Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 59

Chapter 49 Anomalies and Doubts

Lihua Queen Gaoka (Joogaoka Reika), vice chairman of the class committee, noticed something unusual while enjoying the afternoon tea scent in the cafeteria.

Today’s training does not actually move the body to learn combat techniques, but to learn the application of magic chanting – so-called sitting studies accounted for most of the training time.

That’s why all the saints today – they finished their training at the same time and all their classmates gathered for lunch.

All classmates have lunch at the same time.

As long as it is modern Japanese school life, it is not unusual. Rather, in school life, where classes and breaks are separated by a certain amount of time, it is natural to do the same thing at the same time as people in the same class.

It’s not a big deal.

Regardless, the saints have become very accustomed to the “everyday” of the world.

Ota groups, including Kaiseki Mikoshi, who spins self-training elsewhere than the other saints, and The Mypaced Queen Gahill Lihua’s group also have plenty of time to eat.

Sometimes I eat lunch that is easy before the sun comes to the top, and sometimes I eat lunch late after nightfall – quite a bit.

I don’t even go to the cafeteria in bad times, but I sit down in the corner of the training ground and have lunch.

So, Lihua basically spent her usual lunch time – what kind of time did the other saints spend?

He had no idea how he was talking about the saint, who was in some sense a prodigal person who did not appear in the cafeteria.


The sound of something colliding with the wall roared from the outside of the dining room, and Lihua accidentally took away the teacup she had in her hand.

The teacup, long and delicate away from its fingertips, fell instantly without defying gravity – it was captured by Kiryu Inn Subaru on the verge of collision with the floor.

“Are you hurt, Lihua?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Besides, what the hell is going on?

The treatment of the black tea, which had been zero in the carpet, was left to Kiryu Inn, and Lihua flipped the uniform skirt and jumped into the noise.

What the hell happened?

The screams of the girl students, the noise of something colliding – and above all, the noise of the unstoppable saints.

Judging by the situation, it’s either a riot or a fight – it’s certainly not a calm situation anyway.

Lihua jumps into the hustle and bustle as she pushes away the students surrounded by wild horse guts, including the servants who were beside her.

The hairbrush was really neat – in fact, the hairbrush combed it – and the blonde hair became a mess, but I don’t mind.

Lihua Queenshill is still the vice chairman of the class.

It seems that Kanami Inugami, who would be most reliable at this time, is going to pick flowers.

The chairman of the committee, Nobu Toru, seems not to be here right now.

Chairman and Discipline Commissioner – If there are no two people to rely on, we will have to arbitrate here.

As for Lihua’s own will, I wanted to avoid trouble as much as possible, and I thought it would be easier to ignore it if something happened in the class but not my own.

After convincing herself that it would be troublesome later if the noise became more important, Lihua glanced at the center of the noise with glorious eyes.

“Stop it, you’re disgraceful!

After drinking the venue in a splendid lady tone, Lihua took out a fan in a luxurious hue from the pocket of the skirt and thrust it towards the party.

“What the hell is going on?!

“… I didn’t do anything. All of a sudden, he just hit me.”

“Nah, you didn’t do anything!? I didn’t think you’d do anything by throwing up such insults at my friend Odagawa. – How dare you say that!

While rubbing her red and swollen cheeks, Hideichi Gigane was in the shape of a demon. In this situation alone, she crawled into Takeo Shinkaki, a student who seemed like the perpetrator at first glance.

The Shinagaki himself looked at the female gane with a troublesome face, and then turned to Kenjiro Odagawa, a student who trembled in a bullet behind Shinzo Kawasaki.

Looking in the direction of the day after tomorrow with a frightened face, the Mita River is shaking its shoulders and grabbing the meat of Shinzo Kawasaki’s shoulders.

Although it may seem painful at first glance, Kawasaki does not distort his expression particularly like that of a pig.

I don’t think it actually hurts a lot because it has a lot of meat and fat.

“Why don’t you explain what happened from the beginning?

“No, what happened? I’m just talking about the dog god–”


Shinagaki’s explanation was obscured by unfamiliar screams.

Kenjiro Odagawa, a student whose neighbors were speaking at once, turned his gaze to an unrecognized voice.

