Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 189 Different world lines?

"You said you saw another you in the mirror?"

In the evening, Kevin lay on the bed with Annie in his arms. After listening to her talk about what happened during the day, he frowned and asked.

Anne recalled what she saw in the mirror this afternoon and said in a daze:

"I...I don't know. I'm actually not sure. The main thing is that the image of me in the mirror is...too...too..."


"...The clothes she wore were too revealing. The hero uniform she was wearing was completely different from mine. It was a school swimsuit. Can you understand? When I looked at her, I felt like I was looking at someone getting ready to go to a nightclub. Call girl…”


"And she was in a bad mood. I could tell that she was sad, and I was just as sad. Her makeup was a little smudged..."

Annie was trying her best to organize her words to tell Kevin.

The other self she saw in the mirror this afternoon did not frighten Anne. On the contrary, she felt a little sympathy for that other self.

She didn't know what she had experienced in the mirror, but Anne knew herself and knew very well that she was sad in the mirror.

Anne didn't know whether it was a hallucination caused by her mother coming to find her and her mood swings, or whether there really was another her.

That's why she mentioned it to Kevin.

Kevin is a time traveler, he might know something.

But unfortunately, Kevin failed to answer her questions.

"Don't think so much. You've just been too tired recently. Things about your mother, Donna, have made you agitated, and that's why you're hallucinating... I'll find time to talk to your mother."

"No, no need. My mother...she is a very snobbish person. I know it seems too much to say this, but it is the truth. I don't want her to misunderstand anything because of you."

"But that is your mother after all, Anne. Although I don't like Storm, I agree with what she said. The relationship between mother and daughter should not be so stiff."

Kevin held Annie, running his fingers through her long hair and caressing her cheek.

In fact, if Annie is really determined to break off the relationship with Donna, it's not like Kevin can't help you so that Donna can never find her.

But Kevin could see that Anne still loved her mother. She just couldn't accept what her mother did to her and what she hid from her.

After all, Annie grew up with her mother after her father left.

The person closest to Annie was her mother, Donna.

How can a moment of anger and departure compare to the relationship that has lasted for so many years.

It won't take long for Annie to figure it out and reconcile with Donna, so Kevin decides to talk to Donna.

In addition to helping the relationship between mother and daughter get back together as soon as possible, she also wanted to meet her nominal mother-in-law.

Because of the mention of Donna, Annie no longer thought about the other person she met this afternoon.

And Annie also knew that if Kevin really understood something, he would definitely tell her. Since Kevin doesn't tell her now, it means that Kevin doesn't know about the matter either, or... needs to hide it from her.

Annie has always been a very obedient girl in front of Kevin, and she never inquires about unnecessary things.

The conversation ended here, and Annie quickly fell asleep with Kevin by his side.

But Kevin didn't fall asleep, he was still thinking about what Annie said.

The other person Annie saw was obviously the Annie in the original world line who was forced to put on a new work uniform by the Walter Group and do those 'social' and 'entertaining' jobs.

In this world line, because Kevin protected Annie, he didn't let her have much contact with the dark side of the world, and he didn't let Walter give Annie a new uniform, so it was impossible for Annie to know what that uniform originally looked like.

In other words, it was not Anne's hallucination at all.

She really saw another version of herself.

But how is this possible?

Kevin, who has traveled to the Marvel world, certainly knows that the world he is in now is a multiverse composed of different universes.

At least that's the case in the Marvel world.

There are countless universes in the "What If" world alone, and the world of "Wolverine 3" that Kevin went to later has several different timelines.

Then it is normal for different world lines to appear in the black robe world.

If the original world line is called world line A, and the world line where Kevin is located is called world line B, then the branches of this are whether the deep sea has been crossed and whether those disgusting things have been done to Annie.

Kevin in world line B protects Annie and makes the world completely different from the original one.

Worldline A still maintains the original plot, and Annie there is still the same as the original, forced to put on that very tempting hero uniform.

Normally, the two world lines should not intersect at all.

They are like two parallel lines that never intersect and will not affect each other.

But now, Annie sees herself in world line A.

The reason is why?

Because he often travels through time, has there been any change in the world of black robe?

Are the multiverses belonging to Black Robe colliding and blending with each other?

Kevin doesn't know whether this change is good or bad, but he has watched "Loki" and understands the world line setting of the Time Administration in it.

If the timeline of the black-robed world also follows the laws of the Time Administration, what will happen when the timeline is affected and begins to expand infinitely?

"Damn it, it seems I have time to go back to the Marvel world and go to the Time Management Bureau to ask about the situation."

