Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 133

Episode 114 Three Arrows and Five Bullets

Move to the back of the building and sneak into a hidden place.

After confirming the blind spot from the front street, the orchid sent a signal to Shayaka.

“Look, Kirishima-kun.”

“… ahh”

I’ll hug Shayaka from behind while watching my surroundings.

Because Shayaka asked me to remove the barrier (wall cancellation) while I was using it.

The small body of Shayaka wandered around in her arms.

When I dropped my gaze, I saw a slightly red ear.

Sayaka put in a “good” temper and shook her arms forward.

In a narrow alley. Before reaching out, Sayaka’s hands came into contact with the shop wall.

“Barrier Removal (Wall Cancellation)….!

A vortex of darkness spreads across the wall, centered on Shayaka’s hand.

Like ink dissolved in water, the darkness that crawls around in fantastic motion is powerfully stupid and eventually sucked in and converges.

Zuzu… the hands of Shayaka sink into a black vortex. Skill success. The facade of the stone wall was partially devoured by darkness, as if it had been punctured.

“Again, what a skill… You’re not going to break down the wall like this, are you?

Colour, who was witnessing the events just next to the orchid, exhaled a truly astonishing breath at the wake of Shayaka.

“I didn’t remove the wall itself. It just prevented it, stopped it, and eliminated its effect as a barrier…. for now, come in while I open it.”

Pass through the dark walls in the order of Aya, Kanami, and Ryuzaki. The orchid also leaves Shayaka and chases the three.

After confirming that all four had broken through the wall, Shayaka followed. The other side of the wall was apparently a hallway.

In a dark corridor lit only by candle lights, five people breathe and look around.

“… black fog (black mist)”

Black smoke erupted from the colorful fingertips.

A thick, thin smoke screen envelops the bodies of five people as if they had the will to blend into the darkness of the night.

“I don’t know how effective it is, but it’s better than nothing.”

“Wow. Mikoshi-san.”

“Compared to the skills of Sado Gajima, it doesn’t matter. It’s a basic sorcery that doesn’t even need to be chanted.”

It seemed very unusual to have such a conversation between Shayaka of the plain Ota women’s group and the colors of the lonely and defective girls.

“Anyway, it looks like you snuck in safely.”

“But I’m surprised you can break through with a single wall.”

With the relieved orchid, Kanami strokes her chin with suspicion.

“I touched it and understood, but it was a proper trick to prevent magic. Even if it was attacked from the outside, it didn’t break easily…. of course, from the inside.”

Concentrate and smack the wall with Shayaka.

Lay a complete barrier from the inside. To prevent trapped food from escaping. Assuming terrible things, orchids tremble.

“Still, it was like paper in front of me.”

Sayaka has a modest chest when it is meaningless, such as a minor surgery.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been active and I seem to be satisfied.

“Thank you, Sayaka. Thank you so much.”

Kirishima-kun, I’d be happy to help.

It sticks tightly and is sweet. When I stroked your hair like a comb, I narrowed my eyeglasses like a cat.

“… fufufu”

While touching Petapeta and Orchid’s chest plate, Shayaka leaked a heartless or glossy voice.

A nasal, breathtaking voice. Kanami looked back surprisingly at the charming tone that tickled her manhood.

“… didn’t you hear anything like moaning right now?


Each of the other four people has a strange look on their face due to their suspicions.

A neat orchid. A color with a bitter smile. Ryuzaki laughed halfway. I dyed my cheeks and sharpened my mouth.

After looking around at the four people who seemed unconscious – the reaction was unexpected – Kanami frowned strangely.

“What’s with that face….”

“There’s something I want to say to both of you who are so distracted when you come here, but the moaning isn’t rude to the boulder.”

With a half-laugh and a bitter smile, Ayaka looks at orchids and shayaka.

Shayaka, who seemed stubborn, was frightened by the sight, or turned into a shun.

Kanami looks like she doesn’t really understand it. There is no indication that Ryuzaki and Aya will be responsible for explaining the situation by just staring at each other with a subtle look.

The orchid took on the role of commentator, accepting the sinking of Shayaka.

“The voice is Shayaka’s. It’s not a moaning voice, it’s a sweet, unexpected voice.”

“I heard the voice of Sado Gajima. Anyway, I said someone’s voice was there.”

