Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 46

Episode 39: Jealousy x Greetings x Rewards

When Kanami, who had finished breakfast, left the cafeteria, Snow White waited for Kanami by the door, as usual.

He leans his body wrapped in training clothes against the wall, bends his glossy stretched legs, and plays with the floor with his fingertips.

After realizing that Kanami had come out of the cafeteria, Princess Sa looked a little confused and rushed toward Kanami as usual.

Let’s go, Kana-chan


The ability of the Princess to inflict heavy damage on her surroundings, depending on how she uses it.

It seems that I was able to withstand training alone with my people and finally control it yesterday.

Starting today, we will train in the same place as Kanami and the others.

Kanami’s training has also changed slightly recently.

Repeated exercises using straw dolls (oysters, etc.) to perfect the skills given to each.

Group exercises with saints with good matching skills.

– Practice to get used to the actual combat, that is, training to attack organisms.

Regardless of the inhabitants of this world who are killing humanoid monsters and inorganic creatures in their daily lives, even if common high school students are suddenly thrown into other worlds and told, “Kill monsters because they are evil”, it can’t be that easy.

Life in the original world was far from killing.

Anyway, humans used to hunt and live with their own hands.

Over the course of a long history, you’ve just changed your mind so that you can live without getting your hands dirty.

Indirectly, humans still live at the expense of other creatures.

Therefore, at first, I couldn’t accept the fact that the Saints of Canami could not kill the creatures.

There is no other way for the strong to sacrifice the weak to live.

Weak species have evolved with high fertility to feed strong species.

That’s what common sense in this world looked like.

Certainly, no saint has defeated the monster as he was told.

Before reuniting with orchids – when they first arrived in this world – Goshikai used to shoot various magic into monsters as if it cleared the resentment that had accumulated.

The Ryuzaki wings, which were immersed in the hunting gauge and said that they didn’t boil any emotions against the unrealistically shaped monsters, were easily chopped into lizard-shaped monsters.

Lihua Queenshill, a good young lady, also said, “I did it in a foreign country when I was young! Using a given skill, spatial manipulation (Dimension the World), he crushed the monster as if he were playing sports.

Nevertheless, there are very few of them.

Most saints have been givin ‘up around “Training for Real Fighting,” and the training has been temporarily suspended.

Then, by getting used to it little by little, Kanami was finally able to cut it relentlessly if it was an ugly looking monster.

“I think it’s going to be a lot of mental training until I get used to it. Don’t hesitate to tell me if it hurts or makes you sick. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“It’s okay. I’m going to know my limits somehow.”

Princess Sana of the Athletic Sprinter is a hard-working man – a hard-worker.

Kanami thought that Senpai would have to see it in this training so as not to go too far.

“By the way, Kana-chan. I need to ask you something.”

“Oh, what’s wrong?

The princess paused and took a deep breath before returning to Kanami.

No, seriously, Kanami also unexpectedly hardened her expression.

“Kana-chan is a very monopolistic person?

“… is that what you want to hear?

Kanami leaned her neck bewildered by the feeling of her shoulders twitching.

Monopoly. I wonder.

I think there is a lust for things, but I may not have such a self-centered idea as wanting to make it my own.

Not as good as that.

“Really… How can you forgive what you thought was yours, even if it was actually used by others?

“… wait a minute…”

Her face turned a little red.

Monopoly. Speaking of which, it feels like something I don’t normally use.

I was listening to the story because I thought it was about goods literally, but perhaps Kanami had made a serious mistake.

Try to remember last night calmly.

He said never to come to the room.

No way. But that boy student – or Kanami’s lower body – can he be trusted wholeheartedly?

Indeed, Kanami trusts him.

But let me be clear. Kanami doesn’t trust him.

The class idol and the Kendo girl of the morality commissioner were left to themselves, while the class secretary tea ceremony girl and a lonely defective female high school student were attacked.

“Snow White…. I somehow understood what Snow White wanted to say to me.”

Eh, Kana-chan is a psychic or something?

“No, I just know a little devil who plays with a pure maiden heart and loves her as if nothing had happened.”

In fact, rather than being a little demon, it’s a person who gets change compared to a demon. Whatever.

“I’m worried that I’m not feeling well.”

