Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 41 The incident is in progress

LV4's water flow control is different from what Kevin expected.

Originally, Kevin thought that LV3's water flow control was already very powerful as it could only control water within a radius of five meters.

Even if LV4 is improved, the improvement shouldn't be very big.

But what Kevin didn't expect was that the water flow control of LV4 was completely different from that of LV3!

The first and most important point is the control range.

Originally, Kevin could control the water source within a radius of five meters, but at LV4, the radius suddenly increased to fifty meters!

And both the quality and precision of manipulation have been greatly improved. Even some liquids with impurities can be precisely manipulated!

Although LV3's water flow control can also control liquids with impurities, such as blood, the most Kevin can do is condense it into a ball and hit people.

Now, Kevin can control liquids such as blood to perform more detailed operations, such as the operation of condensing water into a key at LV3. Kevin can also do this with blood in the future.

It's just not as accurate as water flow.

Just one level upgrade brought about such a huge change. Kevin felt that his skill points were not in vain.

"But is there something wrong with your improvement? Where is your level setting? Is it a magic ban??"

Looking at his LV4 water flow control, Kevin couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Originally, Kevin thought that his level setting should be similar to that of American comics such as Marvel and DC. Level 5 is the pinnacle of mortals, and level 7 is a being more powerful than a god.

In the end, this level setting is similar to the level setting of superpowers in the anime "A Certain Magical Index". LV4 is a strategic level ability. At LV5, wouldn't it be possible to rise to the world-destroying level in one fell swoop?

LV6 direct demon? matter how you say it, it can't be so outrageous...

If that's the case, then Kevin's cheats will be turned on. After all, Kevin's skills in the skill tree are not limited to water flow control.

Putting aside the issue of level for now, even if he wanted to verify Kevin's conjecture, he didn't have that many skill points.

After clicking on the water flow control skill, Kevin only had two skill points left.

Kevin still hasn't used the two skill points. He plans to wait until he has accumulated enough skill points to try changing jobs, or he may try to accumulate skill points and upgrade a certain skill to LV5 first.

With the LV4 level of water flow control, many of Kevin's operations that only exist in his thoughts can be put to use.

There is much more he can do in a place full of water at sea.

Especially something he has been waiting for a long time.

By the way, the hijacking incident should have occurred within these few days, right?

Kevin remembered that the hijacking occurred before the Faith Expo in Ezekiel. Now it was less than a week before that Faith Expo. After careful calculation, the hijacking should have happened within these few days.

Kevin was estimating the time when Ashley suddenly came over with the phone:

"Deep Sea, it's Xingguang's call. She seems to have something to tell you."

"Well, bring it over."

Kevin motioned for Ashley to get her cell phone. When Ashley left again, Kevin asked the other end of the phone:

"Starlight, what's wrong?"

"Didn't you ask me to pay attention to the motherland and Maeve? Just now, I saw the two of them rushing out in a hurry..."

"You mean just now?"

Kevin perked up instantly.

Because he was not sure whether he could arrive at the scene of the hijacking incident in time, Kevin specifically asked Starlight, who was still in the company, to pay attention to the movements of Maeve and the people of the motherland.

Once the two of them have any joint actions that are not arranged by the company, Xingguang will call him to inform him.

Starlight doesn't understand why Kevin wants to ask her so much, but now Kevin is one of the few people Starlight trusts, so she won't ask why and will only do what Kevin says.

And when he heard the message from Starlight, Kevin knew that the hijacking would happen today.

Thinking of this, Kevin quickly got up and asked Ashley for leave to leave the set. He took the Team Seven exclusive satellite phone equipped for him by the Walt Group and headed straight to the nearest sea.

At the same time, he contacted Starlight again and asked her to find a way to go to the crime analysis department to locate Maeve and the Motherlanders.

After doing all this, Kevin quickly rushed towards the current location of Maeve and the motherland.

Maeve long ago stopped dreaming of being a hero.

After she graduated and joined the Vought Group and saw the darkness inside the Vought Group, after she fought against a criminal for the first time and found out that the criminal was an actor.

Maeve was completely disillusioned with the hero industry.

But unlike Starlight, who dared to fight, Maeve chose to give up, colluded with the people of the Walt Group, and became a part of the interests of the Walt Group.

Although using the word "complicit" sounds a bit unpleasant, Maeve feels that it is the right word to use.

Turning a blind eye to the internal affairs of the Vought Group, the so-called hero work has become propaganda that only appears on the screen every day.

There are cameras and interviews, and Maeve’s motivation is higher than anyone else.

But once she leaves the camera and the arrangements of the Walt Group, she will do nothing and turn a blind eye to everything.

She has been like this every day since accepting the status quo.

Maeve thought she would always be like this, drifting along like this until she quit the Seven, was no longer liked by her motherland, disappeared from the public eye, and then lived the life she wanted to live.

If there is no change in her life and she continues to develop along this route, that will probably be the case.

But the accident came faster and more suddenly than she imagined.

This morning, Madeleine received a secret phone call from within the government, telling her that a passenger plane had been hijacked by terrorists.

And Madeleine has been busy recently with the plan of [superheroes stationed in the Department of Defense], and she knows this is an opportunity.

If the people of the motherland and Queen Maeve can save everyone on this passenger plane before Interpol, then no one will stop Madeleine's plan.

This is a great opportunity.

As Maeve listened to Madeleine's conversation with the people from her motherland, she knew in her heart that this would be another superhero show for the Vought Group, and she was even less interested in this rescue.

She and the people of the motherland only need to do two things when the time comes.

First, get on the plane and eliminate the robbers, and second, bring the passengers back to the shore safely.

As for how to publicize it in the future, that is the Vought Group's own business. Maeve and the people of the motherland only need to act like athletes who are about to go on stage to receive awards, make some remarks to the camera, pose a few times, and the work is over. .

This is how it should be...

From entering the plane to midway, everything actually went quite smoothly.

The Motherland and Maeve killed the two robbers in the cabin, and then discovered that there was another robber in the cab. It stands to reason that they should kill that robber as well. This time, their mission was successfully completed. .

But something unexpected happened here.

The motherland man did not hold back his strength at all when killing people. As soon as he looked down with heat, not only was the robber cut in the middle, but the console behind the robber was also destroyed by him.

The aircraft console was damaged and the aircraft could not be controlled. Now the entire aircraft was sliding and falling towards the sea below!

Maeve could have turned a blind eye to this. After so many years in the Walter Group, she had long felt that her heart had become cold.

But when she saw the passengers on the plane and the very young girl holding the doll, Maeve felt that she couldn't let them go.

But what can they do? The people of the motherland are not supermen. They cannot hold the plane down, and after the mission fails, they cannot let others know what happened on the plane.

Maeve had tried to leave with just one child, even if it was just to save one, it would ease her conscience.

But the people of the motherland don’t think so.

Even if they just leave with a child, that child will tell them things that they turned a blind eye to all the passengers on the plane.

This is fatal to their future, especially the future of the motherland.

The people of the motherland have no intention of saving people. He feels that their mission has been completed and they should not stay here any longer.

Maeve was struggling in her heart. She knew that the people of her motherland were right, but...even if there was only one person, she still wanted to save them.

Maeve really couldn't do it while watching so many people die here.

So when the people of the motherland were about to leave, Maeve thought of someone.

deep sea.

When Maeve was chatting with Starlight these days, she heard Starlight mention that the Deep Sea has the power to control the sea. Although she didn't know when he had this power, at this moment, Maeve seemed to have no choice but to believe in him.

So Maeve used the satellite phone equipped by the Watt Group to call Shenhai.

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