Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 198 Missing

The impact of the announcement of Compound No. 5 is far from over.

The super villains who will come out to cause trouble are just a microcosm of this incident. There are many more. Tragic things are happening in places that neither Kevin nor society pays attention to.

For example, the Honghe Welfare Home owned by Walter.

Honghe Welfare Home is a welfare home that specializes in adopting children with super powers.

Many superhuman children who lost their families due to various accidents will be sent here.

This even included Madeleine's son, Teddy Stillwell.

The son of a former senior vice president had no choice but to be sent to an orphanage when no one was willing to adopt him.

This is Walter.

There are many super-powered children in Honghe who have powerful abilities, such as the heroine Mary, who accidentally killed her parents by accident, and Newman, who was also born in the Honghe Welfare Institution.

These super-powered children with good abilities are the face of Honghe Welfare Home.

Their files and various information will be recorded, and they can be taken away for adoption, or they may have the opportunity to leave Red River and become a superhero.

These children still have a future, and their abilities do not have many flaws. They just lost their parents and relatives due to accidents.

But there are some kids.

They have been completely assured that they have lost their future.

Because their abilities are simply rubbish, even worse than rubbish.

For example, the Water Man can turn himself into a puddle of water, but cannot control it and can only stay where he is.

For example, the 'Tongue Man' has no bones in his body.

Also... you can turn yourself into a ghost and go anywhere, but becoming a ghost is a passive ghost person who can never recover.

Their ability is more like a congenital 'disability' than an ability.

These people cannot become heroes, their abilities cannot be used, and they have no adoption value.

So although they were also members of Honghe Welfare Institution, they were thrown into another place that was completely different from Honghe on the surface.

‘Red River Children’s Health Auxiliary Center’.

There will be no one here to adopt them, and no one will pay attention to them.

They're like real garbage that no one cares about.

Normally, although their abilities are rubbish, since they are born that way, they can only passively accept it.

But...who let them know now that their abilities are not innate, but due to the greed of their parents.

Because parents hope that their children will become superheroes in the future and gain unimaginable fame and benefits, they ask the Vought Group to inject their children with Compound No. 5.

And when their children are not in line with their expectations and gain very rubbish superpowers.

They abandoned these children ruthlessly and never looked at them again.

How can they endure the current situation after knowing these things?

Of course they must choose revenge, and take revenge severely on the parents who turned them into this for profit and then abandoned them!

As for why they didn't choose to take revenge on Walt, maybe it was because they also knew that Walt might not care about taking revenge on their parents, but if they took revenge on Walt, they would probably all die.

It is the nature of living things to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and of course they understand the reason.

Realizing that the capable children in the Red River had run out to seek revenge on their parents and family, Kevin looked up at Ashley:

"Why are you telling me now?"

"I...I just found out..."

Ashley said nervously:

"If it hadn't been broadcast on TV, I wouldn't have known about it..."

"I remember... Walter has something called... the Superhuman Family Protection Bureau? Didn't the director tell you?"

Walt also knew that abandoned children were likely to come back for revenge, so he created a separate Protection Bureau to protect these families.

Although this protection bureau has little work to do, after all, most of the abandoned superhuman children will not choose to take revenge and go back, and they do not have that ability.

For a small number of superhuman children, it only takes a moment to hurt their parents and family members, and it is not their turn to protect them.

This makes the positioning of this protection bureau very embarrassing.

But even to reassure the parents of superhuman children, this protection bureau still needs to exist, so Kevin didn't ban it.

But he didn't expect that the Protection Bureau didn't do such a simple job well.

"He...he thought he would handle it..."

Ashley whispered.

Kevin almost laughed out of anger:

"What did he think? He said so himself, what did he think??"

"Actually...actually, Dennis saw them last night, but he was knocked unconscious by them..."

"Is this his explanation? Forget it, it's not important anymore. Let him pack his things and get out now! As for these children..."

Kevin looked at the surveillance video again.

Ashley asked tentatively:

"Should we let...the people of the motherland handle it?"

"I think you should know that it's not appropriate for people from the motherland to come forward now, right? I'll handle it. Just don't let the matter get bigger."

If we let the people of the motherland handle this matter, in the end it is very likely that except for the ghosts who can't touch anything, everyone else will be killed by the motherland.

Kevin actually didn't think these abandoned children had done anything wrong. Perhaps killing their parents was a bit extreme, but this was their own family matter, and Kevin didn't want to get involved or express an opinion.