“… Kana-chan? Something scares me with a smile. It’s a black smile that I often see in cartoons and stuff.”

Looking at Princess Sha in a hurry, Kanami regains her usual smile.

“I’m fine. I’m used to it.”

“I’m used to it, ah… Kana-chan knew.”

“I didn’t think you were going for snow.”

With that libido witch, Kanami smiles dry.

This is the second time for Kanami to collide with a close friend over a man.

Besides, the student is the same person as last time. How many times does he have to wave around Kanami to feel better?

“… I need to punish you once.”


Looking at Princess Sa, who blushes her face worryingly, Kanami smiles happily.

“Don’t worry. I don’t intend to resent Princess Sha, and I don’t intend to dislike him. —-Maybe.”

It would be a mistake to turn against Princess Sha here.

Since Kanami was actually (skilled), I think I know the threat of that skill with my own hands.

But I like it.

Kanami loves that demonic man, Kirishima Orchid.

I’m in love.

Whatever the reason, it does not change the fact, nor is it a level of love that resists reason.

This feeling is straightforward and authentic just because the process of becoming like it is vague.

What has been planted is false love, but I want to think that this feeling is the only truth.

“That’s why I need you to feel real jealousy.”

It’s not an ugly jealousy that squeals.

It’s not like bullshit jealousy.

I just want you to feel the love that Kanami has for orchids in her body.

An orchid that loves to be naughty will surely please you.

After looking at Kanami’s face and seeing Princess Sa with a scary expression for some reason, Kanami walked along the corridor of the royal palace with pride.

◇ ◇ ◇

The following night, Snowflake White was held in her hand.

Ran, who was completely unaware of Kanami’s determination this morning, was looking out the window with a lack of spare time.

It’s a beautiful night sky.

I forgot whether it was factory drainage or chimney smoke or photochemical smog, but the air in this world without those chemicals is beautiful anyway.

No clouds – on sunny nights, you can see the starry sky shining like a jewelry box.

It was an orchid that lived somewhat in a country smell compared to the city, but I’ve never seen such a beautiful night sky.

The fantastic sight raises tension unexpectedly.

“I’ll give you these stars scattered in the sky.”

While spreading his arms in a playful pose, orchids smile with sparkling teeth.

Normally, it is a statement that will cause a lot of pain and anguish, but it is also a line that I would like to try to say once if I can.

I’d like to hold my shoulders and flirt as I say.

If it were a beautiful bell, it would be purely delightful.

Shayaka will surely laugh after a brief look.

How will Kanami and Aya react?

The paranoia unfolding from there swells as much as you can, but you decide to keep it to yourself.

Orchids can see how girls react right away, even if they’re not delusional in vain.

It’s better to enjoy their natural reaction than to expect strangely.

“Well, I wonder whose room I’m going to today.”

After striking bread and palms in front of her chest, the orchid reached out to Shun Shuang and the butler.

I don’t think it should be dirty, and now I’m relaxing wearing everyday clothes that are unique to this world.

If you go out in this outfit on a boulder, it will stand out.

Even if a maid who knows nothing screams, the orchid will discover that the senior servant is sneaking into the Royal Palace.

That’s why orchids carefully spread their butler clothes over their beds to prepare their clothes.

When she took off her clothes and was in her underwear, Concom and someone knocked on the door.

Hearing a dry sound echoing through the door, the orchid leans to its neck.

I didn’t expect anyone to visit the orchid room this evening.

Or did something happen in the royal palace?

It was revealed to the queen’s knight that the person on the first side of the room was hiding the orchid. Is that so?

It was an orchid that was upset by instantaneous anxiety.

“Orchid, are you there? It’s me.”

A familiar voice struck his ear and the orchid stroked his chest down.

Definitely. It’s Kanami’s voice.

The tension suddenly eased and I accidentally slapped my forehead.

I’ve never been too vigilant, but I can’t be too nervous.

“Hold on a second. I’m getting dressed now.”

“I don’t mind…. that’s what I came here for.”

The sweet temptation to cross the door trembles your spine.

After the orchid that was shaking in my spare time, I slowly woke up in my pants.

The orchid opened the door with a hopeful expression while numbing his hips with an exquisite feeling of rubbing in the cloth, leaving his face out of the gap while being alert to the surroundings.

