Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 221 The wreckage traveling through time and space

Chapter 221: The wreckage that traveled through time and space

"What on earth do your Walter Group want to do?!"

In the meeting room that originally belonged to the Seven, now the 'reception room' where Kevin entertained members of Congress, the bearded Secretary of State asked Kevin angrily and confusedly.

Kevin put his elbows on the table and crossed his fingers under his nose, seemingly deep in thought. Listening to the Secretary of State's shout, he raised his head and glanced at the other party:

"We're just responsible for keeping the world safe."

"This is not something you should worry about!"

"Mr. Secretary of State, the world has changed. Superhuman villains are doing whatever they want. With your army alone...with all due respect, you may not be able to catch them."

Although the man from the motherland is dead, the mess he and Edgar left together is still there.

The alliance of super villains created by Edgar made some super humans feel rebellious. The inaction of the motherland, or in other words, the strong will to label all super human criminals as super villains, and directly sentence them to death regardless of the crime. , which intensified the conflict between them.

Superhuman criminals still exist, undiminished by Kevin's introduction of Serum Five.

On the contrary, the number of superhuman criminals has increased.

They were worried that Kevin would take away their superpowers, so they wanted to use their superpowers to seek their own final benefits before then.

Not everyone is as weak and deformed as Ghost and her friends.

There are also some superhumans whose abilities are quite good and can even help them.

It is this group of people that the Super League Association will face in the future.

This group of people will not be cut off when there is a possibility that Compound No. 5 will be inherited by future generations.

It is somewhat difficult for the police and the army to deal with this group of superhumans. Kevin created the Superhero Association for their own good, but it is a pity that these people do not appreciate it.

"That's not because of you Walter—!"

The Secretary of State was about to speak, but Kevin raised his finger to stop him:

"Mr. Secretary of State, please be careful. I am not the one who did these things. I am also helping them clean up this damn mess."

"No matter what, even if the Super British Association is established, it will never have transnational law enforcement powers like you said! Even if we allow it, others will not allow it!"

"I reiterate again, Mr. Secretary, neither you nor the people behind you understand that the world has changed and there are greater crises waiting for us. I mean it."

"Then what kind of crisis are you talking about?"

The Secretary of State doesn't believe Kevin.

Even if Kevin was indeed a respected superhero before this, he could do whatever he did in his position.

The other party has been President Walter for so long, and he may no longer be the pure hero he was before.

Everything the other party said could be regarded as an excuse to seek welfare, and the Secretary of State would not believe it at all.

Kevin took a deep breath, picked up the remote control on the table, and was about to show the other party the materials he had prepared.

But before he could take action, Ashley walked in from the outside. She looked slightly anxious and walked in to look around, her eyes resting on Kevin.


"Is there a problem?"

Kevin knew that Ashley would not come to disturb him at this time unless there were special circumstances, so he asked aloud.

Ashley was about to speak when the secretary next to the Secretary of State suddenly answered the phone. Then his expression changed and he handed the phone to the Secretary of State.

The two people's actions made the conference room much quieter.

Kevin asked Ashley to stand aside and stop talking, waiting quietly for the Secretary of State to finish the call.

A minute later, the Secretary of State looked serious after listening to the call and looked up at Kevin in surprise:

"Just now...a person's...body appeared out of thin air on the desk of His Excellency the President. Is this the crisis you are talking about?"


Hearing what the Secretary of State said, Kevin was slightly startled and looked up at Ashley.

Ashley was stunned when she heard the Secretary of State's words. Seeing Kevin's look over her, she first shook her head subconsciously, and then said:

"I...that's not what I want to say, it''s Xingguang, she...she was on patrol just now, when she passed a warehouse, she found some...some broken limbs...After investigation, we found a stereo in it The body tissue of the head..."

"Audio head?"

"One of those missing kids from Red River."


Kevin fell into deep thought after hearing this. He turned to look at the Secretary of State aside and said:

"It seems that we all have a lot to deal with, so let's stop this conversation for now. Let's have a good chat later when we have time, Mr. Secretary."

The conversation with the Secretary of State came to an end, and Kevin did not pay attention to the matters in the White House for the time being. The Secretary of State didn't seem to want him to get involved anyway.

So after the meeting, Kevin rushed to the warehouse where Starlight discovered.

Unexpectedly, this is a warehouse located inside the city. The warehouse itself belongs to a well-known nearby supermarket and stores various goods in it.

Starlight Anne was patrolling the area and felt something was wrong with the current inside the warehouse. She was worried that there might be a short circuit or other problem that would lead to a fire, so she used her hero authority to come in to check.

The result was a pile of broken limbs.

The Vought Group has sent a security team to work with nearby police to cordon off the place for investigation.

Now, Titan Knight Robert, who has been assigned to the Super League by Kevin and temporarily fills in the number of people, is also here to investigate.

