Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 191 Strengthening No. 5

The selection criteria for the [Super League Association] were drawn up by Kevin himself.

In order to create the Heroes Association in his own mind, and so that the Heroes Association can continue to follow the route he wants when he is away, Kevin has set many rules for the Heroes Association.

The first and most important thing that cannot be changed is his character. No matter what abilities the hero has or whether he is famous or not, his character must not be bad.

But to be honest, among the superheroes in the black-robed world now, Kevin no longer has any hope for their character.

Most superheroes can basically be selected by the Super Hero Association as long as they ensure that they have not killed innocent people indiscriminately or done anything evil.

But even so, there are still only a few superheroes who can meet the standards set by Kevin.

After thinking about it, Kevin no longer thought about choosing from the original heroes.

Since I have Compound No. 5, why do I insist on choosing someone from among the original heroes?

He can choose people first and then give them super powers!

If you focus on ordinary people, your field of vision will suddenly become much wider.

Among them, Huey, the protagonist of the original work, is undoubtedly one of the most suitable candidates.

Because compared to other people in the black robe world, Huey is really kind.

He doesn't smoke, don't take drugs, doesn't mess around, and has his own bottom line in his heart. Butcher, who originally became crazy, gradually learned to compromise because of Huey's existence.

Starlight in the original plot once said that Huey was different from everyone else, he was a beam of light around them.

Of course, that doesn't mean Huey is really perfect.

Sometimes he is cowardly, and sometimes he is overbearing. After gaining abilities in the third season, there was a time when he was unclear about his status.

But no matter what, Huey's character is nothing to say.

If he has superpowers and develops them, he can become a qualified superhero.

Kevin is willing to give Huey the chance to become a superhuman and a superhero, but the specific choice depends on Huey himself.

"Don't hesitate, Huey, just answer me, yes, or no, that's it."

"I think!"

When pressed by Kevin without giving him a chance to think, Huey answered without hesitation.

Nowadays, the Vought Group is vigorously promoting superheroes, and in the world of black robes, superheroes have become a trend, the dream of ordinary people, and the idol in everyone's heart.

No one wants to be a superhero.

Ordinary people think about it, but people with superpowers think about it even more.

The same is true for Huey. Once upon a time, before his girlfriend Luobin died, Huey also imagined that he suddenly had super powers and could fight criminals with his former idol Locomotive.

After the death of his girlfriend Luo Bin, Huey also imagined that if he was also a superhero, would Locomotive be punished as he should?

But unfortunately, fantasy is just fantasy and cannot become reality.

Huey is just a regular guy, he was not chosen by God.

After the incident in Compound No. 5 was exposed, Huey understood even more that it was not that he was not chosen by God, he was just not chosen by Walter.

Superhumans, and superheroes, are not as good as he imagined.

Huey's desire for superheroes gradually faded away.

But in his heart, he still had the desire to become a superhero.

Now, this desire was rekindled by Kevin, and Huey discovered that he still wanted to become a superhero.

Huey's honest answer made Kevin smile.

He stood up and walked to Huey, patting him on the shoulder:

"Now that you've decided, come with me."

"...Where to go?"

"Give you superpowers and become a superhero."

After Kevin finished speaking, he took Huey to the laboratory in the woods.

Compound No. 5 on the market today can basically only be injected into babies to give them superpowers.

Although it is not impossible to inject compound No. 5 into adults, the fatality rate is very high. The people of the motherland have been experimenting with unimproved compound No. 5 for so long, and in the end they only got one successful case with Kimiko.

But precisely because of successful cases, the Watt Group has also been trying to transform Compound No. 5 so that adults can also have superpowers.

The Sage Center is where the experiments are done.

And it did produce some results.

The lethality rate of the improved No. 5 compound to adults is gradually decreasing, which can be seen from the number of superhumans in the Sage Center.

And the younger the person was injected, the higher the probability of survival.

The drug injected into Newman's daughter was this modified No. 5 compound. Considering Newman's daughter's age, she would have almost no problems after the injection.

At the same time, Temporary No. 5 was successfully developed by the Watt Group. The first Temporary No. 5 injected into the human body can give people 24-hour superpowers without side effects.

Although after injecting Temporary No. 5 more than three times, there is a risk that the brain will turn into black water, this has to be said to be a great breakthrough.

It has always been Edgar's wish to turn Compound No. 5 into a 'weapon' that can be sold, and now his wish has been fulfilled.

But unfortunately, all his achievements came at a disadvantage to Kevin.

According to the current process, if you want an adult to have superpowers forever, you can first inject him with temporary No. 5 to determine his type of superpower.

Then inject him with the complete No. 5 compound to completely give him super powers.

However, the person being injected will still be at risk of death.

In order to reduce the risk to a minimum, Kevin specially asked Cardoza to study Provisional No. 5 and combine it with the mutant medicine of the Alkali Group from the world of Wolverine to create a new medicine.

Perhaps it was a variant of Alkali that had some of the same ingredients as Compound No. 5. It took Cardoza just a few days to come up with a new Compound No. 5 that could reduce the risk of death.

This compound No. 5, named Enhanced No. 5, can give people permanent superpowers with almost no side effects.

What Kevin is asking Huey to inject now is this Enhanced No. 5.

"Dr. Cardoza, are you ready?"

Taking Huey to Cardoza, Kevin asked him.

