were careful.

“Again, this is a really amazing skill….”

Even in the original world, there was a culture of living creation, and in front of the extreme blade judging, would damaging works be transformed into art?

The identity of a sword that has produced countless lacerations in a single sword flash is due to the unique magic (skill) of countless adjudicators (overkill critical).

The daunting swordswoman, who was serious in her sheath, fluttered the brilliant black-haired ponytail into the wind, fufufu, and excellently raised her lips.

“Apparently, I’m serious and compatible. It wasn’t Kendo again, but the Kintetsu Knight praised me for being smart.”

“I was wondering what to do when you suddenly brought me to the Adventurers Guild because you wanted to date me. I don’t know, maybe this kind of thing is fresh too.”

The black-haired swordsman sees Kanami the god of dogs, and the orchid smiles lightly with a serpent.

On a date with Mizuki the other day, the orchid enjoyed walking around town with her.

I was able to have a very fulfilling day that day.

Finally, I received a bell (dessert), and when I returned to the inn where I was staying, Aya Okoshiba told me that “Kanami wanted to meet Orchid.”

Kanami worked as a street banker hunting monsters while playing with Mizuki. I was thinking of getting my first orchid on my way home, but when I got back to the inn, my target was a fantastic fighter with other girls.

Dry and masculine Kanami was also shocked by the boulders, and teased them greatly.

I don’t know what to say about filling that hole. I promised to go out with Kanami today.

“Besides, orchids would be better off joining street bankers like this without feeling guilty. No matter how much information is encouraged, most of the information is useless because there is Fujiyoshi who has an intelligence cluster (Ultimate Technology). This is a role that the unstoppable saints were forced to create in the middle of the year to prevent them from feeling distressed by their helplessness. It’s not very good for mental health to spend time without producing results while the people around me are working hard.”

The theory of clean and innocent Kanami. Seems like she really is.

At the inn, colors are still silently making parts today, and I can’t help but give a little tease to her who is concentrating.

It appears that other saints are struggling to contribute to the class to the best of their ability.

Among them, only orchids continue to live a relaxed life. I didn’t feel that bad, but when I see Kanami doing her part so hard, I also feel like I want to do something for them.

“I feel like the air in my class has changed considerably while I’m being hugged. Solidarity or increased cohesion.”

In retrospect, initially, when the “unity” and “unity” were significantly harmed, the letterhead was stretched, and the orchid was spared.

It seems unlikely that the rejection of orchids has made things better.

It was the orchids that twisted and corroded them from the inside.

“As a companion with the same purpose, we have to keep each other’s backs to some extent. If you have time to manipulate your allies, defeat the Demon King and return to the original world. Determination carries over to a secure future. It’s a smart choice.”

“Some people don’t like insects anyway, and it’s hard to cut them off.”


If it is certain that we will return to the original world.

Should orchids consider standing in their class a little more?

Even if the feelings of female students can be restored to their original lives, it is difficult for boys with grudges to get stabbed in the back.

“Mm-hmm. Isn’t that Tiger Raw?”

Kanami said such a surprise when she was bagging the body of a monster.

Maoxin Tiger. A former boyfriend of Mizuki’s (…), he had a great influence on decision-making in his class in removing orchids from his class.

Among his classmate boys who hate orchids, he seems to be the first student to accumulate hatred for orchids.

Looking at the direction Kanami showed, he was seen in the shadow of a tree.

“What are you doing here?

The lush grass and trees are blocking my vision, and I can’t see the whole thing.

“I didn’t know where I was going from morning to morning every day.”

Since leaving the Royal Palace, Kanami Inugami, a morality commissioner, doesn’t seem to think very well about Tiger Raw, which has been a factor in disturbing unity.

“He says it’s dangerous to wander around alone, but he can’t help it.”

Fluffing and snoring, Kanami angered her shoulders in a mood.

“Shinagaki told me to stay calm, but I can’t let you like it forever. It’s too late for something to happen. I’ll get you back to your hotel now.”

He talks like he talks to a stubborn child. I’m worried about Tiger Raw, my classmate and colleague, but it’s probably a late statement.