Kevin saw him and asked directly:

"How was the investigation?"

"...Sir, it has been confirmed that the... stumps present here do belong to the group of missing children, but the strange thing is that their death time seems to be very close."

"You mean, they just died not long ago?"

"Yes, come and see."

Robert took Kevin to a place covered by a white cloth, lifted a corner of the white cloth, pointed to the charred area above and said:

"Look, if you touch this location, you will find that there is still a little bit of warmth remaining on it. This proves that it has definitely not been more than an hour since the person died. In addition..."

Robert swallowed when he said this. He paused and said with a slightly frightened expression:

"...Judging from the traces, the person who killed them"

"He is from the motherland."


The person who spoke was not Kevin, but a ghost who suddenly ran out of the ground.

She didn't know how long she had been watching here. Before Robert could come to a conclusion, she came out and appeared next to Kevin and spoke out.

Robert was startled by the sudden appearance of a ghost, and he almost screamed. After seeing that it was a ghost, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, at least it's not a real ghost.

"are you sure?"

Ignoring the startled Robert, Kevin asked the ghost.

The ghost said decisively:

"I won't remember wrongly, this is the body of 'flashback'. I was beside him when he was penetrated by the laser of the motherland."

"So you want to say that after such a long time, the limbs of your companions who died in front of you traveled through time and space and came to this time?"

"I don't know... I can't judge, I'm just saying what I see."

The ghost said that it was not her place to judge such a thing.

She was just telling what she had discovered. What conclusion she would draw in the end was still up to Kevin and the others.

Kevin didn't expect the ghost to really answer his question. He just looked at the limbs in front of him and pondered.

When the ghost was teleported here, Kevin actually never understood one thing.

That's where the original ghost and her friends went?

From a normal perspective, since the ghost of another world appears in front of them, it proves that the ghost of their world should have gone to another world.

But why only ghosts?

Why are the others missing?

After communicating with the ghost, Kevin believed that the original ghost's friends had been killed by the people of the motherland and lost their lives, so they were not transported here.

But looking at it now, they have indeed been transported to this world.

But for some unknown reason, they crossed time and came to the not-so-distant 'future' for them at that time.

Is it because of animate and inanimate reasons?

But how does the ghost judge? Is she animate or inanimate?

Kevin looked back at the ghost with tears in her eyes. She looked at her friends on the ground and couldn't help crying again.

But because there was no sound when she cried, no one except the people around her noticed that she was crying.

After thinking for a long time but not getting an answer, Kevin put aside the matter for the time being and stood up and asked Robert:

"Are you sure all the limbs here belong to the missing children?"

"Almost all, but... none of it complete."


"Here are only the upper body of Speaker Head, the arms and severed legs of the big-breasted face, some tissues of Tongue Man's body, one of the big man's feet... and here, half of the flashback body..."

Robert pointed one by one and told the belongings of one limb after another.

The limbs here are not complete, they are like disassembled toys, the parts of which were thrown away randomly by a child who didn't know how to save them.

It also turned this place into a terrifying scene that only appears in horror movies.

But since the limbs appearing here are incomplete, it means that the limbs at the White House really belong to the 'Revenge Squad' from another world.

Maybe it's part of what's going on here.

"Is it an exchange..."

Kevin thought about it and suddenly caught a flash of light.

There are no superhumans with the ability to travel through time and space in the ghost team from another world.

But among the ghost team in this world, there seems to be a superhuman who can transfer people.

It was TA who transferred the ghosts and others who were wanted at the time.

This is the conclusion given by Robert, and Kevin also believes that this conclusion is very close to the truth.

I even thought that person's ability was to transfer space, but like Huey, he accidentally teleported people to another world.

But now, it seems that is not the case.

The true ability of that unknown superhuman may be a certain existence that can exchange the worlds on both sides.

It was TA who transferred Ghost and others and exchanged them with them in the parallel world.

That's why the ghosts in this world will disappear, and the ghosts in the other world will appear in this world.

And because the "Revenge Team" in that world were all dead except for the ghosts, the only ones sent here were the corpses that had been cut up by the people of the motherland.

Kevin felt that his guess was probably close to the truth.

But the only thing he couldn't figure out was why the 'bodies' of ghosts and others were transported across such a large time span.

And since some limbs have been sent to the 'future', does that mean that some limbs have also been sent to the 'past'?

What is the ability of this unknown superhuman who can teleport people away?

"Save these and take them back for investigation. In addition... this place also needs to be sealed off. Whose company owns this supermarket? Forget it, it's not important. Just buy it and then find some physicists. , explain this matter carefully to them.”

Kevin, who thought about it for a long time, finally gave orders to his subordinates.

As expected, this matter still needs to be handled by professionals.

In Kevin's view, those researchers who study physics may be able to investigate something.

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