Looking down the dark hallway, two high school girls dressed in sailor clothes appeared.

A long, dark-haired fashionable girl and a healing cat girl who can arouse asylum.

It’s Kanami and Mizuki.

Orchid, who thought it was just Kanami, looked at Mizuki and relaxed his cheeks.

Kanami brought Mizuki – Mizuki may have brought Kanami, but anyway.

The fact that you two came to the orchid room together means, well, that’s what it is.

I can’t believe I just came to watch sex.

That’s what the three of us want to do when we play pro wrestling on the bed.

With expectations inflated, the orchid urged the two of them to enter the room.

Confirm that Kanami and Mizuki have entered the room, and then close the room key behind them.

After confirming that it was securely locked, the orchid turned back to the two of them.

“I’m sorry I stopped by without an appointment. I really want to see an orchid.”

“… Ran-kun, you’ve already done that.”

Kanami loosens the scarf of her sailor clothes while loosening her mouth, and Mizuki blushes her cheeks as she looks at the crotch of a powerfully swollen orchid.

After they looked at each other, they smiled softly and smiled.

After the smile heals, the orchid sits on the bed.

When they slightly extended their arms to accommodate them, they grabbed the orchid’s wrist.

It doesn’t hurt. However, just as I would never let go, my strength is tight.

“Eh, um…?

“Orchid. I was so worried about orchids last night.”

Kanami narrows her long, long eyes and sends a serious look.

Is it the orchid’s mind that feels like there’s some disturbing air drifting around?

I hope so.

“I thought you weren’t going to have a monopoly on Ran-chan, but if you let it go like this….”

Beauty bells are also staring at orchids as she swells her cheeks.

From a bird’s eye view, it only looks like a diagram of a man who is blamed for shallow behavior, but the orchids didn’t seem to be blamed by the bells.

Apart from that, orchids are running away from the upset reality, or something like that.

But orchids were seriously thinking that this situation might be some kind of play.


“I know what you’re saying… then why are you both laughing?

That’s right.

Overlooking – If a third party sees the situation, it will no doubt only look like a scene where they are blamed for cheating.

But somehow. Mizuki and Kanami are gripping Orchid’s wrist and laughing with a look full of expectations.

Kanami and Mizuki are not the kind of women who bully someone and get pleasure.

Something is therefore wrong with this situation.

Snow White was close to both Kanami and Mizuki when she raped her last night.

The rumors of the wind also said that they were dating Shinagaki, and even if they revealed their feelings about making Princess Sha family, who had a pure love affair with Shinagaki, it was no strange story.

So even if they learn anger at the orchid’s deeds, the orchid cannot laugh at it.

It is true that they planted false lusts into obedient slaves, but they are not dolls – air brides who understand the words.

“Maybe you’re angry?

“If Kanami was really angry, maybe Ran-chan’s upper body was already shattered.”

Beauty bell said something frightening as she peered at her teeth from around her mouth.

After dreaming of the scene and feeling a little softer, Orchid saw Kanami’s fearful face.

I’ve spinned physical relationships with high school girls several times, but in the case of orchids, I’ve acquired them all with the power of skills alone.

The orchids are still inexperienced – a complete beginner – in the way that men and women would normally experience those experiences.

Even though it is said to be a thick lunchtime drama development, the current situation is that the man and the buttocks are only rubbing together by making triangular relationships and square relationships – they only understand it.

I don’t have a chance to watch lunch dramas in the first place.

“That’s what Mizuki said. I remember nothing but anger in orchids.”

“Yes, that’s good….”

“I’m just madly jealous.”

Using Kanami’s words as a cue, suddenly the orchid’s vision turned rough.

Your body’s balance collapses and the stain-ridden ceiling jumps into view as you vibrate.

So the orchid finally understood that he had been pushed down into bed.

“Hee, eh? What is this…?

The orchid in her underwear is rolled unusually before a high school girl wearing sailor clothes stares at her.

The crotch was open and the fabric protecting the important part was lewdly swollen.

Kanami and Mizuki nodded face to face after standing and intertwining it with meaningful gaze.

Though he was slightly afraid of the act, which could continue silently, the orchid smiled at him imagining the situation that would happen in the future.

Seeing the smile, Kanami lightly dyed her cheeks.

