Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 200 Only now do I think of looking for foreign aid

In the special interrogation room of the Walter Group, Ghost's parents and Ghost were talking face to face.

Kevin sat outside the interrogation room, watching them chat through the glass, and finally determined that the ghost in front of him was indeed not the ghost in his world.

She is the ghost of world line A.

That is, the world A where nothing has been changed and is still moving forward according to the original plot line.

In the world of ghosts, she learned about Compound No. 5 and began to decide to take revenge with her friends on the parents who turned them into what they are now and then abandoned them as trash.

After killing her friends' enemies one after another, Ghost successfully killed her father with the help of her friends.

But just when he was about to take action against his mother and put an end to everything, the people from the Walter Group arrived in time.

They, along with the people of the motherland, killed all her friends.

In other words, just one person from the motherland made a move, and they were all ‘executed’.

She was the only one left, escaping due to her own abilities.

The Walt Group didn't care about her. After all, Walt couldn't control the spirit body, and the ghost itself couldn't touch anything.

That's how it should be.

But just when the ghost got into the ground and was about to escape, her eyes suddenly lit up, and when she opened her eyes again, she appeared in front of Kevin.

It's like being teleported here by someone.

"You really don't remember how you got here?"

When the ghost and her parents finished talking, Kevin met with the ghost alone and asked questions.

The ghost shook his head:

"...I don't remember, I don't know. I' head is very messed up right now."

Suddenly he learned about Compound No. 5, and within a few days he gathered his friends to take revenge on their parents.

After finally succeeding in revenge, the people of the motherland killed all his friends, leaving only himself.

I originally thought of escaping and then finding a way to go back and kill my mother, but in the blink of an eye I ended up in another paradoxical world.

After experiencing so many things in just a few days, Ghost's mind was so confused that he couldn't think of a complete thought.

Seeing the ghost, he couldn't say anything, so Kevin didn't force himself and changed the topic:

"Then do you still remember what happened in your world?"

Kevin is now very curious about how far their plot has developed in the other black-robed world line.

The ghost looked up at Kevin, then lowered his head and remained silent.

Kevin was not in a hurry and waited patiently.

After about ten minutes, the ghost slowly spoke:

"...Are you Deep Sea?"

"Yes, it should be different from what you have in mind, right?"

"Well, the Deep Sea in my memory left the Seven because of Unspoken Starlight, and there has been no news for a long time."

Ghosts tell of experiences in another world, the deep sea.

Kevin nodded, not surprised by what she said, and then asked:

"What about the others? Like...Starlight you mentioned?"

"Starlight...she is very famous recently. She has released a song and has appeared in many commercials, although I don't really like her new uniform."

"What about the rest?"

"The Motherland, Black and Locomotive are all the same, not much has changed. I heard that the Seven has a very popular new guy named Storm, but I didn't pay much attention to her."

"Are the people of the motherland involved in any public controversy?"

Kevin continued to ask.

The ghost tilted his head and thought for a moment, then finally shook his head:

"I haven't heard of any public opinion."

It seems that the timeline over there is slightly earlier than this one.

It was after the storm joined, before the people of the motherland killed the super villain and accidentally killed civilians, before falling into a public controversy.

However, the timelines on both sides are roughly the same, and at least the matter of Compound No. 5 has been exposed.

After confirming the time progress on the other side, Kevin turned back to the original topic and said:

"Okay, I roughly know the situation on your side, so now when you return to the beginning, did you make any... special discoveries before you came to this world?"

"I have no idea."

The ghost shook her head, maybe because she was afraid that Kevin wouldn't believe it, so she continued to add:

"I really don't know. After the people of the motherland...the people of the motherland killed my friends, I just...I ran away and then came here. This is my experience. Other than that, I really don't know anything. Not sure."

As the ghost spoke, he covered his face and began to cry bitterly:

"Really... I really don't know why this happened. We are not at fault at all, are we? My friends are not at fault either!

"If it weren't for them...those irresponsible parents, we wouldn't be where we are now! But why...oh...God..."

The ghost cried, her tears leaving the corners of her eyes, falling into the void, and finally dissipated in the air.

The ghost's ability makes her become a person in another dimension, and nothing about her can affect the world where people live now.

Including tears.

And that's not the worst part.

Although she became a ghost, she could still feel hunger, but she couldn't eat anything and lived in hunger every day.

After enduring so much pain, it makes sense that Ghost would hate his parents.

Kevin didn't want to criticize her, nor did he want to moralize her.

He just waited patiently for the ghost to stop crying and helped her find a psychiatrist for psychological counseling.

As for Kevin himself, while he asked Walter to continue investigating the missing group of superhumans, he called the current manager of the Red River Welfare Home and asked her to bring the files of the missing group of superhuman orphans.

Before this, Kevin thought he had paid enough attention to these orphans.

