Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 48

Valentine’s Day of Shayaka

Looks like Valentine’s Day.

The place where Shayaka is today is a world without a season or calendar, but today is Valentine’s Day anyway.

Speaking of Valentine, it is a very important event for a maiden in love.

The same is true for Shayaka, who is in love with her classmate Kirishima Orchid, an indispensable event in talking about high school students’ romance.

That’s why.

Well, I thought I’d give my beloved orchid some chocolate.

I don’t know what that means, there was no chocolate food in this world.

It may be in a foreign country, but you can’t eat that brown, sweet, fascinating food in this country anyway.

Well, there wasn’t even a cocoa.

There was a similar nut called okaka, but I could only imagine the taste of bonito and soy sauce from the name, so I stopped using it.

The actual shape is similar, but the taste seems slightly different.

Because the processing method has not been communicated, it seems that the product is used as a medicine after being crushed.

I was hoping you’d give me a taste.

Because it is expensive and drunk by patients who do not have curative magic, I could not divide it into The Healthy Shayaka.

What should I do?

Even if you try hard to find something impossible, there’s no point in not finding it.

I don’t want to waste any effort.

But I still want to give something to the orchid because it’s an event.

I always do naughty things, so other things are good.

◇ ◇ ◇

“- So, do you have any good ideas?

In the library addressed to Yuri Fujiyoshi, Shayaka exhaled a sigh that seemed boring.

Sometimes the skills given to Lily are not aggressive, and they are engaged in a different kind of training than other saints.

What Lily is doing is basically creating a map.

We use the skills given to us to lay the groundwork for our journey to defeat the Devil in the safest and shortest possible time.

Anyway, that story doesn’t really matter now.

With an ink-impregnated feather pen in one hand, Lily looked back toward Shayaka while shaking the twin tail.

It seems to be a hairstyle that mimics some kind of animated character, but it suits strangely.

If it’s a two-sided up, it looks like a slightly painful hairstyle for high school girls if it’s such a stunning twin tail.

Somehow, even if Lily is wearing this hairstyle, there is not much discomfort.

I may have just gotten used to Shayaka.

“When a boy says he’s happy, isn’t it usually sex?

“Hmm… It’s an event, so I don’t want to deceive you with such a naughty thing.”

However, it is because I am layering my body so much that I am amazed at it.

I’m sure it’s exciting to say “Happy Valentine’s Day” and leave your body with the orchid.

Then what you are doing is the same as usual.

It’s a luxurious story, but you can have sex with your loved one whenever you want.

They hug me, they kiss me.

If you’re physically satisfied, most things satisfy you.

“If you can’t take care of me, Mirin’s better than me.”

“I also talked to Megumi for a while….”

Before I came to Lily’s library, I also consulted with Megumi Maiden Saki.

I’ve heard that foreign lovers give each other sweets and message cards, and they say it with a very beautiful voice that doesn’t get dirty.

I did think about that, too.

The orchid won’t be happy to give you a message card while saying Happy Valentine.

He treats women as he pleases.

Spinning such a sticky figurative act in this world will not shake the heart of orchids.

“If you tell me who you’re dealing with, I think it’ll be easier to make suggestions.”

“No, absolutely not.”

Even Sayaka doesn’t trust Lily.

But I can’t just leak this from Shayaka.

It is said that no door can be built in a man’s mouth. If one person talks about it, it leaks out of there.

I intend to keep Shayaka quiet until the orchids themselves tell me.

“And when a boy says something that looks like he’s going to be happy… he wraps a ribbon around his body and says, ‘Do what you want.'”

“It’s only going to roll to the nasty thing.”

“… I guess it’s something else. I’ve heard before that boys like to be sweetened by girls.”

“No, it’s a gift, but you can’t if I’m so sweet.”

“On the contrary, how about I make you sweet? Older sister characters are surprisingly popular, and inclusive girls are also quite high points, aren’t they?

Indeed, Shayaka put her hand to her mouth with a mind of her own.