Pick the hem of the skirt and straddle the body of the orchid.

Orchid, who largely understood what Kanami was trying to do, protruded his hips upwards to make it easier for Kanami to cross.

Well then, it’s the same as usual, right?

“Eh, what are you–woop!?

It was not the orchid’s waist that Kanami sat down – it was the orchid’s face that was exposed to defenselessness towards the ceiling.

Lined with a fluffy navy skirt, a healthy tanned complexion and sunless inner crotch border, and a moist, moist, pure white fabric covering her vision, a slight and sweet weight struck her eyes.

“I’ll make sure you can breathe. I don’t think so.

“Cheeks! Your cheeks are wrapped in soft meat!

As you breathe, your nostrils are colored with a unique, moist scent that feels like a cage.

The sweat that seeped into my thighs and inner thighs rubbed against my face, and I smelled Kanami’s sweat all over my face.

Surrounded by Kanami’s body temperature, the orchid screamed with joy with a rough snort.

It was an orchid that my classmates had been doing all sorts of things for the first time.

Her face was pinched with her thighs, and her eyes were ravaged by her crotch, which was moist and wet with love juice.

But I never put weight on it.

He floats a little and is careful not to put a strain on the orchid.

I am touched by the care of Kanami, who cares for others even at this time.

If Kanami is that way, I’ll go this way.

When I felt Kanami’s body full of faces, I felt a temporarily cold enveloping my lower body.

Due to excitement, the fabric that hid the inflators was removed by Mizuki’s hand.

The meat stick, which stood firmly in the pants, bounced with a recoil and hit something soft.


A cute beautiful bell screamed suddenly and suddenly.

Apparently, it was the cheek of the bell that I just pulled.


“Whenever you look at it, it’s a good time × dick…..”

Suddenly she exhaled, and Mizuki crawled her hand behind the orchid.

I wrapped my fingertips around like handling a broken object and rubbed it in the flesh of the palm of my hand.

The little, soft hand of a girl’s bell irritates the orchid.

Wrap the overflowing cowper around your fingers and stroke it from the tip to the rod.


She screamed at the caress of the bell and breathed roughly.

I suddenly want to raise my face, but I can’t move because Kanami is crossing my face.

Kanami stepped on her face and asked Mizuki to gently cross her crotch.

What a wonderful reward!

I can’t believe you can receive such generous jealousy from Kanami and Mizuki as a reward for your two friends, Princess Sha.

The orchid licked Pelori and Kanami’s inner crotch while displaying the worst outrageous public face in life.

“Hyah!… at all, if you ran, you’d really be a dick.”

Just as she was returning, Kanami grabbed the orchid’s arm and started rubbing it from her wrist to her fingertips.

When I remembered the tickle of the caressing finger pressure, my fingertips became warm and wet.

“This is what I would do to a handsome person who licks a place like that.”


Kanami sticks out her tongue glossy and licks up the orchid’s fingertips.

The orchid’s fingers are wet with saliva, moving their tongues tightly.

Eventually, Kanami stretched out the orchid’s index finger and middle finger, and pushed it into her mouth and began to inhale.

Apply to warm saliva, creating a feeling of blistering on both fingertips.

Unfortunately, the sight is blocked by Kanami’s crotch, so I can’t see Kanami licking Orchid’s fingers.

The slight mixing sound of saliva starts your imagination and turns you on.

“I’m licking it too!”


As I concentrated on hearing Kanami’s finger blowjob, a numb pleasure ran through my lower abdomen.

The chi × po rod part is stroked by something soft and warm, and it bounces gently.

From the current dialogues and feelings, it seems that Mizuki licked the orchid.

“It’s hiccups. Ran-chan’s thigh and dick are so cute….”

Bell kisses the tip of the stick without hesitation, loving his crotch counterpart.

Beautiful bell saliva and breath softly envelop the wet bell mouth with cowper.

My plump lips swallowed the orchid and then half of the rod eventually went into the mouth of the bell.


“Uhiaa!? There’s a beauty bell in your mouth!

While handling the root by hand, the beauty bell sticks to the orchid. Like sucking up the contents of your testicles, chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

From its meditative and devotional expression, you can glimpse something more like a kind of worship emotion than a slutty girl.

It’s as if the semen that comes out of it is a fascinating aphrodisiac.

