Become a god by drawing cards starting from Hogwarts

Chapter 163

Seeing Dumbledore and Maxim sitting down, Leon didn't have any ink, and spoke directly.

"The source, from one of my connections, Professor Dumbledore should be understandable. "

"Do those exist?" Dumbledore asked subconsciously when he heard this, and his expression became serious.

"Sort of, I had a tea party with the Grim Reaper before, and during the chat, I talked about how powerful the four founders of Hogwarts were, and the Grim Reaper casually captured Ravenkla's soul and asked me if someone like me was really powerful?"

Leon didn't intend to reveal information about the incarnation of the Room of Requirement and Ravencla, so he used the Grim Reaper as an excuse, which Dumbledore didn't know anyway, and he, as a witness to the resurrection ritual, would definitely believe it.

Dumbledore's expression was a little strange when he heard Leon mention the Grim Reaper and Ravenkera: "It's a strange feeling to know that the great founder, Lady Ravenkera, was taken out by the Grim Reaper as a trophy. "

Immediately, he was relieved, after all, the dead all went to the Grim Reaper, and when Leon resurrected Ariana, wasn't it also the soul that the Grim Reaper came out to send.

So Leon and the Grim Reaper have a teapot Dumbledore can also understand it, even the Grim Reaper can help Leon with such a thing as bringing the dead back to life, it makes no sense that the two won't talk and brag or something.

On the contrary, Maxim heard it unconsciously, the legend of the Grim Reaper is basically known in the wizarding world, after all, the Three Hallows of Death are real, but few people have seen the true face of the Grim Reaper since ancient times.

Leon said that he could fart and chat with the Grim Reaper, she didn't believe it, but seeing that Dumbledore didn't refute it, and echoed it, Maxim also had to believe it, and looking at Dumbledore's attitude, it seemed that he had also seen the Grim Reaper.

This gave her the illusion that the world had changed, that Dumbledore had become stranger, that she had derailed herself from the times, and that it was not good to feel that she was the only outsider.

"When I saw Ravenkla's soul, I wanted to talk to this wise lady, but Death refused, so we talked a lot, including the establishment of Hogwarts, which involved how the money was spent when Hogwarts was founded in the first place. "

Leon continued to flicker.

"Understandable. "

Dumbledore nodded and complained, after all, he might have talked to the founder about history and magic and the current situation at Hogwarts, but Leon, a person who can't do without money in three sentences, can talk to the founder about this kind of topic Dumbledore is absolutely understandable.

"So Ravencla told me that the money to build Hogwarts came from the treasury of some tyrannical goblin king from antiquity, and when it comes to it, the Grim Reaper is interested, you know. "

Leon gestured to Dumbledore, Dumbledore nodded, and he understood why Leon asked for so much, and his feelings were the same as last time, helping the bigwigs make extra money.

Maxim listened in a daze from beginning to end, wanting to ask but not daring to ask, but she also learned the strange knowledge that the Grim Reaper seemed to be interested in treasure.

"Then I got a memory of Ravencla, including how she broke into the Treasury with Gryffindor, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff, and a map of where the Treasury was located, where the Treasury Crypt was located, in the Pyrenees. "

"No wonder you're here, and it's no wonder that a monster like the Shadow suddenly appears here, which has long been extinct. Dumbledore had finally figured it out now, convinced of Leon's claims.

After all, to make smart people believe your lies, all you need is that the lies you tell have been fed back by reality, and with what happened in reality to supplement the lies, smart people will automatically help you find the loopholes in the lies in your brain.

"So my goal is simple, to break through the cave, take what I need to pay and what I need to be paid, and leave. "

Leon finally summed it up, and then said, "Do you have any problems with the two of you now? "

"I don't have it anymore. Dumbledore shook his head, he already knew what he should know, and he didn't dare to ask what he shouldn't know, after all, Leon pulled out the existence of standing too high, and sometimes, knowing too much is not a good thing.

Maxim wanted to ask, but he didn't dare to ask, so he could only nod stiffly.

"Professor, lead the way. Leon suggested to Dumbledore.

"I can fly with Fawkes, Madame Maxim has a rune horse, do you need me to borrow one for you from her?"

Dumbledore asked, after all, there was still some distance between the incident and here, and it would take a lot of time to walk there, and he couldn't wait to explore the treasury of the ancient elven king that the four founders had visited together.

This kind of adventure, which he hadn't felt for a long time, rejuvenated the Gryffindor spirit in his bones.

"I also have a mount for the ride. After Leon finished speaking, he directly summoned the dragon's heart, and in an instant, the huge and brilliant golden dragon lifted Leon up, and Leon sat on the soft collapse behind him.

Dumbledore and Maxim covered their eyes the moment the dragon's heart appeared, but the golden light emitted by this dragon was too dazzling.

"Is this a dragon?" It took a long time for Dumbledore to see what Leon's mount was, but in his memory, he had never seen a similar dragon.

"Yes, it cost money. Leon still said this, and Dumbledore nodded numbly.

After all, Leon only needs to spend money, and the resurrection of the dead can be completed, and it is understandable that he spent money to get such a new species of dragon.

It's understandable, this kind of dragon is obviously not a magical creature, after all, his wings are completely illusory. And this creature form is not right, the dragon is huge, and only has two powerful hind legs.

But this kind of Leon's crotch, with a slender body like a snake, with four slender five claws, except for an extra pair of wings composed of light, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a dragon in the Chinese legend totem, isn't this kind of thing The Ministry of Magic of the East proves that it is just the reverie of the ancients?

And even if you summon a dragon, it should take time, and when the dragon flies over, you will appear under your ass when you summon it, how is it possible.

Dumbledore complained infinitely in his heart, but he was too embarrassed to say it, and could only sigh that he still had less knowledge.

Maxim was also frightened by Leon's golden dragon, and was able to summon a dragon as a mount at will, which made her more highly rated and jealous of Leon.

The two of them were not in the ink either, and after shocking Leon's new mount, Fawkes on Dumbledore's shoulder ignited a flame, enveloping Dumbledore and flying towards the sky.

Lady Maxim whistled a tall rune horse, turned over and chased after Fawkes.

But Leon clearly saw that the four legs of the rune horse trembled a little after Maxim got on the horse, and it was obviously not easy to hump Maxim.

And Leon didn't have ink, as soon as his mind moved, the guardian dragon rose into the sky, quickly following the two, looking at Leon on the dragon's back with a relaxed look on Erlang's legs, Maxim and Dumbledore in the flames were quite envious.

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