Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 207 Time Travelers from the Past

"Drax! Look what you idiot has done!!"

The appearance of the yellow cube light door made Quil scream.

Drax avoided everyone's sight, quietly moved away from the time tablet, and then began to quibble:

"It has nothing to do with me. When I was holding it, this...thing that looked like a yellow cookie hadn't appeared yet."

"There's no such giant yellow cookie, and what on earth is this? This thing won't destroy my ship, will it!?"

Pointing to the 'huge yellow biscuit' in front of him, Quill was very worried about his ship.

No one dared to get close to the yellow glowing square that suddenly appeared, fearing that it would cause harm to everyone or those around them.

Only Kevin walked to the time tablet and picked it up under the gaze of everyone.


Rocket's eyes widened and he called Kevin's name, seemingly trying to stop him from seeking death.

Kevin ignored him. He opened the time tablet, frowned at the broken display screen on it, and then opened the tablet to look at the buttons under the tablet. The mess of buttons made Kevin's expression even more distorted.

Finally, Kevin tentatively clicked on something that looked like a close button and closed the tablet again.


The yellow glowing door disappeared instantly.

Everyone was relieved.

"Wait, Kevin, you know how to use this?"

After he relaxed, Quill asked in surprise.

Kevin looked at the time tablet in his hand, shook his head and said:

"I don't know how to use it, but this thing should be easy to operate."

In the plot of "Rocky", it seems that anyone can use this thing if they hold it. Kevin just tried it with the mentality of giving it a try. Unexpectedly, it worked really well.

"Do you know what it is?"

"That's right, but what I'm more curious about is, who hired you to find this thing?"

Kevin asked doubtfully.

It is normal for the time tablet to be in the Marvel world. The team of the Time Administration has almost one person. Even if a few time tablets are stolen and taken to other worlds, it seems reasonable.

It doesn't make sense that someone knew the Time Tablet was here and commissioned the Guardians of the Galaxy to collect it.

Who is this guy?

Is he a time traveler? Did it come from the future? Or simply a time traveler from another world line?

Kevin wanted to find out.

After all, the black-robed world he is currently in is facing the problem of intersecting world lines, and it is in great need of an organization that studies time issues to help.

The Time Management Bureau is undoubtedly the best place to turn to.

Kevin thought that the people who hired the Guardians of the Galaxy were some mysterious people who had traveled from other worlds, but he didn't expect that Kevin, the employer of the Guardians of the Galaxy, actually knew them.

Not only do they know each other, they have also interacted with each other.

"It's collector Tiwan," Gamora said. "He's very generous. We helped him get a lot of collectibles, and this is just one of them."

"...Okay, why am I not surprised at all."

Kevin murmured to himself after hearing Gamora say his employer's name.

The Collector, Tanya Tiwan, who has been dedicated to collecting all kinds of rare treasures in the universe, will want to collect the Time Tablet, which is very consistent with his long-standing personality.

When it comes to time tablets, Kevin doesn't have that much time to travel leisurely.

He asked Nebula and others to take care of Annie and others and take them on a 'travel' in the universe. He followed Quill and Gamora to see the Collector and inquire about the time tablet.

Coming to the land of ignorance again, I went to the collector's collection room and met the collector again. This guy who was barely considered Kevin's 'friend' actually expressed his unwelcome towards Kevin.

"Why are you here! Damn it, Andina, see you off!!"

The Collector shouted loudly to the red-skinned maid beside him.

After the last maid died, he hired a new servant. I don't know if he has a soft spot for people with red skin. Several maids in a row have red skin.

When the maid heard her master's order, she turned around and was about to send Kevin away.

Because of the Reality Stone matter, Tiwan disliked Kevin very much. Now it is understandable to see Kevin sending guests off directly.

But before the maid was about to speak, Kevin said to Tiwan:

"Are you sure you want to drive me away? Oh, what a pity. I originally wanted you to see the only Infinity Stone left in the universe."

After Kevin finished speaking, he shook his head and left.

Tiwan suddenly stretched out his hand:


Kevin stopped and looked back at him with a half-smile.

Tiwan stared, walked out from behind his desk, came to Kevin in three steps and two steps at a time, and asked very fast:

"What did you say? Infinite rough stones!? All the infinite rough stones have been destroyed by you?! You still have one left!?"

Kevin's destruction of the Infinity Stones is no secret in the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Even the materials for the Infinity Stone Crusher were collected with the help of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

As the current golden employer of the Guardians of the Galaxy and the former keeper of the Reality Stone, Tivan naturally knows about this.

So he takes it for granted that all the Infinity Stones have been crushed by Kevin.

But he didn't expect Kevin to have another one in his hand.

Kevin turned his head and looked at Tiwan with a smile.

He didn't speak, he just exposed the Eye of Agamotto on his chest and used magic to reveal the time gem stored in it.

Tiwan's eyes lit up instantly, his whole body trembled, and his voice was like waves:

"Oh——! Oh!! It's so... so beautiful!! There is only one... Infinity Stone left in the universe——!! Let me take a look——!"


