Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 19 Butterfly Effect?

Nearby, the two of them found a fairly quiet bar and walked in.

As a public figure, Kevin usually doesn't go to such a very public place. The bar he usually goes to...or the bar that Kevin used to go to is a bar that specializes in serving superhumans.

It is owned by the Vought Group and is extremely confidential. All kinds of superheroes go there to have fun.

The locomotive is a frequent visitor there, and Shenhai occasionally goes there a few times, but not too many times.

But if you're drinking with Huey, you don't have to go to that place.

Huey is just an ordinary person, and Kevin doesn't really like that place right now, so he just chooses a bar nearby.

Entering the bar, Kevin put on a disguise because he had the experience of being recognized by Huey. This time Kevin even put on sunglasses.

Huey took him to a less eye-catching corner, ordered two glasses of wine, and then began to thank Kevin:

"Thank you for saving me just now. If it weren't for you, I really don't know what I would have done."

"Although I didn't do it to save you... but forget it, I will accept your thanks."

Kevin bluntly accepted Huey's thanks.

Huey smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

Kevin changed the topic and asked:

"By the way, what are you doing there so late? Have you finished your girlfriend's funeral?"

"A little something...wait, do you still remember me?"

Huey answered subconsciously, and then realized what Kevin had just said, his face full of shock.

In Huey's impression, he only met Kevin once in the elevator of Walter Group.

For Huey, Kevin is a member of the Super Seven, a famous superhero and a big star. It is normal for him to remember him and recognize him.

But what about the Deep Sea Seven?

Huey is just an ordinary person who can be seen everywhere, not even an employee of the Walt Group. The superhero Deep Sea sees these ordinary people every day, how can he remember an ordinary person like Huey in his heart?

Huey thought so, so in the previous conversation, he didn't mention that he had ever met Deep Sea.

After all, others may have forgotten you. If you mention it at this time, if the other party really can't remember it, wouldn't it be embarrassing for both parties?

As a result, Huey didn't expect that Deep Sea actually remembered him.

Of course I remember, you are the protagonist, it would be strange if I didn’t remember.

Kevin thought so and said another set of words:

"Well, I am deeply impressed by the family members of the passers-by who were innocently killed by the locomotive."

Kevin said this, but he didn't know that Huey felt something else in his heart after hearing this.

After getting to know Butcher, Huey saw the dark sides of many of these superheroes, especially his favorite locomotive, which not only killed his girlfriend, but also had no regrets about it.

At first, because of his love for the locomotive, Huey was still trying to find an excuse for him, thinking that the other party really killed his girlfriend to save the world.

He didn't need anything but a sincere apology from the engine, and Huey would let it go.

But alas no.

Not only did Locomotive have no regrets or apology for this incident, he even treated it as a joke after dinner and told people in the bar as a joke.

A girlfriend's life is just a joke in other people's mouths.

This made Huey very angry, and he was so angry that he agreed to Butcher's conditions and personally went to the Seven Mansion to install a bug.

He wants revenge on these superheroes.

Then he encountered the deep sea here.

To be honest, Deep Sea had a good impression on Huey at first, and the other person's comfort in the elevator didn't seem to be perfunctory.

But then the Transparent Man followed him, and he was almost beaten to death by the Transparent Man in the store, making Huey realize that most of these superheroes are bastards.

The deep sea looks harmless to humans and animals, but who knows what he is like secretly?

From what Butcher said, he seems to have slept with fans...

This is what Huey originally thought. It wasn't until today's meeting that Huey got to know Deep Sea again.

This superhero, who is also a member of the Super Seven, does not seem to be as...a bastard as Locomotive and Transparent.

At least he still remembered Huey's poor girlfriend who was killed.

The more he thought about it, the more complicated Huey's mood became. He looked at Kevin sitting in front of him and didn't know what to say.

Finally Huey simply picked up the wine on the table and drank it all.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Seeing Huey downing the alcoholic drink in one gulp, Kevin immediately asked in surprise.

He didn't notice that Huey had a good drinking capacity.

"It's okay, thank you...Thank you, thank you for saving me, and thank you for remembering..."

After drinking, Huey thanked Kevin very sincerely.

"Thank you. You haven't answered my previous question yet."


"I said, it's so late, what are you doing there?"

Kevin asked again. This was exactly what was strange to him. After all, Huey was never robbed at night in the original novel.


When mentioning this matter, Huey opened his mouth and hesitated.

He originally came out to buy supper for Frankie and the Transparent Man in the warehouse, but who knew he would meet two robbers on the way.

Obviously the security situation in this area was pretty good before.

"Actually, I just came out to buy something..."

Huey was about to continue talking to Kevin, but suddenly, his cell phone on the table rang.

It was Butcher calling.


Seeing the name displayed on the phone, Huey quickly put the phone away and quickly changed his words:

"I still have some things..."

"Oh, I understand. You can go, but be careful next time so that no one robs you again."

"Okay, thank you!"

Huey thanked Kevin again and quickly left the bar.

Huey left in a panic, and Kevin sat at the bar and drank slowly, not leaving in a hurry.

Instead, he opened his own skill tree and checked it out.

As expected, the skill points gained a little more. I don't know if they were obtained because of changing Starlight's fate or because of getting to know the protagonist Huey.

"Are you going out to buy something?"

Thinking of Huey's answer just now, Kevin narrowed his eyes slightly.

If Huey going out to buy things was something that was not mentioned in the original plot but did happen, then why did he get robbed this time?

Kevin now can't figure out why Huey encountered something different from the original plot. Maybe it was because of the butterfly effect after Kevin's arrival?

"Forget it, I get a headache from thinking too much, go home and sleep."

Regardless of whether it was the butterfly effect or Huey accidentally provoked someone, now that the trouble has been resolved, Kevin feels it is more important to go home early and rest.

After all, I have to go to work tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Kevin came to the company to check in as usual. As soon as he entered the conference room, he saw Xingguang sitting there with an unhappy look on his face.

This girl came earlier than Kevin. When she saw Kevin coming, she immediately stood up and complained to Kevin:

"Do you know what happened last night after you left?"

"Of course I know."

Kevin pulled up the chair and sat down:

"A superhero acts bravely. I should have called the company. There shouldn't be any problems with this matter, right?"

"That's the biggest problem!"

Starlight slapped the table, looking very angry.

Kevin raised his eyebrows and looked at her:

"What's wrong?"

"Ashley actually warned me not to let me do this next time! Oh my god, I was saving people! I thought I would get praise, but what I got instead was blame? This is so unreasonable!"

After hearing what Xingguang said, Kevin understood the reason for Xingguang's anger.

After teaching the two gangsters a lesson last night, the logistics team of the Walter Group rushed over as soon as possible.

They first stopped the girl who was about to leave and asked her to give evidence, and then asked the public relations department to temporarily release a media news report on Xingguang Ye's bravery.

But after all, this was considered temporary overtime, and Starlight was not wearing a hero costume at all at the time, which led to her true identity being recognized and making the public relations department very busy.

This made Ashley angry.

Xingguang was scolded on the spot.

This is also the reason why Starlight is in a bad mood now.

…Because the plot behind it has already been decided, yesterday’s picture was only slightly modified, not major changes.

Also, thank you all for your support and suggestions, I really appreciate it! I will continue to work hard!


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