I should give you something sweet, but that’s impossible. How about giving time instead of things?

Sweet time.

I wonder why. I can only think of peach developments.

I guess it’s because it’s orchids.

It’s not because I’ve become a slut.

Let’s believe that.

“… but somehow my thoughts may have been wrapped up.”

Giving something is more than an event.

Apart from doing naughty things, there will be some way to please the orchids.

After spinning a routine conversation with Lily during the break, Sayaka left Lily’s library behind.

◇ ◇ ◇

Sayaka was walking down the hallway as she saw the glittering sky of snow.

Today’s training seems to be off and I’m free in the morning.

The cause is this snow. Due to the weight of snow that had been falling since the evening of yesterday, the Training Ground objects collapsed.

It seems that there are defects in various other places, and the Kintetsu Knights and junior servants are out of line, and there is no one to supervise the training of saints.

It seems like it snowed heavily the day before this special day, and it was too late for Shayaka’s free time.

Shayaka was walking toward her beloved room without any particular concern – pushing the trolley.

The blunt silver-decorated trolley has teacups, teapots, and tea broth that is well eaten in the world (only upscale people can speak).

Shayaka looked at it many times and turned her back and turned away embarrassed.

No, I’m not thinking about the fact that the tea confectionery on the trolley seems delicious.

It is not the object on the trolley that scratches Shayaka’s heart.

It was the appearance of Shayaka on the trolley body.

“… what should I do if Kirishima-kun’s reaction is bad?”

In a dark skirt, Sayaka tightly grips the look on her chest.

Play the white prime on your head with your fingertips and fix it with a lovely rose floral ornament.

He glanced at Shayaka’s own face, which was reflected in the dark window glass, and raised his high angle and smiled gently.

After staring at his smiling face for a while, Sayaka dyed his face bright red and squatted back to the window.

“No, it’s embarrassing! This is so embarrassing! If you don’t react or smile, I’ll jump out the window of the room in style!

The window glass facing Shayaka reflected a cute black maid wearing a charming apron dress with a flirty mini ska and a pure white knee sock.

It is not a spiritual experience that reflects non-existent servants, but the appearance of Sayaka herself.

A dark peach floral ornament adorns the white prime that looks good on Japanese black hair and makes it even sweeter.

Normally, the hair that has been lowered is also solved today, and it is small under the nose.

The clavicle, which extends slightly from the sunburned neck, protrudes slightly out of the face, and the chest, which does not claim to exist, is opened to the extent that it is not vulgar.

A contrasting black-and-white costume in a pure white apron that looks like whipped cream.

A miniskirt that squeezes more than necessary around the waist and spreads like a flower from there.

Absolute facial coverage and a pure white over-knee sock that wraps all the way from the knee to the toe.

And tall black shoes.

No matter where you look, it’s the maid.

Of course, this short, feminine maid skirt doesn’t exist anywhere in the royal palace.

“It’s too well prepared… really. I wonder why Lily made such a costume and put it in her room…”

Yuri Fujiyoshi said that it was made by imitating the costume of the famous erogy in the original world.

As for the female high school students’ familiarity with the structure of the costume of the erogenous character, Shayaka also refrained from pushing into it.

It’s decided to push toward the ground waves with mostly anime or something and say that they arrived after searching for the original.

Except for authenticity.

Speaking of which, I recall that Lily was a very focused and skilled daughter for her hobbies.

At last year’s cultural festival, a female student who was walking around selling an incredibly thick magazine called Nama Mono was talking about it.

Whatever you hide, the person you’re talking about is Lily Fujiyoshi.

I was surprised to hear that all the copies, which were as thick as a telephone book, were sold out.

How many students in our high school have fallen in love with such preferences?

Regardless of the courage of Lily Fujiyoshi,

The problem I have now is that of Shayaka herself.

Again and again, it’s Valentine’s Day.

It’s a black-and-white costume with a shameful cosplay, but it’s not Halloween.

