Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 50 I’ll talk to him personally

The conference room was extremely quiet, and Locomotive was speechless for a long time.

The people of the motherland looked at him, waiting for his answer.

Locomotive's eyes wandered, and suddenly he focused on a screen in the meeting room of the seven-man team.

The people of the motherland followed the line of sight.

An interview program was playing on the screen. The people of the motherland remembered that the Transparent Man had participated in similar interviews.

But now the person sitting next to the host is not a transparent person.

He is wearing a suit and looks handsome. He looks a bit more handsome than the people from his motherland.

Seeing the appearance of the deep sea, the corners of the motherland's mouth couldn't help but twitch. He stared at the appearance of the deep sea seriously for a long time.

Then I started listening to this interview program.

"...Many people are now curious, how did you successfully catch the plane that day? This is incredible!"

The host mentioned the hijacking incident, and the deep sea controlled the sea water to save a plane of people. In the eyes of everyone, it was like the sea god Poseidon personally descended to earth.

Many people have even begun to regard the deep sea as the son of God like the people of the motherland.

Son of Poseidon.

Facing the host's question, Shenhai sat there with his legs crossed, looked at the camera and explained:

"Well, to be precise, I didn't catch it. I just 'supported' the plane with water like the people of my motherland, and then slowed down the plane and let it slowly land on the sea."

"In other words, you just used some way to give the plane a buffer?"


"Then this must require a lot of water, right? Then this leads to the second question that the audience is very curious about. When did you start to have the ability to control water?"

The host once again asked a very critical question.

Deep Sea thought for a moment and then answered:

"Actually, I have always had the power to control water. I can travel quickly through the water and breathe in the water. In fact, most of it has to do with water. It's just that in recent times, the water flow I control has become stronger.

"If you are really curious about this question, then please also pay attention to my new movie "Deep Sea 3". Any questions you have will be answered there."

"Oh, Deep Sea, this is not a press conference for you to promote your movie..."

"Is that so? Sorry, the director stopped broadcasting the part just now!"

"Deep Sea, this is a live broadcast."

The host said helplessly, and there was good-natured laughter from the audience.

After waiting for a while, the host saw that the atmosphere was harmonious and changed the topic again.

He asked the deep sea seriously:

"But having said that, I heard someone spread it on the Internet that the real cause of the plane crash was because the Motherlanders went to the cab with Maeve and accidentally destroyed the console... Is this true?"


As soon as the host said these words, he saw the deep sea under the camera, and his expression changed slightly.

It's not just Shenhai whose expressions have changed. Outside the camera, the expressions of the people watching the live broadcast have also become very ugly.

He held his red-gloved hands tightly, and the sound of rubber gloves rubbing and creaking echoed in the conference room. The locomotive did not even dare to breathe.

This interview was commissioned by the Watt Group. The host responsible for interviewing Deep Sea is also affiliated with the Watt Group.

In other words, the sponsor of this entire program is the Watt Group.

Therefore, what questions the host should ask and what questions the guests should answer are all under Walt's control.

Logically speaking, the host should not have asked such a question that might damage the reputation of the Sevens captain.

But he just asked!

Even if this may be a script, a very reasonable explanation will be given after the deep sea, but what will the audience think when they hear that the people of the motherland may be the culprits of the crash?

Will the number of fans of Motherland also be shaken due to this?

Just thinking about this makes the people of the motherland somewhat unacceptable.

Looking at the deep sea, an inexplicable anger rose in the hearts of the people of the motherland.

Based on the recent performance of Shenhai, the people of the motherland thought that Shenhai would be their most effective subordinate.

But first, he almost stole the spotlight at the last thank-you meeting, and then I vaguely heard that the group's board of directors thought highly of him.

This has made the people of the motherland unhappy, but now, reporters are still asking such questions...

The people of the motherland no longer want to hear the answer from Deep Sea.

He took a deep breath, turned to look at the locomotive, and returned to the original topic with the locomotive:

"It's the deep sea, right? It's the deep sea that saved that Asian chick?"

When the people from the motherland asked him questions just now, Locomotive subconsciously looked at the deep sea on the screen.

Although this may be something the locomotive did unintentionally, it is like the students subconsciously looking left and right when the teacher asks them a question.

But the people of the motherland still firmly believe that the Asian woman's escape is absolutely related to the deep sea.

And perhaps because the people of the motherland told the 'truth', it was not the locomotive who took the initiative to say it. Instead, the locomotive breathed a sigh of relief. He hesitated for a moment and finally admitted:

"It''s him, but he asked me not to tell you..."

"So you've been hiding it until now? Locomotive, am I the captain or is he the captain?"

"I'm sorry! My motherland, I...I'm sorry...but...but he became very powerful for some reason. He...can control the water in my body..."

"So you're afraid that he'll kill you? Huh? Then why aren't you afraid that I'll kill you?"

