Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 210 Promotional Video

Huey is missing.

When Huey couldn't be found anywhere, Kevin had to come to this conclusion.

Huey is indeed missing.

There seemed to be something wrong with his ability. He was teleported to an unknown place, and based on his ability, he couldn't come back.

This made Kevin, who was still excited about the success of the potion, suddenly cool down and did not dare to give the remaining potion to Annie.

Yes, Kevin guessed that the reason for Huey's disappearance was probably because of his abilities.

Huey's ability is teleportation. The enhanced ability causes him to teleport to a special place and then be unable to come back for some reason. This possibility is not impossible.

Annie's abilities are different from Huey's. After her abilities are strengthened, she may not be in the same situation as Huey.

But Kevin didn't dare bet on the odds.

Therefore, Kevin will not use strengthening potions on Annie until it is confirmed that Huey is safe.

Let the people of the Walter Group do their best to find Huey, and Kevin turned around and started working on the No. 5 serum.

Although the No. 5 serum developed by Banner is the first version and is ineffective against superhumans with too high levels of mutation, it can still have a certain effect on some people with low levels of mutation.

Kevin used the authority of Watt Company to find several volunteers with high mutation levels and injected them with serum No. 5.

Then, as expected, their abilities disappeared, and the mutations that troubled them returned to normal.

They become normal humans.

Needless to say, they were excited when they returned to normal. Kevin finally put aside his worries about the No. 5 serum and began to let the Walter Group produce the No. 5 serum in batches.

Two days later, the first batch of No. 5 serum was officially put into use. A total of 300 doses of No. 5 serum were sent by Kevin to the newly established special institution, waiting for the arrival of the first batch of 'customers'.

The effectiveness of the serum was confirmed, and Kevin did not immediately promote it with much fanfare.

He first observed for a few days to confirm that the serum's elimination ability would not cause adverse reactions to super humans. Then, with the consent of the person involved, he posted the video of the serum's elimination ability online in the name of the Watt Group.

It became the first promotional video for Serum No. 5.

"Hello everyone, I'm Kevin."

At the very beginning of the promotional video, Kevin's own image appears.

Wearing a suit, he stood in a solemn black shadow, with the light only shining on him.

His expression was heavy and serious, and he stared at the camera, seemingly able to see everyone watching the video.

"Many people know me and know that I was once the famous hero Deep Sea, and many people like me. After all, I am a superhero, and who doesn't like superheroes?"

Kevin said his opening remarks without any change in his expression, still serious.

"Superhumans and superheroes have become beautiful words under Walt's propaganda over the years. Countless people want to become superhumans, and even more, superheroes.

“But while everyone is paying attention to the heroes standing in the spotlight, they overlook too many things.

"Ignoring other people, other superhuman beings who have abilities but are almost as disabled."

As Kevin finished speaking, another spotlight lit up in the darkness around him.

Then a girl with a pimpled face appeared in the light.

The girl's appearance is very ugly. Although her face shape is pretty good and her figure is perfect, those toad-like pimples on her skin destroyed all her beauty and turned her into an ugly one. monster'.

When the girl appeared in the promotional video, Kevin's voice continued:

"She is a superhuman being just like us, but she can neither fly freely in the sky like the people of the motherland, nor can she swim freely in the sea like me.

"She can only extend her tongue, but such a trivial ability has made her what she is now."

The camera gives a close-up of the girl, allowing people to see the details on the girl's body.

The girl's expression was very painful, and she didn't dare to look at it when facing the camera. She just lowered her head and avoided being captured by the camera.

After a while, Kevin's voice appeared again:

"Water once ignored them, we also ignored them, and no one paid attention to them. They...are the real victims of Compound No. 5, and they are the ones we all should pay attention to.

“Some people may ask, why am I talking about this now and bringing the victims in front of the camera? Isn’t this touching their scars?

"Yes, if we say that they can only look like this forever, then it is indeed touching their scars, but... what if we can make them return to ordinary people and restore their original appearance?"

After Kevin finished speaking, the screen became brighter, and then a documentary-like video appeared on the screen.

In the picture, a toad girl covered in pimples was lying on a bed similar to that in a dentist's office, with her arms exposed.

A blue potion was injected into the girl's body.

Then the video was accelerated, and after a few minutes, all the ugly bumps on the girl's body disappeared!

The girl's skin became smoother and her appearance returned to a normal appearance.

The documentary on the screen ends here, but Kevin's video continues.

The scene turned and Kevin was sitting in a bright room. Next to him, the girl who had returned to her normal appearance was sitting next to him with a face full of joy.

The girl looked at her appearance in the mirror and cried with joy.

Her appearance is not very beautiful, but it is not ugly either. Especially compared with her previous appearance, her current appearance can be called beautiful.