Therefore, it is not a prank, but a sweet time – a meeting point between lovers.

How do I get orchids to sweeten my eyes?

After many thoughts, I wondered if the orchid would be naturally sweet if it became a form of hospitality.

It’s called a date when a couple of high school students reach out to cake and coffee while laughing at each other in a coffee shop.

Spinning sweet things together with a sweet opponent in one hand. Just thinking about it makes my chest chirp.

All right, let’s do this.

Speak with orchids today as you watch the snow accumulate.

Sayaka, who decided to do so, said to Lily, “I don’t have to think about it anymore. Because it’s decided.”

It’s a very cute event, so try it with your very cute matching clothes, and I was put on a lily’s mouth and this happened.

Lily said, there can’t be a boy in this world who hates maids! and.

Orchids don’t seem to be very familiar with Akiba hobbies, so I’m a little worried if they’ll accept it.

Regardless, since the maid is a part of the servant, the original idea of “getting the orchid to sweeten it” satisfies the condition.

I thought it would be a waste of time even if I thought about it any more, so I ended up getting the orchid to heal me in the maid’s outfit.

While I was trying to figure something out, I noticed that I had reached the orchid room.

It was unfortunate that I didn’t run into my classmates on the way. I’m still nervous at this moment.

If the orchid is out of the house or in the middle of breaking up with other girl students, all the bad thoughts come to mind.

“If you pull this off, I’ll resent you Lily….”

Lengthen your spine, raise your high angle, and knock on the con and door.

A few seconds waiting for a reply feels like hours.

Lick your nervous, dry lips and stroke your trembling legs.


“Wow, me. It’s Sayaka.”

The door opens at the same time as you name it, and the orchid of love opens its face.

Was he asleep until now? Her hair was sleepy and rough, and there were traces of saliva around her mouth.

“… ah, that? Shayaka, right?

The orchid stared sharply at Shayaka’s face as she rubbed her tearful cheeks.

After being convinced that the maid in front of her was the classmate she saw, the orchid once again dropped its gaze on Sayaka’s body.

And when he raised his face again, he glanced at Shayaka and smiled.

“Come in.”

“… yeah”

While the orchid opened the door, Sayaka pushed the trolley into the orchid’s room.

As soon as I got in, I looked around the room, but I didn’t see any other girls.

Speaking of what happens indoors, the yellow chicks just stick their mouths into the flowers by the curtains and inhale the honey.

I chewed on the joy of proceeding as planned and put on a guzzle much smaller.

“It’s unusual to come at such a time. And…”

The orchid’s gaze turned from Shayaka to the trolley, pointing to a tea set placed on top.

“Looks like he’s got a lot of stuff. What’s wrong with you?

Though slightly saddened by not being able to touch the maid’s clothes worn with embarrassment, Sayaka meditated on one eye without showing any shards on her face.

“Today is a very important day for the maiden in love.”

“An important day for a maiden in love…..”

The orchid’s gaze fluttered down and I caught the area around Shayaka’s crotch.

No, that’s not what I meant.

Certainly, it’s also an important day for a maiden in love.

Didn’t you promise Orchid that you would have sex with her before your life settled down?

“It’s Valentine’s Day!

“… uhh, yeah”

“Valentine’s Day is a day to give sweet, bitter chocolate to a girl’s favorite boy!

Sounds like it.

The reply itself was not cool because it was a cover.

From the expression of an orchid dyeing its cheeks and distracting its gaze, you can feel it filled with expectations.

“But there are no chocolate ingredients in this world, so I couldn’t make them!

“Oh, my God.”

Looking at Shayaka’s eyes, the orchid looked deeply sad.

“I was making chocolate, so I thought it was an apron dress….”

An orchid bursting with its hands on the floor and crying.

More than I thought, Sayaka looked surprised and drooling.

I didn’t expect to be so shocked.

I can’t believe I wanted so much chocolate.

In fact, the moment I was impressed to receive chocolate from my classmate’s girl for the first time, it was the despair that arose because of her betrayal.

