Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 68

Chapter 58 The Unfortunate Sleeping Princess

Satisfied with her belly filled with her favorite meat dishes, Lily was wandering around the library while wearing her cheek cane on the desk of the royal library.

A quiet night – a free time to sleep with a full stomach. The saints, who are trained with physical exhaustion throughout the day, will travel to the bedrooms that are given to them and to the world of their dreams.

But only Lily doesn’t consume this time as just sleeping time.

For Lily, who used to be a late-night animator in the original world, this time after dinner is still like activity time.

Of course there is no late-night animation or radio in this world, but Lily’s internal clock, carefully trained by years of stacking, cannot easily be restored to ordinary people.

So Lily spends a bit of time in this room until she is struck by an intolerable drowsiness – when she falls asleep, she goes back to her room in the separate building and sleeps until morning.

Recently, it seems that the internal clock is starting to go crazy (in this case, it may be better to go back). It seems that I have lost sight of the time of return, and I fall asleep in front of my desk, and I often spend the morning in the library.

I can’t imagine a girl of her age spending the night in a place so low in secularity.

Whether luck is good or bad, I have never felt scared by physical relationships – I don’t feel good either – but Lily feels a little looser around here.

What happens when a sweet high school girl sleeps unarmed in such a crowded place? This is an easy answer for Lily, who is also familiar with adult comic books for men.

Well, it’s hard to think of a wolf who would try to attack herself in the royal palace where adorable maids and daunting knights would be able to do something about it – or else it would be the truth.

Such a daughter wouldn’t want to improve a disturbed life without looking at her painful eyes once.

Thinking so – compared to the worst end for a girl who would have been welcome, this visit to the end was still a conscientious admonition.

◇ ◇ ◇

The orchid stepped into the building where the girl student lived, surprised at the unexpected sight in her sight, and quickly slipped herself into the shade.

Half your face out of the edge of the wall and watch the situation again.

It was the natural blonde hair that jumped into sight – soft and radiant in the moonlight.

Even if all the school students gathered at the ceremony or something, I saw Lihua Queen Gahill, a female student with a characteristic appearance that would be easily discoverable if she looked at the seat from the top of the stage, talking to several Kintetsu knights in the middle of the hallway.

“Why, at a time like this…”

You said that you came all the way here because of the beauty, but you can’t meet me here.

No, it is true that the logic is strange to think simply.

If I had made an appointment properly, this would not have happened, and if Lihua would happily accept Orchid’s visit, I would be able to visit him normally even if I went grandly inside.

However, the orchid’s visit this evening is certainly unaware of Lihua, and it will be troublesome if she presents herself with dignity.

If the Knights of Kintetsu surrounding Lihua were a woman – or a human with Walkins’ breath – there would be no problem.

In this situation, that would be impossible. Too optimistic.

“Should we wait?”

Is it best to wait here until the Kintetsu Knight leaves Lihua?

No, I don’t know. Perhaps the Knights of the Guards, who have finished speaking, will walk towards us. Or they may notice the orchid’s presence and show their intention to attack. Or – you may have already noticed that the orchid is peeking.

“I’d rather get back out than cross the dangerous bridge….”

Looking back now, the Knights of the Kintetsu are in a sluggish mood – what a joke!

It is a little painful to be unable to family Lihua here, but it is not an irrevocable failure. Rather, it would be more troublesome to discover the existence of the Kintetsu Knight or Lihua here, and the plan would be greatly crazy.

There are currently seven dependent female students – in case the saint decides to leave before finishing the fall of beauty.

Better than getting caught.

Sneak out of the women’s wing without making any footsteps, dressed as butler on the lookout.

At a certain distance, zero the accumulated breath from your mouth.

Well, what should I do?

This evening, I was going to be healed in abundance by a nasty beauty lady, so my stomach is full of meat sticks (thighs x po). If you go back like this, you’ll have to deal with it all by yourself – and it’ll be tough to get into another girl student’s room when the Kinsai Knight is looking around.

As soon as I thought so, the desire for reproduction, which is a young instinct, springs up like the Fire.

