Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 66 Promotional Video Planning (Please subscribe!!)

Anne's feelings for Kevin are somewhat inexplicable from Kevin's point of view.

It's not that Kevin doesn't like Anne, after all, as a man, as long as he is beautiful, he will have a favorable impression of whoever he is.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Kevin to agree to become an on-screen co-star with Annie, let alone accept Annie's "reverse recommendation".

But to say that he likes her so much that he wants to become his girlfriend, Kevin feels that it's not even close.

But now, I have slept with someone, then turned around and kicked them out and said, "I don't like you."

Kevin felt that he could not do such a scumbag thing.

If that doesn't work, you can get on the bus first and pay for the ticket later, Kevin thought.

Love is not something that can be achieved overnight. It will develop slowly over time.

I went downstairs to buy a new set of clothes for Starlight, and also went to the underwear store to buy new underwear for Annie.

It was the first time in his life that Kevin went into a lingerie store alone to buy underwear. Kevin was really embarrassed.

Although everyone saw men coming to buy women's underwear, everyone could probably guess that Kevin was buying it for his girlfriend, but perhaps due to psychological effects, Kevin still felt that something was wrong with the way passers-by looked at him.

Fortunately, he was well disguised with glasses and a hat.

Otherwise, if people find out that Shenhai goes in and out of women's underwear stores alone, and some strange rumors spread, then Kevin's star career will probably be over!

"Blue stripes? So that's your taste?"

When he returned home and handed the underwear he bought to Annie, Annie laughed and complained.

Kevin blushed a little:

"No, this was recommended to me by the store clerk. I don't know anything."

"Yeah, I understand."

"I'm really not..."

"Which one do you prefer, black stockings or meat stockings?"

"Black silk! Uh..."

Kevin almost blurted out, but when he saw Annie's teasing expression, Kevin knew that he had been fooled.

XP exposed!

Hearing Kevin's answer without hesitation, Annie laughed happily.

She stopped teasing Kevin and picked up the two socks that Kevin bought for her. She took the black one in her hand and threw the flesh-colored one aside, and just dressed in front of Kevin.

Kevin stared at her for a while, feeling that there was a trend somewhere. He took a deep breath, looked away, and asked again:

"Are you sure you're okay?"

When she learned about Compound No. 5 and her long-held belief was shattered, Annie's performance was extremely bad.

Kevin didn't think it only took Anne such a short time to get over this incident. She needed more time to think calmly.

"Well... while you were out, I thought about it for a while. Anyway, there is nothing worse than this, right?"

After getting dressed, Annie came and sat down next to Kevin:

"No matter what, I'm in this company. I think since I don't have a goal, I might as well live according to their arrangements."

Anne may have really thought so, which is why she changed her mind and went to participate in today's expo.

I don't care about compound No. 5, and I no longer aspire to be a hero. I just stay in the seven-man team and enjoy the benefits and treatment of the seven-man team.

Just do it when you have work, and don't care about anything after get off work.

Anne seemed to have become a second Maeve.

Before this, Kevin had always wanted Annie to do this. Isn't it good to make money honestly? Why must he go against the Walter Group?

But when Annie really planned to give up everything, Kevin felt uncomfortable.

"Annie..." After thinking about it, Kevin held Anne's hand: "What I want to say is...don't give up on yourself at any time."

"Are you comforting me?"


"Thanks, but we should get going."

Annie smiled, and Kevin couldn't tell what her smile meant, but it didn't look fake.

She took Kevin's hand and squeezed it a little harder before letting it go.

Feeling the warmth coming from Annie's hands, Kevin said nothing more.

In any case, Anne didn't look very sad now, although there must be something unspoken in her heart.

But Kevin believes that time will slowly smooth everything out.

What was a little different from what Kevin thought was that before he and Anne arrived at the expo, they received a call from Madeline asking him to go there.

Originally, Kevin had his own activities at the expo, but Madeleine seemed to have no intention of letting Kevin participate in the activities.

I don’t know what happened.

There was an accident on the way, and Kevin could only let Annie go to the scene alone.

However, Annie was very considerate and did not complain about Kevin. After asking Kevin for a kiss to reassure her, she separated from Kevin and went to the scene alone.

Kevin rushed to Madeleine's office.

"Boss, you called me?"

Entering the office, Kevin saw Madeleine sitting in the office taking care of her child.

That was Madeleine's child born through artificial insemination. She had no father, only Madeleine had a mother named Teddy.