Shayaka, who was cut off as a mere confession event on Valentine’s Day, had no reason to know such a boy’s pure thoughts.

“Then why is Sayaka dressed like that?

With his palm on the floor, the orchid raised its sleigh and face.

The lost face looks like a living corpse.

“… um, well… At first, I tried to give Kirishima-kun chocolate with love.”


“But I couldn’t, so instead of sweet chocolate-ah, I thought I’d give you a sweet time.”

While playing with the white prime on his head, Shayaka sharpens his lips to hide.

“It would be fun if you could have tea and chat with your lovers in a coffee shop after school.”

While poking his fingertips in front of his chest, Shayaka looks at the orchid’s face.

Sayaka knelt in front of the orchid as she rebuked in her head the annoying dialog taught by Lily.

“Dear Master, Will you have a sweet time with me?


The orchid, dressed in a charming maid’s clothes, said such a thing at the top of her head. The orchid was unable to withstand the rising impulse and collapsed with a nosebleed.

◇ ◇ ◇

“… I’m sorry for the disturbance.”

“It’s okay, because I realize that I’m not a character either.”

Orchid and Shayaka sat side by side on the edge of the bed.

While the orchid wipes his nose with a handkerchief, the orchid looks sideways at the look of flickering and shayaka.

The maid – the maid.

This is not the first time my classmate has seen Mizuki and Kanami’s maid clothes before.

However, there is still a difference in value between what you asked me to wear and what I wore on my own.

Besides, it is a shayaka that is nothing else.

A classmate who has been thinking a little about orchids since before he put his skills to work and who has hit on a pure love that is not a lie.

I can’t believe a girl like that wears a maid’s clothes – and it’s strangely colorful and pretentious.

“… and is this Fujiyoshi-san’s handmade?”

I slightly rolled up my skirt – I was struck by the pessies and the back of my hand, so I played with the pure white ruffle on my shoulder with my fingers instead.

I don’t know the details of sewing and tailoring because they are not deep.

It was understandable to a driftstone orchid that the quality was too high for an amateur to look at.

“That means I have to give it back.”

“Besides, it’s probably strictly forbidden to do laundry, so…”

“Sex in clothes and semen can be a big deal.”

Even so, if it hits your excited made-to-measure clothes too much, you’ll get tooth shapes and stains.

Maybe it’s not that important because it’s enough to lend it to my friend Shayaka.

It is also believed that she believed in Shayaka and lent her precious treasure.

There is no need to make a crack in Shayaka’s friendship by doing extra things.

If so, I’ll leave the naughty stuff with you.

Anyway, various liquids will be secreted, so it makes no sense to take off the shayaka.

You can’t take off your maid.

It’s a second time, but I’m not forbidden to do anything.

“… uh, I’ll make tea.”

“Ah, I have to hurry…”

When I held my hand to stop the rising Shayaka, my eyes met Shayaka, who looked surprised.

After staring at each other instantly, Sayaka pulled her hand and turned away.

“Yes, it’s okay. Kirishima-kun is sitting down. Today, I will heal Kirishima-kun plenty.”

Ah, ahh

While noticing the red ears, the orchid does not mention it.

If Shayaka is the maid, the orchid must be the Lord – the gentleman.

And let not the secrets of gentlemen and ladies be pursued in secret.

The gentleman was a perverted gentleman, as you know! You can say something like that and attack me.

When I do something strange, Sayaka seems to be really sad, so I will pay attention to myself only today.

Apparently, Shayaka is trying to create a sweet atmosphere using an event called Valentine’s Day.

An orchid that has turned five beautiful girls into corrupt orchids, but is still a novice in healthy relationships like ordinary high school students spin with each other.

Let Shayaka enjoy this place.

“Oops… Er, so as not to zero, gently….”

Shayaka tilts the teapot and pours an amber liquid into the matching teacup.

The aromatic scent drifts over the pure white water and the orchid accidentally leaves the bed.

It smells good.

