Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 129

Episode 110 Lonely Men

The night I enjoyed dating Kanami. Orchid looked up blurrily in front of Tetsutei.

Sit on your knees. The night sky was covered with thin clouds, and the moon and stars were mostly covered in gray veils.

The night wind is cold and seems to take away the warmth from the cold hearts.

He exhaled a heavy sigh and leaned down, noticing signs of someone approaching the orchid.

“Why are you alone at this late hour? Something wrong?

It was colorful that I came to speak up.

Colour smiles with a good smile and lowers his hips next to orchids.

She was in uniform. I should have worn an easy-to-move costume instead of sleeping clothes just now, but did you come all the way out to get dressed?

“When I got up to watch, Kirishima wasn’t in the room. I thought,” Where have you been? ”

“I’m sorry I worried about you.”

“Never mind…. oh, don’t worry, Snow White and Sawagashima are watching the house.”

Colour gives answers to the fears of rising orchids.

When I sat back in peace, Aoi looked into the orchid’s face.

“Can’t you sleep?

“Yeah, when I was thinking about it, I couldn’t help but notice.”

“… was there anything unpleasant about dating the dog god?

The orchid categorically denies the question of color.

I enjoyed dating Kanami. That is an undisputed fact.

“I had a good time dating Kanami.”

Good, then…. I looked tired when I went out with Mt. Cat the other day. I was so nervous, I was worried it didn’t work out. ”

Inspired by the wind, the colorful hair flutters. Long brown hair tickles orchid cheeks with a sweet nose.

As he leaned for warmth, Aoi hugged the orchid’s shoulders.

I felt that I had been approved to exist, and the power came back to my sinking heart.

“… color. The color is… Which is more comfortable, this world or the original world?

“What’s wrong, suddenly?”

Whether it was an unexpected question, Aya looks at the orchid as if confused.

With his hand on the orchid’s forehead, he leaned his neck and murmured, “You don’t have a fever…” It was a playful trick, but I didn’t feel bad about it.

Well then, I want to go back to the original world. I think it’s natural to go back, and I’ve never thought it would be strange. ”

Colour shouted with anxiety and a small throat.

“… Kirishima is different?


“Sure enough, I was a troublemaker at school, and I also received heartless slander from high-pride seniors and people like Indigo Hara. Sometimes I’ve been strongly approached by a mistaken man because it looks like this…. but I have a family in my old world, and I have a few friends. I definitely prefer the original world to this one. I’ve never thought about going back.”

Your shoulder-gripping satin hands have a lot of power.

Why are you asking me that? And it seemed like I was putting it in my head.

“… as soon as I was transferred, I didn’t have to go back when I was kicked out.”

When I was rejected, I couldn’t think so strongly that I wanted to return to the original world.

There was little obsession with returning.

“Didn’t you want to see your family…?

“I wanted to go home. But I didn’t feel that strong. If it didn’t come true, it wouldn’t have come true. I wonder if I could help it.”

A tiny orange light blinks in the darkness.

It’s the remnants of bad memories that have come back to mind several times recently.

The sparkling memories of Chile and the smoking grew together, as did the loss and temperature at that time.

A bitter memory that was supposed to fall into the depths of your heart and be covered.

I remember the sight of Ryuzaki when I confronted him in the forest.

Did Ryuzaki feel “loneliness” in his eyes as he slept deep inside the orchid?

I don’t have any friends in my class. Hobbies – I don’t have anyone to talk to. Ryuzaki may have sniffed a different sense of isolation in the vector.

“I lost my parents in a fire when I was little.”

From the depths of the hard memory, a lump of hot emotion that seems to burn out.

Intense memories do not diminish the record at any time.

The feeling of wanting to forget is just creating walls and membranes that are invisible from the outside.

When you break the shell surrounding you, the vivid memories overflow with rage.

“It was still small, and the memory of the time was vague, so I can’t say clearly, but it seems that there was no case. I was lucky to have no damage to the surrounding houses.”

The colors were silent. But the hand that grabbed my shoulder eventually added a pulling force.

“My grandparents were alive until junior high, so I was able to get a lot of help when I decided to go to high school. Something happened and I was taken over by my relative- my mother’s uncle…. I still live there.”

The man who became Kirisame Sauhai is quiet and serious – he has a slightly unusual sexual habit.

A single but splendid house with orchids in its shape.

When I was young, I benefited greatly from the orchid’s parents, so I lost my way and took care of the orchid.

“I can go home alone. I don’t have any hobbies. I don’t have any friends. I was wondering if I didn’t have to come back.”

The excessive desire to be loved, which erodes the orchid’s sexual roots, may have something to do with it.

