Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 38 Plan

Time travels to the present, and it has been a while since I got the golden finger.

By summarizing the rules of obtaining skill points, Kevin found that there are two simplest ways to change the plot.

Kill people and save people.

Of course, this is not a simple matter of killing and rescuing people. Kevin wants to kill characters who have never died in the original work and save characters who should have died in the original work. Only in this way can he significantly change the plot and obtain skill points.

But although Kevin considers himself not a moral person, he is not a random and murderous person either.

Kevin would not kill someone who had not provoked him, was not a criminal, and had not made any mistakes himself.

Similarly, Kevin will not take the initiative to save people who Kevin considers to be threats and who may harm him in the future.

Such as transparent people.

After such a calculation, the scope of Kevin's ability to kill and save people has been greatly reduced. This rule seems to be the same as nothing at all.

But Kevin feels that whether he is a superhero on the surface or simply a human being, he should always have his own bottom line in his heart.

Only by sticking to the bottom line can you be qualified as a human being.

Now, Kevin has a way to both hold the bottom line and gain a lot of skill points.

It’s the [hijacking incident] in the original plot.

The overall process of the [hijacking incident] is not difficult to describe. To put it simply, the Motherland and Maeve received help and asked them to go to the high seas to rescue a plane hijacked by terrorists.

The two are the strongest metahumans in the world and have no problem killing a group of terrorists themselves.

But this is where the problem occurred.

When the motherland was dealing with the terrorists in the cab, a laser eye shot destroyed both the terrorists and the cab. The plane lost control and could not even make an emergency landing on the sea.

The people of the motherland did not have a superhuman biological stance, so they tried to drag the plane forcefully, and the final result was that his whole body passed through the plane.

So of course, the motherland abandoned the plane, forcibly took Maeve out of the plane, and watched helplessly as the 123 passengers and crew members on the plane fell into the sea.

This is what Kevin wants to change.

He had a hunch that once he saved this plane, not to mention the honor and status he would gain, skill points would definitely be indispensable!

Regardless of the dozen or so skill points he had at the beginning, even if the number is close to ten, it is a victory for Kevin!

For this reason, Kevin approached Maeve and planned to open a gap from Maeve's side.

After all, Kevin didn't know the specific time when the hijacking occurred, and he couldn't appear at the exact place at the exact time.

And once a hijacking occurs, Madeleine will never notify the 'second-line heroes' of the Seven, such as Deep Sea and Starlight.

She would definitely recommend the top seven players, the natives and Maeve.

Apart from Maeve asking for help, Kevin has no other option to get involved.

As for the people of the motherland...

Kevin was sure that if he said anything to him, like, "Please call me if you have any difficulties in the future," the people of the motherland would definitely scold him.

It's even possible that you might get heat vision when you get excited.

"During this period, I will get closer to Maeve and leave some impression on Madeleine. I will make preparations. If it doesn't work... I have to give up."

Kevin thought in his mind and sighed slightly.

There are many ways to obtain skill points. Changing the occurrence of the hijacking incident is just the fastest way for Kevin to obtain skill points.

He can save people, improve his status in the Walter Group, gain a lot of fans, increase his followers hard, and gain skill points.

Kevin has no reason to give up on such a good thing.

But the premise is that LV4 level water flow control can complete Kevin's idea, and he can participate when the time comes.

As long as one of these two conditions is not met, Kevin will give up decisively and will not consider this matter again.

If you can do it, do it. If you can't do it, don't force it.

After all, Kevin is neither a god nor a superhero, he is just a half-baked star.

The exchange with Maeve did not seem to attract the attention of the people of the motherland.

Until Kevin left after get off work, no one from the motherland came to trouble Kevin, which really made him relieved.

After getting off work, Kevin went straight to the sea, and as usual, he fished out some gold and jewelry and sold them to replenish his small treasury.

Then I bought some daily necessities and returned home.

The house was not quiet. As soon as Kevin returned home, he heard the sound of the TV coming from the living room.

Kimiko is still living in Kevin's house. She is bored at home. In addition to learning daily communication terms, she just sits there and watches TV.

At this moment, she was sitting on the sofa, staring at the TV.

It was the sound of Kevin opening the door that slightly attracted her attention, but after seeing that it was Kevin, she turned her attention back to the TV. During this period, she made no sound and was extremely quiet.

Seeing this scene, Kevin didn't bother her, turned around and walked into the kitchen to put the things he bought in the kitchen.

Kimiko has lived here for a while, and it looks like she will stay here until she moves out.

If Kevin was alone, the most he could do was order takeout such as pizza and hamburgers, but there was also Kimiko here,

In order to prevent more people from discovering the existence of Kimiko, Kevin could only wrong himself...

Buy a food processor to cook meals.

Just kidding, don't expect Kevin, a lazy guy who just lays on the bed to prepare food as soon as he gets home, to cook by himself.

His kitchen has not been touched since he bought this apartment.

That was the day Xingguang came over and made breakfast.

So cooking is either left to the food processor or to Starlight who comes over occasionally.

Don't even think about asking Kevin to do it anyway.

He is lazy.

"Xingguang asked me to buy you all the things. You can go to the bathroom and take a look later."

After finishing everything, he threw all the ingredients into the food processor and let it run automatically. Kevin sat next to Kimiko and watched TV with her. By the way, he told her about his plans for the next two days:

"The people who hurt you before will probably not hurt you again for the time being. After the storm has passed in two days, Xingguang and I will send you to a new safe house. It won't be a problem for you as a girl to live in my house all the time... Well , you should be able to understand what I’m saying, right?”

Kevin finally asked Kimiko.

After spending the past few days with Kimiko, Kevin also discovered that not all Kimiko could not understand English.

After all, she had been abducted for a while. She really couldn't understand long and difficult sentences, but she could still understand some simple everyday words.

In addition, Kimiko has also been actively learning English these days. Kevin's speech just now was very slow, almost equivalent to a level 4 or 6 listening test, so it was not difficult for Kimiko to understand it.

Sure enough, Kimiko nodded slowly, which meant that she understood what Kevin said.

Kevin organized his words and was about to continue talking, but at this moment, the clear ringing of the doorbell interrupted their communication.

Ding dong.

Suspending communication with Kimiko, Kevin came to the door and confirmed the identity of the visitor through the monitor outside the door.

It's Starlight Anne.

"Annie? Is there anything wrong with coming to see me so late?"

Opening the door, Kevin asked Annie suspiciously.

Annie nodded:

"I just...I want to talk to you about something. Can I come in?"

"Of course, come in, I just have something I want to talk to you about."

Annie actually came just in time. Kevin was about to discuss where Kimiko would go next. He originally wanted to call Annie, but now Annie took the initiative to come to the door, which saved a lot of time.

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