And it’s a wonderful sight.

Squeeze tightly around your chest and waist with ruffles and ribbons. A festive skirt that spreads like a flower from there.

The short skirt has long and thin legs of Sayaka and is very cute.

I want to stroke it.

Maybe I want to hug you.

It’s impossible to have sex, but isn’t that okay?

Yes, if you put the teapot on the table, you won’t have to worry about running out of tea anymore.

“I got it. Kirishima-kun, I’ve prepared some tea and some soup.”

And it was an orchid that had rubbed the void with my hand, but when I saw the flowery smile of Sayaka looking back, I immediately laid my hands on my lap.

I can’t. I can’t betray the generosity of Shayaka with such a pure smile.

“Thank you, Sayaka.”

Get up from bed and stroke Shayaka’s jaw with your fingertips.

After being healed by Shayaka’s ticklish face, she gently kisses her slightly dyed cheeks.

“My husband rewards me for a good maid…. let’s forget about being erotic today and have fun.”

Oh, Kirishima-kun

Sitting face to face, she gazed at Shayaka in front of her.

Even though I say I don’t want to be erotic, I still want to touch the opposite sex if I like it in front of me.

While telling her in her heart that it was time for the tea to warm up, Orchid and Shayaka wrapped their fingers around the table and began rubbing together between each other’s fingers.

Eventually, the two people, who were no longer satisfied with the touch of their fingertips alone, stood up from either side and approached each other.

Feeling the carefree face of the beloved opposite sex close by, she stares at each other at a breathtaking distance.

A hot gaze was entangled, and the two unexpectedly rang their throats.

“Happy Valentine, Shayaka”

Happy Valentine, Kirishima-kun.

Put a few light kisses on top of each other and kiss your lips.

Mix your hot breath while enduring the twitching of your tongue many times.

Wrap your fingers around each other and suck on each other with love from the heart.

As soon as her lips were lifted, Shayaka looked at the orchid with lonely eyes.

“… when Kirishima-kun’s worries are all settled, let’s do more.”

“Oh, of course.”

If it’s true, I’d like to go through the family training now and make love to Sayaka for the first time.

I want to forget all the suppressed acts and let my animal instincts fall in love with Shayaka’s flesh.

But the orchid couldn’t take that step yet.

You love yourself so much.

Even though Shayaka, who really loves orchids, can’t possibly pretend to betray orchids.

Overwhelmed by false love, orchids can no longer believe the strong trust of their heartfelt affection.

“That’s the end of the wet talk. It looks like the tea’s getting a little cold, so let’s make it tea time.”

“That’s right. Yes, thank you very much.”

Put your mouth on the teacup, get drunk on the rich aroma that spreads all over your mouth, and then exhale.

Turning to her eyes, she looked at Sayaka, who had just sucked tea confectionery (like a low-flavour baked confectionery) into her mouth.

Seeing how to lick the shards on the edge of his mouth, the orchid unexpectedly shivers his spine.

Speaking of which, this may be the first time I’ve seen Sayaka eat or drink anything.

Not just Shayaka, but the other girls too.

Since coming to this world, orchids have only had basic sex.

Thinking so, isn’t what Ran is doing now worth more than having sex with his classmates?

Sprinkle happy tea time with sweet treats in one hand while facing each other’s lovers.

Though my chest is thrilled, my curiosity and sexual desire do not spring up.

It seems that pure love, excluding carnal lust, is sprouting between Shayaka and me.

The orchid realized later that the act of deepening love with a girl was other than sex and kissing.

“It’s not good to fly the process so long to realize such a natural thing…..”

“?… Kirishima-kun, did you just say something?

“No, it’s best to enjoy the process.”

The orchids loosen their bellies and mouth as they gaze at the scent of shayaka sipping tea strangely.

After all, you should know what skills you put on Shayaka.

There is also love that deepens by stepping slowly.

To do this, you must be able to trust others.

It may take time, but if what lies ahead is a happy routine with Sayaka – perhaps you can work hard.