What Annie saw gave Kevin a sense of crisis.

He was very worried that some bad changes would occur in the world due to his existence, so he decided to go to the Time Administration to have a look.

But the problem is, Kevin doesn’t know what stage the Marvel World’s Time Administration is at now.

"...If it doesn't work, you can ask Master Gu Yi."

Let’s not mention the Time Management Bureau for now. For those who have studied time, there is also the Ancient One. If you can’t find the Time Management Bureau, it’s not impossible to find the Ancient One to make do.

It's just that Gu Yi always wants to trick Kevin into becoming the Supreme Mage, which makes Kevin a little bit intolerable, so he is a little bit resistant to meeting Gu Yi.

Moreover, returning to the Marvel world requires skill points. Kevin has only accumulated four skill points these days.

It’s just enough to pay for the ‘travel ticket’ to the Marvel world.

He still wants to keep the skill points for the second transfer!

Don't rush things in the Marvel world. Besides, Annie's vision of world line A may just be an occasional vision.

Just like someone may suddenly feel that certain experiences seem familiar, it may be the result of connecting with one's own consciousness in a parallel world.

It's nothing to come here once or twice.

In the future, it won’t be too late to go back to the Marvel world to find someone to ask about the situation.

Anyway, time in the black robe world can be suspended.

But having said that, some things that should be busy can be put on the agenda.

At least get rid of all the unstable factors that need to be dealt with before things get troublesome.

While Annie was still asleep and he couldn't sleep because he was thinking about Annie, Kevin simply put on his bathrobe and went to the living room and called Butcher's black robe team.

A few days ago, Kevin gave Valerie Hunter's contact information to the Black Robe Team and asked them to start investigating the free women who were active in the 1970s and try to find dirty information about the storm.

Believe that they have found what they were looking for.

Now, it's time for them to take the next step.

"Does that mean Feng Feng is an old lady who has lived for at least seventy or eighty years?"

The black-robed team, who knew Storm's true age from the victims, were still a little unbelievable about the intelligence they investigated.

Huey felt even more strange. If Storm was really that old, then in terms of seniority, Storm's status in Walter should be quite high.

But why have they never heard of this person before?

Or is Storm only responsible for performing heroic activities?

"Obviously." Butcher threw the information obtained from the investigation on the table and said to everyone:

"Our current President Walter doesn't like storms, and he can't control them, so he asked us to investigate this old woman who has lived for who knows how many years.

"And what we have to do now is to find ways to investigate more, pull out the tail of the storm, and make her completely disappear from the world."

"But we don't seem to have any other clues."

French said.

They only found these clues about the storm, the victim named Valerie, and this was all she knew.

Even knowing that Storm is a free woman seems to be of no use. This piece of information alone seems not to be enough to defeat Storm.

Not to mention the Sevens.

The corners of Butcher's mouth raised, and he said with great confidence:

"Don't worry, our immediate superior will assign us new tasks soon."

Butcher could see now that Kevin's thoughts on the Sevens were genuine and that they were on a united front at this point.

Therefore, Butcher is willing to help Kevin and understands that Kevin will definitely arrange for him to carry out the next step of the work.

Although he was following orders from a superhuman being, the president of the Vought Group, Butcher was a little unhappy.

But Bucher doesn't care about the details as long as he can achieve his goal.

Regardless of the process, as long as the result can kill the people of the motherland, Bucher is willing to give his life.

Butcher's guess about Kevin was correct. Not long after he finished speaking, the single-line mobile phone placed on the table vibrated.

Kevin called him.

"Hey, boss, if you don't call us, we'll really have no work to do."

After getting on the phone, Butcher said something to Kevin half-jokingly.

"I think you have probably completed my request now, so...I will tell you what to do next."

"Please say."

"Does the congregation church know?"

"Probably heard of it."

"Storm was once a member there. Many years ago, there was information about Storm within the Jizhong Church. As long as you get that information, you can defeat Storm."

Kevin told the black robe team about the gathering church.

Butcher narrowed his eyes slightly. He wrote down the names of the churches and their contact information, and then asked Kevin:

"Just deal with the storm? Where are the people of the motherland?"

"Don't worry, we have to eat one bite at a time, and we have to walk step by step. Let's deal with the storm first, and then deal with the people of the motherland. We have plenty of time."

Kevin said meaningfully, and then said:

"By the way, if you want to get the information about the Church of the Congregation, you need to make a little 'sacrifice'. If you have time tomorrow, let Huey go to Godokin University to meet me."

After a final word with Butcher, Kevin hung up the phone.

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