“You were in class in elementary school. A single parent – a woman who always wears the same clothes. It was distanced from both boys and girls…. he didn’t do anything else, he didn’t bother me.”

“I was in middle school, too. When I ran out of things from my class, I was first suspected. You don’t have to say that directly, but you can tell by the air.”

It spreads from somewhere. Someday, we all know.

After I entered high school, I didn’t feel like I had anything to say about it.

Has the mind matured to distinguish between good and bad things? Wasn’t there someone who simply knew about the past? I don’t know about that.

“I’m not used to being fired at in suspicion, no matter how many times I experience it. I don’t want to get used to it.”

“It feels like every human being in the world has turned against the enemy…. I have a similar experience, so I don’t know.”

“You might laugh at me… It makes me feel like I’ve been denied by everything.”

Swelling loneliness relentlessly wants warmth and a sense of solidarity with others.

Initially, I wore the bell because I didn’t like to die without experience.

There was vengeance against Tiger students, but more than that, satisfying the opposite sex’s desire for approval was a priority.

“As soon as it’s metastasized…” That’s not true right now, is it?

The orchid strongly agrees to the question of color.

I want to do something for my family to get them back to their original world. Such consciousness was strongly budding in orchids.

It’s not like they’re being flushed or leaving decisions to others.

I just felt like I understood the respect of working hard for my precious girls.

“I’m sorry I got so stupid. Aya”

I didn’t mean to tell anyone about this.

I was going to take it to the cemetery like this.

If Aya is the opponent, she will talk too much with peace of mind somehow.

Before, when I was asked about the plan to make the girls family, everything was revealed.

Ese Bad Girl and Isolated Boy. Is she in a completely different position, feeling something close to her, who was alone in the class?

“… family, of course. Do people, friends, lovers, things like that change your mind?”

“Meetings with important beings change. I think that’s true.”

Suddenly, she was hugged by a strong force and her posture collapsed. Soft warmth caught the orchid.

She’s hugging me in the arms of Aya. The color that was hugging Gyu and the orchid eventually let go of his body and gave out an unfastening smile that seemed to illuminate him.

“Since I was connected to Kirishima, I feel that my way of thinking and behaving has changed a lot. Inugami and Snow White are not as bad as they used to be, and Indigo Hara and Oniwa – well, getting along is difficult, but the feeling of rejection and fear is less than when I was in the original world.”

The way those things were viewed changed more than meeting orchids, or perhaps the effect of “family training (Lunatic Sexual)”, but orchids don’t bother to talk about it.

“If the encounter with me has had a positive impact on Aya’s values of life, there’s nothing more to it.”

An orchid with no ill intentions or sins. Looking at such orchids, the colors narrowed their eyes with joy.

After that, they stood shoulder-to-shoulder for a while and hit the night wind, but the color stood up unexpectedly and stretched.

“If you don’t come back forever, you might be worried about the snow…. let’s go back to the room, Kirishima. If you can’t sleep, I’ll hug you all the time.”

“Say that. You just want to hold me in a pillow, right?

“… that’s right. Let me make a cool decision like this.”

It was a picture star, and the colors were obviously obscure.

The orchid stuck its body in a pointy colour.

“I’m glad you’re looking for colors.”

Enter the inn alongside Aya. On his way back to the room he was staying in, the colors whispered freely.

“If you think so, maybe it wasn’t always bad to meet them…”

It was a breathtaking monologue, but in the quiet evening hallway, it sounded disgusting.

You also know what the orchid heard. However, he didn’t show any particular concern, and turned his hand around the orchid’s waist to make him happy.

For Aya, the self-talk now was a whisper with no profound meaning.

But in the orchid the word stuck strangely and relentlessly to the corner of his heart.


They must be the Otaga group of other female roots.

They were the first ones to save the isolated colour of the class from loneliness. It is no wonder what you think of them.

As long as the family training skills are effective, Aya never has romantic feelings for boys other than orchids.

However, as you can see from the relationship between Megumi and Lily, even friendship cannot be torn apart.

Aya is getting along with the ladies. It turns around and confirms that no love affection has sprouted between them.

You don’t have to worry about it.

But why? I can’t say it well, but I had a bad feeling.

◇ ◇ ◇

The day after I met Kanami in the back of the forest. The Ryuzaki wing was in the corner of the men’s room looking out at the scenery without meaning.

Normally, it was a long time ago, but I didn’t feel comfortable going to the Alliance today.

I remember yesterday. This is the second time Kanami has warned me about walking alone.

What my classmate said to me was that it hurt my self-esteem so badly for Ryuzaki, who had high pride.

