Because I was excluded out of the class transfer, I decided make a classmate harem

Chapter 92

Episode 77 Disharmony

When I noticed it, my cheeks were wet.

Hot shizukuishi spreads its face, wets its jaw, and falls to the floor as a drop of water.

Where is it hanging from? Who is watering orchids with what intent?

Brush wet cheeks with water droplets and find the starting point with your fingertips.

Your sight is seeping.

Orchids still don’t notice.

Were you struck by surprise and given the skill of a pigeon?

In that case, the orchid’s life has already been deprived by the hand of the orchid.

The louder you sound, the more your heartbeat sounds.

The vasoconstriction hurts.

The circulation of various energies, both physical and mental, makes orchids feel “raw”.

Your fingertips reach your fingertips.

The sudden stimulus overflowed Shizukuishi at the end of your eyes.

From around my eyes, a slice of Shizukuzuku spilled out.

Here the orchid finally realized that he was crying.

“Eh… Why me?”

Your thoughts can’t keep up with the overflowing emotions.

I can’t understand why tears are coming out.

Soft and warm, it envelops the orchid’s body from both sides.

Fluffy sweet smell – a smell that feels like sniffing and reassuring.

The fingertips not belonging to orchids wipe the corner of his eyes and shrub off the shizuku.

Your seeped vision gradually clears up.

At the tip of your nose, a ticklish feeling comes down.

Unfamiliar polar colors appear in the blurry vision.

I accidentally pointed my finger at the tip of my nose.

A small, unreliable girl who has been watching orchids from the beginning.

As the yellow family ascended, they remained at the tip of their fingers, and spread their wings as they lifted.

“Are you okay, Kirishima? Does it hurt somewhere?

“… a liar at Kiryu Inn. I promised you I wouldn’t hate Kirishima.”

A familiar voice hits your ear.

Warm arms clasp the orchid’s body and warm breath strokes the cheeks.

It’s not just warm, in the actual sense of temperature.

I know that you care about orchids from the heart – spiritual warmth envelops orchids from both sides.

“… what did I do?”

Remember the words just before your cheeks got wet.

─ I want to use your help. Can you help me?

I don’t understand why this is happening.

I don’t know who I am.

Why did the orchid suddenly have emotional breakdown?

“If you cry, make the boy cry. You’re a bad boy.”

“There’s nothing I can do to open my mouth. I didn’t expect anything like this to happen to me.”

Qinggaoku Lihua softens her blue eyes while concealing her mouth with a fan.

A boy student standing in front of Lihua lowered his eyebrows in a little trouble – Kiryu Inn.

While protecting Lihua, she looks at the orchid (although it is in the form of a look down because of her posture). In the sight, the orchid felt a sense of sight.

Human beings are different, and the scenery is different.

The surrounding environment, time, place and situation are all different.

“… ahh”

I was able to understand what stimulated the root of my emotions.

It was very simple.

Orchids are just what I wanted.

I just wanted you to admit it.

Pride got in the way and kept running.

What the orchids really wanted.

“Do you need my help?

“Yes, I really need your help. The training of your family and…”

The look on your face becomes steep.

“I really need the strength of all nine of the female students you’ve made family members of, except for Lihua-sama.”

A drop of Shizukuzuku spills over your cold heart.

At last, the value has sprouted.

It is a factor that inhibits the unity of the class, which leads to the skill of the excluded orchid.

Regardless of the truth, the kingdom’s human beings – even those on the Queen’s side – have become the skills of orchids that despise failure.

― ― And to Kirishima Orchid himself, a skill owner who abused his skill and made the most of it in the worst way.

They said they needed orchids – people other than their families finally showed up.

Beyond friendship and love – tied together in a relationship between the Lord and his family, in a sense creating a stronger bond than anything else.

By breaking solidarity, we created a desecrative and vile bond.

The orchid was right.

Your hand is stretched out, and your nasty memories come back to life as if you were laughing at it.

When isolated from the world named Class, it starts moving again.

While sandwiching the warped crack, the remembered gear and the real gear meshed dirty.

Like a sandstorm, sparse memories come back to the back of your brain, covering your vision as if you were covering your membrane.

The appearance of Toru Shigenobu (Trao Shigenob), who continues to live in memory, and the appearance of the real Kiryu Inn Shigeki overlapped.

The orchid was finally able to hear what he wanted at that time.

“You need me….”

The gears that shouldn’t mesh with each other are playing a discordant tone, as they are eating into the critical irregularities.

Memories from the time you were kicked out connect to the current situation.

The memories of the time when it was unnecessary and discarded are intertwined with the current situation that was demanded.

