Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 137

Episode 118 Candy Sweet

The orchid, who had finished his punishment, had the men of the Ota group seated in the hallway removed from the front of the women’s room.

I thought I’d be stared at with more hateful eyes, but the Otako boys only looked at me with a subtle look that just halved the awkwardness and smell.

The loose and retreating they headed for the water baths outside.

If you have time to throw up disgust, you want to wash off the dirty stuff first.

There is something unbearable about the discomfort that erupts while wearing pants. Thinking so, I don’t know how they feel.

“Speaking of which…”

And then, unexpectedly, he went out with his mouth shut.

I was behind on the Sucubaskan-related matter, but that Niran had surpassed another serious project.

The mysterious rhetoric of “has been overcome” is that the project must have been a successful experience in life, but it was unexpected for orchids to do so at this time.

The original plan was to make it yellow and cloud the tea. At that early stage, when I made one crack like that, how could I have predicted this?

Whatever. I had to go back a little bit to explain the case.

◇ ◇ ◇

It is precisely that day that the Sucubus Hall will be raided.

To be more precise, before the series of incidents in which Ryuzaki, who had changed his blood phase while enjoying the succubus spray by Princess Sha and Mizuki, broke into the women’s room and went through a tortuosity to rescue the Ottawa group. It just happened that morning.

The orchid did not promise to act together with anyone on that day, but spent a quiet time in the inn room with the girls who had the same spare time.

Together, they were three members of the Lily Megumi Sayaka Women’s Ota Group. It was melting time without excessive skinshipping and without meaning.

That’s when it all started.

“How bad is that? Can you lend me Kirishima?

Lily, who was sleeping on the orchid’s lap, raised her face in a troublesome manner.

Just as I was about to inflate my cheeks, it seemed that I noticed the Lord of Voices, and I jumped and sat down.

Megumi and Shayaka, who likewise stood up and figured out, also corrected their awkward posture and left the orchid to refrain.

“Kirishima. Hey, let’s face it.”

It was Ponkotsky Bitch Gal – Ayuhara Sakuya who said that with a sweet, prolonged voice.

Behind them, we also refrain from Onigawara Hibiki (Onigawara hibiki), a friend and best friend.

The sound of arms tied together and standing silent. Cool and long, she just stands there and creates an unspeakable presence.

“… ah, Aoihara-san”

The jumped lily is smaller behind the orchid.

There must have been nothing between Sakuya and Sound (Bitches) and the Lily Women’s Ota Group.

Still, for modest girls, students such as Sakuraya and Sound appear to be a little scary.

“What’s wrong, Saki?

Nevertheless, for orchids, Saki is also a member of the loved ones.

I was worried about the reaction of the more frightened lilies, but the orchids were always in bloom.

“I want to talk to Kirishima, so I want you to hang out a little bit.”

From the pretense of caring about flickers and girls, I understood that they didn’t want to hear about it.

I thought about asking the three of them to leave their seats, but Sakuya said he wanted to go outside the inn.

“I’d like to be alone.”

That’s what they took me in a small alley a little away from the inn.

Bring him in to his depths. Surrounded by buildings in three directions, it is slightly dim before noon.

Does the wall suck in the surrounding sound? The voices of the people I’ve heard so far are only slightly echoed in the distance.

She said it was just the two of us, but the sound came along.

When I saw Sakuya saying nothing, I might have asked her to come with me in advance.

“Still, you’re being very careful. I didn’t know there was such a place near the inn.”

“No one will ever come here, and is it the best way to keep a secret?

If you insist, it’s not strange for a bandit or something to come out, but you won’t bring orchids into such a dangerous place.

After some experience, Orchid hypothesized that he already knew the safety aspects.

“I’ve been looking for a place to relieve the stress of sound. I stumbled upon it when we were both being asked to do it.”


When I saw the sound, I lit up a slight lust in my inexcusable eyes, flashing my tongue.

She has a slightly unusual sexuality – after all, a habit of exposure. Originally a perverted daughter who was eager to be seen with lewd eyes by boys, her underlying desire is to expose the body to the public more than to be noticed.

Remove everything you are wearing and look like you were born. Do you think that spending time in a round place from top to bottom will relieve stress for the sounds?

But to do that, you need a private space.

Each saint was given a private room in the royal palace, so it was not a problem to spend time naked.

“With everyone in the boulder, I can draw attention to being naked without meaning….”

Ever since they left the royal palace, saints have never been given private space or free time.

Someone is always in the room and is urged to refrain from acting individually for safety.

