Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 204 Research Begins

The angry Hulk doesn't care whether you are someone he knows or not.

Now except for the Black Widow, I am afraid no one can subdue the angry Hulk. Therefore, after knowing that Kevin woke him up, driven by anger, Hulk rushed towards Kevin.

The mountain-like body sprinted towards Kevin savagely.

Kevin spent 0.01 seconds thinking about whether to use the time stone to give Hulk a loser's dust, or to use his upgraded body to have a hearty head-to-head confrontation with Hulk.

In the end he chose the latter between the two.

Upgrading to Level 6 physique has not yet been tested. In theory, it should be able to officially compete with Thanos and the Hulk in the movie universe, but it has not been tested in practice.

Now seems like the best opportunity.

A chance to beat up the fat green guy.

If it were the Hulk in the comics, Kevin might be scared, because the Hulk in the comics seems to have no upper limit to his strength and physique, and the angrier he becomes, the more powerful he becomes.

But the movie version——

The thought came to an abrupt end. The Hulk, who was more than one meter taller than Kevin, had already arrived in front of Kevin.

A fist as hard as a boulder, carrying a fist wind that ripped through the air, hit Kevin head-on!

But this thick fist, which could smash a person's head to pieces, suddenly stopped in mid-air.

A palm that was completely inconsistent with the thick fist resisted Hulk's powerful and heavy blow.

The huge fist was pressed against the palm of a normal human-sized hand, just like a baby's palm pressed against an adult's fist.

The shock wave of the collision between the two scattered in the mirror space, and Hulk's angry mind became clear for a moment.

He didn't seem to have thought at all that the 'little man' in front of him, who didn't look half as big as him, actually had the same power as him.

"That's all."

Kevin, who easily withstood Hulk's fist, shook his head slightly at Hulk.

The next moment, he suddenly raised his foot, raised it high, and accurately hit Hulk's abdomen.

Boom! ! !

Another faint blast of air escaped, and with this dull sound of physical impact, Hulk's body flew out upside down!

He flew out with his back forward at a speed even faster than he had just rushed over, and hit the barrier of the mirror space in the distance.

The sound of the mirror shattering was heard, and the Hulk was a little stunned by Kevin's kick, but he soon became even more angry, opening his huge mouth and roaring at Kevin:


"Like a beast."

Kevin shook his head and commented. With a flick of his finger, in the world of mirror space, the ground under his feet carried him to the front of the Hulk.

He arrived in front of Hulk in the blink of an eye, and using the terrain of the mirror space to make himself higher than Hulk, he raised his fist and hit Hulk on the head.

boom! !

Hulk's head tilted to the side, but this only aroused his ferocity.

He also swung his fist at Kevin and hit Kevin on the head as well.

Kevin was hit by Hulk, but he didn't feel much pain. However, the feeling of Hulk's fist hitting his body also brought a slightly maniacal smile to Kevin's face.

In an instant, Kevin's fist fell on Hulk again.


Boom! !

The two men's attacks were restrained at the beginning and gradually became violent. As their fists met, dull sounds continued to sound in the mirror space.

Kevin became more and more excited as he fought. In the end, he even forgot about the time gem and magic, and even spent a certain amount of skill points to upgrade his fighting skills to level four, just to experience the thrill of this hearty, punchy fight!

In the beginning, Hulk was able to fight back and forth with Kevin. The two of them were going back and forth with each other, and they were evenly matched.

But after Kevin clicked [Deep Sea Combat Technique] to level four, Hulk began to fall into a disadvantage.

When Kevin completely mastered the level 4 fighting skills, Hulk was simply being beaten by Kevin!

Until I have no power to fight back at all!

boom! !

As Kevin's last punch fell on Hulk's head, the stunned Hulk fell to the ground and could no longer get up.

He stared blankly at the ceiling, and finally closed his eyes. As he closed his eyes, his body gradually shrank and returned to its original appearance.

And when Hulk turned back into Banner, Kevin scratched his cheek in hindsight:

"Um...did I go a little too far just now..."

Hulk's intelligence is not high, at best it is equivalent to that of a four or five year old child.

Imagine that a child of four or five years old was woken up by an inexplicable sound in the middle of the night. He was about to lose his temper when he was beaten up by the person who woke him up for no reason at all.

He tried to fight back, but he couldn't fight back. He was beaten hard and had to obey.

Anyone would feel aggrieved by this.

This is simply bullying!

"No, you can't blame me. Who told him to come directly to me after waking up? With such a big man, it seems reasonable for me to be frightened and fight back..."

Kevin made excuses for himself rather guiltily.

But let's not mention this matter for now. It seems that with a level six physique, he can crush the movie version of the Hulk, and can even be said to be the strongest physique in the movie Marvel world.