“… Kirishima-kun”


There’s a shard in my mouth.

That said, Shayaka reached out and gradually approached her body.

Then, when you stroke the end of the orchid’s mouth with your fingertips, you put the pieces of baked confectionery stuck to your fingers into your mouth.

Captured by a fine gaze, orchids unexpectedly turn red.

“If it smells like sand at night… at all”

“If you’re dating a high school student, it’s the beginning. I still have a plan for Kirishima-kun to sweeten me.”

“Heh… for example?

Megumi taught me a massage or a knee pillow plus earpiece. Here, I brought it. ”

Sayaka shows off her wooden ears with her pockets.

Orchids look at and admire the fact that ears are everywhere in the world.

However, the knee pillow and earpiece are regardless of how they are seen.

If that happens, you look like a newlywed.

A honeymoon. Kirishima-kun and other girls will definitely dictate even if they get married. ”

“To the boulder, such a thing… I can’t tell you without it.”

It is painful for me to be able to deny it completely here.

Just listen to this lower body.

With that in mind, she raised her face and saw the orchid with her own eyes.

“Well, that’s not a lie, so I wanted you to deny it.”

“You can lie.”

“If you don’t want me to find out, you can do whatever you want.”

“Ah, this is absolutely impossible.”

Or are you talking about something?

Instead of getting married, I haven’t even had a formal relationship yet.

While talking like that, the teapot contents were empty.

After finishing their tea, Shayaka and Orchid sighed happily after drinking the tea left over from the tea cup.

“Well, Kirishima-kun. The sweets are gone, so I’d like to serve you next.”

“I can only think of naughty things when I say ‘service’ in that outfit, but a healthy one is good, right?

“If the maid’s dressed girlfriend rubs her hips and thighs and says she’s healthy,”

Encouraged by Shayaka, the orchid leans down on the bed, filling her chest with anticipation.

At the end of the bed, immediately next to the orchid, Shayaka sat on the back of an orchid exposed to defenselessness, poking her fingertips.


“Sensitivity is good. Then don’t hesitate to speak up.”

According to the provocative words of Shayaka, the orchid distorts the edge of its mouth with a proud face.

“Do you think I’m going to speak up like a baby girl with this healthy massage?

“Heh… That’s pretty strong.”

“I’m still having sex with all kinds of girls, so how can you ring me with a gentle stimulus!?

The fingers of Shayaka were squeezed, and the orchid unexpectedly raised its pathetic voice.

Shit, what is this?

When I saw it, Shayaka looked down and drew an arc around Nimmari’s mouth.

That raw warm gaze is now tickling strangely.







Along with the sad screams of Shayaka’s finger pressure, the orchid twitches his lower abdomen with a pleasant twitch.

It feels like you’re about to relax from all parts of your body.

If it stays like this, the pleasure is going to leak another liquid from your crotch.

“Sa, do it… Sayaka…!



Screaming like a woman who had climaxed, the orchid shivered his whole body with salivation from the edge of his mouth.

It was close.

Had Shayaka revealed a little more sadistic, orchids would now have been exposed in front of Shayaka as a boy to a scene she didn’t want to see above all else.

Even though I can’t be strong with Shayaka, if I see such a weakness.

I may not be able to see Shayaka’s face properly anymore.

You’re shaking your hips and moving your torso with a twitch.

She unexpectedly stroked her chin and turned her face upwards by the hand of Shayaka.

I wonder if it is the one with the fashionable jaw.

My posture is quite different.


While holding his boyfriend’s jaw lying face down, Shayaka looks at the orchid with a serious look.

“If I can get back to the world, I’ll give it to you right then.”

What are you talking about? Like what? I don’t want to ask such a natural question.

Today is Valentine’s Day, an annual event.

The day a girl gives her loved one chocolate.

“Oh, I’m looking forward to it.”

They turned their gaze and smiled at each other as if they were illuminated.

Outside the window, a blank white snow kept falling.

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