Become a lord from baron

Chapter 1

Wearing a gorgeous silk robe and looking slightly pale, Allen was sitting in a carriage that was spacious enough and filled with soft cushions.

Outside the carriage were twenty well-dressed warriors walking around the carriage. They were tall and burly, wearing fine leather armor, and had swords in their hands.

At the front of the carriage is a knight wearing knight armor and riding a war horse.

Behind the carriage are four or five supply carriages, carrying various items, food, clothing, supplies, etc.

Surrounded by a small group of maids and male servants, the leader was an old butler who was meticulously dressed.

"After all, I have left my home where I have lived for sixteen years. I don’t know what kind of territory the Earl will give me."

There was some helplessness and self-mockery on Allen's slightly immature face.

Sixteen years ago, he traveled to this world and became the current patriarch of the Thorn Flower Family, the second son of Earl Albert.

This is a world of swords and magic, where aristocrats Being able to practice fighting spirit and magic, and become a powerful being beyond mortals.

A powerful and cool knight, a mysterious and gorgeous magician.

These professions are what Allen longs for most.

Unfortunately, as the second son of an earl, he has a good fighting spirit secret book. He has enough financial resources to support his training, and even has a father who is an eighth-level knight as his instructor.

But after ten years of practicing Dou Qi, Allen still only has weak entry-level Dou Qi.

As a child of a big family, Allen's qualifications can be said to be extremely rubbish.

Everyone even thinks that a trash like Allen will never become a knight in his life, can't charge on the battlefield, and won't be able to make meritorious deeds.

Albert, the Earl of Thorn Flower, even found a man for this purpose He found a noble magician in the hope that Allen could have magical talent.

It turned out that Allen had no magical talent.

A noble child who could not become a knight or a magician, Allen was no longer in the family after he was ten years old. Cultivate.

Until now, when he is sixteen years old, he has reached adulthood. At the same time, he has been directly entrusted by the Earl of Thorns. He has become a vassal baron of the Earl of Thorns. His territory is at the edge of the earldom, called Rose Town.

I hope it is a good one. Place.

Allen sighed. He was a little worried about his future.

It was obvious that the Earl was completely disappointed with himself and sent himself out.

Since the death of his mother, the Earl has become even more unwelcome. See you.

Allen thought to himself.

The team has been walking for most of the day, and it is expected that they will reach their territory at noon tomorrow.

Time passed quickly. There was a powerful knight and twenty brave and skilled warriors. Under the protection, Allen arrived at his territory smoothly.

He was soon disappointed.

As the most peripheral territory of the earldom, Rose Town was obviously not as beautiful as its name seemed.

It was surrounded by mountains on three sides, but the only side was not The mountainous place faces the largest inland sea in the entire principality.

The only road in and out of Rose Town is the rugged mountain road that Allen took when he came.

And the people here are all sallow and thin, wearing rags, and they are Looking curiously at the luxurious carriage engraved with the emblem of the Thorn Flower family.

They knew that the person sitting there was their lord.

"Oh, Alan, look at this remote country. There is nothing. Damn it, is it really possible to live here?"

Financial Officer Sparrow rode up to the window of Allen's carriage and complained.

This middle-aged financial officer with a mustache was the assistant assigned to Allen by Earl Albert, but now the financial officer's face was not expressionless. Not so good.

Along the way, he saw a lot of barren fields, muddy roads, sallow-looking civilians, and poverty here.

This made him extremely dissatisfied. There was no opportunity to make a fortune here. He even suspected that he would starve to death.

Needless to say, Allen understood the seriousness of the matter. Originally, he thought that the earl would at least give him a good fiefdom, allowing him to live a stable and prosperous life.

Unexpectedly, Rose Town actually It was such a poor place.

Soon the carriage arrived at the place where the lord of Rose Town lived, which was a two-story dilapidated small castle.

"Damn it, what were the lords here doing before! Is it really possible to live in such a dilapidated place?"

The expression of the old butler Edward also became ugly. Compared with Sparrow who was forced to follow Allen, Edward took the initiative to come here with Allen.

Edward was the housekeeper who followed Allen's mother before. It can be said that he watched The man Alan grew up with.

He was extremely loyal and protective of Alan

"Forget it, Grandpa Edward, it would be nice to have a place to live. Let the servants disturb this place and move everything in. I hope it won't rain recently, otherwise there will be leaks in many places here."

Allen said with a wry smile.

Edward sighed, and looked at the handsome young man in front of him lovingly:"Okay, Lord Baron, I'll give the order right now."

Soon, under the instructions and command of Edward the steward, more than twenty servants began to disturb the castle quickly and put the supplies given by the earl into the castle.

After two hours, the castle was barely sorted out, except for the reception hall on the first floor. , there is only the kitchen and dining room at the back.

On the second floor are some rooms, study rooms, etc.

After working all afternoon, everyone was tired, and Allen asked people to prepare dinner.

The sumptuous dinner made Allen reluctantly play After the servants prepared the hot water, Allen took a hot bath comfortably after dinner.

After taking the bath, Allen did not go to bed immediately, but stared at a slightly strange stone in front of him. jade stone looking

"Sir, I found this from the storage room. Also, don't stay in the study for too long."

Edward said.

Allen nodded slightly:"Okay, I understand, I will read a book and then go to bed."

Edward bowed slightly and slowly left the study.

After he left, Allen picked up this weird stone

"Jade? Or magic material?"

Alan muttered to himself, and while he was speaking, his fingers had lightly touched the stone.

Suddenly, Alan felt as if a strong suction suddenly appeared in his body, pulling the stone away. A certain power contained in the stone was directly absorbed.

At the same time, a voice appeared in his mind

"Ding! Discover the power of the dragon, activate the strongest lord system, and start binding the system!"

"Ding! System binding successful! Activate the legendary creature species, the dragon species!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the system rewards a giant dragon egg!"

"Ding! Start issuing tasks!"

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