For a moment, I thought it was rhetorical, such as helping them.

But it was just when I was excluded from the group – when there was no basis for my mind, when I was alone – when there was no bell, no beard, no interaction with people on the first side of the room, I didn’t know what to do further, and I had nothing but family training skills – when the roots were just dark.

A little while ago – as I said to Aya, orchids wanted to return to their original world, and if everyone in my class would accept orchids that did so much as they wanted to help.

I was worried about your acceptance.

The family of orchids – the only way to get rid of a schoolgirl who retains her ability to cheat is to take orchids.

The existence of orchids is by no means unnecessary if we want to return to the original world first and foremost – if we care about life.

I thought you wouldn’t accept it if you didn’t threaten me in the middle of the day.

But I don’t suppose you need and want the opinions of all your classmates, but the orchid’s skills and this state of affairs that has turned it into a factor.

It would be an exaggeration to say that you may wish or not wish, but this is not a bad development.

Supported by sounds and colors, as well as an arugula, the orchid looks at the orchid.

Standing up to protect Lihua, she looks down at the orchid with a sharp expression. That face is serious.

Let’s just talk about it.

She sighed and meditated.

Either way, I don’t think I can figure out a way out of this situation.

While showing no resistance with his arms extended, the orchid urged him to lower his hips.

Soon it was raining completely.

◇ ◇ ◇

Orchid bedrooms are small compared to those given to other saints, and beds and other furnishings are of inferior quality.

When it comes to senior servants, it is inevitable that there will be a difference in treatment compared to the saints who are treated as guests.

The walls and floors are damaged because they were originally left empty for a long time.

It is now possible to have a minimum life, but when I first arrived, there was a gap wind and everything, and it was difficult for me to get used to it for a while.

Still, in a cave with no bedding or doors, I thought it was a much easier environment to spend than when I was dreaming of being attacked and slaughtered every night by a cold-eyed Kintetsu knight, and I never had any difficulty in living here – it would be a lie to say nothing, but I never felt so inconvenient.

Compared to life in the original world, it is a difference in cloud mud, but in comparison to this, it will be wrong in itself.

Compared to the bedrooms the saints usually spend, there were five saints and a monster in the bedrooms of the narrow and dirty orchids.

The diagram of preparing candles in the middle and sitting around them looked as if the friendly five were having midnight suspicions, but their expressions were far removed from having a fun event – a mysterious one.

Rather than mysterious, is it correct to say “serious” – a sharp expression?

The shards did not loosen his expression, and Kiryu Inn Yu began to roughly explain the process from the time the orchid was expelled until now, while scratching important places.

The royal palace’s response and the classmates’ general opinion after the orchid was excluded.

Many of the misinformation explained by the Queen’s people.

What prompted her and Lihua to start wondering about the current situation – various things.

From time to time, he cut off the words and checked the beauty, the sounds, and the color for lies and lies in his own words.

Shortly after he was kicked out, there were also opinions as to whether he felt guilty about hunting his classmates in a strange world, whether he had a conscience that included self-defense that he didn’t want to be an indirect killer, or whether he should bring back orchids.

That Toru Izumo Nobu and Takeo Shinagaki were desperately trying to stop it.

Shortly after the transfer, the two individuals showed a significant advantage over the intra-class hierarchy.

The position of Toru Mao Nobu has gradually become dangerous due to the family of Mizuki Katayama.

A small crack has begun to enter the relationship between the hierarchical superiors.

When I finally realized the seriousness of the matter, the Queen told me that the escaped saint had been dealt with.

If you don’t want to encounter the same thing, you’ve been nailed so you can’t think of treason.

At an early stage, Kirishima Orchid, the twenty-first saint, was reportedly exterminated by the Queen’s hand.

For a while after being excluded, I was eating up stubborn and pointless time in the cave, so I couldn’t grasp the exact chronology of the time. By the time I made Kanami or Shayaka my family, it seems that it was already widespread among saints that the order to exterminate the escaped saints had been given.

Either way, the sentence could not actually be executed.

If things normally happen, they will move on to action before the rumors spread. I couldn’t find an orchid – there’s no such stupid story.

Although it does have a broad structure, the royal palace is a royal – to put it mildly – home and is like a garden. Of course, the royal family will not be able to live with peace of mind if the guardian knights who are supposed to be assigned to protect the royal family are lost. If they crawl into the outside world, it’s the end of the line.

“Are you lucky, or for some reason, you’re late for me?”

Anyway, first of all, there was a difference between information and reality.

There must have been a temptation to stay in shape. He’s letting saints out of their own way – when such pathetic things come to light, he can’t possibly master twenty aliens.