Just as not a drop is zero, everyone sucks in the crunchy part and sucks it up.

String Miiiii?

“Mi, Mizuki’s blowjob! * woosh * feels so good!

With the pleasure of being sucked up to your soul, the orchid shivers your hips.

If it’s true, I’d like to grab a sheet or something, but now the orchid’s hand is in Kanami’s mouth.

I can’t move my body badly because my vision is a dark world.

Therefore, the orchid cannot escape the passing pleasure and will continue to receive the vacuum blowjob of the bell honestly.

“Ah, ufu, fuuuuuu?

Kanami’s hand blocks the orchid’s mouth as if it blocks the scream that leaks too much pleasure.

With a confused orchid on its buttocks, Kanami’s hand firmly covers the orchid’s mouth.

“Fufu, you’re so cute. Orchid”

“Nmu, muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!?!

“Ramanni Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy”

“… Mizuki says it’s not good to have sex with a girl when you like orchids all the time.”

He let go of his hand, which was blocking the orchid’s mouth, and Kanami pressed it against his boobs.

“We also want to have sex with orchids. I want to love each other whenever I want. From the orchid, it may be me, Cat Mountain, or anyone else. But I only have orchids.”

As she stroked her uniformed breasts, Kanami exhaled a sweet breath.

There was a strange feeling of exhalation on the fingertips applied to the saliva.

“Just today… I want you to like orchids. I want orchids to be our only toy.”

With a blend of colorful breath and a sad voice, Kanami spins such a thing.

I know what Kanami is saying. Girls sometimes want a lovely heterosexual body other than sex.

The orchids are the same. Sexual desire and romance are different.

When I want to meet Mizuki and Kanami, it’s not like I’m accumulating semen in my testicles.

The soft, warm feeling of the palm pressed against Kanami’s boobs.

A tremendous vibrating heartbeat is transmitted directly, and you can feel Kanami’s presence very strongly.

The other hand was already beshaveshaved with Kanami’s saliva and her fingertips were swollen like she was taking a bath.

From what Kanami has done, Orchid realizes what she wants.

Crossed by his face, he was exhaled with a hot breath, and his hands twirled freely.

It shouldn’t feel very good to be stuck by your own will, but I don’t feel bad because the opponent is Kanami.


As soon as I opened my mouth to speak, sudden pleasure rushed up from my hips.

Were you reading the air? While Kanami confessed her passionate love to the orchid, Mizuki kept quiet while sucking on the orchid.

Therefore, until now, I only stayed to feel the temperature of Mizuki’s mouth.


“Phew! Wait, wait, wait! If you let me do that…!

Jupu jupu, the saliva overflowed, and the pleasure ran like melting after the orchid was swallowed by Mizuki’s mouth.

The warm tongue is entangled and keeps teasing the tip area plenty.

The movement of the hands attached to the root also increases the speed, and your testicles thump up.

As she gently stroked the bag, which had just swollen up, Mizuki loosened her childish face like a prank and stuck her fingertips in the testicle just before the critical moment.



The final embankment is broken, and your hips bounce.

With the sensation that your testicles are squeezed together, a tremendous sense of liberation with pleasure blesses the lower abdomen of the orchid.

Far beyond the critical point, Xpo releases the murky cloudy liquid as it erupts in the mouth of Mizuki.

With so much momentum, Mizuki frowned and wept in her eyes, and accidentally let go of her mouth.

“Nnnhh, nnhh? Nyahn!”

With your face, you can catch the ejaculated semen, and the pretty face of Mizuki is pure white, so it gets dirty.

The tongue peeking from the edge of the mouth is also applied to the semen, and the scent like callus is already drifting from the breath.

It was like a mausoleum scene where tears were eliminated and semen was painted around the mouth. When Mizuki wiped around her mouth with the back of her hand, she smiled at her crotch and her teeth.

“When Ran-kun ejaculates, he’s trembling, so cute no matter how many times he sees it…”

Meanwhile, Mizuki gently gripped the orchid’s testicles with her palm.

After finishing his role, Mizuki’s body temperature drips and smells on his testicles.

“Fufu, you’re still leaving!”

“My mouth is so full of teasing….”

As she watched as the liquid mixed with cowper and semen overflowed, Mizuki breathed into her sensitive tip.