Kevin stood up, stood behind the girl, and faced the camera:

"Returning to normal, no longer being an alien in the eyes of others, and being able to live freely in the sun, this... is what I want to do to those who have been harmed by Compound No. 5.

"Although the serum that can eliminate people's abilities is not yet perfect, I, Shenhai, in the name of the president of Walter Group, make a commitment here.

"We will definitely continue to study Serum No. 5 and strive to restore all superhumans with body mutations to normal!

“Before that, all superhumans with a slight degree of alienation can come to the Walter Group and receive a free injection of a potion that can eliminate body alienation.

"Yes, it's free! You don't need to spend a penny. As long as you can come and are determined to let your abilities disappear, we will realize your dreams!

"So come on! Superhumans who are troubled by their abilities, superhumans who want to become normal people, I am waiting for you at the Vought Group!"

At the end of the video, Kevin reaches out to the camera.

Then the video zoomed out, and various promotions of the Vought Group, as well as other videos of superhumans with alienated bodies returning to normal, were played one after another until the end of the video.

Kevin spent a lot of money on public relations for a promotional video about a serum that can eliminate people's superpowers.

Especially in New York's Times Square, the large advertising screen is monopolized by Kevin.

It costs a lot of money, but Kevin thinks it's worth it.

Because, after this video was released, leaving aside the social reaction and impact, Kevin himself directly gained five skill points.

One video, five skill points.

This does not include the impact of the video after it was released.

For a moment, Kevin felt that Locomotive might have died in vain, and that his death seemed to be slightly more valuable than a video.

And not only that, you can also get skill points by eliminating the abilities of superhumans, although not many. You have to eliminate the abilities of several superhumans before you can get a few skill points.

But don't forget, the most indispensable thing in this world is superhuman beings.

The impact of video is just the beginning.

Ordinary people who have watched the video have been furious on the Internet. Some people think Kevin has done a great job of giving new life to those weak superhumans who are troubled by their abilities.

But some people feel that Kevin is a traitor and that he betrayed metahumans.

Being able to turn superhumans into normal humans means that they are no different from ordinary people. Some superpowers who have benefited from becoming superhumans have even protested against this.

Especially the superheroes.

Not only that, but the phone number in Kevin's office was almost blocked by the Secretary of State.

He asked Kevin why he didn't discuss this matter with Congress in advance, but directly announced the efficacy of the No. 5 serum.

You must know that the Ministry of National Defense has just customized a batch of temporary No. 5s with Kevin, but now Kevin turns around and releases a serum that can disable super powers.

What if these serums are used by the enemy?

Congress wants to talk to Kevin to discuss Serum No. 5.

Kevin ignored them for the time being. No matter what, he was going to make some superhumans incapacitated. This was his plan, and only in this way could he manage those superhumans better.

In addition to these people, there is another person who is the most angry among them.

A person who didn't surprise Kevin at all.


She found Kevin again, and in the office, in front of Kevin, she suppressed her anger and asked Kevin:

"You...know what you are doing?!"

"Of course I know."

Kevin's answer was calm, in sharp contrast to the storm of anger.

The storm became even more angry:

"No, you don't know! You are annihilating a new ethnic group!! I...I thought you were siding with us, but it turned out..."

Until then, Storm had always believed Kevin was on the side of the metahumans.

She has always believed that Kevin, who has such great strength and constantly evolving abilities, is the most suitable superhuman leader.

So no matter how Kevin treats her, even if he has murderous intentions towards her, Storm can endure it and will try his best to cooperate with Kevin to satisfy him.

But now the storm could no longer be endured.

If superhumans disappear, then Storm's idea of ​​forming a superhuman force will be completely shattered! Not to mention the superhuman kingdom in the future!

It was also at this moment that Storm realized that Kevin was not standing with her at all.

He may have never wanted to be a superhuman king from the beginning.

"Eradicate a new ethnic group?"

Hearing what Storm said, Kevin suddenly laughed:

"Ms. Storm, your accusation is too serious. I have never killed any superhumans. I only allow those who are troubled by their 'abnormalities' to return to normal lives.

"Also, I never think that people with weird limbs or other things can be called superhumans."

"You are quibbling!!"

"Even if it is, so what?"

Seeing that the storm was entangled, Kevin was not in the mood to continue arguing with her.

He said calmly:

"I am the president of Watt Group. I never need to ask for other people's opinions on what I do. I can do whatever I want. It is not anyone else's turn, especially you, to take care of it."

Kevin is willing to communicate with Storm. This is just the most basic courtesy. It does not mean that Kevin is really easy to talk to.

As he said, as the president of Watt Group, he can actually do whatever he wants without any advice from others.

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