Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 2 Skill points added

"So I have traveled through time and I have lost more than a billion, so where is my golden finger?!"

After a lot of psychological struggle for himself, Wei Wen...Kevin, who finally reluctantly accepted the current time travel setting, began to look for his golden finger.

According to the normal routine, shouldn’t it be common sense that there is a cheat when traveling through time?

Kevin doesn’t need any special golden fingers. As long as he can get those damn cheeks off his chest, that’s a good golden finger!

Just as he was thinking this, Kevin felt a blue light spot appear in front of his eyes. When his sight was focused on the blue light spot, a blue tree growing out of the light spot appeared in front of Kevin.

This is a tree that looks a lot like the skill tree in the game.

Starting from the light spot at the root, various skills extend above to the crown.

"Sure enough! I knew how a time traveler could not have a golden finger! What is this golden finger, Kangkang? Huh? Why are there so many frames that I can't see..."

Kevin looked at his golden finger excitedly.

As a result, it was discovered that in the skill tree in front of me, except for the skill boxes at the roots and part of the trunk, some of the skill boxes above were obscured by fog.

No matter how Kevin looked, he couldn't see the skills behind it.

"I understand, the prerequisites have not been met, so it is not unlocked. Haha, it's an old game routine."

Kevin vaguely guessed the reason why those skills were obscured by the fog.

If the prerequisites for skills are not met, high-level skills cannot be seen. Many games have this routine. Kevin is also a veteran of the game and knows the routine very well.

So let’s ignore the skills that have not been unlocked for the time being. First, let’s take a look at the skill boxes that are lit and can be lit.

The first thing Kevin looked at was the only bright spot at the root of the skill tree.

This is a basic skill icon. On the icon is Kevin's cartoon avatar, wearing a deep-sea hero uniform.

Next to the icon is the name of the skill.

[Occupation: Superhuman]

"Um, is this a profession? What about the following three?"

After confirming that the position of the root represents Kevin's current 'profession', which is something like a 'magician' or 'ghost swordsman', Kevin stopped paying attention and turned to look at the extension of this skill. Three skills.

[Passive: Superhuman Physique lv3]

[Passive: water breathing max]

[Passive: Water creature affinity level 4]

"Good guy, three passives!"

After seeing the descriptions of these three skills clearly, Kevin called him a good guy in his heart.

He has never seen a profession that doesn't provide an active skill at the beginning, but gives three passive skills first.

But if you think about it carefully, these three passives include all the abilities of Deep Sea.

A physique that can withstand the water pressure of the seabed, a special ability to breathe freely underwater, and an affinity ability to talk to aquatic animals and be liked by them.

These three abilities make up the entirety of the superhero Deep Sea.

These are also all three skills that are currently lit on the skill tree, in addition to the basic profession.

Among them, except for the skill of water breathing, which is probably at level one or max level, the other two passive skills seem to have room for improvement.

What especially moved Kevin was that next to the two abilities [Superhuman Physique] and [Water Creature Affinity], there was a + sign shining brightly.

Prove to Kevin that he... can add points to it!

"Don't worry, let's see what the derivative skills are."

Suppressing the idea of ​​adding points to these two skills, Kevin looked up the skill tree.

Behind the three passive skills, there are extended gray boxes. There are also shiny + signs next to these gray boxes, which are in sharp contrast to the dark - signs next to them, proving that Kevin can also add points to these skills. , learn new abilities.

Among the three abilities, [Superhuman Physique] extends to two abilities, one is [Accelerated Self-Healing] and the other is [Super Heart and Lung].

The two skills are active and passive.

[Water Breathing] also extends two abilities, namely [Water Control] and [Form Switching], both of which are active skills.

[Water Creature Affinity] only extends one ability, [Water Creature Summoning], which is an active ability.

Kevin clicked on the skill introduction and read it carefully, then used the plus and minus signs to test how many skill points he had, and then he began to think deeply.

Since the specific number of skill points cannot be seen, Kevin can only use a rough estimate to estimate it.

First of all, Kevin's skill points allow him to increase his lv4 level, which is water creature affinity, by one level.

You can also upgrade your superhuman physique by one level, from lv3 to lv4.

But if you want to change the superhuman physique from lv4 to lv5, it won't work because you don't have enough skill points.

After clicking on the upgrade of physical fitness from 3 to 4, Kevin can upgrade one of the following skills to level 3 individually, so that he can also light up another skill.

Or you can separate them and upgrade two skills to level 2, which can also light up the other two skills.

"In other words, my current skill points are 15? One skill point is needed to light up the first level. Two skill points are added on this basis to upgrade to the second level. Then four skill points are added to the second level to upgrade to the third level. …

"I understand, it's doubled, right?"

After roughly figuring out the number of skill points and the number of skill points needed to light up the skills, Kevin quickly made a decision.

Through the skill description, Kevin first decided to upgrade the [Form Switching] skill to level two.

This skill is Kevin's long-cherished ability to remove his gills. After lighting up this skill, Kevin will have a 'mermaid form'.

The gills on the chest will be stuffed into the mermaid form. When Kevin is not switching forms, he will look normal.

This skill is of little use at level one, and the gills will still exist. Only at level two, Kevin can grow webs on his hands and feet after switching forms, helping him move faster underwater.

At the same time, the gills completely disappeared, fused with Kevin, and became part of his body, no longer exposed to the outside.

At that time, both forms of Kevin were able to breathe underwater. The difference was that Kevin in the other form was faster and stronger underwater.

If this level is raised to the highest level, Kevin will turn into a real mermaid in the water, and his appearance will be beautified to a certain extent.

But whether to beautify or not is a matter for the future. The disappearance of the gills on the chest is what Kevin really cares about.

He clicked [Form Switching] to level two and spent three skill points. Kevin estimated the remaining twelve skill points and first spent eight skill points to upgrade [Superhuman Physique] to level four.

There is no way, the world of black robe is really dangerous.

The heat rays that the people of the motherland emit at every turn will pierce through those with weak defenses.

There is also Storm in the second season...who joins in...the superhero "Storm". The lightning she releases can easily cause serious injuries to superhumans with weak physiques.

Deep Sea's physique... I have never seen him display it in the drama, which makes Kevin feel uncertain.

Therefore, it is very important to improve your physical fitness. At least if you can't defeat him in the future, you can resist two more attacks and take the opportunity to escape.

After doing this, Kevin estimated the remaining skill points, threw three skill points to [Water Control], lit it up and upgraded it to level 2, and clicked [Accelerated Self-Healing] at level 1.

Now that you have decided to resist the beating, let's fight it to the end.

As the saying goes, you can achieve output only when you are alive. In this crisis-ridden world of black robes, there are no too many ways to save your life!

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