He improved the welfare of these orphans in the orphanage, patiently arranged psychological counseling for them, helped them understand the current situation, and at the same time prepared ways to eliminate superhuman abilities.

These preparations cannot be said to be useless.

In fact, there are many orphans in Honghe who choose to stay and do not participate in this revenge operation.

Even if they got their parents' addresses, they didn't take any action and stayed in the orphanage honestly.

But this is still not enough.

The pain that garbage superpowers bring them is not only psychological, but also physical.

For example, the water man who can turn himself into water but cannot move, or the 'slow motion' where all actions are extremely slow.

There is also the 'Human Tongue', which was born without bones and looks like a giant tongue. All her actions can only be completed by others. Like Water Man, she has no ability to take care of herself.

Besides these there are more junk superpowers.

Their existence told Kevin that Compound No. 5 brought not only superheroes on the surface, but also innocent people like them who had difficulty even surviving.

After flipping through the information on these superhuman orphans, Kevin sighed and left Walter and came to the woods again.

Previously, Kevin was no longer as concerned about the research and development of serum No. 5 as he was at the beginning, because the scientific research team of Walter Group was indeed unable to develop an 'antidote' for compound No. 5.

But now Kevin feels that he can actually push it a little more.

People, you will never know your potential unless you are pushed.

Kevin thought so, and urged Walter's scientific research team, but Cardoza said that this is really not a problem that can be solved by urging and forcing.

"...Boss, unless you call out the founder of Compound No. 5, we really can't speed up."

Cardoza looked bitter.

Kevin is an outsider. He thinks that scientific research requires people, money, and a medicine as a template to develop a serum that reversely disables the medicine in a short period of time.

But sometimes, someone with money and templates may not be able to handle everything.

There is still a little bit of inspiration that seems ordinary but is actually difficult to obtain.

And sometimes scientific research work lacks this glimmer of inspiration.

Whether there is inspiration or luck, the final result is completely different.

Cardoza is not a genius. His ability to strengthen No. 5 is already an incredible achievement. This is based on the experience of previous generations.

Now, in a short period of time, he really can't come up with the 'No. 5 serum' that will make the No. 5 compound ineffective.

"Is there really nothing we can do?"

Kai, a layman in scientific research, asked reluctantly.

Cardoza's head shook like a rattle:

"Like I said, unless you can call out the founder of Compound No. 5, or call out the geniuses in science fiction works, otherwise... there is really nothing you can do in a short time..."

"Wait, what did you just say?"

As soon as Cardoza finished speaking, Kevin had an idea and captured some information and asked quickly.

Cardoza didn't know why. He felt that his voice just now should have been loud... but at the boss's request, he repeated it:

"I said, unless you name the founder of Compound No. 5, or the genius in science fiction..."



Before Cardoza finished speaking, Kevin's foul language made him full of questions.

He almost thought it was something he said that angered Kevin and made him angry.

But before Cardoza could ask, he saw Kevin leaving the woods in the same hurry as when he came.

Kevin's angry curse just now was not directed at Cardoza, but at Kevin himself.

The founder of Compound No. 5 is dead, and Kevin will definitely not be able to revive him to explain the creation principles of Compound No. 5 to everyone.

But Kevin can get the geniuses in science fiction works!

Stark and Hulk Banner in the Marvel world are all geniuses in this area!

Especially Banner, he has a PhD in biology! If it were him, he would definitely be able to develop ‘Serum No. 5’!

But Kevin has never thought of asking them for help!

Because he has always thought that things should be solved in whichever world they happen. Apart from dealing with Ultron, Kevin has never used the power of other worlds to help him solve problems in other worlds. thoughts.

His limited thinking made him think of asking for help from these geniuses in the Marvel world until now.

"It seems like I'm really going to stay in the Marvel world for a long time this time... Well, by the way, let's take Annie over for a day and see if we can find a way to improve her strength."

After deciding to temporarily return to the Marvel world to solve the problem of Serum No. 5, Kevin thought of his girlfriend Annie again.

Annie had previously said that she wanted to visit another universe, but Kevin's skill points were too limited before and he did not have the wealth to take Annie to another world.

But now, the skill point increase of one point per day, coupled with the "extra money" at certain times, has caused Kevin's number of skill points to expand rapidly.

Although the number of skill points is still far from the sixth to seventh levels, it is still no problem to take someone to another world for a day or two.

Moreover, Annie's current strength is indeed much weaker than Kevin's.

Kevin doesn't ask Annie to become very strong, at least she must have the ability to protect herself when Kevin faces trouble in the future.

At least we have to remove the restriction that 'you can only use your ability if there is electricity around you'.

The hero's code name is "Starlight", but it turns out that there must be electricity around him to emit starlight, which is too weak.

"Just relax and go on a trip."

After deciding on the next itinerary, Kevin whispered to himself slowly.

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