Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 217 The people of the motherland who have lost their abilities

boom! !

Kevin grabbed the body of the native and swung him hard to the ground.

Before the man from the motherland could react, Kevin grabbed his collar and swung him to the side, slamming the man against the metal wall.

After doing this, Kevin clapped his hands and said as if he had done something trivial:

"John, don't you know that before you speak harshly, you must at least have the strength to back up your harsh words?"


The people from the motherland who were stunned by Kevin's consecutive blows did not care about the other heroes who were looking for the storm. They flew out of the metal wall with red eyes and crashed into Kevin.

boom! !

There was another deafening sonic boom, and the motherland's shoulder pressed against Kevin's chest, pushing him away.

Their bodies shattered the metal walls and ceilings in the underground facilities, then rushed out of the ground and flew into the sky.

As they flew into the sky, the Motherland had their hands free and tried to attack Kevin.

But Kevin, who was supposed to be controlled by the motherland, twisted his body in mid-air, broke away from the motherland's grasp, and hit the motherland's back with an elbow.

With a thud, the motherland people felt a pain in their backs. The body flying in the sky fell vertically from above and landed in the rubble on the plain below, creating a large crater several meters deep.

Kevin did not fall from the air. Water flowed under his feet, forming steps for him to walk down.

While walking down towards the people of the motherland, Kevin was still talking rubbish to the people of the motherland:

"Your fighting skills are so rubbish. Even Maeve can't compare with me. Although my fighting skills are not very good, I should be at least a little better than you."

Kevin raised his hand, leaving a gap between his index finger and thumb.

The motherland man got up from the ground, flicked the dust off his body, and stared at Kevin with red eyes.

Kevin continued:

"And now, I am stronger than you in terms of strength, speed, defense ability, and recovery ability. Even your fighting ability is weaker than mine. Do you think you can beat me?"


The people of the motherland were furious, and the red light accumulated in their eyes suddenly shot out hot red light, flying towards Kevin!

But Kevin did not dodge. He raised his hand gracefully and controlled the water flow to form a prototype shield in front of him.

The shield formed rapidly, and at the same time it emitted a dense cold air, forming a barrier of frozen ice.

This is the first time Kevin has used ice magic transformed from water magic in actual combat. He wants to test whether the ice magic with defensive magic patterns can withstand the heat vision of the people of the motherland.

And the results are quite gratifying.

The barrier exuding a deep cold air indeed blocked the heat vision of the people of the motherland. Although it only resisted for a few seconds, it was about to be melted and penetrated, but this was enough to prove the defensive power of this move.

Kevin, who had learned a new skill, nodded with satisfaction, and then continued to talk to the motherland:

"Is this your strongest attack method?"

"What...? How can you..."

When they saw Kevin condensing a frost shield, the eyes of the people of the motherland were full of confusion and confusion.

He knew that Kevin could control water, but he never knew that he could also turn water into ice.

When did the other party master this ability?

Why did he never know?

But before the people of the motherland could figure it out, Kevin had already removed the frost shield blocking his eyes.

Kevin, who had ‘walked’ from above to the ground, shook his neck and said:

"It's my turn now, right?"


Hearing Kevin's words, before the staring people from the motherland had time to reply, Kevin's figure disappeared from the place again and appeared in front of the people from the motherland in an instant!

The two were very close, and with the motherland's super reflexes, he could see Kevin raising his fist and see his fist coming towards him.

However... the people of the motherland found themselves unable to escape.

His speed seems to be slower than Kevin's.

And it was this trace that made it impossible for the people of the motherland to avoid Kevin's fist.

boom! !

This punch landed accurately on the face of the motherland, and air burst out from the place where the fist contacted the cheek. The man of the country tilted his head and was about to fly out, but when he was about to fly out, Kevin grabbed his cloak.

The quality of the uniforms produced by the Walter Group is of course unparalleled. Even if Kevin grabbed the cape of the motherland with great force, the cape was not broken or damaged.

Instead, he forcibly pulled the motherland back and flew in the other direction where Kevin was swinging.

Grasping the cloak of the motherland, Kevin pulled the motherland who was about to fly away and smashed it to the ground on the other side.

The ground was smashed into holes again, but Kevin did not stop. He held the cape of the motherland in his hand, as if holding the reins to control a wild beast, and smashed the people on the ground as if they were weapons!

After being smashed like this several times, Kevin let go of the people of the motherland, leaving them lying in the pit doubting life.

Loki sent a congratulatory message.jpg

The people of the motherland were stunned by Kevin's indiscriminate attack.

He was really confused!

Since when did Deep Sea's ability become so powerful that he could compete with him just by relying on his physical ability?

I still remember that a long time ago, Shen Hai was physically weaker than him.

There is also the ability to control the shape of water flow and the ability to turn water flow into ice.

People in the motherland have never seen these abilities before! And he has never heard of any superhuman ability that can continue to evolve!

Even at this moment, the people of the motherland have a rather absurd idea in their minds.