Kanami leaked her nose and arms together. In response, Aya and Ryuzaki, who were shrugging their shoulders, suddenly became serious.

“Didn’t you hear the sweet voice of Sawagashima?

“I wouldn’t do such a stupid thing in this situation.”

After all, Kanami shook the ponytail with a sigh.

Shut up and try to clear your ears, and Kanami sends her index finger to the tip of her mouth.

– Silence, maybe it belongs to the maid in the inn. Far away, the laughter echoes with hahaha and armor.


But it sounds subtle in there.

Obviously a man’s voice. Combined with a rubbing sound and a shallow and weak breath, I heard a bitter voice from the darkness.

“… a female root, huh?

“For now, it seems worth checking.”

Cover the blinding black fog (Black Mist) and sneak up on the voice with all five of them.

Concerned that it was a succubus trap, the colors were gathering magical vortexes on the left hand side.

Shayaka also clings to the orchid and is anxious to pay attention to dark destinations.

Kanami and Ryuzaki sometimes looked back and prepared for surprises from behind.

Moving on to the wall, he eventually appeared in a bright place without a heart.

The moonlight leaking from the high windows and the candles lining the walls create a fantastic atmosphere.

Copper doors lined the wall opposite the window.

It is boneless and slightly shiny, making you realize that it is made of iron or similar metal.

The tall doors were as if they were lined up as coffins.

“… look, that door seems to be open.”

At the tip of Shayaka’s point, the adjacent door wobbled with a kick.

Kill your breath and step forward. Kanami, who is sensitive to the smell of twice as many people, distorts her face uncomfortably with a humid smell similar to mold.

“Wow, this is creepy.”

The color that was walking at the beginning stops and moans.

There were marks of something crawling from the open door.

Sticky objects adhered, and scratchy marks continued into the adjacent room.

“I don’t think there are big potatoes like that….”

The four of them trembled together as they groaned. It is unclear whether the expression of color is a realistic thing or a metaphorical thing, but either way, it is extremely unpleasant.

When I woke up, I became an insect. I lost my limbs in the war and became a Dharma. I’ve read novels like that in the original world.

This is because it’s a creative world, and I really wanted to refrain from seeing it.

“I’m sorry. I don’t want to get any closer than this….”

After about two steps, Kanami shook her head with her handkerchief against her nose.

The other four people didn’t seem to care so much, but Kanami was tearing at the end of her eyes as if it was spicy.

“Are you okay, Kanami? If you’re going to get sick, even if Shayaka opens the wall and leaves…”

“It’s not that bad. I’m here to keep an eye out for anyone.”

That said, Kanami turned her back on the wall.

I’m serious about Kanami. Protecting orchids and shayaka is hard to forgive, such as throwing them on the way.

“I’m worried about leaving Kanami alone, and I think someone else should stay.”

The three people who had gone before the orchid nodded silently.

“I don’t know what’s ahead, and given the danger, Sadogajima is the right place to go.

“I think Kirishima-kun should stay with Ryuzaki-kun rather than me. If there was a succubus ahead, Mishiwa-san might have to fight it alone.”

That’s true too…. then stay here on Kirishima. In Ryuzaki and I, Sado Gajima will defend whatever it takes. ”

To answer the summing up of the colors, Ryuzaki stretched the strong feathers from his back.

Robust scales sprout on arms and legs, and exposed areas are covered in reptile shells.

The three men proceeded quietly so as not to follow the path of the monster connecting the room to the room.

When you open the half-open door, there is a lot of air. The unwittingly coughing saints.

Is Kanami okay? I think so, when I try to turn around…

Be quiet.

Kanami whispered in her ear, and the orchid stopped moving.

“What’s going on?

“There are signs. I don’t feel killing or hostile, but someone’s watching us.”

Wrapped in black mist, I wonder if you can’t grasp the shadow clearly from afar.

However, as Kanami, who had been trained at the royal palace, was aware of the other party’s signs, he seemed wary that someone might be here.

“Maybe Kanami told me to wait here.”

“That’s what happens when someone raids your room from outside. If it’s a trap, it could be surrounded as soon as it gets in.”

Besides… Kanami keeps sticking her mouth to the orchid’s ear.