Kanami’s sense of justice, which is unwavering at all times, is a beauty that I would even like to apprentice to. For orchids, I didn’t want them to show their strengths now.

The orchid firmly grabbed the arm of Kanami, who was trying to push through the bushes.

“Tiger raw is good. I’ll leave you alone.”

“At a time when everyone in the class is working hard to unite, we can’t let Tiger student do everything he can. Even orchids are trying to help me and contribute to my class.”

Re-bear a bag full of monster carcasses.

Kanami’s claim is correct. This time the orchid carries the luggage as long as her burden is relieved.

Even though she is sleeping and sinking, it would be contrary to Kanami’s doctrine to treat only one person with special treatment.

But in that case, I think it’s an orchid.

“You’re dating me now. It doesn’t feel good to be alone with someone else.”

“… that’s not what I meant to say. Well, what is it?… maybe you’re jealous?

Orchid strongly agrees with Kanami, who asks me if I’m sorry.

“I’m sorry. I told him to bring back Tiger Raw without thinking about how Orchid felt.”

“It’s okay. Such seriousness, but I think it’s a good place for Kanami.”

Tiger Raw must also be important in the concept of companionship.

But it’s just an emotion for a fellow friend. You can’t beat the feeling of springing up against orchids.

“You must be worried about Tiger Raw, but now we should take care of our time with orchids…. let’s not talk about it. I just found out you’re okay, that’s all.”

Speaking up seems to have made me feel comfortable.

After that, I continued walking with Kanami.

Kanami relentlessly tears apart a grotesque foreign creature with infinite judgment (skill).

The viscous body fluids returned and mixed with blood, repeatedly contaminating Kanami’s entire body.

Kanami exhaled a heavy breath after killing the default number of monsters and pulled the neck of the combat suit and frowned uncomfortably.

“This is what happens when you don’t recommend taking orders from a swordsman alone.”

If you don’t wash it quickly, it’s going to stain you.

“Fortunately, it doesn’t smell bad – it’s sticky and disgusting, and I want to sweat here.”

Find a water field and wander. The destination was found immediately.

Kanami said that when she received the request before, she had sweated in a nearby water field.

Close your face to the shallow waters, and you’ll be covered in water.

“It feels cold and good.”

I’m keeping an eye on someone coming.

As soon as the orchid finished, Kanami began to take off what she was barely wearing.

A young high school girl starts stripping without hesitation in the open. It’s gorgeous and looks like Kanami.

Take off your combat clothes and look like your underwear. Kanami wore grown-up black underwear today.

Kanami sat down beside the shallow waters while relentlessly exposing the stylish Gladle system.

Wash your bloody, sweaty, and dirty combat clothes with a shabu-shabu.

It seems difficult to remove the sticky dirt with water alone, but it seems to be flexible to the extent that it is the power of magic.

In the past – it feels like it was a long time ago – when I first familiarized Sakuya with the sound, Aya climaxed over the orchid and urinated.

At that time, it must have been the magic color used for post-processing. Even the orchids don’t understand the principle.

“… alright, it’s beautiful!

Inhales water and spreads heavier combat clothes to the rocks.

I think I washed it quite carefully. There were dripping potatoes and water.

“This weather will dry up soon.”

Can’t you use magic to dry it quickly?

Mikoshi Aya, who was entrusted with the bath-burning of the Royal Palace, mixed water magic with fire magic to activate it – he was wearing such a technique.

In the same way, can you mix fire magic and wind magic to produce hot wind as well as hot wind?

“If you are a saint of magical aptitude, such as Misaki or Mt. Cat, it will be easy to use mixed magic… I have little training in swordsmanship and only minimal training in magic.”

If you ask me, orchids can’t use mixed magic.

Compared to other saints, they were underequipped and understaffed, so they did not receive proper combat training.

“Orchids will have lower direct combat skills than other saints. I can teach you a bit of melee skills, but not with magic. Why don’t you ask Mt. Cat, Mikoshi, and Sado Gajima? They know a lot more about magic than I do.”

Compensate for areas you don’t like. Is there such a way?

In retrospect, even in the original world, friends gather to study together – I remember seeing such students.