The motherland man was furious. He grabbed the head of the locomotive with one hand, and his angry eyes lit up with scarlet light.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!! I'm really sorry! I won't do this next time! Absolutely not! I'm sorry, please forgive me!"

The murderous intention of the motherland rushed towards me, and the locomotive, who knew his character, begged for mercy again and again, almost kneeling down and kowtow to the motherland.

But the people of the motherland did not listen to his excuse. They pushed the locomotive to the ground, pointed at him and said:

"Now, get rid of the claw girl for me immediately! As for the deep sea..."

The motherland man turned his head and looked at the deep sea who answered calmly on the screen with a handsome smile, his eyes were cold:

"I'll go talk to him myself."

The Watt Group is really going to cause trouble...

Kevin came down from the stage and thought about the host's question.

As the people of the motherland suspected, everything in this interview was originally planned, including what the host would ask and what Kevin would answer. There was a script.

Even the promotion where Kevin pretended to be stupid on stage was part of the script.

But there is only one thing that is not in the script.

It was the host's inquiry about the hijacking incident, which should not have appeared in the live broadcast venue.

Although this matter has been concluded, Kevin can directly use official rhetoric to explain it away, which will not have any impact on the overall situation.

But once this issue comes up, it will affect the public image of the motherland to some extent.

There must be many people wondering whether the people of the motherland really did such a thing that day.

Just like the anti-fans of the motherland.

The public image of the motherland has been damaged, but on the contrary, Kevin's image is rapidly building...

Does the Watt Group really want to train Kevin to be the next captain?

They play for real! ?

Kevin thought Edgar was just talking, just like he had been drawing pie for others.

But looking at it now, Edgar seems to really have this in mind?

If this is the case, then I am afraid that one day I and the people of my motherland will really face each other...

"Are you OK?"

Under the stage, Annie in regular clothes came over. She looked at the thoughtful Kevin and asked worriedly.

Kevin smiled at her:

"It's okay. How could something happen to me? By the way, how is Kimiko? Are you used to living there?"

"It's okay, she's living well at my place."

Anne responded simply, and then suddenly asked:

"Speaking of which, I plan to invite you to join me as a guest at the Faith Expo in two days. What do you think?"

A few days later, it was time for the faith expo held by Ejiezi to begin. Anne did not forget to look for clues in Ejiezi, but she felt that it was a bit unsafe to go alone.

It happened that Kevin did such a big thing during this period, and many believers began to regard Kevin as the new son arranged by God.

Anne was able to use this incident to invite Kevin to be a guest.

After all, there were many Catholics on the plane that day.

Annie wants to find a helper, and Kevin knows it, but the problem is...

"I'm not Catholic."

Kevin said this to Annie.

He is an atheist and does not believe in any sect. Such an infidel does not seem to be suitable for participating in this faith fair.

"It doesn't matter, you are an actor, just perform a little bit."

Annie patted Kevin's shoulder and said with a smile.

If that's the case, then maybe it's not unbelievable for Kevin to go there. Anyway, it should be considered a part of the plot. Kevin can also get skill points by participating, so why not do it.

"That's right. Well, I'll arrange my schedule in the next few days, and I'll go there with you that day."

"Okay, since you agreed, let's go out tomorrow... and buy some things that Catholics would have... or something."

Seeing Kevin agree, Annie quickly stated her request.

This request was made quickly without thinking at all, as if Anne had already thought about doing it.

Kevin was stunned, stopped and turned to look at Annie. After looking at her for a while, he asked half-jokingly:

"Sorry, maybe I misunderstood. Did you just... want to ask me out tomorrow?"

"What? No, no, no, how is that possible?"

Annie was stunned for a moment, with an unnoticeable panic in her eyes. She waved her hands and explained:

"I just think that as a Catholic, you should always have something that can prove your faith. We Catholics all have one around us, such as this."

Annie said, and took out the small cross around her neck, trying to prove that she invited Kevin to go out with him tomorrow, not that she wanted to go on a date with him.

Anne's reasons seemed sound and reasonable.

Kevin thought about it and thought it was right.

Since you agreed to Anne's invitation to attend the expo, you have to do a good job on the surface.

After chatting with Annie, the two left the backstage together and prepared to go back.

Perhaps it was because of Kevin's problem of not paying attention to the atmosphere just now that the relationship between him and Annie was a bit awkward now. After walking for a while, neither of them spoke.

This embarrassment lasted until someone fell from the sky.


The superhero-style landing, blue hero outfit and red cape indicate this person's identity.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the people from the motherland, Kevin stopped instantly.

He almost subconsciously blocked Annie behind him and looked at the people from the motherland who suddenly came here.

But before he could ask first, the motherland man asked the two of them in a tone that seemed kind but actually was cold:

"What? Did I disturb your date?"

Whether it disturbed the date is another matter. Anyway, you came to me suddenly, which really scared me.

Kevin thought as he looked at the uninvited people from the motherland.

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