Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 54 Do you want to join the seven-man team?

Orange soda.

It didn't sound like there was anything special about it, and the bottle of orange soda held in Shockwave's hand was also ordinary.

Just like the ordinary off-brand sodas you can find everywhere on the roadside.

But Kevin knew that this thing was closely related to a church in the black robe world.

That church is called the "Gathering Church".

In addition to the Vought Group, it is the second large organization with many superhuman beings.

They do not seem to be affiliated with the Vought Group, and there are many superheroes and superhuman beings in the assembly.

In the plot of the second part, the church can participate in the recommendation and appointment of the members of the seven-man team.

In the original book, Deep Sea and Locomotive were expelled from the Seven-man team one after another, but were attracted by the church and brought in. They promised to give them a chance to return to the Seven-man team.

Lokomotiv even really returned to the seven-man team because of this.

As for Shen Hai, although he broke up with the gathering in the end, he lived a pretty good life inside the gathering, and was even given a wife by the gathering.

In the end, when Shen Hai withdrew from the meeting, his wife left with him. It can be said that he was devoted to Shen Hai.

If Shen Hai hadn't insisted on his girlfriend having a threesome with him and Octopus, the wife assigned at this gathering might not have left him in the end...

OK, back to the topic.

All in all, this church seems to be a very powerful existence.

Although at the end of the second season, the leader of the organization was headshot, leaving the church leaderless, resulting in a low appearance rate in the third season.

But if nothing else happens, we should still see them in the fourth season.

It’s just that Kevin didn’t get a chance to see season 4.

The information about Ji Zhong Church went over in my mind, but not even a second passed in reality.

In the eyes of the shock wave, Kevin only paused for a moment before reaching out and taking the orange soda from him.


After receiving the soda politely, Kevin put the soda aside without any intention of drinking it.

After all, who knows what’s in this orange soda.

There are many superhumans in the Jizhong Church. If there is someone who is good at putting hypnotic things in drinks, wouldn't Kevin be tricked on the spot?

Before this, Kevin had never paid much attention to Ji Zhong Church, or even thought about it.

After all, this church originally only took action against frustrated superheroes, such as Eagle Shooter, who was originally in cold storage, and Deep Sea and Locomotive, who later quit the Seven.

Kevin's career is now booming, and normally it is unlikely that he would have anything to do with the Jizhong Church.

But he didn't expect that the shock wave he was about to come into contact with was related to this church.

Thinking of this, Kevin looked up at the bearded white man in front of him and looked at him carefully.

There is not much information about shock waves in the original work.

It's just that this guy has the same speed as a locomotive, and then he got a tragic lunch in the second season.

From beginning to end, he didn't even have a single line. He was just an ordinary passerby.

Unexpectedly, he was also a member of the Ji Zhong Church?

Is this why Newman chose to shoot him in the head?

"Um, Mr. Deep Sea...? Don't you want to talk about something serious?"

Perhaps Kevin thought a little too long this time. Shockwave waited for a while and couldn't help but ask.

Kevin came to his senses instantly:

"Oh, yes, it's business. I heard you want to join the seven-man team?"

"Of course! Who doesn't want to join the seven-man team? It's just... I have no chance."

Shockwave first shouted excitedly, and then sighed helplessly.

Now that the death of Transparent Man has not been announced, it seems to everyone that all members of Team Seven are present.

With no one involved in scandals and no one voluntarily retiring, the most famous celebrity group on earth has no room for outsiders to join.

Even if there is, it will basically be chosen from Gordokin University.

There is a more crucial point. Shockwave's ability is extreme speed, and there is already a speedster in the seven-man team.

In order to avoid positioning overlap, even if Shockwave can enter the seven-man group, he must wait until Locomotive retires.

The last game was actually a good opportunity.

But...Locomotive won.

If Lokomotiv wins, Shockwave completely loses the chance to make the seven-man team.

Shockwave sighed, but Kevin smiled slightly when he heard this:

"Who says you don't have a chance?"


Shockwave looked up in confusion.

Kevin pushed the orange soda a little further away from looking at it.

