Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 43 We survived

The hijacked plane was a cross-border flight.

But it's not a large passenger plane, just a small passenger plane.

The total passenger capacity is 132 people, and the total length of the aircraft is only more than 30 meters.

The water slide manufactured by Kevin was built with all his efforts, with a maximum height of one hundred meters, which is Kevin's ultimate distance.

As for the length, depending on Kevin's endurance and the taxiing time of the plane, it can be extended indefinitely.

Therefore, as long as the water flow controlled by him touches the chassis of the plane, Kevin can almost guarantee that the plane will slide on the slide he set until the emergency landing is successful.

It's just that this is easy to say, but far from easy to do.

The first thing Kevin needs to consider is the weight of the aircraft.

The more water you manipulate, the greater the weight of the water, and the less finesse Kevin gets.

At the same time, the heavier the object supported by water, the more Kevin's control will be deformed due to the added weight.

The weight of the aircraft itself is not low, plus the weight of the passengers and luggage on the aircraft, as well as the landing weight carried by the impact inertia of the aircraft when it dives down.

If Kevin wants to completely prevent the plane from landing, he needs the water he controls to have the bearing capacity to withstand all the above weight.

It must at least be cushioned, otherwise the aircraft will directly smash into the chassis as soon as it comes into contact with the water controlled by Kevin, and may even disintegrate on the sea.

Just thinking about it makes Kevin feel very stressed.

But as the pressure increased, Kevin became inexplicably excited.

Who hasn’t fantasized about being a hero when they were little, and imagining that they could save everyone all by themselves?

Kevin also has it, but because of his upbringing and his wasted time in society, he has long lost his illusions about these.

But now, Kevin has the ability to realize his fantasies and can really use his superpowers to do things he wanted to do but couldn't before.

Anyone will feel excited about this.

And amid this faint anticipation and excitement, the water flow controlled by Kevin finally touched the chassis of the aircraft.

"Everyone! Put on your oxygen masks! Prepare for impact!!"

Seeing the sea getting closer and closer, Maeve immediately shouted to everyone on the plane.

Believing in the deep sea is a gamble for Maeve. She doesn't know if the deep sea can really catch the falling plane, but now Maeve has no choice.

The plane is about to approach the sea, and all Maeve can do is trust in the deep sea.

Believe in this little transparency that has never been obvious in the Sevens before.


As the plane was approaching the sea, Maeve felt a violent impact.

Even as a superhuman, Maeve was almost thrown out of the plane when she couldn't maintain her balance.

Feeling this, Maeve felt a sudden change in her heart and quickly looked outside through the window.

Then Maeve saw that it seemed to be raining outside.

It's just that it's different from the normal falling raindrops. The 'rainwater' outside comes from bottom to top, and as if it has life, it sticks to the outside of the aircraft cabin, connects it, and wraps the aircraft.

Water droplets merge with each other to form a larger 'water curtain'.

The water curtains are connected to each other to form a huge pocket net, which covers the entire aircraft from bottom to top.

This... is the ability of the deep sea? !

Maeve's pupils shook slightly.

She has never heard that the deep sea has the ability to control sea water. I believe that not only her, but also the people of the motherland will be shocked by this.

But after the surprise, Maeve's heart ignited a flame of hope.

If the deep sea can really control the sea water, then the people on the plane may really be saved!

After losing power, why is it difficult to make an emergency landing on the sea? It is because under such a huge impact, the sea surface is actually no different from solid land.

Even because of the fluctuations in the waves, each ups and downs of the waves are equivalent to hills of different sizes, so an emergency landing at sea is more dangerous than an emergency landing on land!

But what if someone could control the waves?

If someone can turn the waves into soft ground, or as Deep Sea said, into an extra-long slide that can be passed by airplanes, then the possibility of a successful emergency landing of the airplane will be greatly increased!

Maeve felt her heart beating very fast at this moment.

She was as excited as she had been years ago when she had just joined the Seven and saved others in public for the first time.

Just when Maeve had her hopes up for the deep sea, the plane tilted to one side.