“There’s only one sign. I don’t think it’s because of the black fog (Black Mist) that I’ve been identified as an intruder, and if I’m in trouble, if I can get through the wall with the removal of the barrier (skill) on Sado Gajima Island…”

She was thrilled by Kanami’s hisohisa voice, which tickled her ears.

Hi, hiu…

A tall voice cracked into a quiet night.

“Ki, kyaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

The screams of Shayaka echoed from the inside of the room.

― Nah

What are you doing? The feeling of blame and the feeling of anxiety about what happened suddenly blew up.

Then, “What’s wrong, Sado Gajima?” and a similar cry of colour roared.

“Dowaaaaa!? Hey, what? Whoa, whoa, whoa!!

The colors also screamed with a voice that went through as well.

“What are you doing? They are!

Gilly’s teeth stung and Kanami jumped out.

After her, the orchid runs away.

Kanami was right. If someone had been watching us, the presence of the intruder would have been completely revealed by the two screams now.

There is no point in hiding. We have to get out of here as soon as possible.

“Hey, Sado Gajima in Okoshiba! What the hell are you two doing…?”

Kanami’s anger, which jumped in first, eventually lost momentum and became a bum.

The orchid that danced in late rushed into the room, pushing Kanami away.

“Are you both okay…?

What the orchid saw was literally a picture of hell.

Traces of a potato bug crawling. Beyond that, a lump of skin tone is rolling. And beside that, two more similar lumps were growing.

If you look closely, it is human and somehow has a familiar appearance.

“Woman Gannon, Mita River, Kawasaki, right…?

The three were born, lying on their backs and rolling on the floor.

Ryuzaki rushes over and spreads dirty sheets from somewhere on the bodies of three people.

Looking at it, the orchid felt that the hunch that had been remembered secretly had come true.

“Is he dead?”

“No, I’m not dead. It must be a bug’s breath, but it’s alive. It’s okay.”

To the orchid trying to clap hands, Ryuzaki shouted in a mood if it wasn’t fate.

Apparently, the taro marks that followed from the adjacent room were traces of a female root crawling.

In other words, the viscous object that stuck to the rest of the floor was rubbed and dried and hardened by saliva and semen.

It wasn’t a very pleasant answer, but it was much better than the alien monsters.

When I heard the scream, the worst was over, so the orchid felt relieved.

“Well, I’m glad nothing happened.”

“Not good!… it’s not good at all!

Shayaka, who was bending down, stood up and walked slowly with a bright red face.

The mouth is bent to the letter, and tears are floating in the mouth.

I thought I was crying at my deceased classmate, but as far as Ryuzaki was concerned, the prediction seemed to be off track.

“I cumminn… Really sucks… I’ve only seen Kirishima-kun before. It can’t be true, but it’s the worst.”

Shayaka buries her face in the orchid’s chest and sprinkles her mouth with bumps.

Somehow she noticed the situation and looked at the color. She also became red to her ears and suddenly chewed her thumb with her front teeth.

“I haven’t seen it… I didn’t see anything…!


“Uu… The feeling of superiority is complicated by seeing nasty things and seeing my boyfriend’s shameful appearance…!

While casting magic on the Ota boy over the sheets, he holds his head in remorse.

He seems to be a little curious or not, but he’s probably more of an instinctive intellectual curiosity than a sexual curiosity.

Even young children before they wake up to sex are naturally curious about the flesh of the opposite sex. If lust had sprouted in color, it would definitely have been directed at orchids.

I also thought of a future that would curse people to show things to their girlfriends, but I felt like I had lost in this situation, so I stopped talking about it.

She’s a puberty girl, and she doesn’t care at all about being unresponsive, and she doesn’t feel cute.

You can thank the forgiving orchid. I decided to stand up with dignity.

“If you’re not a masochist, it’s only a loss to be seen by a boy.”

“Somehow, it’s pitiful that nobody gets it.”

Orchid replies like other personnel to Ryuzaki’s groaning sigh.

Shayaka is still flushing to her ears and roaring in her chest. Even after I finished training my family, I thought once again that it was such a reaction, so Shayaka was a serious one.

“But now it’s clear.”

Kanami, who had less shock compared to the other two, blew her nose out after refitting the compartment.

“I don’t know what a brothel is, but I know this place is crazy. Is there a shop that keeps dying guests locked away?”