You can get away safely. In other words, they say they will allow us to escape.

If that is possible, it would be better to leave the royal palace without waiting for the demon king to be defeated and find a way to use his skills to safely return to the original world.

There are places within the Royal Palace that seem to have boundaries that seal off intrinsic magic. Stray stones, outside the Royal Palace, would be out of jurisdiction.

Because summoning magic is also a kind of inherent magic, and the inherent magic equals the privilege of people from different worlds – it is not called unique skill.

“In the early days, we often remembered a lot, and it was filled with trying to adapt to unfamiliar environments. By now, there must have been a lot of discomfort, such as the breakdown of Hideichi Toru and Mizuki Katayama, and the troubles between Eiichi Gigane and Aya Goshiba.”

“I thought you were confused because of the unfamiliar environment. A sudden shift to another world, a life that is strictly monitored by people whose origins and common sense are completely different, the reality of losing a classmate – there are many factors that harm the spirit.”

Breathe out of your nose for a long time. Until now, orchids have never walked the easy path of being snapped from a group. Sometimes it was hard, sometimes it was sad, and above all, I missed being alone.

But I can’t say that students other than orchids were having a pleasant and relaxing day.

Because of the strengthening of the recovery of the beautiful bell, it would not be strange to actually have a broken heart simply because there were no students who would feel touched – they would have been frustrated with a lot of hard work and pain.

“I was convinced that the difference in the status quo was due to changes in Sakiya Aihara and Kiwaki. –If they had been a little better performers, we might still not have noticed Kirishima Orchid’s survival.”

Did you feel the sight? The sound shook my shoulders and lowered my eyebrows in an unfortunate way.

The look is as cool as usual, but from the fact that her long tongue is firmly tied to the tip of her mouth, it seems that the orchid feels more guilty about this than she imagines.

“It’s my fault….”

“It’s too late.”

The orchid clasped her shoulders as if she were struggling with a dull sound.

The sound of weakness and sluggishness. I looked at the orchid in the eye and blinked in sadness.

The sound of losing supremacy once and for all is very lewd – somehow strangely colorful.

Floating from the usual sounds – not a healthy, fleshy tone, but a downer fragrance that is swallowed by treacherous asylum desires.

Gently comforting a depressed girl – something like this, good.

Immersed in such a fallen lust, I was pinched on the opposite side of my shoulder.

When she rushed to the contact, a bright brown hair with a sweet fragrance appeared in her vision.

She sharpened her lips in a disgruntled mood and looked at me with flickering eyes while distracted. It seems to have been stubborn because it was just ringing.

Like the sound, the colour falls on the shoulders of orchids.

The scent of sweat coming from her is really not nice because she was layering her body and playing adult sports until now.

As if to comfort you, the sound of rubbing your head against your neck. As if you were looking at me, it’s a color that holds your arm and pushes your flexing tits.

Soft high school girls ask for it from both sides, and the orchid’s body is likely to show a healthy response.

“By the way…”


The orchid’s desire calms down at the edge, recalling that there is an orchid in front of him.

It’s a shameful, pathetic, disgusting situation to get erect in front of a classmate boy, and I don’t want to experience it if I can.

“May I get down to business?

The amber eyes twinkled, and the smile eased slightly.

The orchid accidentally ate the reaction. In the middle of an important conversation, I have a delederation with a girl (and that serious conversation is about the current situation). Seems like he doesn’t care about it at all.

Did you notice the unique gaze that sees the mysterious thing about orchids? He groaned briefly “Ah” and meditated quietly.

“Besides, I don’t care at all. I’m not interested in women other than Lihua-sama in that sense. I think it would be a good idea not to think that other people would accept it as well, because I am taking it personally. [M] Except for Lihua-sama’s relationship – I will not reprimand or accuse you with emotional theory. I don’t care at all about the fact that I used the two characters of revenge as a symbol of exoneration to train the most sensitive and important adolescent woman in my life. For me, it was the end of a lifetime when I had my first love – literally, it might be my first love – crushed it intact by brainwashing it, and deprived the two of them who were spinning a happy relationship of lovers of their sleep with solitary jealousy and twisted vengeance. I will not pursue my conscience about it.”

“… you’re quite right about that.”

“Generally speaking – I don’t think it would hurt to know how much you did. I don’t mind if you listen to me.”

Meditate calmly, and calmly relax your mouth.

Certainly, I am not denouncing my emotions with rage, but I only feel like I am being blamed for being disgusted. Is it because of the accident that the orchid’s heart was twisted and twisted?