It would be a breathtaking situation for the type of person who wants to be alone.

It’s an exposed spot.

“Sometimes a drunk gets lost, just the right thrill….”

The sound gently permeates your tongue.

I see. I think I know why they called me. ”

I don’t want my other daughters to tell me anything in private. A secret space that no one can see when you’re naked in the open. Calling orchids there…

“I’m no longer satisfied with normal outdoor exposure, so you want me to observe you naked?

“Not at all!

It was denied in an instant. Moreover, it was not the sound that denied it, but the blooming one.

“Kirishima is in bloom, not sound!

With her hands on her hips, Sakuya stretched her back and swollen her cheeks.

“I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. Kirishima, I don’t like Shojiki about Sakuraya.”

“That’s not true!

Immediately deny. Saki is one of the most important family members.

It is true that the direct factor of the dependency was asked for by Ayame. In the end, it was decided by Orchid’s will, and now Saki loves her as much as any other daughter.

“… because when you kiss Kirishima and Sakurai, you always kiss me.”

“That’s how it’s supposed to be…”

“You’re kissing a lot with other daughters, but you’re not blooming…. I haven’t had a bellows or anything.”

The orchid loses its word when it is thrust into the stars.

It is an indisputable fact that I have never kissed Sakuya deeply.

If it was a misguided jealousy, I could make an excuse. However, Sakuya complains that there is a lack of love from orchids with a reasonable reason.

I thought it was working, but apparently it was the orchid’s idea.

Every time I put my lips together with Sakuya, I was unconsciously nervous.

Tension. That means vigilance. She’s right. It seems that I have unconsciously reduced the frequency of kissing so as not to bellows with Sakuya.

One of the things I tried not to kiss deeply with Sakuya was the skill of “family training”.

Family training can be reduced to “one level of dependency” by first exercising skills.

Then, by deeply kissing the subject, you can lead the subject to climax with “two stages” and “two stages”, making it possible to advance to the maximum level of “three stages”.

Katayama Mizuki, Kanami Inugami. Sado Gajima Sayaka. Snow White. When the five were family members, the orchid thought that it would be better not to maximize the level of dependency on female students.

Considering the future, I honestly found it attractive to make orchids the only bitches with broken chastity concept, and above all, I did not persevere in forcing sex lovers to “not have sex with other than orchids”.

Because it is troublesome to put too much stress under control, and it is troublesome to be asked so much that other family members can no longer be opposed.

At the time, I remembered that I wanted to be a token for the time being, but I let my family become a family for a cheap reason.

“… at first I thought Kirishima was a shojochu, but when I kissed him, he said he didn’t kiss me.”

When she gazed at the sound, she nodded quietly with her arms folded.

She also intended to stop at the first stage. But force majeure – lust did not defy the charm of the stupid and slutty vero, and eventually the relationship with the echo was advanced one step further.

Conversely, because there was a resonance, there was a verse that I strongly thought of not losing reason when it came to blooming.

I didn’t know it was making Sakuraya anxious.

“… sorry, it’s blooming”

“I didn’t apologize. Otoko should show his attitude even more.”

As she stretched out, Sakuya kept her body in the orchid.

“How about a naughty kiss, both of you? So I’ll make it a charade.”


“It’s not going to decrease, is it? Bellows with Sakuya, it’s chewy.”

Lightly open your little mouth and peek into your tongue. The tip of the moving tongue seems soft and I want to touch it now.


The voice was heard from behind with no restraint.

“Give it a bloom. I’m telling you it’s nothing, but I’m really worried about Sakuraya.”

“… echo”

“… it’s blooming. I haven’t had sex with another man since that night. Even if I was forced by a knight with powder, I refused because someone decided on my mind.”

There shouldn’t have been so much coercion in Sakuya and Sound.

Though I thought it was an ahovich with zero chastity ideology, the orchid had a painful breast as well.

It’s annoying to be asked every night, so you can do it with other men. What disrespect were you thinking?

“I don’t know why Kirishima refuses to kiss Sakuya.”

By the ear, the sound whispered like a breath.

“Saki, I’m surprised you’re Mishinbo-san. As a friend, I’m glad to have you.”

Fluffy, warm breath. Faced up, Sakuya wetted her lips with her tongue tip.

Stretch out and meditate. It’s called a kiss-waiting pose. Exposing her defenseless face, Sakuya completely believes in orchids.

“… in bloom”

Grab a thin wrist and pull it tightly. Because of surprise, Sakuya reacts in a flash.