“Oh, and this key can’t be opened from the inside if it’s normal. It wasn’t an accident or a coincidence, it was obviously deliberately confined.”

Finally, I realized the identity of the discomfort I had at first.

I see. I thought it was like a coffin because all the doors were locked from the outside.

The cold-rising flock of doors planted a jail-like image.

But the fact is, it was a execution place where we would never get out alive again.

“We analyzed the shape of the key in the appraisal and managed to open it from the inside.”

To help the Mita River sleeping in the next room, “appraise” the key hole of the door with a crawling body, and refine the corresponding key with earth magic.

Instead of pretending to run away on his own, he tried to break through for his friends, risking his life.

“I don’t know….”

Even though it was discovered safely as a result, orchids cannot understand why they fell into such a state of mind.

Looking at the wall opposite to the room where the female root crawled out, the wall surface was unnaturally twisted and broken.

It was more obvious than looking at the fire that it was caused by the disconnection of the Mita River.

“Were you going to break down the wall and drag Kawasaki back out of the Oda River room with the door open?”

Unfortunately, when the three of us got together, it seemed like we were exhausted.

I had a hunch about Ryuzaki.

You may be being exploited by a succubus and in a state of unknown life or death.

If I went one step wrong, I could have been doomed already.

“I’ve been playing detective, trying to distract me, but I’m at my limit. Goshiba, not yet!

Kanami, Ryuzaki, and Orchid worked on site verification not because they had time to spare.

I couldn’t leave until Aya resurrected the Ota Group.

“I know! But I’m fainting, so it won’t happen that easily! Above all, I’ve been strangled to the point where my body is deprived of health.”

“Does it still take time?

“I can’t afford to wait all the time! If you recover to a certain extent, Ryuzaki will take you back to the inn afterwards -”

The eyes of colour are open. After a sudden change of expression, Ran and Kanami turned their backs and took a defensive stance.

Should it be a matter of opinion? A woman with pink hair stands up blocking the entrance to the room.

Ahhh. There’s more than I thought…. where did you come from in such a big place?

A woman with pink hair who fluffs her hair and smiles nicely.

But that smile is lurking with obvious hostility. Fortunately, it is not a feather that is deprived of reason, but if you do not deal with it correctly, it will be irreversible.

“I don’t know, I thought it was strange. Beautiful swordsmen like you will be in trouble again. I can’t believe I came all this way.”

“That’s why I’m not a guest!

Keeping her hands seriously on her waist, Kanami shouted with a gentle voice.

A pink-haired woman doesn’t show any intention of attacking because of Kanami’s sword.

Kanami is also Kanami, and I don’t think it makes sense to launch an attack from myself.

There is no doubt that the dying otaku was imprisoned, but there is no clear evidence that she is a succubus.

If it is explained that they are ordinary people – a painful excuse – and that they were only resting the Ota boy who tried too hard to pass out, then Kanami’s position would be extremely disadvantageous.

“That said, we can’t just keep doing business like this.”

This place is hostile. We have no information about the security system or the structure of the building.

It is only unfavourable for orchids to remain stuck like this. If any of the male victims breathed back, they could be important witnesses.

“Don’t move – Kirishima, Inugami!

At the same time as the voice of color arrived, something vigorously passed between the two.

Before I knew what had happened, the woman who was blocking the entrance said, “Fuggiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii” He shouted a strange voice and rolled from head to back.

The orchid loses its word when it jumps in. It seems that Sakura threw stones with magic.

A stone the size of a head rolls down to the ground.

“… ah, Aya?

I felt bloodthirsty. No matter how sudden it is, imagining what happens when you hit a stone of this size on your face makes your liver cold.

“Hey, Goshiba, what the…”

“If we have time, let’s get the hell out of here. Either way, it’s trespassing. There is nothing to gain from sitting down. Is this the succubus, or is it not? When the women wake up and ask questions, everything will be clear.”

Say the best thing about Kanami’s innocent opinions.

Perhaps we can come to such a conclusion if we throw away all good and evil and make a full profit and loss account.

That’s a lot of guts. Even if orchids think the same, they don’t have the courage to hit a heavy stone (such as this) on the face of a woman with capital (such a shop).

Although there is healing magic in the world, it is unforgiving. Thinking as an ally, I can’t rely on anything.