At this moment, Shockwave's identity doesn't matter, even if he is really a member of the Gathering Church, it doesn't matter to Kevin.

After all, in the end, the president of the Ji Zhong Church was shot in the head by the headshot female Newman. The Ji Zhong Church will eventually be leaderless. As long as he does not join this organization and only contacts their members, Kevin feels that there is no big problem.

The important thing now is to let the shock wave replace the locomotive and cut off a powerful arm of the motherland.

Kevin thought in his mind, and faced the shock wave openly and said:

"Isn't it enough to just kick the locomotive out?"

"But... I have already lost the game with Locomotive..."

"This is indeed the case, but what if the locomotive took stimulants?"


Shockwave was shocked when he heard this. He stood up subconsciously and looked at Kevin with wide eyes in disbelief.

Superhuman drug use is a common occurrence in inner circles.

In fact, even Shockwave himself would take some less harmful drugs to make himself feel excited.

But there was a drug test in the game that day! There are also people from the Sports Association who are impartial. If Lokomotiv really took drugs, how did he hide from the Sports Association's drug test?


"The really..."

Shockwave still didn't believe it. It wasn't that he didn't believe that Locomotive was taking drugs, but he didn't believe that Locomotive could hide from the drug test.

In fact, Shock Wave's idea is correct. Things like normal stimulants cannot escape drug testing even if they are injected by superhumans.

But what the locomotive absorbed was not conventional stimulants.

It is compound No. 5.

Since this thing was injected into the body of a super human, it has become a part of the super human, just like blood.

How can ordinary drug testing detect Compound No. 5?

Locomotive dared to inject himself with compound No. 5 that day, probably because of this, so he felt confident.

"It's true, I can tell you for sure, but unfortunately, we can't find the evidence."

Kevin leaned back, leaned on the sofa in the private room, and said slowly.

Shockwave, who had become a little excited because he knew Locomotive was taking drugs, also calmed down at this moment.

"...There is no evidence, so why are you telling me this?"

"Although there is no evidence, reporters recorded the scenes before and after Lokomotiv entered the field that day. As long as you compare it carefully, you can see the difference in Lokomotiv's state before and after the game."

"This cannot be used as evidence..."

"Yes, but it will give you a reason to compete with the locomotive again."

Kevin finally spoke his mind.

The evidence on the locomotive is difficult to obtain. Even if it can be produced, the Walter Group will definitely not let the evidence leak out.

This has nothing to do with the identity of the locomotive, but this matter involves Compound No. 5.

The Vought Group will not make the news about this potion public now.

But without evidence, is there no way to target the locomotive?

The answer is of course no.

Don't forget that the Seven are public figures, and everyone in the Seven is a superstar in the eyes of the public.

Because of their fame, every move they make, even an unintentional word, will be picked out by someone with a magnifying glass to find fault.

And for superstars, sometimes, some things don't require evidence at all.

Regardless of whether Locomotive's drug use is true or false, as long as this matter becomes a hot search topic, Locomotive must prove himself.

The method of self-certification is also very simple.

When competing against Shockwave, if Locomotive can continue to defeat Shockwave, no matter what kind of rumors they are, they will be self-defeating, and the Vought Group's public relations team will be able to more smoothly erase the negative information about Locomotive.

But on the other hand, if Locomotive loses...

The audience doesn't care whether you have evidence or not, they just want to see what they want to see.

Big news like the Locomotive drug-taking competition is much more interesting than looking for any evidence.

"This is your chance, Shockwave."

Kevin softly induced the shock wave.

Shockwave sat on the sofa, his fists clenched tightly on his knees, and the veins on the back of his hands could be vaguely visible.

After a while, Shockwave released his fist, raised his head and asked:

"Then...what should I do? Go directly to Lokomotiv to compete?"

"Of course that won't work. Before that, you need to heat up this topic on the Internet. And... I have to decide the time of the competition."


"Shockwave, if you want to be in the seven-man team, don't always ask why, just do what I say."

Kevin leaned forward and looked directly into the blast path.

The reason why it's up to Kevin to decide when the game is going to be is simple.

Calculating the time in the original work, it should have been two months since the locomotive suffered a heart attack.

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