Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 46 Walter’s real boss

Kevin didn't know how he finally got off the stage.

Anyway, after coming off the stage, Kevin felt that he had lost all his strength and energy, and he just wanted to find a place to take a good rest.

Kevin even admired himself for being able to think of words to defend him in a hurry when he was about to anger the people of his motherland.

He never thought that he could tell so many lies with his eyes open. Maybe this was his instinct as an actor.

The stage now belongs to the people of the motherland.

A native of the country who has great experience in interacting with fans has firmly attracted everyone's attention.

Kevin also took this opportunity to run out to rest and watch the performance of the Chinese people.

But while watching the show, Kevin also approached Ashley, who was responsible for all this.

"How is this going?"

Kevin asked Ashley first.

Ashley broke out in a cold sweat, and she defended: "I...I don't know, the people of the motherland clearly said that there is nothing wrong..."

"Okay, don't embarrass her. The people of the motherland haven't said anything to her in the past two days."

While the two were talking, Maeve, who also walked off the stage, came over to defend Ashley:

"She had no idea what was going on on the plane, or wasn't completely clear about it, so she was making arrangements based on past experience."

The reason why there was an accident today is very simple, because Shenhai didn't know what happened on the plane before he left, so if she wanted to know the specific situation on the plane, Ashley could only ask Maeve and the people from the motherland.

Maeve was in a bad mood that day, so she didn't answer Ashley's question.

As for the people from the motherland, perhaps because he had the burden of being an idol, or because he felt that it was not a big deal, he did not tell anyone about his threat to those on the plane.

This led Ashley to take it for granted that everyone would like Motherland and Maeve, so she started preparing for the thank you party without doing any research.

You can't blame Ashley.

According to a survey by the Vought Group, Homelander now has the largest number of fans and supporters in the United States, firmly occupying the top spot in the superhero rankings.

In the United States, you may not know who the president is, but you will definitely know who the motherland is.

Basically no one would not like a native of the country who is so famous and has such a large number of fans.

So even without any investigation, Ashley could know that at least half of the people on the plane would be fans of the Motherland.

If the people of the motherland had not collapsed in front of this group of fans.

"...Okay, as long as the final result is good."

Knowing what happened, Kevin didn't embarrass Ashley much.

After all, if the people of the motherland refuse to speak out, what can Ashley do? If we really want to get to the bottom of it, the people of the motherland will probably be the first to deal with her.

Everyone is a worker, and there is no need for Kevin to continue to embarrass Ashley.

No matter what, after this incident is over, the people of the motherland should have a better impression of Kevin. They will not attack Kevin casually in the future, and may even treat Kevin as a confidant.

Okay, maybe that's a little too optimistic.

But even if we think about the worst, the people of the motherland should not do anything to Kevin. After all, Kevin helped him restore his image and increased his reputation. This is a real thing.

Unless the people of the motherland are really selfish to the point where they feel that Kevin is making a fool of himself by speaking for him today...

Then there's really nothing Kevin can do.

Kevin lay backstage to rest, and Ashley quickly went to do other things.

Maeve just found a place to sit down without the camera, took out a lady's cigarette and started smoking by herself.

Smoke fills the background.

But Kevin didn't rest long.

A few minutes later, Madeleine called and asked Kevin to come upstairs to the Seven's conference room.

He also seriously emphasized that Kevin should be the first person to go there alone.

Kevin had to listen to the BOSS's words, so after Madeline's call, Kevin took the elevator straight to the ninety-ninth floor.

Arriving at the door of the conference room, the door of the conference room opened automatically. A figure sat in the position of a native of the motherland, with his back to the door and looking out the window.

When he heard someone coming in, the man turned his chair and faced Kevin.

He was a very elegant-looking black man. He was wearing a suit and had an elegant temperament, like an orthodox British gentleman.

He turned around and was looking at Kevin.

Damn it, Uncle Fried Chicken? !

When he saw that man for the first time, Kevin exclaimed in his heart.

Of course, Uncle Fried Chicken is just a joking name for this guy. In fact, this guy's identity in the black robe world is Stan Edgar.

He is the CEO of Watt Group and the person in charge of the entire Watt Group.

The real big BOSS behind the scenes.

Kevin didn't expect that the reason Madeline asked him to come to the conference room was to meet the big boss behind the scenes of the Walter Group.

However, in Deep Sea's memory, Kevin did not find the scene of meeting Edgar. In other words, it stands to reason that Kevin should not know Edgar now.

So after being stunned for a while, Kevin said to Edgar:

"Um... Well, I don't care who you are, but you are sitting in the position of a citizen of the motherland."

"Well, I didn't expect this to be your first sentence."

Edgar patted the armrest of the seat of the motherland, raised his head and said:

"And I don't think you really care what the people of your homeland think."

Edgar's expression has always been Gujing's, including when he told Kevin about this.

Kevin looked at Edgar and felt a heavy pressure on an ordinary person for the first time.

Yes, Edgar is an ordinary person, not a superhuman, at least according to the information Kevin has obtained now.

But it is such an ordinary person who can make the people of the motherland obey him with just a look and a word.

He also has an absolute deterrent effect on other superheroes.

Maybe this is the real boss.

As an ordinary person, stand at the top of the world.

After looking at Edgar seriously for a while, Kevin asked:

"Sorry, I haven't asked yet, are you..."

"Stan Edgar, I think you've heard my name."

Edgar introduced himself calmly.

Shen Hai has never met Edgar, but he also knows his boss's name. After all, which employee doesn't know the name of his immediate boss.

So after hearing Edgar's name, Kevin immediately showed shock and excitement:

"Are you...the boss? Um...I'm sorry, I don't know..."

"Okay, put away your show, you actually don't care about my identity at all, right?"

Before Kevin could finish speaking, Edgar interrupted again.

He politely made an invitation gesture to Kevin and motioned for Kevin to sit down.

Looking at this polite old gentleman, the excitement on Kevin's face also subsided.

In the life of a business tycoon like Edgar, what kind of actor has he not seen?

Kevin's poor acting skills may really be a bit underwhelming in front of him.

In this case, there is no need for Kevin to show too much excitement.

He followed Edgar's instructions, pulled up a chair and sat next to Edgar, and then said:

"Okay, maybe what I just said was just a performance, but I'm really curious, why do you want to see me?"

"Very good, it looks like we can get to the point."

Edgar did not respond directly to Kevin's question, but took out a few photos.

Kevin looked closely and saw that it was the photo of Starlight in the Crime Analysis Department. The photo should have been taken on the day Kevin asked her to locate Maeve and the Motherland.

Edgar pushed the photo in front of Kevin and smiled:

"Before we get down to business, please answer me a question. Why did you want to know the whereabouts of the Motherland and Maeve that day?"

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