“… heh. I’ve been licked to stop with that kind of magic.”

The woman, who was supposed to have fallen from a fatal wound, woke up naked and opened her mouth like a moon and smiled invincibly.

But looking at his face, all five intruders moaned.

The top half of the woman’s face was chipped and her forehead was cracked. There is no bleeding and the inside of the cracked epidermis is covered with dark scalp.

The facial expression was as cold as a mask without intention, and the peeled part caught on the border between cheeks and ears, like a broken branch and swayed with plastic.

“Even though I made it, it’s a terrible trick. I’ve had my face shattered as part of the play, but the man was a lot nicer to me than you.”

A black piece of flesh crawling out of the wound envelops and covers the “human face”.

Eventually, her face was restored, and the woman wooshed her hair up and stretched as if nothing had happened.

“… that was dark magic.”

“I’ve been vigilant since the Knight Woman arrived, but you were adventurers after all. But I didn’t think you’d sneak in. I don’t suppose you didn’t have such a crude bond as to be broken by humans?

A woman watching each intruder with a worthy gaze.

Amazing self-healing. Strange magic I’ve never seen. And above all, in view of the fact that we described the orchids as “human beings”…

“Speak Mandarin, Monster.”

It would be natural to think so.

“Speaking of which, the guild had a favor to ask. Only female adventurers want me to gather information about the shops around here.”

Kanami whispers softly so that only orchids can hear her.

There is also a request to gather information. Speaking of which, I remember Lily saying that she was familiar with her hobbies.

Was it true that buying and selling information could not be ordered unless there was merit and trust in the Alliance?

“That means that the adventurers who go to gather information are almost certainly skilled fighters.”

After finishing his story, Kanami draws an arc around Nimmari’s mouth.

Swinging the ponytail, Kanami looks magnificent and stretches her chest.

“-That’s right. I’m an Alliance adventurer. There’s information around here that the succubus, the evil monster that eats men, is overflowing. I’ve come to fail.”

With perseverance, Kanami keeps bluffing.

Even if it had a straight look and a clean and clean appearance, it seemed like a persuasive statement from an orchid who knew the situation.

Confident beauty gains in these situations.

I knew it.

Pink-haired woman – succubus is easy to understand and tightens her expression.

Kanami’s style as a swordsman and his immobile heart, which was forged in the royal palace, seemed to realize that he was not just a man.

“There’s no gap… I can see you’re pretty good at it. I can’t believe you sent such a lady swordsman.”

It seems that you made a convenient mistake.

All right. Instead of asking any questions about this, just give them back –

“If they find out about the succubus, they can’t help it. In the meantime, you’re the only ones I can contain here!

But that pacifist idea didn’t work.

I didn’t think I’d miss the intruder for fear that I might have won a few battles.

Even if you risk your life, you can stop it. Sucubus smiles ferociously on a straightforward face in a temperamental state of confrontation.

“I don’t know how I broke the barrier that overlayed the boundaries of the Dream Demon (Sucubus) traits. –I regret that only three of you (…) attacked me!

“The three of you!?

“Besides, I can’t believe you’re lowering two delicious foods. What, souvenirs? Let’s celebrate tonight with semen from two young boys!… ahn. It’s an honor to have five such cute boys here overnight. I don’t think the Alliance’s announcement is spreading at all.”

Sucubus eyes are sweet and sparkling.

Crawl your long tongue onto your wrist and meditate with disturbing breath.

Kanami raised her sword to fight against the meaty succubus.

“I don’t know your name, but in the meantime, I’d like you to be my family.”

The moment you feed on orchids and get out of your mind. And in an attempt to attack Kanami, he jumped in front of Kanami himself – that is, within reach of the orchid (range) – and the orchid touched the body of the succubus and remembered the activation of family training (skill).

A succubus that makes your body jump and twitch or fall into the air. His exhaled breath is shallow and he plays to exalt himself.

With his fingertips in his mouth, he looked up at the orchid in disgruntlement.

Her eyes were moist and her cheeks were flushed and airy as if she had been exposed to heat.

“Hafu, hafuu… Ah, aahhhn….”

A succubus that stares at orchids with hot eyes and shakes its body.

The incarnation of libido became intoxicated with the false lust, Lunatic Sexual, and had no choice but to give in.

I should have done this from the beginning.

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