Both deliberately sandwich extra provocation, calm (?) There is no need to break the fresh air.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to take a quarrelling attitude.

“Let’s get back to it. That’s why me and Lihua-sama visited here – that’s why we were looking for Kirishima orchids. As I said earlier, Kirishima Orchid – your power and that of the female students who will follow your opinion – can’t just cut off the nine saints who have half of their combat power. Of course, my personal opinion, which completely overlooks emotional theory – Lihua agrees with me, too – and your Queen’s side, including the other boys? It is a completely unknown area around which humans will admit it or not.”

“Perhaps the majority disagree. If I were Mr. Toru and Mr. Shinagaki, there’s no way I could forgive Mr. Kirishima.”

It’s not strange to twist your neck in this place anymore, and it’s gorgeous to gently carry on the noise. Even though there is a user of infinite magic (over-energy) next door, it will not be possible to revive it if it is blown from the shoulder. There is a high probability of death from shock before the wound.

“… I know Tiger Raw, but did you do something to Shinagaki?

“Shinagaki-san and Shiroyuki have been friends since junior high school. Though the opposite sex, I don’t think there are people who know that a close friend has been trained to be spiritual, and who can keep a normal mind.”

“Sure, I wouldn’t know what to do if I knew Kirishima had been badly hit by someone.”

“I agree, hurting one of the most important men in the world is terrible. I’ll never forgive him.”

The victim of the psychiatric training reveals his thoughts.

The next moment the orchid froze his spine, saying that it would be strange if his limbs were blown apart.

Even though I was advised by the Kintetsu Knight on the side of the first side room at an early stage, when I actually saw it, it was realistic (though it was real) and terrifying.

It may not be enough to get stabbed.

“Kirishima, you’re trembling. It’s okay, I’ll do anything for Kirishima. So don’t worry, I’m fine.”

“I will never betray Kirishima. Rest assured.”

The orchids exhale in their hearts, giving back their pure generosity with a full smile.

As they hugged her stronger than before, the orchid took a glamorous look at her.

“Just like Kiryu Inn – it’s my personal opinion. I also want to agree with that opinion. I know all too well that the self-serving selfish self – the worm is too good – wants you to train the girls as your own family and start over again.”

Rather than the opinion of the first side room side, Walkins personally said that orchids should return to their original sheath.

Though there are too many opaque parts to their actions, Walkins is a benefactor of orchid life. Even though orchids have their own emotions, they can’t stand up against them with meaningless rebellious hearts.

Worst case scenario, I planned to follow you even if I threatened you.

Rather, he suspected that he would be taken by force.

The existence of orchids is not revealed, and it is unlikely that we will go on the journey to defeat the demon king.

The orchid’s girls will refuse to leave together. No matter how you scratch your feet, the existence of the orchid – a mastermind who used some technique that transcended the mental mind and mastered girls’ students – will be revealed at that time.

There was no choice but to leave them from the beginning.

Because from the time I turned Beauty Bells into Fallen, I decided to increase the number of my family (friends) so that I would not say goodbye to them forever.

“Still – if that’s permissible, I’d like you to be kind and sweet.”

I don’t think it feels good to be accepted as if nothing had happened.

But if he needs orchids, and their families, like the orchids.

The orchid wants to respond to that thought.

Living in this world forever – surrounded by cute, naughty high school girls – is not bad either.

If you invite orchids to return to their original world and to reclaim their original lives together.

You don’t have to say no.

No – you don’t have to dress up.

If the words are not turbid and expressed in a straightforward manner. She said that she could sacrifice a girl student other than Lihua in order to return to the original world – to restore peace and security.

Life in the original world with Lihua, and nine female students on the balance, Lihua and home won.

What about the other saints?

Choose between friendship and affection, or your life and your rest.

Embrace the worst of the bastards, perverts and demons, and safely embark on the demon Kingslayer journey. Or…

“You can throw away your pride as many times as you want, but no matter how much you throw away your life, no matter how much you regret it – it won’t come back.”

Deep in my memory, an orange aftertaste appeared.

Shake your head to disperse abominable memories.

I remembered a past I didn’t want to remember.

An orchid that leans down and bites and crushes a bitter insect, so that it cannot be perceived by four or one person.

We have to work hard from now on. It’s not like you’re feeling depressed when you think about something extra.

Throw away your emotional illness and raise your face in the usual way.

Sounds on the right, colors on the left, and a bald beard on the chest, looking at the beauty and beauty.

“Do you have any idea why you came all this way in the middle of the night?

“You’re the main person to be left to others anyway.”

He put his hand on his jaw and smiled as if stunned.

No one noticed that it started raining again the night it stopped.

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