Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 59 The ‘Truth’ I Know

Compared with Huey, Butcher seemed calmer.

He walked slowly to the side of the special glass crib, put his hand on the IV of No. 5 compound, and looked along the IV towards the baby on the bed.

And perhaps sensing Butcher's gaze, the baby subconsciously opened its eyes.


Two blue lasers burst out from her eyes and hit the specially made glass!


Butcher was startled and subconsciously took a step back before saying:

"This is a super baby?! So this is how superhumans came to be?"

Bucher finally understood at this moment the way in which superhuman beings are ‘born’.

They are not born with them at all, some are just monsters created by the Walter Group.

Butcher didn't sigh for long, and he determined that Compound No. 5 was the Vought Group's method of creating superhuman beings. He immediately took out his mobile phone and took a few photos of the baby.

His old lover in the CIA insists on saying there is insufficient evidence, so now he is taking pictures of all the evidence to show her whether the evidence is sufficient this time!

"That is to say...there is no such thing as a divine choice, right? The so-called superhumans are just...special humans created by the Walter Group?"

Huey took a moment to sort out the situation.

After taking the photo, Butcher took out the injection to extract a sample of compound No. 5, and said to Huey:

“The evidence is right here, anyone who is not blind can see it.

"It seems that the superhumans in this world, including those shitty superheroes, are just experimental products of the Vought Group. Oh, this is really big news."

Butcher was sighing, but suddenly, the door was kicked open, and several guards wearing ordinary suits walked in with guns.

"Hey!! What are you doing!"

"Oh Shet...!"

Seeing the strangers in the room, the guards yelled, and then directly pulled the trigger without any intention of asking for their identities.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Butcher grabbed Huey and hid behind the pillar in the room.

The next moment, bullets rained down on the pillar where the two men were hiding.

Da da da da——

"Damn it!"

Butcher didn't expect the guards to arrive so quickly, nor did he expect that the group of people would shoot immediately after a disagreement, with no intention of leaving anyone alive.

But the more excited the guards' reactions became, the more Bucher became certain that the evidence he found must be crucial to the Walter Group.

Now, they just need to find a way out of here so that the CIA can deal with the Vought Group and the damn...people of the motherland!

But how to leave here is a problem for Butcher.

He only has a pistol in his hand, and Huey is not very good at using guns.

In other words, who would have thought before coming here that a mere ordinary hospital would have so many armed guards?

Had he known that, Butcher probably should have brought Marvin over, and so would French.

So now...what to do?

Bullets from outside rained down on the pillar where the two men were hiding. Butcher's mind was spinning wildly, thinking of countermeasures.

And when he glanced at the baby in the special glass, he suddenly had an idea.

Maybe... he could use the 'little princess' here as a weapon?

Butcher's idea is very bold, and if nothing else happens, his move should be quite effective.

But before Butcher could put his idea into action, the guards outside who were shooting suddenly screamed:


"who is it!!"

Screams and a few heart-wrenching dull crashes were heard, and then there was no more sound outside.

Butcher and Huey looked at each other, and Huey tentatively stuck his head out to look outside.

After careful inspection, he suddenly exclaimed:

"He is...Deep Sea?!"


Huey's exclamation made Butcher subconsciously curse. He immediately left the pillar and looked outside.

Sure enough, among the fainted guards, he saw Deep Sea wearing black-rimmed glasses and the starlight that had recently become famous.

The two stood side by side, Starlight staring directly behind Butcher and Huey, not casting his eyes on them.

Just looking at the super baby behind the two of them.

And Shenhai clapped his hands, and looked away from the group of guards on the ground who were knocked unconscious by him using 'Head Kill', and turned to Huey,

Seeing Huey again, Shenhai sighed helplessly:

"It's you again, Huey, I really hope the next time we meet, it's a little more normal."

This is the fourth meeting between Huey and Deep Sea.

This meeting was also far from pleasant.