I don’t care anymore. The orchid is not immoral enough for a girl to be so mercilessly cut off.

“… nh, chuu”

As soon as she recognized that her lips had touched her, Sakuya turned her arm around the neck of the orchid and drew herself.

Sweet and sour breathing leaks and the sensation of slimy saliva spreads to the tip of your mouth. Like ripe fruit, it eventually became entangled with raw and warm honey.

It has a similar stickiness to sweetness, gently rubbing open your mouth. A blooming tongue poking its mouth with hesitation. The orchid first accepted the sole peeked out of his tiny mouth.

“… chuku, pu”

The orchid inadvertently embraces the bloom with a dense nose scent.

A marshmallow body that feels great even on top of your clothes. The part touched is likely to melt down now.

My hair like caramel also tickles my cheeks by inviting me. It’s like a sweet with plenty of sugar.

“… chuu, uu. Chupu… fu, ahh”

Between my stupid tongues, a rubbing voice leaked.

I hugged Sakuya, who was about to leave. I don’t want to let go. I don’t want to leave.

“… chupu, fuuu. Chuuku… chupu, fuahnnh! –Chuku, fuwauu…!

The voice of Sakuraya is sweet and erotic – the octave is high. Of course. It was my first deep kiss as a family member, and the family level of Sakuraya rose.

Even the hard moral commissioner has changed so much that he has lost his reason. Sex lover Saki wasn’t a viable substitute.

“Kiri, hi well….”

Looking at Sakuya with his thick face, he didn’t seem to know exactly what happened.

“… yaaa. What is this, what is this…? I’ve never kissed like this before….”

With a hot look, Sakuya stares at the orchid’s face. My throat is pounding, and I’m sticking to it.

Hehehe. Kirishima is handsome after all. Something looks better than before. ”

I rub it all over my body and my cheeks are blooming. When I stroked the caramel-colored fluffy hair, Sakuraya made a sweet voice, “Hafuun…”


I stretched my back and put my lips back together again. Unlike the first time I explored, I dared to lick the orchid’s mouth.

The smell of sweet milk spreads to the nose. A tiny mouth attacked the orchid’s mouth.

Slowly kiss each other as you apply saliva.

“… nh, fu”

A second deep kiss with a tangled tongue. Turn your arms and ask each other deeply.

It’s like a magnet, two people stuck together.

“Nku, chuku… nfu. Chuuuuuuuu”

Dense saliva thread connects the two. The leaking breath is hot and the inside of my mouth is sticky.

Immersed in a warm, raw finish, the two looked at each other’s bellies simultaneously.

A rich kiss with a strong hug. The physical changes were all clear to each other.

“… Kirishima”

While gazing at her crotch, Sakuya melted her cheerful face.

Loosen up your broken uniform even more. The leaking breath was playing very well.

“… hey hey, I can’t stand it anymore”

The draw-down shorts pull the thread and are slightly wet.

Originally easy to feel – the masculine, eccentric blossom appeared to have fallen to the second stage of the family, so it was a terrible thing to do.

“Very few people come here…..”

Hahaha, it’s blooming with no rough breath. He tries to take off his orchid uniform as if it were a garlic.

“You know, you’re here, right? Blooming, I can’t stand it…”

Crawl your tongue on the exposed chest plate. As if you were claiming something of your own, you’re stroking your chest plate with a kiss mark.

Spray a hot breath and press it as your lips change shape. The sticky saliva pulls the thread from the clammy belly and the tip of Sakuraya’s mouth.

With the kiss of deep love, the orchid’s affection also grows louder and bigger. When she noticed the swelling lower abdomen, Sakuya made a lewd noise and kissed, dragging her pants and pants down violently.

“… fu, yaahh”

In front of Sakuya, who was chewing on his hips, the erect Pex jumped out vigorously.

Cowper painted sole drips a viscous liquid from the tip. Pexsu became murmured with sweat and precipitation juice. Sakuya, who opened his eyes a lot, fell in love with the sole.

“… fumu, fuuu. I don’t know what to do with blooming… I can’t stand the idea of Kirishima just now….”

Crawl your lips into an erect pex. It’s not like masturbation for foreplay. I just want to feel the orchid’s personal and sexual parts close by, so I’m just tasting the sole quickly.

A manly slut bitch forgets himself, delusions about his pleasure and drowns. Sakuya, who lost his reason, was only the element that aroused his passion.

“… in bloom”


Move your hips forward and backward as you stroke Sakuya’s head. Rub the mucus on Sakuraya’s face.