At the time, I thought it would be rough to think that people at the same level would not benefit from being in the crowd, but that would make sense to study with friends.

Incidentally, orchids don’t have any experience teaching people how to learn from each other, and I don’t remember being asked to come together and prepare for a test.

The orchid exhaled a sigh similar to that of abandonment, saying that it was losing a lot in the invisible.

“Well, it’s going to take a while for it to dry, so let’s sweat it out.”

There are no partitions or anything. By the open water field, Kanami did not hesitate to reach out to the bra.

Your brown breasts bounce like pressing your loose underwear.

Healthy upward boobs. The thumping nipples were self-asserting and still showing a tight young breast.

Kanami was half-naked under the sun. When she puts her hand on the shorts as it is, she pulls them out of her feet so that they round when she wrinkles.

A beautifully maintained underhair sneaks a peek into your face.

Did you think there was nothing to leave untouched? When Kanami carefully arranged her underwear naked, she laid it neatly on the rocks.

A freshly stripped bra and shorts are displayed next to the slightly wet combat clothes.

Is it too much concern for orchids to have an unhealthy atmosphere?

“… fufu. It feels good to undress in the sun.”

As she lowered her hair, Kanami entered the shallow waters.

Kanami, who would have done it if she had sprayed water on her legs, looked at the orchid with a look that seemed insufficient.

“I’m sorry, but can you help me keep the tip of my hair off the water? I want to soak myself in my shoulders for once.”

Kanami says that while showing it from top to bottom.

With her crotch wide open and her hands on her hips, she can literally see all the maidens.

Though familiar with nudity, Kanami’s extraordinary body, which embodies Boncubon, always arouses the desire of adolescent boys.

Looks like you’re inviting me to pregnancy sooner, with huge tits full of breast milk, small hips, and cheap buttocks.

I’ll lift your long black, glossy hair like ink away from the water.

When Kanami bent over, she relaxed her body and turned into a big letter, soaking her body in the water.

“It really feels so good… It seems to be immersed in an open-air bath.”

It was Kanami who had been floating in the water for a while. Eventually she was satisfied, or she breathed as long as weakness, and rose up with a splash.

Long, glossy hair dances in front of you and healthy brown skin jumps into sight. Growing up slutty buttocks and slutty thighs were licking and coloring orchid sights.

How pleasant it feels to touch the glowing bare skin that plays water droplets.

“… ah, nh. What happened to the orchid?”

When I noticed it, I wrapped Kanami’s ass in my hand.

Moist, wet buttocks stick to your hands and convey vivid feelings from your fingertips.

Kanami looks at orchids as they drip over her shoulders. Her face was flushing as expected.

Squeeze your lips behind your back. Kanami looks excited and breathes roughly. I made my tongue leap and inhaled deeply.

Chupa, there’s a lewd sound. I was excited to know that the remnants of my breath and voice, which were sometimes overflowing, were passionately kissing.

The crotch pressed against Kanami’s buttocks reacted with peeling. Kanami’s nose became even rougher. Kanami, who was wet with saliva around her mouth, licked her mouth with a soft face.

“Fufu. He looks like an orchid, but he’s hitting his ass.”

“Kanami has such a melted face. My hair smells so good, I’m so excited.”

With the evidence of lust, Kanami spasmished her hips with clarity.

There is fire in my eyes. Juru nodded and Kanami put her hand on orchid trousers.

“Kanami is too clingy. What if someone comes?

“Let’s show him the act of passionate love with orchids.”

Are you feeling worse than usual in the open for a long time?

Kanami stroked her hips and made a lewd noise and kissed the belly of the orchid.

Besides, it’s about orchids. Were you prepared for this?


The orchid had already family monsters like squirrels in the shadow of the rock.

And when men and monsters come near, I command them to inform the LORD the orchid immediately.

As a precaution, they surround the water field and keep an eye on the surroundings.

It should be avoidable to go into an irreversible situation.

“Why do you say orchids use their skills?”

“Most of the training at the Royal Palace was repetitive practice of skills. With this, I’m confident that no one will lose.”