Follow Butcher and Huey here. After the guards enter the ward, follow them in and knock out the guards.

After all these things that were not worth talking about were settled, Kevin looked at Huey, then at Anne beside him who seemed to have completely lost his soul, and sighed again.

Huey and Butcher were right in front of her, but Anne seemed to turn a blind eye to these two possible criminals.

All her attention was attracted by the baby behind them.

Huey and Butcher were a little confused as to why Kevin and Annie were here, but seeing that Kevin had no intention of arresting them, Butcher gave Huey a slight look.

Huey was stunned at first, and looked at Butcher with some confusion.

It wasn't until Butcher pointed Kevin's direction with his eyes that Huey realized what he was talking about and immediately said to Kevin:

"Uh... deep sea..."

"Don't say anything."

But before Huey could say anything, Kevin raised his hand to interrupt him.

Kevin took a deep breath, pointed to the door to the side and said:

"Now, don't stay here, get out of my sight immediately before I change my mind."

Kevin harbors no ill will toward the protagonists in Black Robe.

After all, based on the current situation, everyone's position is basically the same.

The conflict between Kevin and the people of the motherland is inevitable. If they really have to face each other in the future, the help of the people in black robes will be indispensable.

There is no point in becoming enemies with them.

There was no hostility in Kevin, and Billy the Butcher could naturally see that.

He temporarily put down his guard against Kevin and Annie and prepared to leave with Huey.

But at this moment, Annie seemed to have just reacted. She seemed to be asking Kevin, and she seemed to be mumbling to herself:

"...Aren't we... chosen?"

After hearing these words, Butcher stopped and said in a low voice:

"Obviously, madam, this is just a conspiracy of the Walter Group..."

"I'm telling you to get lost."

A slightly cold voice came from beside the two of them.

It's Kevin.

Kevin didn't care why Butcher was telling Anne this at the moment. Maybe he just wanted to increase Anne's resentment towards the Watt Group, or maybe he just said this out of pure contempt.

In short, Kevin didn't want Butcher to disturb Anne at this moment.

He put aside his previous friendliness and coldly ordered Butcher and Huey to leave.

Butcher was not angry after hearing this. He showed a seemingly friendly smile to Kevin and looked at him:

"Judging from the current situation, we don't seem to be enemies. I think we can cooperate."

Butcher is a man who can take things and put them down.

When he noticed that Kevin and Annie also came for Compound 5, Butcher immediately realized that this might be an opportunity to get close to the Seven.

Regardless of whether Deep Sea and Starlight are as good as Butcher thinks, at least for now, Butcher thinks they are partners who can cooperate.

It was precisely because of this realization that Butcher chose to stay here and talk to Kevin.

And by the way, he tore off a page from the duty record sheet on the side and left their contact information on it:

"If you want to cooperate, you can call this number. This is Huey's number."

"What? Mine?"

Huey didn't expect that Butcher left his mobile phone number, and he looked a little stunned for a moment.

Butcher didn't explain to him. After leaving the phone, he quickly left the intensive care unit with Huey.

Kevin and Annie were the only ones left in the room.

It's just that Anne may not have noticed the two leaving, or she may not even have noticed there were two other people in the room from the beginning to the end.

She only had eyes for that baby, the baby who was injected with compound No. 5 and became a super baby.

"So there is no God at all, and I was never the chosen one. I..."

Anne's breathing was rapid, and her violent gasps were like a malfunctioning bellows.

Kevin knew that this was a breathing disorder caused by Anne's overexcitement, so he grabbed Anne's shoulders and forcibly twisted her perspective to prevent her from continuing to see the baby in the cradle:

"Annie, calm down, take a deep breath... Yes, take a deep breath! We can talk about these issues later. Now, it's time for us to leave here. Leave here with me first, okay?"

Although the security guard of Walter Group was knocked unconscious by Kevin.

But there may be more reinforcements coming later, and it is not safe to stay here.

Moreover, they already know the 'truth', and there is no point in staying here.

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