Cardoza, who was doing the final inspection, looked up at Kevin, then his eyes fell on Huey behind Kevin, nodded and said:

"about there."

"Very good, Huey. You can lie down on that bed later. Don't worry, it won't hurt very much, and it won't last long, um...probably."

Kevin pointed to the cold experimental bed beside him and said to Huey uncertainly.

It is true that the injection of medicine will not take long. After all, it is just injecting Enhanced No. 5 into the body. Even without the assistance of laboratory equipment, anyone with a little knowledge of medical knowledge can take a syringe and inject it into his own body. .

But will it hurt...

Kevin really wasn't sure.

Some of the previous subjects fell asleep directly after the injection, while others screamed in pain, but I didn’t know which category Huey belonged to.

The experimental bed made of metal exudes a cold and dangerous atmosphere.

Huey swallowed, feeling a little discouraged, and decided to ask Kevin what he wanted to do before actually injecting superpowers.

"Um...Deep Sea, I...I want to ask, when you injected me with compound No. 5, you probably didn't just want to give me super powers...right?"

"Of course, there are some things I need you to do as a superhero."

"Can I ask first, what is this?"

"You'll know when you become a superhero. Okay, get down on it and get it done as soon as possible and you'll suffer less as soon as possible."

Kevin slapped Huey on the back.

But the more Huey listened, the more unsure he became. He even felt that Kevin was using him as a guinea pig. Thinking of this, the fire in his heart that wanted to become a superhero disappeared as if it was extinguished by ice water. No trace.

Huey wanted to say he quit.

But, it's too late.

Regardless of Huey's objections, Kevin had pinned him down on the experimental bed.

Several restraint shackles bound Huey to the bed, unable to move.

The rest of the operation is done by Cardoza.

He lifted up the top of Huey's back where the spinal cord was located, took an instrument and aimed it at Huey's spine.

"It might hurt a little bit, just bear with it."

Cardoza said sweet Huey.

"I'm fine, I can do it..." Huey was about to say that he was ready and didn't need to worry about him.

But the next second Cardoza inserted the thick needle into Huey's back without any moral ethics.

Afterwards, Huey's screams came from the laboratory:


You could tell from Huey's screams that it really hurt.

When Huey was given superpowers, Kevin stood outside the laboratory and looked at him, while opening the skill tree to check the skill points.

Letting the plot protagonist who originally had no superpowers have superpowers, or even making him a superhero, is a huge change in Huey's destiny.

It stands to reason that you should get a lot of skill points.

But when Kevin opened the skill tree, he saw that the skill points had only increased by eight.

"It's a bit less..."

The number of skill points seems to be similar to this when killing the locomotive, and it is similar when killing Edgar.

But Locomotive and Edgar can only be regarded as supporting characters, while Huey is the protagonist who runs through the first and second seasons!

Changing the fate of the main character is more valuable than changing the fate of the supporting character, right?

In the end, Kevin was given eight skill points...

"But it can't be calculated that way. Huey can still bring me skill points in the future. Thinking about it this way, it's not a loss."

Compared with Locomotive, the difference between Huey and Huey is that he is still alive and can provide Kevin with a steady stream of skill points in the future.

The locomotive is dead. From now on, Kevin can no longer obtain skill points from the locomotive. It is a one-time deal.

From this perspective, the skill tree gives Kevin eight skill points, which is not a lot.

Making Huey a superhuman is just an attempt by Kevin.

In addition to really wanting Huey to become a superhero, he also wanted to see if he could get skill points, and...Kevin wanted to let Huey enter the Church of the Gathering as a spy and take away their dark stuff related to superheroes. material.

In fact, it's not impossible for Kevin to do this kind of thing secretly by himself.

But after all, he is a big boss and does everything himself. What does he do with so many people?

Why did he make the black-robed team his 'ANBU'?

If he doesn't let the black-robed team do this, wouldn't his investment be in vain?

If you take advantage of me, you have to work for me! !

"Huey should be fine, then... we can try to get Butcher to do the same... No, let's forget about Butcher. I feel like he is not suitable to be a superhero..."

After taking care of Huey, Kevin set his sights on the other black robe teams.

But no matter how you think about it, it seems that the only ones in the black robe team who are suitable to become superheroes are Huey and Breastmilk Marvin.

Of the rest, Frankie is a drug addict, and Butcher is a lunatic, the kind who will kill himself if he goes crazy.

It doesn't seem to be a good thing for any of them to get super powers.

Kevin also gave up the idea of ​​letting all members of the black robe team have super powers.

Less skill points means less skill points. Stability is the most important thing.

"After that, it's time to find a way to deal with the people of the motherland..."

Plans are underway to bring down the storm, and then the Homelanders.

Kevin plans to deal with these unstable elements in the black robe world one by one.

Use a gentle approach within the rules.

Kevin stared at the laboratory, thinking about these plans, but inadvertently, Kevin felt something was wrong and subconsciously looked to his side.

Next to Kevin, his reflection is reflected in the glass on the other side.

However, the reflection in the glass was not what Kevin looked like now in a suit and leather shoes. Instead, he was wearing a green uniform with a shaved head, which didn't look very good.

That's not yourself.

Kevin knew it.

That should be the deep sea in world line A as he guessed.

After Annie, Kevin also saw another version of himself in the mirror.

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