Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 69 ‘Coincidence’ Accident (Fifth update! Please subscribe!!)

The screams on the other end of the intercom were panic-stricken. Even without further questioning, Indira knew that something serious must have happened.

"Damn it!"

She slapped the equipment in the monitoring room hard and cursed loudly.

Then he suddenly remembered something, and rushed to another instrument, rummaged through it to find an emergency button, and pressed it hard.

The ground shook and the sound resounded.

Feeling the shaking ground, Kevin looked up and looked at the still intact surveillance screen. From the surveillance screen, he could see that on the floor where the superhumans were detained, metal walls fell down, completely sealing off the entire floor.

Seeing this, Kevin couldn't help but ask Indira:

"...Is this what you mean by 'don't worry'?"

Indira slowly exhaled and explained:

"There was a slight accident, but it doesn't matter. The floor where those superhumans are imprisoned is separate from our current floor. I have isolated them inside now, so there won't be any problems for the time being."

The entire forest structure does not have only one layer as shown in the plot.

Instead, it is divided into two levels: upper and lower.

The first floor is a rest area for employees.

Those who are responsible for delivering meals to the imprisoned superhumans, as well as the security members who are on standby to protect this place, as well as researchers such as Cardoza, all work here.

Now Indira and Kevin are also here.

The other layer is the area where superhumans are actually imprisoned.

The entrance to that floor is the control room. Going inside, there is a huge iron door separating the inside and outside, and then there are small rooms closed by more iron doors.

All the metahumans were locked up in those little rooms.

The emergency protection system now activated by Indira is the isolation wall between the elevator and the backup safety ladder.

Once this wall is opened, no one from the outside can get in, and no one inside can get out.

Next, all we have to do is wait until the group of superhumans inside has had enough trouble, and let the security personnel bring ultrasonic release devices specially designed to restrain superhumans to calm down the farce.

But...this 'farce' came about by a bit of a coincidence.

After staring at the superhumans in the surveillance screen for a while, Kevin saw one of the superhumans actually melting one of the thin iron gates used as partitions, and suddenly said:

"Ms. Shetty, why don't you let me handle this matter."


Indira didn't expect Kevin to take the initiative to calm down the incident, so she was a little surprised.

Kevin smiled and said:

"After all, I am responsible for the security here and protecting the employees here. Isn't it my job?"

"Normally, this is true, but... you don't actually need to do this, and you are only one person. The number of superhumans here..."

Indira wants to say that there is not just one superhuman here, nor is it like another agency of the Walter Group [Red River], where most of them are rubbish superpowers.

Many of the superhumans here are very powerful.

Fire breathing, electric discharge, teleportation... There is even a special being among them who is not inferior to anyone in the Seven in terms of physical fitness.

Indira was worried about whether Kevin could handle this matter.

"It doesn't matter."

Kevin looked at the superhumans inside from the remaining surveillance cameras, narrowed his eyes slightly and said:

"Just leave it all to me."

Kevin didn't just want to go over and stop this 'turmoil'.

It's easy to understand why he would step up.

Because he suspected that this turmoil should be a 'test' designed specifically for him.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that as soon as Kevin came to the woods, all the superhumans in the woods ran out?

Kevin suspected that this was the test that Edgar and other group executives put to him.

On the one hand, he tests whether he has the same abilities as the people of the motherland and whether he can deal with large-scale superhuman turmoil.

On the other hand, he probably also wanted to see Kevin's method of handling emergencies.

Of course, Kevin can also choose to let go at this time, but then his evaluation by the group will probably not be very good.

If you want to be the captain of the seven-man team, or even advance to the top of the group, it may not be that easy.

Although all this is just Kevin's personal thoughts, he is not sure whether what he thinks is right.

But his physique has been upgraded to level five. Even if the people from the motherland come in person, it will be difficult to break through his defense, not to mention the children here who are being experimented on every day and most of them are malnourished.

Level 5 physique is Kevin's capital to dare to stand up.

It just so happened that Kevin also wanted to test how much defense his level five physique could have.

If it weren't for these reasons, Kevin might really choose to stay here and not take the risk of dealing with the superhumans who escaped.

They are all paid dead wages, so why are they working so hard?

After saying good to Indira, Kevin turned and walked into the elevator.

The elevator quickly descended to the detention floor. When the elevator stopped, the partition wall that was originally closed in front of Kevin slowly opened in front of him under Indira's control.

The scene behind the door immediately appeared in front of Kevin.

"Well, this is really... cruel."

Blood red and debris everywhere were Kevin's first impressions of the room in front of him.

Although not much time passed from the incident to Kevin's decision to come here to deal with it personally.

But the space on this floor was not big to begin with, so Yingdira sealed all the escape routes with her own hands, sealing the remaining people here.

Naturally, the handlers who have nowhere to go and the caregivers who stay here cannot escape the 'abuse' of those superhuman beings.

The firearms were dismantled into parts, and the ultrasonic instruments originally used to deal with superhuman beings were also destroyed into pieces.

Many superhumans stood at the door of the elevator, as if discussing how to get out.

The elevator door opened, attracting everyone's attention to Kevin.