Looking out the window, I saw that the wing on one side of the plane was completely broken from the middle for some reason. The break of the wing made the plane lose its balance and could no longer land as smoothly as it did at first.

The plane began to shake violently, and the luggage that had fallen outside due to fluctuations in the airflow was flying around inside the plane.

Some people were hit in the head by luggage and knocked unconscious. Some people screamed and stopped wearing oxygen masks.

But at this moment, the plane deflected again, completely lost its balance, and plunged into the sea water.


When water came into contact with the aircraft chassis and tried to wrap the aircraft fuselage with water, Kevin knew that what he had thought before was too simple.

The plane fell too fast. Even if there were people from the motherland to stabilize the attitude, it was swooping down in a gliding attitude, and the speed would be faster than Kevin's reaction speed.

Kevin had just wrapped the plane with a water curtain, and in just one second, the plane was almost touching the sea.

The water slide plan that Kevin had previously thought of was declared bankrupt before it even had a chance to be implemented.

Seeing that the plane was about to come into contact with the sea, Kevin didn't think much at all. He clung to the bottom of the plane, pointed one hand in front of the sea, and used his full strength to exert his abilities!

At this moment, the sea water parted on both sides, making way for the plane to pass.

It's just that the speed at which Kevin controls the water flow is still slower than the speed at which the plane glides.

He didn't even have time to separate the sea water over a large area, and the plane had already passed through the sea water he had separated.

The water that could not be separated came into contact with the wing, and the entire wing broke from the root, and the aircraft lost its balance due to the impact.

The people of the motherland who were responsible for maintaining the balance had already left the plane when it touched the sea, and flew far into the air to observe everything.

Therefore, the only person responsible for maintaining the balance of the aircraft is Kevin himself.

The speed of the plane has slowed down, but it is still traveling at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour.

Seeing this, Kevin gritted his teeth and allocated part of his energy to separate the seawater and form a barrier net in front of the plane.

After passing through the first layer of barrier net, the speed of the plane slowed down a bit.

After passing through the second level, the plane rolled sideways, but at a slower speed.

When passing through the third layer, even if the aircraft rushes directly into the sea water, it will basically not disintegrate.

It was at this moment that Kevin completely let go of his control over the seawater, allowing the impact and pressure of the seawater itself to completely stop the plane.


His heart was beating so fast that Kevin felt his hands shaking. He was floating in the sea, not wanting to move even a finger.

Although Kevin had already prepared the rehearsal before this, including the finishing touches for the failed rescue, Kevin had already made plans.

But when he actually saved an entire plane, he was still in a daze, and it was hard to imagine that he had actually accomplished something that seemed impossible.

After floating in the sea for a while, Kevin paid attention to the situation of the plane.

The plane was completely soaked by sea water at this moment, and the turbulent sea water poured into the cabin from all the gaps in the plane. It would not take long for the entire cabin to be filled.

If it were another super human who came here, he might not be able to do anything about the current situation. He could only watch and let the passengers on the plane be engulfed by the sea water and all drown in the sea.

Fortunately, it was Kevin who came here, and fortunately he had the ability to control sea water.

When the plane stopped completely and was submerged under the water, Kevin controlled the water flow to lift the plane out of the water before the water completely poured into the cabin.

The sea water above parted, and the water flow originally poured into the cabin also flowed out under Kevin's control.

In less than ten seconds, Kevin successfully lifted the slowly sinking plane to the sea and let it float on the sea.

After everything stabilized, Kevin walked into the cabin through the damaged door of the plane and shouted to the cabin:

"Hey! Is everyone okay? Is there anyone who can talk?"

"'s okay!"

"We...we survived?"

"Oh my god, it's the deep sea! It's the deep sea!! The deep sea saved us!!"

Fragmented sounds rang out, and some people who withstood the impact of the fall without fainting hugged each other and cheered with tears of joy.

"We survived!! We survived!!! Oh my God, we survived... woo hoo..."

Surprises and cries from the survivors echoed in the cabin.

Maeve, who was slumped on the ground, had a relaxed smile on her face as she listened to these life-rich sounds.

Her smile this time was genuine and not fake at all.

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