I just don’t know how it compares to Superman.

Kevin was thinking about this, and at this time, Banner, who had transformed from the Hulk form back to his normal appearance, also faintly woke up from the ground.

Upon seeing this, Kevin immediately removed the mirror space, recovered his thoughts, and quickly stepped forward to help Banner wake up:

"Dr. Banner? Are you okay?"

"Um...I...what's wrong with me...?"

Banner covered his head, sat up and asked, not quite sober.

He has been occupied by Hulk's personality for too long, and he can no longer remember why he is here, and why his body feels so painful as if he has been beaten up.

Feeling guilty, Kevin did not tell Banner that he beat him awake, but said in concise words:

"You ran away from the earth on your own? Don't remember? Dr. Banner, I have something to ask you, so I came to Sakaar to find you. Follow me back to the earth, Dr. Banner."

"...I...I ran out? Wait, you...I remember you are the alien...How is the earth? How is Ultron?"

Banner focused his attention on Kevin, and it took a lot of effort to recognize who Kevin was.

Then he remembered the previous things one after another.

In his memory, they were still discussing how to deal with Ultron, and then... After it was determined that Kevin would be the one to deal with Ultron, his memory disappeared.

Banner has no memory of what happened during this period.

When Kevin heard what Banner said, he knew that he must not remember what he had just beaten him up. He felt a little relieved and began to answer Banner's questions:

"I have solved Ultron. Now the earth is safe. I can send you back to the earth later, but you have to promise to help me with one thing."

"What's up?"

Banner shook his head, trying to wake himself up.

Kevin took out Compound No. 5 and handed it to Banner:

"Help me develop the reverse serum of this potion."

After going through all kinds of hardships...well, although it can't be said to be very difficult, in short, Kevin finally found Banner and could officially enter his main mission.

Using the portal to bring Banner back from Sakaar, Kevin did not ask him to find the Avengers. Instead, he used his prestige with the Avengers to ask Tony for a separate biological laboratory.

Tony was still busy with protocol issues recently and did not ask Kevin what he wanted the biological laboratory to do.

The most they can do is ask Jarvis to help guard it, so that Kevin doesn't make any messy things that threaten the earth.

At other times Tony's focus was on the Sokovia Accords.

Kevin was so relaxed that after bringing Banner back, he directly asked Banner to come here to work for him.

The reverse research work on Compound No. 5 has finally officially begun.

Because he had the information taken out from Alkali and various information from the Walter Group in recent decades as reference, Banner had some clues in just two days.

It can be said that he is one of the smartest people in the Marvel world, but he is better than those scientific researchers in the black robe world.

However, if there is a clue, then there is a clue. It is impossible to develop serum No. 5 in a short time. On the contrary, it is a potion that can strengthen superhuman beings, and Banner has found it.

"The thing you brought called...V compound is essentially a one-time use. After giving abilities to others, no matter how much you inject this potion, you will not gain new abilities. It will only temporarily strengthen the existing abilities. , and there will also be a certain degree of addiction.”

In the laboratory, Banner explained to Kevin.

And these Kevins all know that the locomotive is the best example.

After injecting No. 5 Compound, Locomotive's abilities were improved to a certain extent, but at the same time, the No. 5 Compound also destroyed his body, making him addicted to No. 5 Compound, and also gave him a heart disease.

So in fact, if you want to destroy a superhuman, it is very simple. Just inject him with compound No. 5 from time to time and let the compound No. 5 in his blood destroy him.

Destroy yourself.

But what Kevin wants is not a superhuman who becomes a cripple. What he wants is an ordinary person who can still live a normal life after removing his powers.

Here Banner continued:

"The reason is very simple, because the first time Compound No. 5 changes the human body, it changes the most essential genes of the human body. Since the No. 5 Compound injected later cannot continue to change genes, it can only temporarily strengthen the super human in your mouth through blood. .

"This is why Compound No. 5 cannot permanently enhance superhuman abilities."

"I see……"

What Banner said reminded Kevin of Luke and Sam.

Professor Brinkerhoff wanted to make the golden boy Luke his best student, a student who could surpass the people of his motherland, so he let Sam's blood be injected into Luke's body.

But in fact, Sam's blood also contained diluted No. 5 Compound. This method seemed to be no different from the indirect injection of No. 5 Compound.

But if we understand what Banner said, originally Compound No. 5 could only temporarily enhance Luke's ability, because Luke's super gene could not be strengthened.

But Compound No. 5 neutralizes Sam's blood, and since he and Luke are brothers, a wonderful chemical reaction occurs between the two. Sam's blood can directly enhance Luke's super genes.

This indirectly improves Luke's ability, and this may be the reason why Brink chose to do this.

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