“I don’t want to do what Inugami-san says, but I don’t want to be told any more.”

In the men’s room were Hiroshi Yamashiro and Haruto Tanaka.

Yamashiro, unable to endure his breathless life in the royal palace, has taken on the role of staying in the inn and protecting his absence without participating in the collection of street silver.

I couldn’t leave him alone, but Haru Tanaka or Sho Swan, a friend of Yamashiro Castle, remained, mostly together.


The two eyes capture Ryuzaki.

The silent gaze seemed to blame for being in the same space.

I can’t breathe. That’s why Ryuzaki went out every day alone to collect the bank.

Because while I’m doing the request alone, I can forget about annoying relationships.

“… hah”

With an unspeakable sense of oppression, Ryuzaki left the men’s room behind.

I don’t know where to go. If Kanami finds me wandering around again without meaning, it will be troublesome.

“I don’t know what to do next….”

It doesn’t start without finding someone to act with (a partner), as long as they’re forbidden to walk alone.

Tanaka Shiratori Yamashiro’s relationship with the crowd is irreparable.

The relationship that Ryuzaki, who had lost his place in Ota Group, was able to do by forcing him to interrupt. Apparently, all three of them despise Ryuzaki, and even if they come back, they’ll be uncomfortable.

Above all, it was humiliating for Ryuzaki to bow his head and say, “Will you get along again?”

Then I think it would be more likely to return to the Ottawa Group.

Confidence with the female root is deep and may not be so easy to remove.

However, there was no direct difference between Mita River and Kawasaki. I hate to apologize to Womanganese Root, but if you bury it from the outer moat, it will be in the original sheath sometime – it may be possible.

“If it were the Mita River, I might be able to do it. If you ask me to” I’m the only one who complains to Inugami-san “, perhaps I can round it up. Because it’s the Mita River.”

I think of a modest boy with long forehair who never looks at me.

It was a bad habit for Ryuzaki not to be cured, even if he was isolated by only one person, and ranked unconsciously somewhere in contempt of others.

“I wonder if they’re always with us. Is it difficult to summon only the Mita River?… as long as it’s stuck to a boy’s body and feminine. Not at all.”

The door of the men’s room opened and Hiroshi Yamashiro appeared.

Ryuzaki, who was murmuring in the hallway, moved straight to the luggage room.

I don’t like to be caught wandering around in clumsiness. It may already be too late, but Ryuzaki stopped looking at Yamashiro and opened the door to the luggage room.

“… oh, not Ryuzaki-san.”

In the luggage room were Lihua Queenshill and Kiryu Inn.

They are surrounded by a pile of luggage in an unusual rough outfit.

Next thing I know, tuxedos and sailor clothes were scattered around them.

Ryuzaki stood up with a heartwarming feeling of Adalty and Anguilla.

“It’s like a warehouse, so I can’t help it, but it’s nice to knock before you go into the room.”

Blue eyes softly narrowed, and Lihua said that in a clear tone.

Kiryu Inn was staring at Ryuzaki with a hostile gaze.

Without realizing his gaze, Ryuzaki turned to Lihua.

“… have you seen Midagawa?

It was a bumpy way of saying things, but it became a bad way of saying things.

Students belonging to the rear filling group. This kind of language naturally affects students who are at the top of the Hierarchy that Ryuzaki selfishly designates.

“Looks like you went out with the ladies. I was fishing for luggage, didn’t I go with the guild?

Was it after I left?

They still work hard for their classmates. Because of the nerds below Curst, who are not usually active, in their own territory, “The Other World”, it will be more stretched than necessary.

Keep your mind stable by putting yourself on the shelf and mocking your peers.


Kiryu Inn’s eyes gradually shifted to something with a sense of killing.

Cold gaze ejects, and your skin stands up. You don’t have to stay long. Turning her heel to escape, she saw a small piece of paper falling near the entrance to the luggage room.

I was somehow concerned, and I took it in my hand. As he retreated from the baggage room and went out into the hallway, Ryuzaki opened the picked up note in his hand.

Looks like a piece of paper with a scratch on it. It seems difficult to decipher just by scribbling, but from Ryuzaki’s point of view, I thought it was a map.

“Guild… I don’t think so.”

It is accurately written down from street to street to house so that you can clearly see where it is.

It wasn’t that interesting, but Ryuzaki put it in his pocket.

Two of Ryuzaki’s incurable bad habits. Syndrome that wants to reveal someone else’s secrets. I don’t blackmail it, but knowing someone else’s secrets gives me a little superiority.

“There’s plenty of time, so let’s crack these clutterless characters.”

I feel like a detective. I felt that the feeling of being depressed was resolved slightly.

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