The Mita River, which had been subjected to intensive fire of sight, immediately raised its face – still staring at the void – as it leaned downward – and protruded its hands toward the new hedge.

A scream that rises from the bottom of your heart in the Odagawa River, which is very rarely spoken from normal life.

At the same time as the surroundings were surprised to hear such a voice from this small boy, the space burst in front of Lihua.



Using the screams of Shinagaki and Lihua as a signal, the void is distorted.

For example, it’s like a different dimension entrance.

It seems that the connection with other worlds has been solved.

There was a strange sight that was difficult to describe – the moment, right in front of Shinagaki – and the space that was supposed to be empty splashed around with intense burst sounds, as if it had even been embraced by explosives.

― Nah

Nothing exists – just air, just space.

“Space debris” that cannot be touched or seen sprinkles towards the new hedge.

Regardless, no ordinary person with combat training can see or recognize such ambiguous things as space.

Something burst – at the same time as grasping such vague information, invisible “objects that are difficult to describe” burst into the face of the new hedge.

“A-hh! Absolute Defensive Wall (Mirror Force)!

A Shinkaki skill that has been reflexively activated almost automatically as a result of long-standing training.

It was a skill that only reflected and bounced back physical attacks and some end-of-life magic phenomena, but now it has also evolved slightly.

The debris from the space that flew toward Shinagaki was reflected against the absolute defensive wall – it bounced back toward the activator Kenjiro Odagawa.

Kenjiro Odagawa owns the skill of space interruption (Imperial Disaster). ― ― It is a powerful super-attack inherent magic that can distort or burst space and attack without touching a mid-range external enemy.

In fact, it’s a demonic skill that severs objects from space.

Kenjiro Odagawa is a quiet boy with gentle roots who doesn’t like to fight, even if he is ruled by the emotions that have bubbled up.

The last reason did not take on intense affection and lead to an outrage that would directly hurt Shinagaki.

In any case, we don’t know what happens if the debris of space collides.

And most terrifying of all, the space debris itself is not a magical phenomenon created by the Mita River.

If it is not a magical phenomenon embodied by you, whatever you do to cancel the skill, it is impossible to erase it.

No one will accept it – an invisible bullet will be reflected in Shinkaki’s skills and push towards Kenjiro Odagawa, who trembles behind Shinzo Kawasaki.

“Ooh, Midagawa!”

“… I don’t want you to use skills that you can’t handle at all, fat.”

Shinzo Kawasaki, who shouted her friend’s name with a stunned face, saw the space with cold eyes without showing any trace of dust.

Eventually, when she breathes boringly, she opens her arms and takes a position that protects the Mita River.

Physical Attack Reflex ― Modified, Physical Attack Reflex Axel Lolita Fab!

Because of the shape of the body, the eyes that were normally narrowed open, and the invisible wall appeared in front of Shinzo Kawasaki.

At the time it was granted, it was fully backward compatible with the Absolute Defensive Wall, but as it was trained over time, its accuracy increased, allowing it to reflect some of the energy embodied in magical elements.

In any case, it cannot be said to be complete, so all phenomena cannot be bounced back.

Some of the “space debris”, which permeated Kawasaki’s skills, fell into Kawasaki’s belly and eventually disappeared after a slight epidermis.

“I did it, you fat fuck.”

“Kawasaki… That’s right.”

“It’s just a scavenger fat. Besides, it was fat that Mita River didn’t get hurt.”


Since the boys’ comic books by both of them began to play, Lihua removed her consciousness from them and turned back to Shinkai.

Though he looks a little rough, he doesn’t seem to be giving up.

I was filled with the desire to inquire about what happened, but Lihua didn’t want to pursue it here anymore.

Even if we rearrange the partition here, Midagawa or Kawasaki-it will only fool around the feminine root.

Shinagaki doesn’t seem to be thinking about doing anything more, and the Ota Group doesn’t think about making any more noise.


“This is the end of my job.”

When I saw Kanami, the dog god, walking with a pleasant nose song, Lihua meditated and disappeared into the wild horse.

◇ ◇ ◇

“Don’t you think that’s funny?

Sitting on a chair and shaking a smooth raw leg without wasting hair, Lihua Queen Gahill called out to her classmate who was kneeling before her.