It’s called Face Coke. You can reach under your nose and open your mouth halfway to catch the orchid pex. I’m super-excited by the unproductive look on my face.

“Hmm, hyahhh. Once I’m stuck, hey hey……”

Push the tip to your nose and distort the face of Sakuraya into a slut. My lips and cheeks are sticky and sticky.

“The blossoms are cute. It’s so cute that your pornographic face is blooming under pressure.”

“Hyahhh, fuhehe… After Kirishima, I smell a little…”

It was good to put it on my face like this, but before the orchids reached their limit, it seems that Sakuya couldn’t bear it anymore.

Sakuya, who was still being used as a face job, shook her face as she took a shallow breath.

“… I’m fine.”

Looking up at the orchid with a cowper and saliva on her face. With an angry face, Sakuraya shook his hand against the nearby wall and pushed his ass out.

Shorts soaked in love fluid have already been discarded. When I rolled up my provocative skirt, my pussy ripped open.

The pussy of Sakuraya, which had fallen until the second stage of family training, was already wet and melted.

“… blooming, really, really bad. I just sniffed the smell of Kirishima and Velochu, and it just got so blooming.”

Completely in rage, Sakuya looked at the orchid with his lurking eyes.

Until now, the face of Sakuya, filthy with his face and slutty liquid, was enough to blow away orchid reason.


“Kirishima… ahh, ahh, uyaahhhh…!

Beautiful, plump pussy that doesn’t seem like a bitch. When I opened the cleanly treated crack with my fingers, the hot honey dripped like a liquid ball.

Dense smell drifting. I was driven by the urge to observe the creepy secret area, but patience enough to tease Sakuya quickly was no longer left in the orchid.

Grab an eagle with a brown butt and insert a pex into the chubby corn.


With his back turned upside down, Sakuya twitched his whole body.

It seems that Sakuya, whose sensitivity was raised by the training of his family, was reached only by being inserted.

“… uhh, hahhh! Hyaaahh! Kirihimachi × poo… Kirihimachi × poo, I’m soooooooooooooooooooooo…!

Upon climax, Sakuya is raised to the third level of his family.

The limbs of Sakuya have increased their sensitivity even further. Where it touches it, it is hot, and instinctively crazy because it seeks the genes of its beloved orchids.

“Nh, nnh! Hyaaaahn! Seriously, it’s been a rough day…! Kirishima-no-pussy x kojupo-jupo, if you do it hard…!

In a standing back position, Sakuya exhales a sugar-coated murmur toward the wall.

Grab your giddy hips and move your lower abdomen forward and backward. The brown buttocks bounced and bounced.

“Kirishima-no-Ouch x Poo…! Sakuya-no-pussy × I’m so full of it, I can’t take it anymore…! Hyah, hyah! This is so much sex, blooming, blooming…!

Salivating from the half-open mouth, Sakuya screams with a rubbing voice.

The inside of your vagina is shrinking, trying to push the orchid Pexsus into the back. Every time Pex pulses in his vagina, Sakuya twitches and twitches easily.

Sticky bodily fluids are dripping from the joint, and the water droplets are falling. Feeling the limits, orchids slightly accelerate the rate of hip-shaking.

Having finally gotten used to the gentle pumping, Sakuya moaned with a suddenly unusual stimulus.

“Ahh, Kirihima! Son, ahn! This is bad! Kirishima no Ochi x Pochi, Ochi x Pochi… Ahh, yahn! Sakuya’s tummy guggling…!

Pushing his hips deeply, Sakuraya said, “Ehiii!” I made a slightly vulgar voice. Sexually experienced Sakuya can’t afford to mend herself and gets so upset.

“Shit, ahh! Nh, this is it….! Kirishima today really sucks…!


While exuding rising happiness and desire to ejaculate, the orchid called her name with a gentle voice while breathing.

“I love you, Saki. The upset toko is also very cute.”


Sakuya’s body turned upside down.

Cramps your hips. Supporting the falling limbs of Sakuya, the orchid caused the semen to gush deep inside Sakuya’s vagina.

She hugged Sakuya from behind who was about to fall. I smelled a sweet smell from my fluffy caramel hair.

A thin marshmallow-like body softens the finish of ejaculation. Blooming is really a sweet girl.

“Sa, hey… It’s about Sakuyakirihima, iiiii. I love you so much…!

The blossom that broke your hips at the second orgasm falls apart. With so much pleasure, you seem to have relaxed from your body.

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