He thinks Kevin is probably not a metahuman.

He has never seen such a super human! !

"I heard that you want to become a god?"

When the people of the motherland were doubting their life, Kevin squatted next to him, looking at him lying in the pothole for a long time without regaining consciousness, and said with a smile:

"Then do you think you, who are so weak, can become a god? You can't even defeat me."


"Okay, okay, don't shout so loud, I can hear you."

Kevin said, gently raising his fingers, and several streams of water gathered around the motherland, wrapped around his limbs, and condensed into frost, binding the motherland in place.

Then Kevin took out a light green potion from his pocket and pointed it at the arm of the motherland.


When they saw the light green potion, the people of the motherland, who had always been fearless, finally panicked:

"What are you going to do?! Do you you know that you-!"

"Of course I know what I'm doing, John." Kevin sighed regretfully to his motherland:

"I've given you many opportunities, really, ever since I was president, I've been humbly accommodating you and letting you continue to be the captain of the Seven and let you do what you want to do.

"I thought that by doing this, you and I could coexist in peace and harmony. I would be my president, you would be the captain of your seven-man team, and we would make money together peacefully, but...

"You disappoint me so much, John, that you want to betray me."

"I...I'm's obviously you who betrayed us...!"

"It doesn't matter anymore, John."

Kevin stopped the motherland from continuing, and under the other party's desperate eyes, injected the injection into the motherland's arm.

The metal needle made of vibranium penetrated the arm of the motherland, and the green and cold liquid was pushed into the body of the motherland by Kevin.

After doing this, Kevin said slowly:

"From today on, just be an ordinary person, so that no one will get hurt."


Seeing the liquid being injected into his body, the motherland man got the strength from nowhere and suddenly broke away from Kevin's restraints, soaring straight into the sky.

His ability is still there, but he doesn't want to continue fighting with Kevin.

He just wanted to escape from here quickly and at the same time find a way to get the medicine out of his body.

The people of the motherland do not want to lose their superpowers, let alone lose their superpowers!

His superpowers are everything to him, and once he loses these, there is no point in his existence.

The Homelander flew away and fled, but Kevin did not pursue him.

Because it would be useless to catch up, the serum that can weaken people's abilities has already begun to take effect.

In at least a few minutes, at most ten minutes, the people of the motherland will lose their abilities and become truly ordinary people.

And when the time comes, someone will naturally take over Kevin's job.

Just as Kevin guessed, the effect of the medicine began to take effect in the bodies of the motherland within a few minutes.

John, a native of his country, felt his speed slowing down and he was getting closer to the ground.

Finally at a certain moment, John felt that he could no longer fly.

He fell to the ground.

Like gods falling into the mortal world,

" no!! You can't take away my power! No!!"

Walking on the plain, John roared anxiously.

Kevin wasn't here, and he didn't know who he was yelling at. Maybe he was just venting, but it didn't matter anymore.

The power disappears, the vision is no longer as sharp as it was at the beginning, and the hearing is gradually weakening.

John felt that his body was extremely weak, so weak that he could hardly walk.

Finally at a certain moment, he fell to the ground, like a weak patient unable to get up from the ground.

"No!! Damn it! Damn it!!! How could he do this!! Ahhhh!!!"

Feeling that his ability was really gone, John cried and wailed as loudly as a child.

Being disliked by fans and being scolded online did not break John down.

But when his ability disappeared, John really felt what it meant to be hopeless and despair.

It was not until this moment that John understood that everything he had was based on his superhuman identity.

Once he loses these, he is nothing.

Not even as good as a mortal.

"No...I still have a chance, Compound No. 5...I can still find Compound No. 5——!"

After a moment of pain and despair, John climbed up from the ground as if grasping a life-saving straw, and struggled to walk in the direction they came from.

It doesn't matter if the ability disappears, at least John knows a way to restore people's superpowers.

Compound No. 5!

As long as he is injected with compound No. 5 again, he can gain superpowers again and become a citizen of the motherland that everyone respects!

John did not consider how he, an ordinary person who had lost his abilities, could obtain Compound No. 5 within the Walter Group run by Kevin.

He no longer wanted to think about those complicated issues. Now John just wanted to hold on to his last life-saving rope and seek a chance of 'survival'.

Compound No. 5…Compound No. 5…

John's mind was filled with Compound No. 5 at the moment.

But when he was struggling to return to the Walter Group, a black van sped up and stopped in front of John.

John stopped and looked up blankly ahead.

In the black van, a bearded man who seemed familiar to him got out.

The man was wearing a black trench coat, and his face was full of smiles when he saw John's appearance. His expression was as happy as a fisherman who caught a big fish weighing dozens of kilograms.

"Hey, look who this is, isn't this our dearest Superman who protects the country?"

The bearded man smiled mockingly at John, who was once a native of his motherland.

And in the other party's mocking smile, the people of the motherland finally remembered the other party's identity.

William Butcher.

The one he once suspected was the murderer of Madeleine Stillwell.

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