Kiryu Inouchi, a classmate with one knee at Lihua’s feet, leaned his neck with a gentle smile to ask what it was all about while brushing Lihua’s nails while dyeing his cheeks.

“Are you talking about the fight? I don’t think it’s unusual.”

“It’s not unusual, it’s the cause of the quarrel – no, it’s not. It’s about a situation where there was a fight.”

After brushing her right nail, Lihua jumped her legs glossy and changed her legs.

After the momentary motion, he sparkled his eyes and began to immerse himself in nail polishing again.

“Shinagaki-san certainly looked gorgeous, and there were many occasions when she put it on her nose. I don’t think I’ve ever bothered to sell fights to other boys like I did today.”

That’s not all.

Clearly, some of the air in the class is getting worse.

At first, Lihua thought that there would be a lot of stress in the closed spaces and positions.

Recently, problems have erupted in my class by circling it.

One was the behavior of a girl student who followed Lihua – a kimono.

It sounds like you’re wearing a skirt that’s short enough to inadvertently cover your eyes, but you can still put your legs together and play sports.

Besides, they don’t wear anything but raw underwear.

Lihua is also a girl, so I don’t understand her desire to show her legs long or get a hot gaze from a boy.

Normally, even if you try to overexpose or seduce, shame will surely prevail over the desire to be seen cutely.

Lihua sometimes wears flashy party dresses with open back and legs.

That’s because there are no people in such places who treat them without trying to hide their filthy desires.

I’m not exposing my raw skin to you anywhere.

Let’s get back to it.

The sound. Recently, I have often been able to speak to male students.

Haruhito Tanaka, Sho Shiratori and Hiroshi Yamashiro – and then Yuki Ryuzaki, to put it another way, are the faces of the most individualized groups.

The content of the story is not a big deal.

Talking about your favorite music group or what you would like to do if you could go back to the original world is an unfortunate public story that everyone is talking about occasionally during a chat.

Lihua was surprised that the person she was talking to was a kiwi.

Cool – Why is she so popular with some boys?

If you just want to talk, Snow White and Mt. Cat Beauty Bells will have a wider conversation.

But what they’re talking about is an unusual whistle.

And – the sound that is so noticeable to male students does not show any approach to them.

Literally, there are no strange pieces.

For Lihua, who has been surrounded by sounds for more than a year, the fact that sounds do not interest male students cannot be considered.

It sounds cool and imaginative, but it’s a pretty carnivorous girl.

Find a boy you like – or a man who seems to forgive himself – and come closer dressed up as subtlety.

She seldom imitates herself, but it is her way of getting closer to both the mind and body with exquisite manners that tickle the heart of a sexually active boy.

And after you get along to a certain extent and cum – do you suddenly feel better and leave, or can the other person get tired of the sound and throw it away?

And it was like that again and again.

In the current class, Sakiya Aihara is more flashy, so it is not obvious.

It sounds like an experienced slat.

If a boy comes around, he will eat happily.

But what about reality?

Unlike obviously handsome boys like Shinagaki and Tiger Raw, sounds don’t give them a body, even if they’re followed by boys who seem to be one of her students.

It can be said that it was just out of favor of sounds.

What if it’s not?

I wonder if something unexpected is moving without knowing about Lihua.

The atmosphere of the whole class shifting to a different world is also quite a situation. Female students driven by anxiety and male students given the opportunity to show strong things.

It’s an environment where couples can easily be born, both situationally and positively.

However, as far as Lihua knows, I haven’t heard such stories as starting out with classmates.

Rather, there are only unproductive topics such as the parting of Hidenobu Toru and Mizuki Katayama, and the shaking of Haruzu Tanaka overnight.

Isn’t that strange?

If you’re in a state of anxiety, isn’t it normal for you to unconsciously want a base of mind?


“Lihua-sama, I’ve finished polishing your feet. Next, turn your hands towards me.”

More than when I was in the original world, I devoted more love to beauty.

This is closer to worship than to affection.

She rolls up her sleeves and leaves her long, beautiful fingertips behind. Lihua smiles like her mother.

Although this behavior is peculiar to driftstones, it is a strange phenomenon that there is no dependency between men and women of high school students who spent the same year in the same environment.

Something must be happening.

And eventually, it’s going to be a big wave.

Lihua gently narrowed her eyes as she watched her hands polish with devotion.

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