Become the Strongest Master With a Genius Student

Chapter 1

In an eastern border town where ordinary humans lived, there was a large market filled with the noisy voices of sellers trying to attract buyers. In one corner of the market, rarely passed by people, sat a fruit and vegetable seller whose goods remained unsold. The vendor, with a completely concealed appearance that made it impossible to tell whether they were a man or a woman, was deep in thought, pondering why their stall was empty without a single customer.

"I’ve been standing here for six hours waiting for customers, yet not a single one has shown up. Is it because I chose such a remote spot that my goods aren't selling?"

The seller was convinced that their failure to sell was due to a poor choice of location for their stall. Still, it wasn't entirely their fault, considering the border town was a two-hour walk from where they lived.

"If this continues, I'll never be able to sell my goods. Even waking up earlier is pointless when my competitors for prime spots are locals."

"If only, when I was transported to this world, I was given a cheat like golden fingers, my life would be easier than just being an ordinary person. Or at least, give me some cultivation talent, not just turning me into a woman, which doesn't seem to be of any use to me," the seller muttered quietly.

As the seller, or rather Vheena, had said: exactly two years ago, he was transported to this world while he was saving a child who was about to be hit by a car. Although the child he saved survived, unfortunately, he was too late to avoid the collision herself. When he closed his eyes, bracing for the pain of the impact, strangely, not only did he feel no pain, but he suddenly found herself in the middle of an unknown forest.

At that time, Vheena still wasn’t convinced that he had been transported to another world. Though he was shocked when he checked his body and found two large bumps on his chest while the two balls in his pants had disappeared. What surprised his even more was the unnatural beauty of her new body, with heterochromatic eyes—red iris and pupil on the right and gold on the left, long silky white hair, milky-white skin, and a perfectly shaped figure, all of which she saw reflected in the river's water.

However, her doubts about being in another world vanished when she saw a cultivator flying in the sky, simply riding on a sword. The sight made her realize just how dangerous this new world could be.

After wandering the forest for three days, surviving only on water, Vheena was fortunate to spot a nearby village. While exploring the village, she noticed the strange way the villagers kept staring at her. After asking a random villager, Vheena realized they believed she was an immortal.

Although she denied it, the villagers didn’t believe her. They were convinced she was an immortal because of her appearance. Unable to persuade them otherwise, Vheena had no choice but to play along. Pretending to be an immortal allowed her to get the information she needed from the villagers. Fortunately for her, she could understand the language and script of this world, making it easier to gather information.

Sadly, the villagers only knew a little about what she wanted to learn, such as the currency system using copper, silver, and gold coins, and that the nearest kingdom was called the Fallen Rainbow Kingdom.

Satisfied with this information, Vheena requested food and a cloak to hide her inhuman appearance, fearful of any unwanted attention, before leaving the village. Realizing it would be exhausting to keep up the charade of being an immortal, she returned to the forest, far enough from the village, and built a wooden house to live in peace.

"Sigh… Enough complaining. I’d better close up shop early than stand around in the heat," Vheena said, starting to pack up her unsold goods.

Once done, Vheena left the deserted corner of the market. Though she rarely visited the town, she was familiar with its layout.

As she walked through a narrow, secluded street, which she thought was the quickest route to the town gate, Vheena’s eyes landed on a small child with short, messy hair, emaciated as though malnourished, and dressed in ragged clothes like a beggar. Feeling sorry for the child, Vheena approached, wanting to offer her some fruit.

"Hey, you look hungry. Here, have some fruit if you want," Vheena said, taking out some fruit and offering it to the child.

"Better to give some of this fruit to the child rather than let it spoil, but why is he glaring at me like that?" Vheena thought, puzzled by the change in the child's expression.

The child glared at Vheena as if trying to figure out her intentions. Eventually, he gave in to his hunger and grabbed the fruit, eating it ravenously like someone who hadn’t eaten in three days.

Seeing that one piece of fruit wasn’t enough, Vheena handed over the rest of the fruit she had.

"It’s heartbreaking to see a child so hungry with no one to feed his. I wonder where his parents are," Vheena thought sadly as she watched the child.

"Little one, if I may ask, where are your parents? It seems like—"

"I don’t have any parents," the child interrupted quickly.

Hearing that, Vheena fell silent, reminded that in her old world, she had never witnessed such extreme poverty and neglect firsthand. She stood quietly for a while, just watching as the child finished eating.

After the meal, the child bowed to Vheena and said, "Thank you," before walking away. Hearing the voice, Vheena realized the child was a girl. Watching her leave, Vheena imagined a grim future for the girl.

"I'm afraid that if her luck doesn’t change, she might end up selling herself or dying in some back alley, unnoticed. Though many children in this world are just as unfortunate, at least I can help her."

In a world where the strong ruled and the weak were oppressed, many unlucky children like this girl would be cast aside if they didn’t grow stronger. Though she couldn’t help them all, Vheena decided to help this one.

"If I help her without asking anything in return, she might get suspicious given her hard life. I could bring her to live with me and have her help out. That way, she won’t doubt my intentions," Vheena thought.

"Little girl! Hey! Wait a minute! Listen… If you really don’t have anyone, you can come with me if you want," Vheena called out kindly as she chased after her.

The girl stopped, looked at Vheena for a long time, and then said, "Thanks again for the fruit, but I can’t follow someone suspicious like you who covers their face. My grandma told me to avoid suspicious people, even if they’re nice at first."

Hearing the girl's response left Vheena momentarily speechless. After thinking for a moment, she gathered her courage, checked the surroundings to make sure they were alone, and removed her hood to reveal her face.

"Look, little girl, I’m not suspicious, am I? So, do you still want to come with me?" Vheena said warmly.

The sight of Vheena’s face left the girl wide-eyed and slack-jawed in shock. She stood frozen for a moment before her expression shifted to one of deep thought. After a few moments, she seemed to come to a decision and spoke excitedly.

"Miss! No, Master! Please take me as your disciple!!!" the girl shouted.


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