“Ran-kun is twitching, so I want you to show him again.”

The hands of the beautiful bell stroking your testicles are getting warmer and warmer.

Beauty Bell’s skill – Reinforced healing instantly builds up the energy you just spit out.

After a few seconds, your testicles become slightly heavier and shrink on the palm of your bell.

With a relapsed orgasm feeling, Mizuki stared at the erectors, and stuck it with a lovely expression on her face.

“Because it’s white and sticky, I’ll clean it up for you.”

After confirming that the orchid’s vision was blocked by Kanami’s buttocks, Mizuki exhaled towards the orchid’s back.

Keep your mouth close to your mouth and let it get wet with warm breath.

“Misu, Misuu… beautiful bell!

“Nyahah… Maybe I don’t have to touch my dick anymore.”


The orchid reacted with a sad voice to Mizuki’s words.

“… well, won’t you touch me?

“Hmm, I don’t know what to do. Seeing you cum on your own feels like fun.”

But then, Mizuki licked the orchid by the tip of her tongue.

“I’m even more happy that Ran-chan wants you, so I’ll lick you slowly and slowly.”

“Nh, whoa!?

“… you’re going to make a terrific noise when you run away.”

The orchid shivered his hips as he shouted at Kanami across his face.

I tried to block my mouth without feeling pitiful screaming, but since both hands are used as Kanami’s toys, that is impossible.

“When you hit Mt. Cat, you’ll lick it with a really naughty face.”

It’s a little embarrassing to be seen by Kanami.

The words that I heard aroused intellectual curiosity, but the orchid had no way to find out the truth.

When you move your face, you can only feel the feeling of Kanami’s shorts and thighs.

My eyelids are closed, and my vision is dark.

Regardless, Mizuki’s tongue was immediately attacked by the orchid.

The cloudy liquid adhering to the chi × po is licked by the smoothly dancing tip of the tongue.

And sometimes it sounds like you’re drinking something with a cocktail.

Dedicated licking Chi × Po, the appearance of a beautiful bell swallowing semen floats in your head blurrily.

“Mizuki, Mizuki!

“… won’t you call me by my name?

The thighs moved, and Kanami’s legs sandwiched her cheeks.

An orchid that has been completely held in its face and has become immobile. He was then slowly lowering his hips, and at some point his wet shorts were pressed against his nose.

“Fufu… fufuuhn!?

On the wet tip of the nose is an exquisite smell of sweet sweat.

The smell of Kanami is genuine. The smell of Kanami’s body in the most sophisticated and sensitive place – very dense and unexpectedly I feel like having a nosebleed.

“Hafu, hafuu!

When Kanami moved, the skirt was covered, and the orchid’s face was completely enclosed in Kanami’s dark blue skirt.

The scent of Kanami fills my face and makes me feel dizzy.

A polite and dedicated veroferra of Mizuki, wrapped in the smell of Kanami.

The hands of the orchid, which became sticky with Kanami’s saliva, were pressed against Kanami’s breasts over the sailor’s clothes, transmitting a soft feeling from earlier.

“The orchid’s hand feels so warm…”

“Mfufu, mmfu. Muuuuu!?”

Did you get excited because you were crossing your beloved heterosexual face?

Kanami weighed even more and firmly pressed the crack over the shorts against the orchid’s face.

Use your thighs dexterity to slowly shake your hips up, down, forward and backward.

Kah-uh-uh. Whoa, whoa. It’s painful! ”

“Hah, hah… I’m doing a naughty thing across the orchid’s face….”

The words of orchids were not heard, and Kanami shook her waist with a sweet voice.

Spread the girl’s part and rub the cunt over the shorts against the orchid’s nose.

The situation of comforting your beloved opponent’s body is attacked by insane pleasure and a sense of treachery.

Even though there was a twitch and tremor in front of her, Kanami was comforting herself with the orchid as a tool.

I felt faint since I heard the story of Mishiki with orchids in the bathroom, but Kanami thought perhaps she became excited about the impatience that “orchids are taken away by someone”.

When you see the scene where the bell licks the orchid and the powder seems delicious, your stomach aches deeply.

It seems that orchids have caused a strange sexual habit to spring up.



Bikun and orchid bodies bounce, pins and legs straight out.