Of course, the above information all comes from the original understanding of Deep Sea, as well as the conclusions drawn by Kevin through the summary of the plot.

What the truth is, no one knows yet.

Anyway, Kevin has never met the father of this child.

Madeleine gently patted the baby Teddy's body to let him fall into a deep sleep. When Kevin came over, she turned on the TV and played the video from this afternoon.

"Look what your captain did while you were away."

Madeleine said, choosing to play the video.

Kevin looked towards the TV. What was playing on the TV was the speech given by the motherland at the expo in the afternoon.

He regards himself as the person chosen by God, and feels that as the chosen son of God, what he does is to save the world, rather than obeying the orders of those superior officials.


Anyway, that's the kind of thing.

As soon as Kevin heard this, he knew that this was inconsistent with the current soft publicity strategy of the Watt Group, but the fans and church believers of the Motherland liked to hear this.

Kevin watched the live video carefully, and Madeline said softly:

"Our current strategy is to convince members of Congress to allow superheroes to be stationed in the national defense, and his tough attitude is not going to work, absolutely not."

She said and turned to look at Kevin:

"Mr. Edgar wrote a speech specifically for you, but one of you didn't follow it, and the other simply didn't attend. To be honest, Mr. Edgar is very disappointed."

"I thought I was just a foil, and even I couldn't convince the captain to change his mind."

Kevin defended himself.

He didn't know that his stay at the venue would have such an important role. Moreover, for stubborn guys like the motherland, even if Kevin really stayed there, could he still be persuaded not to give that speech?


"But you can save the damage he caused. You can use a softer attitude to win over those legislators who are not firm in their stance."

Madeleine walked over to Kevin and told him what role Kevin played now.

After Edgar talked to Kevin that day, Kevin's status had indeed undergone extraordinary changes.

It's not a change in position, but a change in other things.

Kevin has the right to know more and begins to be trained by the group to become a member of the seven-man team that can compete with the people of the motherland.

If the people of the motherland act too forcefully, Kevin needs to be gentle and friendly.

If the people of the motherland are on the opposite side of the congressmen, Kevin needs to stand with the congressmen and win allies for the Seven and the Vought Group.

As for why Kevin is so taken seriously now...

"Did you know Deep Sea, there are many people in Congress who are actually your 'fans', because there were many people on the plane you saved who were in contact with some congressmen. You need to use your advantages, even if you have to fight with them because of it. Meet your captain."

Madeleine was good at inducement.

Madeleine is very skilled in the routine of doing one thing in front of others and another behind the scenes.

Kevin didn't know what Madeleine said to the people of the motherland. Anyway, it was definitely not what she was saying to Kevin now.

But Kevin finally understood why the company would suddenly care about him.

There were not all ordinary people on board Flight 37.

It would be better to say that most people who can take transoceanic flights are not ordinary people.

Among them are doctors, company bosses, state officials, and even relatives of some members of Congress.

Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that some of them can get in touch with Congress.

These are Kevin’s current ‘connections’.

He is no longer the deep sea he used to be. The 'energy' he possesses is worth cultivating by the group.

Kevin was thinking silently. After Madeline said this, she didn't seem to want to hear Kevin's answer immediately.

She turned around and switched the video to a live broadcast, which happened to be Starlight Annie's speech.

Fortunately, Starlight didn't make a rebellious speech like in the original novel.

She was very good at reading the manuscript given by the company, ending this not-so-perfect expo.

Madeline was relieved when she saw this:

"It seems like your little girlfriend is quite obedient."

After she finished speaking, she turned off the TV, sat back in her office chair with her child in her arms, and suddenly said to Kevin:

"Let's leave it as it is today. I think you haven't forgotten that the Seven will have a promotional video to shoot in the next few days."

"Well, "Superheroes in America", I remember that's the name?"

"Yes, the personal chapter originally set for you is to go to the beach to call on everyone to pay attention to environmental protection...but Mr. Edgar has different opinions on this."

Madeleine said, taking out a new folder from the table and handing it to Deep Sea.

That was the script for the new promotional video.

Kevin took it and said jokingly:

"So the place where I was shooting has changed?"

"Of course, and I think you will like the new shooting location very much."

"where is it?"

Kevin asked confused.

Madeleine hugged the child and leaned on the back of the seat, smiling and saying:

"Your alma mater.

"Godokin University."

She said so.

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