Kanami’s moist and wet tongue crawled around the orchid’s belly.

After all, Kanami grabbed the heavier testicles with her tongue and licked them up without touching the erect rod.

“I sweat gently and smell amazing. You’re twitching and lewd on your tongue.”

Jubu, Jubuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

A fierce pleasure rushing through. Reflectively pulling back, Kanami’s firmly held arm refused.

Looking up at the orchid, Kanami buried his face under the orchid. Kanami is deeply engulfed, almost reaching deep into her throat.

A serious face of black hair, with a lustful genitalia, is disgracefully and lewdly distorted.

The mouth edge, which was left open, drooling with salivation, causing an impulse to the poor quality of the product.

A glamorous female high school student who was open-minded and devoured his male genitals. Blessed is the pleasure of seeing it closer than anyone else and chewing it as one’s own.

With a supreme sense of conquest, the back of my hips ached.

“Kupu, Jupu, Ju, Kupu, Gupu…”

Kanami holds the orchid at her waist, making her face forward and backward. The soft warmth envelops sensitive areas and is tightened to Kanami’s oral mucous membrane without any excess.

Juru makes a noise and sucks. Bikun and Pex convulse. Did you understand the pleasure of orchids? Kanami gladly narrowed her eyes.

“Jupu, Juluu…! Kupu, kupu, kupu-pa”

Pretending to shake your buttocks as if they were sticking out makes you feel even more emotional.

The secreted saliva overflowed the tip of your mouth. Kanami’s saliva, which drips through her erect pex, licks her testicles and thighs.

I’ll stroke Kanami’s head so she can brush her beautiful black hair.

Kanami, who blinked her long eyes, stroked the orchid’s buttocks in return.

“Rurauuuuuu, rurauuu. Mufuu”

“Ah, uhh. Sorry, Kanami. What are you talking about? I can’t hear you at all…!

Kanami narrowed her eyes as if she were applying a mucous membrane to her mouth.

“… hah, hah…. don’t hesitate to cum in your mouth.”

Nbehh, let’s show it to you and let your tongue overflow. The bubbles of saliva that had accumulated dripped off the tip of the tongue by pulling the thread.

“You can dye my mouth with orchid colors.”

The stick and the meat stick bounce. Breathing aged in the mouth was sprayed onto the sensitive tip.

Chu shrugged her lips and tried to chew her again. But before that, the orchid’s patience reached its limit.

“Uhh, uhh. Kanami! Kanami! Kanami!

“Hapu, pufuahh…!?

As the tip of the mouth reached the tip, the orchid Pexse unleashed a burst of desire.

Kanami gave out her tongue with surprise. The semen that jumped out vigorously was captured by Kanami’s tongue, filling the cloudy bellows of Kanami covered in saliva.

Kanami captures orchid semen, an important organ that eats and tastes things while keeping her mouth open.

The sparkling spells scattered from Pexsu stained Kanami’s nose and mouth to a sticky white color.

I stretched under my nose with my mouth open, making my tongue stupid. Together with the foamed saliva, the cloudy mixture dripped from the tip of Kanami’s tongue.

“Ah… ah. Ah, ah”

Kanami pointed to her open mouth as she exhaled.

The sticky genes fell out of Kanami’s tongue and drooped over her chest with a slimy noise.

The thick spells on the brown tits look good. The orchid was fiercely excited by the manners of Kanami, who embodied the exhilarating beast.

“Juuuuu, pah. It’s getting a little darker today. I couldn’t swallow a boulder.”

A black-haired fashion committee member who dirty his mouth with semen and has no hot nose. Her cheerful face and wet eyes revealed her extraordinary lewdness.

“Suddenly it’s too intense. I almost ejaculated with just a blowjob.”

“That’s what I’m saying, fufu. The flesh doesn’t look satisfied yet.”

Keeping a strong standing meat stick on his finger, Kanami swayed his hips like an invitation.

Beautiful long black hair stuck to a moist, moist glazed body.

With her wet body entangled, Kanami hugged the orchid and exhaled sweetly in her ears.

“… let’s have sex. I want to connect with orchids in front of the sun.”

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