A thick cloudy liquid burst out from the tip of Xpo after the orchid.

The semen exhaled like a fountain stains Mizuki’s face and drips with gravity.

A beauty bell purified by orchid semen. –Looks very happy.

“Nhhhhh. You can do it again, right?

While showing her eight-degree teeth, Mizuki began stroking the orchid’s testicles.

With your face dirty with semen, you start making a noise as you suck it into the orchid’s crotch.

A beautiful bell that holds the orchid’s waist and blows with devotion.

Every time Beauty Bell’s lips shrink, the orchid’s waist twitches.

While gazing at the body of such orchids, Kanami rubs her crotch against the orchid’s face.

Kanami presses the orchid’s face against her groin with her hands directed at her breasts.

The orchid bent its mouth into a shape that seemed painful again, feeling the dense scent of Kanami on the crushed nose tip.

“Uhhh… You’re about to cum again!

The smell of Kanami wrapped around her face in the blowjob of Beauty Bell, which wrapped her saliva relentlessly.

Without the irritation from both sides, orchids twitch their hips.

At some point, I had ejaculated three times, but the orchid’s lust still didn’t fade.

Of course, after ordinary people, if you’ve already finished your role, you’ll be in a truce position.

However, Orchid X Po was hardened many times by Mizuki’s skills.

Moreover, the behavior that continues this time is a dedicated blowjob using the tongue and fingertips, unlike sex.

You don’t have to shake your hips, you don’t have to worry about the other girl.

Just spit out as much semen as you like from your testicles as you want.

The fatigue associated with ejaculation disappears with enhanced recovery.

Words of compromise and patience were blown away from orchids that only continued to receive continuous pleasure.

“Ran-chan, Ran-chan! You can cum even more! Just for tonight, look more at Beauty Bells and feel even better!

“Ran, I love you! I love orchids the most in the world!

It was Kanami who should have cared not to put weight on orchids, but Kanami, whose pleasure exceeded reason, relaxed from her legs and climbed onto orchids.

From the mouth to the tip of the nose – Mizuki, whose face is coated with orchid semen, is sucking on the orchid’s rear × po in a selfless fashion while wearing a happy face.


“Nh, uhhh!

Kanami bounced his body and body as he slipped his shorts over the orchid’s face.

Forget about me in the pleasure of climax, and Kanami squeezes her thighs.

The orchid sandwiched between the orchids squeaks their teeth desperately so as not to lose consciousness.

Whatever the situation, it’s too pathetic to pass out in front of a girl.

Kanami, who turned the orchid’s body into a toy, collapsed on the bed.

Apparently, I’ve lost consciousness with this climax.

As Kanami disappeared from the top of his face, Orchid put his strength to his arms and raised his torso.

While wiping the wet tip of her nose with Kanami’s love fluid, the orchid looks at her lower body.

“… uhh”


Behind the orchid’s gaze was an angel.

A bob-cut black-haired girl with an innocent expression and a dedicated mouth masturbation while contaminating her face with semen.

Mizuki Katayama leans her neck strangely as she stretches her mouth full of exquisite creatures pulsating with pleasure.

My childish face fluttered, and my eyes and eyes were matched.


The orchid’s testicles shrunk slightly as it was ejected into the eyes of Mizuki.

A superior blowjob that softly moves your semen coated lips.

Kanami’s crotch was blocked from seeing Momokoto, and now it’s spreading right in front of her.

The cheeks that move on the thighs by sucking on the cheeks, as well as the holes in the nose that move small with each breath.

As if you were asking if it feels good, your eyes are soft and narrow.

All the visual information that spreads in front of you stirs up orchid excitement.

“Phew! I’m already at my limit!

“Nmu? Nmu, mu, mu!

With a great sense of liberation, a thick cloudy liquid spills out of the mouth of Beauty Bell.

While the sperm weakened into pleasure as if it had been sucked up to the soul, the orchid collapsed.

Even though physical fatigue and energy are recovered with enhanced recovery, if you continue to feel the pleasure associated with ejaculation, mental fatigue accumulates in the boulder.

I don’t want to faint in front of a girl I like.

I am not prepared to die like that.

As Jupu Jupu and Beauty Bell sucked up all the semen, the orchid lost consciousness as if it felt good.

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