The reason Kevin doesn't want these kids to die is because Kevin needs them for publicity.

Their abilities are rubbish and have an impact on their lives. Rather than being abilities, they are more of a disability in another sense.

They who possess these are tortured by these abilities every day.

And if Kevin can eliminate their abilities and let them return to normal lives, then Kevin's own reputation will increase again, and some of the things he does in the future will also have less resistance.

This is why Kevin chose to keep them.

Originally, Kevin planned to apply the medicine to these people as soon as possible after Cardoza had the results to eliminate their abilities.

Unexpectedly, Cardoza has not produced any research results so far. Instead, it was this group of children from Red River who first united to ‘hunt their parents’.

Kevin had no choice but to deal with their impact first.

First, let the members of Walt's security team gather to protect the remaining unharmed parents, and then track these 'Avengers Team' and try to find them in the shortest possible time.

Logically speaking, with the strength of the Watt Group, it shouldn't take long to find a group of super-powered trash children.

But the strange thing is that when the Watt Group really started looking, they could not find any trace of this group of people.

It's like they disappeared from this world out of thin air.

"You said you can't find it?"

"Yes, we have searched according to the route captured by the surveillance cameras, and even...we have used superhumans, but no matter how we search, we can't find any trace of them."

The security captain in charge of the search spoke nervously to Kevin.

There is no doubt about the capabilities of the Vought Group's security team.

Although in the series, it seems that any superhuman can kill them, but that is because the people they face are superhumans with powerful strength.

Compared with ordinary people, they are already considered elites in this field.

This is true whether it is hunting ability or combat ability.

But in this way, they lost the group of weak superhumans. Not only that, even the superhumans who were with them failed to find the group of superhumans who escaped from the Red River.

This is a bit surprising.

"Who is the metahuman who is looking for someone with you?"

Kevin asked after thinking for a moment.

The security captain replied:

"'s Titan Knight, Mr. Robert Vernon..."

"Let him come to me."

Titan Knight, Robert Vernon, is a 'perverted knight' who appeared in Generation V. He is a humanoid teddy who will insert anything as long as there is a hole.

Its ability is not too strong, but its observation ability is beyond the limits of human beings. It can observe the micro-expressions and various details of the human body.

A certain amount of knowledge in psychology and trace science is required to use his abilities reasonably.

With Robert here, it stands to reason that no one can escape his tracking, but the fact is that until now, they have not been able to find the group of escaped super humans.

Kevin didn't think it was because Robert was not doing enough work, so he could just be a precaution, so he asked him to come over and meet with him.

"Hello, it's an honor to meet you, Mr. Weisz."

When he met Kevin, Robert gave Kevin enough respect.

He knew that this was his immediate boss, the current real boss of the Watt Group, so he would not and did not dare to use his own abilities to observe Kevin.

So after seeing Kevin, he kept his head down and didn't look at Kevin. Naturally, there was no room for him to use his abilities.

Kevin looked at him expressionlessly and said:

"Okay, don't be so nervous in front of me, Robert, you should know why I asked you to come."


Robert looked up at Kevin cautiously. After making sure that Kevin's expression had not changed much, he breathed a sigh of relief and began to explain:

"The last location we tracked was in a suburban factory. Once we got there, I couldn't find any trace of them."

"What do you mean no traces can be found?"

"Literally, sir, even with my ability, I can't tell where they went. Metaphorically speaking, sir, it's like they were suddenly transferred to another place. Only then will the traces be complete." disappeared."

"You want to say that there are people among them who can take people for teleportation?"

Kevin said this and looked at Ashley aside.

Ashley said quickly:

"I have checked with the director of the Honghe Welfare Institute. Among the superhumans who came out to carry out revenge, among their abilities... none of them can teleport."

"not a single one?"

"Not a single one."

Ashley said with certainty.

The superhumans who came out with rubbish superpowers, although their abilities were all kinds of weird and varied, had absolutely no 'strategic' superpowers that could be used for teleportation.

If there were, it would definitely not be with them.

"That's weird."

Kevin frowned slightly.

A group of superhuman beings without teleportation powers suddenly disappeared somewhere. Apart from someone helping them, Kevin could not think of any other possibility for the time being.

After thinking about it, Kevin issued an order to the people in front of him:

"Take me over there and have a look. I want to see what's going on."

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