Kevin also moved his eyes away from the horrific wreckage and looked at the teenagers in the distance:

"Huh, although I don't really want to say anything righteous, I have to say, children, what you did is indeed a bit too much..."

Kevin wanted to say a few words about the situation, but before he could finish his words, one of the girls suddenly raised her hand and released a bolt of yellow lightning without any morals.


The sound of electricity sounded in the air, and the speed of the yellow lightning was very fast. Kevin only felt a crackling sound in his ears, and then his eyes flashed, and he felt something hit him.


The seemingly powerful yellow lightning didn't seem to cause any harm to Kevin.

Apart from a vague numbness and some shocks that shook Kevin's body, Kevin never felt anything else.

It was the first time Kevin felt the power of the fifth-level physique, and his eyes lit up:


"What?! This is impossible!"

Compared with Kevin's indifference, the girl who fired the lightning was stunned on the spot, with a look of disbelief on her face.

Although her lightning looks inconspicuous, when it hit the members of the processing team just now, it directly turned them into ashes!

Why does it seem like nothing has happened to the man in front of me?

The girl's eyes widened and she was at a loss.

Kevin came back from his thoughts, looked down at the uniform with a hole in his chest, and sighed helplessly:

"...I didn't bring a spare uniform."


The girl didn't understand what Kevin was talking about, but she didn't have to.

Because the moment Kevin finished speaking, the blood under her feet began to squirm as if it was alive.

The blood in the remains of the severed finger condensed rapidly, turned into a rope at a speed that the girl could not react, and quickly wrapped around the girl's body.

Then, Kevin raised his hand and waved it down.

Boom! !

The girl, entangled in blood ropes, was thrown against the metal wall.

The blow was so heavy that even the metal wall had obvious dents. Even though the girl was a superhuman and her physical fitness was much stronger than that of humans, she couldn't withstand such a heavy impact.

She fell to the ground in pain, and let out a miserable whine from her throat.

But Kevin had no intention of letting her go. The bloody ropes wrapped around her body were like wild vines, binding her layer by layer.

Blood blocked her nose and mouth, choking her breathing.

Under the pain, bursts of yellow lightning burst out from the girl's body, but the blood wrapped around her body had no effect at all.

"To be honest, I didn't intend to do this. I wanted to treat you in a gentler way, but who told you not to be obedient?"

Using the dirty blood on the ground to seal her breathing, the low-end version of Gun Sister was suffocated and passed out. Only then did Kevin look at the remaining people.

Perhaps it was Kevin's appearance and methods that frightened the remaining few people. Now no one dared to take action without permission, and each of them stared at Kevin warily.

One of the superhumans, after staring at Kevin for a while, suddenly said with a trembling voice:

"I...I remembered! He is the Deep Sea of ​​the Seven...the Seven! One of the seven most powerful superhumans in the world!"

"Superhuman? So you are also a superhuman?"

One of the three, a more mature-looking bearded man, became angry when he heard this:

"Since you are a super human, why do you want to help them bully us!"

Kevin shrugged:

"It's simple, because I'm also the person in charge here."

"You betrayer!!!"

The bearded man yelled extremely angrily, and then he took a deep breath, as if something was building up in his throat.

But before he could make a sound, the bearded man was like a duck being strangled by the neck, and all the sounds suddenly stopped.

His mouth opened and closed, and his throat tried to move, but no sound came out.

Not only that, bursts of pain came from his heart, and at the same time he felt as if his blood had solidified, and the breath of death enveloped him.


Kevin, who had already known through surveillance that the bearded man's superpower was sound waves, was prepared for this.

He raised his hand and aimed it at the bearded man's body. Then his body was like a puppet held by Kevin's strings, frozen in place, and his body swayed as Kevin's fingers stretched.

After doing all this, Kevin's voice came:

"Be quiet and don't make too much noise."

As he spoke, he raised his right hand slightly, and the other person's body floated in the air following Kevin's movements.

The physical fitness of the sonic bearded man in front of him was far inferior to the physical fitness of the girl with electric discharge beside him.

In Kevin's eyes, his physical fitness is just like that of ordinary people, which allows Kevin to easily control the blood in the bearded man's body through his skin.

By controlling the blood in his body, he can control the bearded man's entire body.

One second, two seconds...three seconds.

In just three seconds, Kevin released his control over the blood in the bearded man's body.


The bearded man's body fell to the ground, his eyes rolled into the whites, his body twitched non-stop, white foam came out of his mouth, and his consciousness disappeared.

When Kevin controlled the blood to make the other party levitate in the air, the blood in the bearded man's body stopped flowing, and his heart also suffered a brief arrest.

A cardiac arrest of just over three seconds is enough to cause confusion.

If the time exceeds five seconds, it will cause harm to the body.

More than ten seconds can be life-threatening.

That's why Kevin chose to stop and let the bearded man down.

He didn't want the lives of these 'experimental subjects'.

The bearded man's end was tragic. The remaining two superhumans saw the discharge girl lying in the blood, and the sonic man who was foaming at the mouth.

For a moment, looking at Kevin was like looking at the devil.

Kevin's smile remained unchanged and he stepped out of the elevator.

As the elevator door slowly closed, Kevin whispered to the two people in front of him:

"So, who's coming next?"

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