I want to have lovely sex with a beautiful bell.

I want to release the semen milk as much as possible into Kanami’s mouth.

While Shayaka is teasing me a little, I want to stare at my sword and spray my pathetic semen.

I want to color your brown skin with thick semen.

I want to be treated with a full eye while being sandwiched by the thighs of Princess Sha.

I want to cum inside your vagina while enjoying the soft body of Sakuya.

I want you to melt down that cool, heartless expression while being raped in your mouth with your loud tongue.

Zokri and the back of her waist are trembling, and she has a fever.

I want to get rid of this heat with the swift flesh of high school girls.

You can use your skills to spin an overnight relationship with your maid – but you can do extra things and get worn out in weird places.

No matter how much I shouted in my head, there was nothing I could do.

It was before they applied their skills – even when they were in the original world. When I saw the cute figure of Mizuki, I felt depressed by the solitary behavior of wanting to have figurative sex, or if she couldn’t, wanting to commit it in a manner she wouldn’t dislike. The day I was able to see the sounds and the thighs of Sakuraya, I drained them with their flesh without hesitation.

Boys’ high school fantasies are amazing.

But, well, even though it’s an adolescent delusional god, if you just pull out the JK in your brain, you’ll definitely have a feeling of loss after it’s over.

If the child who ejaculated in vain right now had been put in the pussy of a high school girl, it would have felt even better. If I could bear it till tomorrow, someone might come to my room.

You’ll definitely regret it.

I want something else for masturbation.

“… but there won’t be any pornographic images in this world.”

If the cell phone (smartphone) had been powered on, the orchid’s album would have been full of framed cameras with its classmates.

Because orchid phones are on this street, there are no memories of spinning in this world.

And then…

Is there anything like a sensual novel in a sacred royal palace?

There is a high probability that it is not, but it may be.

It is often a creative situation for a maid who is cleaning to excavate and console a book with one hand at night.

Nevertheless, time to search for books is limited, as it is done at the expense of sleeping time.

If you don’t find a little bit of it, you’ll ejaculate purely with spa and delusion.

There seems to be no alternative to patience.

With that in mind, I went to the Royal Palace’s library.

Because they store items in burnable paper media, the lights that illuminate the area around the library are mostly magical stones and instruments, not lights.

There was also a poster stating that the use of magic for attack purposes was strictly forbidden. Books are vulnerable to flames and water, so it’s only natural.

“Excuse me.”

Say hello in your mouth as small as when you enter the school library.

Words such as ecology and ketchup are not popular, and the library lights are shining brightly. Is it left on so that it can be used at any time?

If so, I think it is quite careless. And uneconomical.

Well, thanks to that, we can find the evening gift slowly, so as orchids, we have to thank the royal palace guard for being a monkey.

Now, in a hurry to find and sleep neatly, the orchid jumped into the library with exhilaration – and suddenly screamed at the sight that jumped into sight.


The orchid slowly turned to the corner of the library while holding down the scream as it went out.

I thought there was nobody, but there was somebody.

It’s like a horror movie.

I want you to stop because it is bad for my heart.

As a precaution, the orchid keeps its face forward – checking for pink lumps in the corners of its vision. I don’t even know my face because I’m lying on my desk, but I’m sure I’m not a man because of the color of my clothes.

A familiar saint, the orchid turns to the sleeping princess as he breathes after he breathes out of relief that he was not a boy student.

While paying careful attention not to make footsteps, she approached the back of the sleeping princess – staring.

Dark black hair that would be pure Japanese. A rose-coloured ribbon on a well-shaped head cutely sucks on thin, smooth black hair.

Unexpectedly, a maiden of her age sleeps unarmed and exposed. Double eyes are closed to pleasure, and the plump, moist mouth is adorable and salivated.

The limbs wrapped in pink cardigan also retain a slightly luxurious atmosphere while retaining a feminine ups and downs, making it a stunning proposition.

It’s not glamorous like Kanami and Ayame, but it’s not always boring.

Instead, the feminine curves of the shoulders and hips stand out for the absence of extra meat or fat, and depending on what you see, this may feel more erotic.