When Tiwan was about to touch Kevin's Time Stone, Kevin took a step back and closed the Eye of Agamotto, refusing Tiwan's contact.

Seeing the Time Stone slip away from him, Tiwan choked on his breath and almost took it.

Kevin looked at it and then continued:

"I can put the time stone with you, but the condition is that you tell me why you want to collect this thing."

Kevin said, taking out the time tablet and placing it in front of Tivan.

Seeing the time tablet, Tivan's excitement gradually cooled down. He raised his head and looked at Kevin, and then at the Guardians of the Galaxy behind him.

Then he straightened his appearance and said calmly:

"So you came here for this thing too. Since you asked me why I collected it instead of asking what it is, it proves that you also know the function of this thing, right?"

"You do know."

Kevin narrowed his eyes.

Tivan replied:

"Of course I know! The time tablet is a prop used by the Time Variation Administration to travel through time! In this timeline, it is the only precious item in the entire universe! The same as your time gem! No, even more precious than your time gem. !

"If you want to exchange the time stone for this...although it's not impossible, you still allow me to refuse!"

When facing the time tablet, Tiwan actually showed a rare tough attitude.

Not even the Time Stone seemed to interest him.

Hearing what Tiwan said, Kevin's eyes became unkind, and the kind smile he maintained gradually disappeared, and he said in a calm voice:

"I just made a deal with you because I wanted to resolve this matter peacefully. But if you don't want to resolve this matter peacefully, I can actually be tougher."

Kevin said, showing the time stone again: "I think you should know how scary time is."

"Etc., etc!"

Seeing that Kevin seemed really angry, Tiwan quickly said:

"Damn it, you barbarian! Don't you understand the principle of bargaining!? Okay, okay, take the time stone back quickly! I'll tell you what's going on!"

It turns out that Tivan just wanted to increase the value of the time tablet to give himself an advantage in this 'transaction'.

But it's a pity that Kevin doesn't care so much. He just wants to know the reason why the time tablet is here quickly, so Tivan's little idea has no effect at all.

In desperation, Tiwan could only start to explain:

"A time traveler, a time traveler from long ago.

"He left a note saying that he came to this timeline with the time tablet, but lost the time tablet for some reason, and then died helplessly in this timeline.

"Then the notes he left behind were auctioned by his descendants for unknown generations, and finally fell into my hands. Only then did I learn about the time tablet."

A staff member who may be from the Time Administration came to the far past in this timeline for unknown reasons, lost the time tablet, and was trapped here.

After his death, the notes he left behind were considered useless by his family and auctioned along with other things.

Perhaps because the time traveler once told his family that he was a time traveler, the 'time traveler's relics' were used as a gimmick during the auction.

This got Devan concerned.

Although this thing is a relic of a time traveler, it may look fake at first glance, but Tiwan is a collector of all kinds of rare collections, so even if it is fake, he still has to buy it and take a look.

After all, the Tiwan Group is quite a wealthy entity in the universe.

It's just a collection, it doesn't cost much.

As a result, after buying back all the relics and notes, Tiwan discovered that this thing was actually real, and the time tablet recorded in it was probably also real.

That's why the Guardians of the Galaxy were commissioned to search for the time tablet in the ancient ruins.

That's how it happened.

It's not as complicated as Kevin thought. It's just an unlucky guy from the Time Administration who left the time tablet here.

The only question is why the Time Administration didn't recycle the tablet.

For such an important item, shouldn't someone be sent to recover it as soon as it's discovered that it's missing?

Could it be that……

Kevin thought of the plot at the end of the first season of "Loki", where the legacy Kang died and the Time Administration was in chaos.

If someone ran away at that time and wanted to escape the ending of time collapse, it would be reasonable to say that they would choose to escape to the previous timeline.

After all, this unlucky guy who lost his time tablet ran away hundreds of years ago, which is very consistent with his escape mentality.

"I've told you everything I know, so the time tablet..."

Seeing that Kevin was still thinking, Tiwan couldn't help but remind him.

Kevin held the time tablet, raised his head and smiled at Tiwan, returned the time tablet to him, and said:

"If you don't use this thing well, it may cause the timeline to collapse. You should be careful when using it."

Tivan carefully took the time tablet from Kevin's hand, guarded it like a rare treasure, and replied:

"I know, don't worry, I will only protect it, not use it... By the way, your time stone..."

"?" Kevin's eyes instantly became dangerous: "Tivan, don't be too greedy."

"…All right."

Tivan had no choice but to reluctantly watch Kevin leave with the Time Stone, and then began to settle the rewards for the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Kevin waited outside until Star-Lord and Gamora came out after finishing their work.

It didn't take long for the two to end the deal and leave Tiwan to join Kevin.

When he saw Kevin outside, Star-Lord couldn't help but ask:

"I said, man, you just left that thing to him? Didn't you say it was dangerous?"

"Yeah." Kevin smiled half-heartedly, looked around to make sure no one was looking here, turned slightly sideways, and exposed a corner of his pocket: "So, of course, this thing must be placed next to me, so that I can rest assured."

From Star-Lord's perspective, in Kevin's pocket is the time tablet that Kevin left for Tiwan before!

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