“… nnh”

Were you having trouble sleeping? The voices leaking from the thinly open mouth are strangely coloured. Her cheeks are stained with pale pink, and her forehead and neck are dry and sweaty.

Slightly shaking his body, he looks defenseless – he seems to be inviting a boy.

The orchid accidentally approached Lily because of the feeling of peace of mind that she was asleep.

At regular intervals, it is mistaken for a leaking sleep breath, and the fluffy fragrance drifts from the lily. It is different from the fragrance made, such as soap and perfume.

Natural – The smell of sweat drifting from high school girls. A natural perfume that carries sweet and sour pheromones characteristic of adolescent girls. Attracted by a natural scent different from the artificial irritant odor, orchids gradually stick to the body of Lily.

“Shit… this smell looks like a habit”

You can’t defy a boy’s instincts while being careful not to wake him up.

Your breath is rough, your heartbeat is diverted, and your chest is filled with lily scents.

It smells like sweat. The smell of sweat from a girl.

Reacting to the heterosexual fragrance, the orchid after x po swells up in the pants.

I was hungry for the body of a high school girl and I got it in this situation when I was looking for a child at night – a real high school girl. Sweat soaked in bare skin, sweet sleep, and the smell of sweat – all stirring up orchid fertility.

“Ah, ah… Fujiyoshi-san. Fujiyoshi-san!”

“… nh, ahh”

Despite the intense aroma of sweat, orchids bury the tip of their noses behind their lilies and breathe deeply.

The raw fragrance of lily spreads with a clutter in your head. Grab your pillowed arm and squeeze your pretty hands to peek at your face from the hem of your cardigan.

If you wake up, train your family and let them grow up. That kind of idea will make the orchid more distracted.

Normally, you wouldn’t want to rape a sleeping girl, even indirectly.

But we’re at our limit. The stick of flesh that keeps complaining about its existence in the butler’s uniform, wants to taste the body of the lily, and has been drooling with greedy salivation for a while.

Your pants are already numb, and if you move a little, you’re going to cum. In any case, you can’t have such a shameful climax in this situation.

“Wow, your head – it smells so strong. Fujiyoshi-san hasn’t taken a bath in a couple of days.”

Normally, you’ll only remember disgust, but the endless urge to have sex comes to mind for high school boys – in a sense, blasphemous lust.

Contact that was only touched is now tight – it is covered from behind and continues to sniff the smell of its classmates in a confused way.

It’s a very pathetic sight from an aerial perspective, but there’s no need to worry about that.

Nobody sees it – not even the sexual party in front of them understands what they’re doing.

In such a situation, you don’t have to worry about dressing up.

Place the entire body close together and press the symbol of desire around Lily’s buttocks.

The buttocks wrapped in a dark blue skirt retain the impressive elasticity of a high school girl, and if pressed hard, it bounces back lewdly.

Rotate your arms around your soft stomach and squeeze your body tightly. Her nose rubbed her cheeks roughly, and she swallowed the scent of lilies.

The warmth spreads gently and makes you feel happy.

When the girl in front of her remembered her immense reproductive desire, the orchid rang its throat and shook the body of Lily.

Fujiyoshi-san Fujiyoshi-san

“… nh, nhhh?

Lily wipes the mouth saliva with sleepy eyes. I don’t know what happened, so I’ll tilt my little head cutely.

“… eh, uhh. What’s up, butler?

“Lily Fujiyoshi – will you still be my puppet?”

Dialogue is a little different than usual, but there is no problem because that word is not the key to skill activation.

Looks like we’ve managed to make it the first stage of family reunification.

The eyes that opened with a stunned look instantly lost their strength and returned to the half-eye that was coming.

Then Lily, who seemed to have noticed the situation in which she was placed, stared at the orchid and loosened her mouth.

“Uh-huh, the blonde butler is hugging me.”

A lily that feels dreamy and narrows its eyes. Once the expression got sexually excited, the orchid grabbed Lily’s shoulder and lured her into the shadow of the bookshelf.

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